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Joseph De Piro - Documentaries



CPI - 19   |   40min   |   Maltese & English


L-Imhabba tghix dejjem


Biography of Mgr. J. De Piro:

Founder of the Missionary Society of Saint Paul, father of the orphans, a patriot who loved his country.

CPI - 55   |   34min   |   Maltese


L-Imhabba Tibqa Tghix


Mgr. J. De Piro and the Society he founded:

Commemorating the centenary from his presbiteral ordination.


CPI - 9   |   Maltese


Ottubru Missjunarju


Among the various features in this production, there is a short documentary on Mgr. J. De Piro (feature 3).


Missionary Animation



CPI   |   56min   |   Maltese


Is-Socjeta Missjunarja ta' San Pawl fil-Peru' - 25 Sena

Featuring the various pastoral activity in our mission in Peru after 25 years from its foundation in 1968

CPI - 2   |   49min   |   Maltese


L-Imhabba Tibnina

MSSP in Pakistan

CPI - 45   |   58min   |   Maltese


Xhieda f'Missjoni

The missionary activity of one of our members in Peru, Fr. Alex Busuttil.

CPI - 36   |   Maltese


Gmiel Ghemilek

A feature based on the Pope's message on the occasion of Mission Sunday, October 2000.