Mons. {u\eppi De Piro















Her Majesty’s Superior Courts,

Valletta 14-IX-1958

Dear Mr. Leopardi,

I have read with interest your article on today’s Sunday T. of M. on the late Mgr. G. De Piro. I am under the impression may be used to add Navarra to his surname, for did well to write & publish but … on such a … man.

I wonder whether you know it: to his many merits and credits … is one further episode of his life but made history. It was he that mediated between the Vatican & Lord Strickland & bensight about the reconciliation of the two with the consequent withdrawal of the pastoral ban on electoral voting for Lord Strickland & his Party. It was a long procedure but required a great deal of … and understanding. I have thought that you would be interested to add this bit of history to your knowledge.

Montanaro Gauci