saint paul
The Institute of the Missions.
To our Benefactors
With Best Wishes
saint paul
- : Almanac : -
of the Maltese
Missionary Institute
For the Year
1 9 3 6
Days of fasting and abstinence
ordered by the church.
Can 1250. The law of Abstincence is the prohibition to eat meat or things derived from meat; but not eggs, cheese, milk and butter, and fat ( to be used) for cooking however.
Can.1251. 1. The law of fasting is that only one meal is eaten, but one can eat something in the morning and in the evening according to the approved custom for quantity quality of local food.
2. Meat and fish can be mixed at the same meal and the evening meal can be exchanged for the noon meal.
Can.1252. 1. Meat is prohibited on all Fridays throughout the year.
2. Days of fasting in which meat is prohibited are Fridays and Saturdays throughout Lent and
26 Ash Wednesday 14 Assumption of Our Lady Vigil
4 Ember Days 16 Ember Days
6 Dto. 18 Dto.
7 Dto. 19 Dto.
30 Pentecost Vigil 30 All Saints' Vigil
3 Ember Days 16 Ember Days
5 Dto. 18 Dto.
6 Dto. 19 Dto.
24 Christmas Vigil
3. On all the other days of Lent, there is only the obligation of fasting.
4. On Sundays and on Days of Obligation there is neither fasting nor abstinence; everything comes to a halt except that on the days of Lent Vigils are not held before, and Lent ends at noon on Holy Saturday.
Can.1253. Particular indults, Vows and Constitutions and the rules of Religion or else an approved institute both of men as well as of women who live together, even without vows, remain just as they were.
Can.1254. All those who are seven (7) years old fall under the law of abstinence, that is they cannot eat meat on prohibited days.
2. The law of fasting binds all those who are twenty one( 21) years old, until they begin the sixtieth (60) year.
to everyone who knows us
and does not wish to forget us.
Let us tell you that we are still alive, thank God... and we are also still following the way which our Founder opened for us, although last year we did not publish as usual to greet our benefactors on new year's day.
Two years and three months have passed since the death of Msgr. De Piro: they were a time of sorrow and harsh trial; we hope that they have not been in vain. The boughs which are not destroyed by the wind and by the sun are strengthened and, as time goes by , they grow and produce more fruit. Like every person who passes through a rough time, we had first to consider our situation and measure our strength to see whether we are able to walk alone now that we are orphaned from the person who lead us in our first steps.
But, after the first darkness, light started to break. Msgr. De Piro's Work would not die! It is true that God wanted it. Man's work ends when he dies but God's work, although begun by men, continue also after their death. For the Good Lord who enlightens the understanding and touches the heart of able men, attracts the attention of those who did not know us yet and invites those who did not know about us to help us.
This was Msgr. De Piro's wish; now that he is nearer to God he can help us through his prayers more than he could help us with his wealth during his life-time. In our country, in Malta, those persons who love the missions are not lacking. Everybody understands that those people who love the missions will not lack. Everybody understands that what Saint Paul gave us as a maltese people, we maltese should give it to others.
Among all the countries that help the missions, we read in the Annals of the Missions that Malta, a small island, helps as much as the greatest among the largest countries. We find also that, for its small size, Malta compares well to the large countries for the number of missionaries which it sent in other countries to preach the faith throughout history. Up to some time ago, Malta did not have a Missionary Institute in Malta to take care of some of the vocations which never lack in Malta. And, through Msgr. De Piro, the Good Lord did not deny us this grace.
The first seed was sown about twenty five years ago. What a small amount of seeds sown sprout! How many years are required so that a large tree strikes roots and grows! But the Lord who gives seed in abundance, does not look at the seed over which people tread or which birds eat, or burnt by the sun. He does not even bother because of the large amount of water it needs for a very long time to strike root and to grow. We will be fools if we pretend that every seed sprouts and that every tree grows quickly. The greater the tree, the more it produces seeds which do not strike root and the longer it takes to sprout and to grow. Many people of little faith did not hope we could ever survive. Many spoke about us with a dry smile. Msgr. De Piro never lost hope. He worked and prayed: he sowed much and reaped little: but he never lost the hope that others will reap much more than him. And, this hope which God put in his heart was lit also in the heart of others who like him believe that " Malta Cattolicissima" cannot give the missions something more precious, something dearer, something more beautiful than vocations which God sowed in abundance among the children of the maltese.
As in past years possessiong this hope, even this year we would like to announce that, thank God, vocations are not lacking; they are increasing and multiplying; they are sprouting and budding; they are striking root in good ground. Yet we lack means. God takes care of the soul; yet we must feed and clothe the body; we include also those who like us and with us wish to see this work of God flourishing and continueing. We address ourselves to all those who know this and do not wish to forget us, as well as those who do not know us and wish to acquaint themselves with us.
We need help! We need a lot of help. Only God knows how much help we need. You already know us and you are helping us. We hope that, this year, through your prayer and example, others feel the need to know and to help us.
We feel we cannot wish you better- you who love, cherish and help us. It is also the same wish for every maltese who loves, cherishes and helps the Missions.
THE YOUNG ONES- The boarders at the Oratory greeting their superior as soon as they arrive home from St. Aloysius' College.
THE YOUNG ONES - The Boarders in the yard at the Oratory, B'kara.
They wait; when it's time they go to school at the Jesuit's College.
the " santa maria " boarding house
Since in these last few years moral decay has appeared and is being felt much more than in former times, great damage to the ecclsiastical vocations is the consequence.
Nowadays, young people are surrounded by a greater number of obstacles more than ever before. Everything tries to attract their heart through deceit and to throw itself in the large valley of corruption which is passing and which overturns many wretched souls.
Because of this, the Church expressed its great wish in the new Code that, those who show a vocation for the priesthood, be sheltered in a seminary since their early years. In this way they are kept away from the already mentioned decay as much as possible and do not lose their vocation. At the same time they grow up with that spirit which the Church wishes to see filling all her priests as is fitting to the catholic priest.
Our Society felt this need too. Therefore, at the Birkirkara Oratory it erected a Boarding House under the protection of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven. Here we house these young people who feel called to our Society. They are kept there throughout the year, day and night. They leave everything so that, in this school for the body and for the
soul they prepare themselves for the religious and missionary life for which they feel a vocation.
As it can be seen, this Boarding House in of great benefit to the Society. We hope that, out of this Boarding House we will have missionary priests who will show themselves to be true religious and true ministers of Christ.
Six years ago in 1928 the Boarding House Sta. Maria was declared open. It can house a community of 15. They get their schooling from the Jesuits Friars at St. Aloysius' College. After a certain number of years at School, they put on the missionary habit and are sent to Saint Agatha's Priory Rabat to start the novitiate; it lasts a whole year.
All the students and novices which now make up the community at Saint Agatha's were foremerly students at this Boarding House and God-willing in a few years' time the two priests will be ordained as the first fruits of our small seminary. What a joy!.
We could not take in any new candidate at this Boarding House in the year in which the Society lost its Founder because of the death of Monsignor De Piro. The reason has always been the same: lack of funds. To keep these students large sums of money are involved. Through God's help, this year we could take in some new ones and we hope that Providence will not fail because the donations for the study burses remain as they were before. Without doubt, God will not fail in his promise to pay hundred percent those who help such a holy cause. Then again, the help one gives cannot but produce great consolation for the noble and beautiful thought that he is furthering the same Work begun by Christ Our Lord: The Work of Redemption.
THE OLDER ONES- The students gathering at the parvis of Saint Agatha's Church.
Saint Agatha’s miraculous statue as seen in the apsis of her Church. Once it was put on Malta’s bastions when she put the turks to flight; in this way she freed the maltese from slavery.
The beautiful facade of Saint Agatha's Church and its parvis. The steps leading to the grotto are hewn in that part which, in the photographs is visible as enclosed by balusters.
over our forefather's tombs
Since his youth the late Monsignor De Piro had an idea, a most beautiful thought in his mind. The more his mind developed through thoughts, the more this idea took shape until it remained no more in his mind but became a fact in human history.
This idea consistied of erecting a Missionary Institute in his own country. There he would train Malta's sons to preach the Holy Gospel. This idea resembled a great wish which tormented the generous heart of the mentioned Monsignor.
As everybody knows, he had to fight against great obstacles to see some effects of this noble and holy thought before dying exhausted. Among these obstacles we can say that the greatest one was the place where to build a house and receive all those who, throughout the ages, would take a part in this Institute.
In the beginning the Society lived in a house at Imdina under the shade of the majestic cupola of the Cathedral. Since then he looked at the small and graceful church of Saint Agatha, limits of Rabat. This Church is built over the tombs of our forefathers. Near it he wished to build this living monument of glory and honour to his native land. He did not rest until he acquired the Church and after sixteen years' work he was fortunate to witness the laying of the foundation stone over our forefathers' tombs, protected by the power of the holy Agatha.
He was completely right to choose this holy place for he knew very well that, just as our forefathers came with strength and power from under the ground to fight against their enemies, so his sons in Jesus Christ should prepare themselves to fight against the enemies of God's Kingdom from this silence surrounding the graves.
Saint Agatha was pleased to sanctify this place through her presence. As our forefathers said, in a cave under the Church , she wove that Veil of which the city of Catania boasts. Many times it delivered the city from the destructive fires which every now and then the terrible forge of mount Etna emits.
Here, below and surrounding Church, lay tombs which we call " Catacombs" where the bodies of our forefathers were buried; here they still await eternal resurrection in hope and in the faith of Christ.
Our forefathers used these places as a refuge and as a hiding place in times of trial; through their silence these places remind us of the days of terror the lambs of Christ endured in their early days of gathering.
What a beautiful idea of the beloved and never-to-be forgotten Monsignor De Piro; how praiseworthy, fit for continuiety is this thought! He wanted to build this Missionary Institute over the silence of OUR FOREFATHERS' TOMBS.
On entering he Church one passes through this passage among the cypress trees
which show green over St. Agatha's Catacombs
Saint Agatha's Church is one of the oldest Churches in Malta. It is built over the oldest cemetery or catacombs where maltese christians were buried during the Arabs' rule in Malta. In the photograph the part beyond the belfry is a part of the new building erected by Msgr. De Piro before his death. Further away from the new building the is a field; in its passage there are the students. Further on, God willing, through the friends of the Missions, another new building will rise. There the " Boarders" from our Birkirkara house would be able to stay when they put on the habit to take vows.
saint agatha's priory must be enlarged
Thank God, our Society is increasing in the number of students who, one day will be received at Saint Agatha's priory. Every year in September three or two Boarders living at the Santa Maria Boarding House at the Oratory, B'kara, put on the Missionaries' habit and start the novitiate and continue further studies at Saint Agatha's Priory.
The part of the building which was fit for use and blessed before the death of our beloved Founder is small. We already feel a great need to build more rooms for those who will put on the habit this year. Although one cannot measure the size of the Society by the size of the material building of the house, yet no one can deny that space is needed to house these students. There they must spend at least eight years to finish their studies and then be sent to different places to continue their missionary work.
Apart from the need for more rooms, we are feeling also the need for a "small choir", that is a large enough place where students can gather to continue those exercises of piety required by the rules. As one can easily see, Saint Agatha's Church to which the priory has been added, was not built with the needs of religious in mind. Few could have ever imagined that a priory for missionaries would be adjoined to it; therefore the need for
THE OLDER ONES - In a corner of the De Piro Missionary Institute. The Students during recreation.
SUNRISE. This photograph was shot from behind that arches of the stairs, it shows where the two corridors meet. We can see that, from the interior, the side of the cloister is full of light as the sun is rising. It seems to console the students with the hope of a new days; they lost their greatest benefactor when Msgr De Piro died. Msgr. Caruana our Bishop had laid the foundation stone behind the nevel under the front pillar. The co-operators of this beautiful work, both male and female, together with the young men and women of the Catholic Action are striving so that, one day, God willing, the last stone will be laid.
this small choir is great while at the same time it will be of great help to the whole Community.
Now-a-days, one needs money, a lot of them, to fulfil this wish and see these new rooms and this small choir built. We think; no, we feel sure and hope firmly that we will never lack God's help and the help of those who admired this work since its beginning. At the same time other good people may be moved to explain this holy work to others. It sole aim is nothing but God's glory and the good of souls.
The stairs of Msgr.De Piro's Missionary Institute. Architect Hugh Mallia sketched and layed down the foundation plan on site of the building. However, the idea was Msgr De Piro's. He wanted the "Siculo-norman" style, the style of the old Cathedral as built by Court Roger the Norman- In Imdina, many houses of that period still exist. It seems that he wanted to remind his students and co-operators that Divine Providence gave Count Roger a mission that, by God's help he should erect our great church over the distruction of the church which the Arabs performed in Malta. He also doted the Cathedral so that it could have its own bishop and clergy. Count Roger was the greatest benefactor of the Church of Malta.
the latest two priests of our Society
Two years ago in September God was pleased to comfort us by the priestly ordination of two students of our Society. We cannot but feel happy at a priestly ordination first of all because it will be the result of many years' patient work; secondly because a priest can help a lot our Society. We feel so much the need to grow and we long to send abroad one of our priests to work away from one's country among those who lack priests.
The two new missionaries are the Reverend Father Louis Gatt from Vittoriosa and the Reverend Father Anthony Camilleri from Senglea. They are the first two priests who have been ordained since the death of our Founder Monsignor De Piro. The Ordination ceremony was held at the Gozo Cathedral ont he 28 of September 1933; Bishop Msgr. Gonzi presided. One of them held the feast of the first solemn high mass in our Church at St. Agatha's Rabat. The other held the feast at the Church of St. Joseph's Home, Hamrun. Both feasts were a complete success in everything; especially for the devotion and gravity with which they were executed. Not only everybody was happy and full of sympathy for the Missions; at the same time everybody possessed a feeling of sympathy for our Institute for the Missions. In fact, that same day, as soon as the guests saw the need of building a small choir they suggested that we start a list of donors for some benefactors who offered gladly £10 each. They started the list in their name. These were: The Illust. Magistrate Doct. William Soler god-father of one of the newly-ordained; Mr. Francis Grech one of the guests; the third one was Mr. Calleja, compartriot of the other two.
We expect the fourth and the fith... and the rest; in that way the small choir will surely be built, thank God.
We hope that the Lord continues the work he started in these two new priests by increasing in them good judgement and patience, practical wisdom and holiness so that through the word of christian wisdom and by the fervour of their example they succeed to instil love of sacrifice and study in which they were reared in their younger brothers in the Society. So one day, in no long time and God-willing, we witness the first group of maltese missionaries going, further away beyond the seas, in new fields which have not yet been reaped by the Church.
The "Cloister" from the interior as seen from one
of the arches of the corridor.
the institute of st.paul and the catholic action.
According to the rules of the Catholic Action, this society must take care of the missions; for this reason it has a section called " Missionary Section."
This section is responsible to collect whatever is useful for the missions and to spread and to help missionary work. That is why, on the third Sunday in October; On " Missions Day" we see this section, under the presidency of a deputy chosen by the Committee of the Catholic Action encouraging all the members to make this Day a truly missionary day of prayer, sacrifices and money collections for the missions' needs.
Even we can say that this missionary section is doing its duty towards us by helping us as much as possible to increase our missionary work. One could see its help especially at the Fair we held in the Argotti Gardens at Floriana last year. It was successful as our plan and wish were.
This year the Female Federation asked Msgr.Bishop the permission to organise a day of prayer and help for our Institute; they received the permission for this beautiful idea which we hope will be a success.
While we thank all the members of the Catholic Action from the depth of our heart, we would like to thank especially the missionary sections; we also encourage them to be brave and never to be shy to beg for Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
We wish also to extend our thanks and best wishes to the Director of the truely Catholic newspaper "Lehen is-Sewwa" published under the leadership of the Catholic Action. While this newspaper is fulfilling its duty towards catholic missionary works, it is also helping us to inform our brothers the Maltese about our work. For there are many Maltese who do not know of this holy work which the late Msgr. De Piro erected; let alone help us!
Back of part of corridor from the exterior. As far as the eye can see one arch after another with the windows of cells int he upper and lower corridor. At the end of the building the stone jutting out seems to await the next stone to be joined to it and extend the building.saint paul's insitute and
"malta missjunarja"
Missionary Malta! (Malta Missjunarja!) The name fits very well our small Island because it does not only help the missions, it is also preparing many of her sons to be really brave missionaries; the Institute of Saint Paul was founded in Malta just for that aim.
However, we are applying the name Missionary Malta, " MALTA MISSJUNARJA" to the monthly periodical which the Central Council of the Pontifical Missionary Works publishes. The name shows clearly the aim of this periodical, to help
the missionary works through propaganda. Therefore this periodical could not but consider our work which is a totally missionary work. In fact, in last year's September issue it dealt at length our work and published some photographs of the new Saint Agatha's Priory and Santa Maria Boarding House for which it had asked us.
We would be failing in our duty if, we do not show the joy we felt at the behaviour of this well-known periodical to thank it greatly in this issue of our Calender. At the same time we ask it to favour us every now and then by giving us some small space in this periodical to show our wishes and thoughts because as yet we cannot publish this Calendar more than once a year. In this way,those who got to know us through this periodical would be able to understand us better and also to help us.
a mass attended by 20,000.
Last year on the first of July, the apostolic vicar Monsignor De Clerg of Kroai in Belgian Congo adorned Fr. Charles Ruya with the dignity of the priesthood. He is one of its sons, the first priest from the area.
On the second day of last August Fr. Ruya offered the sacrifice of the mass with great solemnity in his parish, Mirode Salvator, in the open air. Nearly more than 20,000 were present; all those present followed the mass with great devotion. The chiefs of the place, thirty five of them in number were present for this occasion.
A large group of three hundred pupils, boys and girls, travelled for five days from their native place a really long voyage, to see the new minister of God and to take part in the sacrifice.
The boys at the Lusambo technical school gave him a nicely bound Gospel written in the "tshiluba" dialect. The catechists at Shielon Saint Jacques offered him a Soutane. Everybody contributed - some even sewed a butten-hole or a button.
These poor negros were full of true joy; they did not refrain from showing their happiness by playing the drums, firing, clapping and shouting before and after the feast. Yes, they were witnessing to their first brother being chosen by God almighty to be a means between them and between God; he had to place and raise their prayer in heaven infront of His throne; while he had to hold back the fireceness of His hands through the sacrifice of the mass.
These negros know so much how to show their gratitude and attraction towards Christ and His dear ministers. Nearly unbelievable ! Wonderful!
If we join our joy to that of these Kasai negros while we wish him wholeheartedly many years of fruitful ministry for his brothers and for God's kingdom, that would not be out of place.
While we congratulate and augure him, neither would it be out of place if we also show our greatest wish to our readers ( those who know us and those who do not yet know us). We wish that through our friends' prayers we also arrive, God willing, to be lucky to work in the new fields of Christ among the pagans where Providence is pleased to send us. There we go for the good of souls who have not yet recognised God and of our Maltese brethren who through their prayers and help share in our upbringing and training; they also share in the merits of the work of our mission. Amen.
Likewise you, Father of orphans
when you left this vale of tears
and crossed over to the other life
with the sails of Truth blowing in a
favourable wind
you left the shadow of your life
hovering over people:
a shadow of gentleness and blessing,
the shadow of a kind father.
Reigning also, you left the Society of
Saint Paul
to reign together with the shadow
so that, after your Death
it gives off the light of your life..
You were extinguished very quickly
like a cloud over the horizon; you died
but your holiness remained
kindled together with the shadow... and it will long do so.
To God's highest will,
for the good of souls,
for every holy act of Christ
with the highest honour.
You moulded it beautiful and strong,
with sides of steel:
you let it sail, night and day
under a clear, bright sky.
It now unfurls its power
against waves and winds,
against every slavery of fear,
even against the struggle of death.
Like you, oh First Boat,
This Boat ploughs the waves and wins
under the kiss of peace;
it wins every moment, all the time.
The Founder of the Maltese Mission House who wore away his intelligence, money and time to erect a seminary of maltese missionaries in Malta. He sowed the first seeds but he soon had to leave his co-nationals to take care of the first plants. Now he prays that, God-willing, his work continues and be confirmed. It can continue and be confirmed only if the maltese (who love the Missions so much) understand as Msgr De Piro always understood and wanted to explain that Missions need nothing more than they need missionaries. He wanted to explain that most Catholic Malta (Malta "Cattolicissima") cannot help the missions in a better way other than by bringing up some of its vocations which God wanted to give it in abundance and deliver them to the lands of the infidels.
jaunary (31 days)
The month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The Sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes
Saint Paul is a heart set alight with the love of God, a heart full of strong love toward his devotees. Therefore let us pray to Saint Paul : for the conversion of the infidels, for the recovery of those who left the Church, for the perseverance in (doing) good, for the spreading of the holy Gospel, for all the missionary enterprises, for missionary vocations and for this Institute of the missions which is under his partonage.
@ |
1 |
Wednesday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C. (New Year's Day) |
m |
First Quarter at 4 and 15 min. in the evening. |
2 |
Thursday |
St. Stephen's Octave |
3 |
Friday |
St. John's Octave |
4 |
Saturday |
Octave of the Holy Innocents |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
@ |
6 |
Monday |
Epiphany of O.L.J.C |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Lucianus |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint Julian and companions martyr |
m |
Full Moon at 7 and 15 min. in the evening |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Eugenienus Martyr |
10 |
Friday |
Saint William Bishop |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Iginus Pope martyr |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
I After Epiph- The H. Family |
13 |
Monday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hilary Bishop and Doctor |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Paul I hermit- S. Maurus Abb. |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Marcellus Pope martyr |
m |
Last Quarter at 8 and 41min. at night |
17 |
Friday |
St. Anthony Abbot (horses blessed) |
18 |
Saturday |
The Chair of Saint Peter in Rome |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
II After Epiph.- St. Marius m. |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian Martyrs |
21 |
Tuesday |
St. Publius I bishop of Malta |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Vincent and Saint Anastasius martyrs |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Raymond from Pennafort |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Timothy Bishop Martyr |
m |
New Moon at 8 and 18min. in the morning |
25 |
Saturday |
Conversion of Saint Paul Ap. Prim. Patron of Malta and Gozo, Tit. of the Cath. and H. Safi. |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
III After Epiph.- St. Polycarp Bishop |
27 |
Monday |
Saint John Chrysostom. |
28 |
Tuesday |
The apparition of Saint Agnes Virgin |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis from Sales Bishop Doct. |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Martina Virgin and Martyr |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Nolasco |
m |
First Quarter at 36 min at night. |
Love Christ and make him loved by the others.
february - (29 days)
The month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul the Apostle
The sun rises at 27 minutes. It sets at 5 and 28 minutes
Let us pray Saint Paul to arouse Missionaries, to give them the inclination in their soul for suffering, the enthusiasm for the good of souls, the love for the Divine Master a love similar to the love he had kindled in his heart, which often compelled him to suffer for his brothers.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Paul's Conversion Octave- Saint Ignatius martyr |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
IV After Epiph.- The Purification of the Virgin Mary (Candlemas) |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Blaise Bishop martyr |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Andrew Corsini |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Agatha Virgin and Martyr |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Titus Bishop |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Romuald Abbot |
m |
Full Moon at 7 in the afternoon. |
8 |
Saturday |
Saint John from Matha |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima. St. Cyril Alexander. |
@ |
10 |
Monday |
St. Paul's Shipwreck in Malta Titular and Patron of Valletta city. Nat. Feast. |
11 |
Tuesday |
The apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes |
12 |
Wednesday |
The Seven Founders, Servites of the V.M. |
13 |
Thursday |
St. Martinianus hermit |
14 |
Friday |
St. Valentine Priest martyr |
15 |
Saturday |
St. Faustinus and Jovita martyrs |
m |
Last Quarter at 4 and 45 min. in the afternoon |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima St. Flavianus |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Onesimus bishop martyr |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Simon bishop martyr |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Conrad hermit |
20 |
Thursday |
The Ded. of St. John (Giovedi Gras) |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Eucherius bishop |
22 |
Saturday |
Chair of St. Peter in ant. (Carnival) |
m |
New Moon at 7 and 42 min. in the evening. |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima- St. Peter (Carnival) |
24 |
Monday |
St.Edilbert king of England " |
= |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Matthias Apostle " |
26 |
Wednesday |
Ash W. (Beginning of fasting and abstin). |
27 |
Thursday |
St. Alexander bi. (Celebration of marriages prohibited) |
28 |
Friday |
St. Gabriel of O.L. Sorrows- fasting and abstin. |
29 |
Saturday |
St. Marorius and companions martyr " |
m |
First Quarter at 10 and 28min. in the morning. |
We tell mothers to pray for vocations.
march (31 days)
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
The Sun rises at 6 and 30 minutes. It sets at 5 and 56 minutes.
"As the history of hundreds of years show us, the Catholic Church fits well with every nation and with every Government. She preached, and preaches respect and obedience towards civil authority erected according to the law. For her missionaries and faithfull . She asks nothing but liberty, security and common right."
pius xi Apost- lett. ab ipsisis.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
I of Lent- St. Albinus Pope |
2 |
Monday |
Saint Simplicuis Pope |
3 |
Tuesday |
St. Cunegundes August Empress |
4 |
Wednesday |
St. Casimir (Emb. D. fasting and abstin) |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint John of the Cross |
6 |
Friday |
S.Perpetua and Fel. (Emb. D. fasting and abstin) |
7 |
Saturday |
St. Thomas of Aquinas . D. (Emb. D. fasting and abstin) |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
II of Lent- Saint John of God. |
m |
Full Moon at 6 and 14m. in the morning |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Frances Roman widow |
10 |
Tuesday |
The 40 Saints martyrs of Sebaste |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Eulogius martyr |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Gregory Pope Process. in the Parish Churches |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Euphrasia virgin fasting and abstin. |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Mathildis queen fasting and abstin. |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
III of Lent. - St. Zacchary Pope |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Cyriacus martyr |
m |
Last Quarter at 9 and 35m in the morning |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Patrick bishop |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem bish. doct. |
@ |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Joseph Spouse of the V.M. |
20 |
Friday |
St. Nicetus fasting and abst. (feast at Rabat) |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Benedict abbot |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent- Saint Lima virgin |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Victorianus martyr |
m |
New Moon at 5 and 35m. in the morning |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gabriel Archangel |
= |
25 |
Wednesday |
The Annunciation of the V.M. |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Felix bishop |
27 |
Friday |
Saint John Damascene fasting and abst. |
28 |
Saturday |
St.John Capistano fasting and abst. |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
I Passion - St. Cyril Deacon |
m |
First Quarter at 10 and 22m. at night |
30 |
Monday |
Saint John Climacus |
31 |
Tuesday |
St. Salbina virgin and martyr |
Choose a study Burse and keep on helping it.
april (30 days)
The month dedicated ato the Risen Christ
The Sun rises at 5 and 40 minutes. It sets at 6 and 23 minutes.
"It does not fit with the virtue of charity if those who belong to the fold of Christ do not think of the poor souls who are wandering away from it "
pius xi (Rer.Ecc.)
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Hugh bishop |
2 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis from Paola |
3 |
Friday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V. Mary fasting and abstin |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Isodore bishop Doctor fasting and abstin |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
Palm S.- Saint Vincent Ferreri Dom. |
6 |
Monday |
M.In Holy Week |
m |
Full moon at 11 and 46m. at night |
7 |
Tuesday |
T. In Holy Week |
8 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
9 |
Thursday |
Maundy Th. |
10 |
Friday |
Good F.-Death of Our Lord Jesus C. (Fasting and abst.) |
11 |
Saturday |
Holy S. (Fasting and abstin end by noon) |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
Easter (Celebration of marriage permitted) |
= |
13 |
Monday |
Easter M. |
= |
14 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
m |
Last Quarter at 11 and 21 at night |
15 |
Wednesday |
St. Cresanctius m. (Procession from the Cathedral to Zejtun) |
16 |
Thursday |
St. Lambert |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Amicetus Pope |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Calocerus martyr |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
Low S.- I After Easter (feast of the Annunciation hal Tarxien) |
20 |
Monday |
St. Lulpicius |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anselm bishop, Doctor |
m |
New Moon at 1 and 33m. in the afternoon |
22 |
Wednesday |
Ss. Soterius and Caius martyrs |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint George martyr (feast at Hal Qormi) |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmaringen |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Mark Evangelist (blessing of the winds) |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
II After Easter- Ss. Cletus and Mark |
27 |
Monday |
St. Peter Canisius [feast of st. Publius at Floriana] |
28 |
Tuesday |
St. Paul of the Cross |
m |
First Quarter at 16m. in the afternoon |
29 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St. Joseph Spouse of the V.M. |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Catherine from Siena |
Give this Almanac to someone else to read it
may (31 days)
The month dedicated to Our Lady the Virgin Mary.
The Sun rises at 5 and 8 minutes. It sets at 6 and 45 minutes
"By word and by writing try to introduce gradually the holy custom that one prays to the Lord of harvest, to send workers in his harvest."
pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
= |
1 |
Friday |
Ss.Philip and James Ap. martyrs |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Atanasius bishop doctor |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
III After Easter- Discovery of the Holy Cross |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Monica mother of St. Augustine |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Pius V. Pope |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint Joseph's Octave |
m |
Full Moon at 4 and 1m. in the afternoon. |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Stanislaus bishop martyr |
8 |
Friday |
The apparition of Saint Michael Archangel Feast of Our Lady of Pompei |
9 |
Saturday |
St. Gregory Nazianzen bishop, Doctor |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
IV After EAster Feast of St. George, Gozo |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Barnabus Apostle |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint Philip from Aggira (Feast of St. Philip at Haz-Zebbug) |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint Robert Bellarmine bishop D. |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Boniface martyr |
m |
Last Quarter at 7 and 12m. in the morning |
15 |
Friday |
Saint John Baptist de La Salle |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Ubald bishop |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
V After Easter- St. Paschal Baylon |
18 |
Monday |
Saint Venantius martyr Rogation |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Celestinus Pope do |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bernardine from Siena do |
m |
New Moon at 9 and 35m. at night |
@ |
21 |
Thursday |
Jesus Christ Ascended into Heaven |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Rita from Cascia |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint John Baptist de Rossi |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
Between Ascenscion Octave (Empire Day) |
25 |
Monday |
Saint Gregory VII Pope |
26 |
Tuesday |
Saint Philip Neri |
27 |
Wednesday |
Venerable Saint Bede Doctor |
28 |
Thursday |
Ascenscion Octave St.Augustine bishop |
m |
First Quarter at 3 and 46m. in the morning |
29 |
Friday |
Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi V. |
30 |
Saturday |
St. Felix I pope M. Vigil fasting and abstin. |
@ |
31 |
Sunday |
Pentecost - St. Angela Merici |
Get used to talk about the missions and you will love them.
june (30 days)
The month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Sun rises at 4 and 44 minutes. It sets at 7 and 23 minutes.
"Through speech and through writing strive to introduce gradually the holy custom of praying to obtain the help of light and heavenly grace for the infidels."
pius xi. (Rer.Eccl.)
= |
1 |
Monday |
Saint Pacificus martyr |
= |
2 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus m. |
3 |
Wednesday |
St.Marcellinus m. Emb. D. fasting and abstin. |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis Caracciolo conf. |
5 |
Friday |
St. Boniface bish. Emb. D. fasting and abstin. |
m |
Full Moon at 6 and 22m. in the morning. |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Norbert bishop do do |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
I After Pentecost Most Holy Trinity |
8 |
Monday |
Saint Medard Bishop |
9 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Primus and Felician martyrs |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint Margaret Queen widow |
@ |
11 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
m |
Last Quarter at 1 and 5m. in the afternoon. |
12 |
Friday |
Saint John of St. Facondus |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
II After Pentecost .St. Basil the Great Doctor Feast at Rabat |
15 |
Monday |
Saint Vitus and companions martyrs |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Francis Regis |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anitus Abbot |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Ephraim Syrian Deacon. Doctor |
19 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
m |
New Moon at 6 and 15m. in the morning |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Sylvester pope martyr |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
III After Pentecost-St. Aloysius Gonzaga Feast at Paola |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Agrippina virgin and martyr |
@ |
24 |
Wednesday |
Birth of St. John Baptist - (Tit. of Con. Cath. Church at Valletta and Xewkija - Gozo) |
25 |
Thursday |
Saint William Abbot |
26 |
Friday |
Saint John and Paul martyrs |
m |
Frist Quarter at 8 and 23m. at night |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Ladislaus king |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
IV After Pentecost - Feast of the S. Cuor at Sliema |
@ |
29 |
Monday |
Ss. Peter and Paul Ap. (Feast at Imdina and tit of Nadur, Gozo) |
30 |
Tuesday |
Remembrance of St. Paul's martyrdom. |
july (31 days)
The month of the Precious Blood of the Redeemer.
The Sun rises at 4 and 46 minutes. It sets at 7 and 28 minutes.
"We wish that in all the Houses where orphans are sheltered, in youth colleges, and in Houses and Convents of Sisters, the prayer goes upwards every day to send down God's mercy on so many poor people, on so many nations of countless pagans."
pius xi. (Rer. Eccl.)
1 |
Wednesday |
The Precious Blood of O.L. Jesus Christ |
2 |
Thursday |
Visitation of V.M. Tit of Porto Salvo Valletta |
3 |
Friday |
St.Leone II Pope |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulric bishop |
m |
Full Moon at 6 and 35m. in the afternoon. |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
V After Pentecost- St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria (Feast of St. |
6 |
Monday |
Ss.Peter and Paul Ap. Octave. Joseph at Kalkara) |
7 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Cyril and Methodius bishops |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint Elisabeth Queen widow |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Veronica Juliani Capuchine |
10 |
Friday |
The Seven Brothers martyrs |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Pius I pope martyrs |
m |
Last Quarter at 5 and 28m. in the afternoon |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
VI After Pentecost - St. John Gualbert (Feast of O.L. of Mt. |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Anacletus pope martyr Carmel at Gzira) |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bonaventure bishop Doctor |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Henry emperor |
16 |
Thursday |
Sol. Com. of O.L. of Mt. Carmel [Feast at Valletta] |
17 |
Friday |
St. Alexius confessor. |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Camillus de Lellis confessor |
m |
New Moon at 4 and 19m. in the afternoon |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
VII After Pentecost.-St.Vincent de Paul - (Feast of St. |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Hieronymus Emiliani Joseph, Imsida) |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Praxedes virgin |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Mary Magdalen |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Apollinaris bishop |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr |
= |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint James Apostle |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pentecost - St. Anne Mother of V.M. (tit.feast of Sta. Venera) |
m |
First Quarter at 1 and 16m. in the afternoon. |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Pantaleone bishop |
28 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Nazarius and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Martha Virgin |
30 |
Thursday |
Ss. Abdon and Sennen martyrs |
31 |
Friday |
St. Ignatius founder of the Jesuits. |
Read and ask what the Somali Mission needs.
august (31 days)
The month dedicated to Our Ladyf Assumed into Heaven.
The Sun rises at 5 and 8 minutes. It sets at 7 and 11 minutes
"You should not feel ashamed and you shoult not, so to say hesitate to become beggars for Christ and for the welfare of souls ".
pius xi. (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Saturday |
St. Peter freed from prison |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
IX After Pentecost- St. Alphonaus |
3 |
Monday |
The Finding of St. Stephen's body, martyr |
m |
Full Moon at 4 and 47m. in the morning |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dominic founder (Feast at Valletta) |
5 |
Wednesday |
Our Lady of the Snows |
6 |
Thursday |
The Transfiguration of O.L. Jesus Christ [tit. of H. Lija] |
7 |
Friday |
St. Cajetan conf. |
8 |
Saturday |
Ss.Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus m. |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
X After Pentecost (F. at Ham.) |
m |
Last Quarter at 9 and 50 at night |
= |
10 |
Monday |
Saint Laurence Lev. M. (Feast at Vittoriosa) |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Mary Vianney |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Clare of Assisi virgin |
13 |
Thursday |
Ss.Hipollitus and Cassian martyrs |
14 |
Friday |
St.Eusebius (vigil fasting and abstin.) |
@ |
15 |
Saturday |
Our lady Assumed into Heaven - patroness of Malta |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
XI AFter Pentecost- St. Joac. [and Gozo |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Hyacinth conf. |
m |
New Moon at 4 and 21m. in the morning |
18 |
Tuesday |
St. Helen Empress (Feast at B'kara) |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Eudes confessor. |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Bernard bishop |
21 |
Friday |
St. Joan F. Fremoit de Chantal |
22 |
Saturday |
Assumption Octave |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
XI After Pentecost.- St. Philip Benizi Conf. (Feast of Stella Mario at Sliema) |
24 |
Monday |
St. Bartholomew Ap. (Tit.H.Gharghar) |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ludvig king. |
m |
First Quarter at 6 and 49m. in the morning |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Zephyrinus pope martyr |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius |
28 |
Friday |
St. Augustine bishop Doctor |
29 |
Saturday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist |
@ |
30 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pentecost - St. Rose from Lima Dominican (Feast at St. Julian's) |
31 |
Monday |
St. Raymond Nonnatus |
When it is time to divide property, do not forget our work in your will.
september (30 days)
The month of the Angels.
The Sun rises at 5 and 32 minutes. It sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
Aim of the work of the Holy Childhood is to invite children to save that little amount of money in hand and give it especially for the redemption and christian instruction of small children of the infidels wherever they are abandoned or killed.
pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Giles Abbot |
m |
Full Moon at 1 and 37m. in the afternoon |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Stephen king |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Mansuet Bishop |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Rosalia Virgin from Palermo |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Laurence Justiniani |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pentecost |
7 |
Monday |
Remembrance of the 1565 Vict.- Nat. Feast. |
= |
8 |
Tuesday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary |
m |
Last Quarter at 4 and 14m in the morning |
(Tit. feast of Senglea, Mellieha, Naxxar and Xaghra Gozo) |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gorgonius Martyr |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Protus and Hyacinth martyrs |
12 |
Saturday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
XV After Pentecost- (Feast of O.L. of Graces, Zabbar) |
14 |
Monday |
The Exalt of the Cross- |
15 |
Tuesday |
The Seven Sorrows of V.M. |
m |
New Moon at 6 and 41m. in the morning |
16 |
Wednesday |
St.Cornelius P. (Emb. Days fasting and abst.) |
17 |
Thursday |
The Stigmata of St. Francis |
18 |
Friday |
St. Joseph from Co. (Emb. Days fasting and abst.) |
19 |
Saturday |
St. Januarius Bishop and companions martyrs (Emb.Days fasting and abstin) |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pentecost- St. Eustochius and companions m. (Feast of O.L. of Sorrows at Birzebbuga) |
= |
21 |
Monday |
St. Mathew. Apostle |
22 |
Tuesday |
St. Thomas from Villanova |
23 |
Wednesday |
St.Linus Pope martyr |
m |
Last Quarter at 11 and 12m. at night |
24 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Friday |
St.Firminus bishop Martyr |
26 |
Saturday |
The Ded. of the Consecrated Churches of Malta |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pentecost |
28 |
Monday |
St. Wenceslas Duke martyr |
= |
29 |
Tuesday |
The Dedic. of St. Michael Archangel |
30 |
Wednesday |
St. Jerome confessor Doctor |
m |
Full Moon at 10 and 1m. at night. |
october (31 days)
The Month of the Rosary
The Sun rises at 5 and 55 minutes. It sets at 45 minutes
Multiplying the number of Catechists helps greatly to spread the Gospel. They are to be chosen both from the Europeans and better still, from among the indigenous, to help the Missionaries by teaching the catechumens and preparing them for baptism.
pius xi. (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Thursday |
St. Remigius bishop |
2 |
Friday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
XVIII After pentecost- St. Francis of Assisi (Proc. of the Rosary) |
m |
Last Quarter at 1 and 28m in the afternoon |
5 |
Monday |
Ss.Placidus and companions martyrs |
6 |
Tuesday |
St. Brunone |
7 |
Wednesday |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
8 |
Thursday |
The Consec. of the Cathedral of Malta.- |
9 |
Friday |
St. Dionysius and companions M. [St.Brigette A.] |
10 |
Saturday |
St.Francis Borgia |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
XIX After Pentecost- Maternity of Our Lady |
12 |
Monday |
St. Wilfred bishop [Cons. of the Cath. Gozo] |
13 |
Tuesday |
St.Edward King |
14 |
Wednesday |
St. Callistus I Pope Martyr |
15 |
Thursday |
St.Teresa Carmelite |
m |
New Moon at 11 and 20m. in the morning |
16 |
Friday |
St. Hedwiges Widow |
17 |
Saturday |
St. Margaret M.Alacoque Virgin |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
XX After Pentecost- St. Luke Ev. Missions' Day |
19 |
Monday |
St. Peter of Alcantra |
20 |
Tuesday |
St.John Cantius |
21 |
Wednesday |
St.Hilarion Abbot- St. Ursola and companions M. |
22 |
Thursday |
St. Mary Salome |
23 |
Friday |
St.Theodorita Martyr |
m |
Last Quarter at 1 and 54m. in the afternoon. |
24 |
Saturday |
St. Raphael Archangel. |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pentecost- Feast of Christ the King. |
26 |
Monday |
St. Evarist Pope Martyr |
27 |
Tuesday |
St. Tirmugius Bishop |
= |
28 |
Wednesday |
St. Simon and Jude Thaddeus Apostles |
29 |
Thursday |
St.Narcisius bishop of Jerusalem |
30 |
Friday |
St.Marcellus and Cassianus martyrs |
m |
Full Moon at 6 and 58m. in the morning |
31 |
Saturday |
St.Quintinus M. (Vigil fasting and abst.) |
november (30 days)
All Souls' Month
The Sun rises at 6 and 22 minutes. It sets at 5 and 6 minutes.
Pope Pius XI can never forget and He will never forget the Missionaries. Whenever He speaks about them, the figure of these Gospel Labourers reigns above everything and gives his word the voice of the most beautiful music which touches the heart.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
All Saints' Day |
2 |
Monday |
All Souls' |
3 |
Tuesday |
St.Hubert bishop |
4 |
Wednesday |
St.Charles Borromeo |
5 |
Thursday |
The Relics of this Diocese |
6 |
Friday |
St.Leonard (Tit. Hal Kirkop) |
m |
Last Quarter at 2 and 29m. in the morning |
7 |
Saturday |
Ss.Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pentecost- All Saints' Octave |
9 |
Monday |
Dedic. of the Archibasilica Pat. Has. M.H. Saviour, Rsme |
10 |
Tuesday |
St. Andrew Av. |
11 |
Wednesday |
St.Martin Bishop |
12 |
Thursday |
St.Martin I Pope martyr |
13 |
Friday |
St.Dedacus. |
14 |
Saturday |
St.Josaphat Bishop martyr |
m |
New Moon at 5 and 42m in the morning. |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pentecost - St. Albert the Great bishop Doctor |
16 |
Monday |
St.Gertrude Virgin |
17 |
Tuesday |
St.Gregory Taumaturgus bishop |
18 |
Wednesday |
The Dedic. of the Basilica of St. Peter and St.Paul, Rome. |
19 |
Thursday |
St.Elisabeth Queen |
20 |
Friday |
St.Felix from Valois |
21 |
Saturday |
The Presentation of the V.M. in the Temple |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pentecost- St. Cecily V.M. |
m |
First Quarter at 2 and 19m. in the morning |
23 |
Monday |
St.Clement I . P.M. |
24 |
Tuesday |
St.John of the Cross |
25 |
Wednesday |
St.Catherine V and M. (tit.of Zurrieq and Zejtun) |
26 |
Thursday |
St.Sylvester Abbot |
27 |
Friday |
St.Maximus Bishop |
28 |
Saturday |
St.James della Marca |
m |
Full Moon at 5 and 12m. in the afternoon. |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
I of Advent- St. Saturninus martyr (Celebration of marriages prohibited) |
= |
30 |
Monday |
St. Andrew Apostle (tit. Hal Luqa) |
december - 31 days
Christmas Month
The Sun rises at 6 and 62 minutes. It sets at 4 and 46 minutes.
Whoever lays hands on this Almanac should try to pass it on to others. This printed matter is one of the best servants to proclaim the missionary thought, to form the mind and heart of youth and to raise up and to gather missionary vocations, and also to ask for temporal help.
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eligius bishop |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bibiana Virgin and Martyr |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis Xavier Ap. of India |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Chrysologus Bishop and Doctor |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Saba Abbot |
m |
Last Quarter at 7 and 20m. in the evening. |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
II of Advent- St. Nicholes of Bari Tit. of Siggiewi |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Ambrose Bishop |
@ |
8 |
Tuesday |
(The Imm.) Conception of the V.M. tit. of Cospicua |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Leocadia Virgin |
10 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Damasus I Pope |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Valerius Abbot |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
III of Advent St. Lucy V.M. |
14 |
Monday |
St.Vitalis bishop |
m |
New Moon at 25 min. at night |
15 |
Tuesday |
Conception of the V.M. Octave |
16 |
Wednesday |
St.Eusebius Bishop M. Emb. Days fasting and abst. |
17 |
Thursday |
Saint Florianus and companions M. |
18 |
Friday |
Ss. Rufus and Losinus Mm. do |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Nemisius martyr Emb. do |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
IV of Advent.- St. Dominic Abb. |
21 |
Monday |
Saint Thomas Apostle |
m |
First Quarter at 30 min. in the afternoon. |
22 |
Tuesday |
The XXX. Martyrs in Rome. |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Victoria Virgin and martyr |
24 |
Thursday |
St.Lucianus M. Vigil fasting and abst. |
@ |
25 |
Friday |
Birth of O.L.J.C. (Meat may be eaten) |
= |
26 |
Saturday |
St.Stephen martyr (marriages maybe celebrated) |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
Saint John Ap. and Evangelist |
= |
28 |
Monday |
M.H. Innocents martyrs |
m |
Full Moon at 5 in the evening |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Trophimus Bishop comapnion of St. Paul Shipwrecked |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Sabinus bishop |
= |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Sylvester Te Deum Laudamus. |
Visto per quanto riguarda i giorni di digiuno e di precetto.
2 Ottobre 1935- Sac. Gius. Camilleri Xuereb Cerem. Dioeces.
Checked with regards to days of fasting and days of obligation
2 October 1935 Fr.Jos. Camilleri Xuereb. Dioc. M. of Cerem.
the study burses.
A very effective means to help the missionary enterprise is, without doubt, the preparation and the bringing up of missionaries who will go on the field of the Apostolate. So the Society of Saint Paul opened two houses, one in Rabat, at Saint Agatha's, and the other at Birkirkara, at the Oratory, to receive those youths who feel God's call and offer some hope to become missionaries. Like the Apostles they would go out of our homeland to deliver God's word and extend Christ's kingdom.
But who does not know that the preparation of Missionaries is very expensive? The work of the Study Burses was founded just for this reason. In this way, anyone who has the possibility, can help himself and our Institute by donating some money for these burses.
Those youths who wish to become missionaries can be brought up on the interests of a sum money; that is the study Burse. Many Maltese have understood this work very well; so the ten burses we have started are progressing well, by God's help. Some generous person has even included one of these burses in her will. Apart from the two private Burses, the other seven are entrusted as follows:
The first burse is entrusted to The Sacred Heart of Jesus;
The Second burse is entrusted to Our Lady Assumed into Heaven;
The third burse is entrusted to the Patriarch Saint Joseph;
The fourth burse is entrusted to Our Father Saint Paul the Apostle;
The fifth burse is entrusted to Saint Agatha V. and M;
The sixth burse is entrusted to Saint Chalcedonius M.;
The seventh burse is entrusted to the Holy Souls of Purgartory.
We thank everybody , but we cannot say that the help was enough because when we compare this help to the needs of these homes, we find that it lags behind quite a bit.
Therefore we hope that all the Maltese pay greater attention to the voice coming out of the pages of this Calendar; we hope that they help others to hear it. In this way the number of those who help the Institute throughout this year increases, to their advantage and to ours.
For all those who help us through their generosity in this work, special prayers are said in the Chapel of these houses.
All those who wish to donate some money, may either consign it to the Superior of Institute or to Mr. Etelwald Busuttil 276 St. Paul St. Valletta, or to Mr. George Peralta 13 Zacchary St., Valletta or to Mr. Amante Marguerat, Pieta'
Burse entrusted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
From many people: 5s.6d. ; from N.N. £3; Mrs.Anne Dingli £1; from many people 5s; from many people through Miss Antonia Bianchi £1.10s.; Mr.Amabile Mamo 2s.6d.; from N.N. £1; Cath. Action- Fem, Valletta £5; Fr. Cajetan Sammut £1, Miss A. Mallia £2; Baron I De Piro £4; Mr. R. Psaila £5.
Burse entrusted to the Sacred Family
From N.N.£1.8s.5 1/2d.; Mrs. Levy Grech, during Nov. 1934 £2.10s; the same lady for December 1934 , £2.10s.
Burse entrusted to Saint Chalcedonius M.
A Collection by Miss M. Agius £2,3s.6.; Mrs. L. Grech for August, September and October 1934, £7.10s.; money from different collection boxes 19s. 3 1/2d.; Fr.G. Zammit £1; Mr. I. Mizzi through Mr. G. Cassar £10; Mr. E. Zammit £2. Cath. Ac Fem. Sec. Sliema £10; Miss M. A. Quattromani £6; through Fr. Diacono £5; Fr. G. Aquilina £1; from various persons 1s.2d.; Mrs. L. Grech for April and May 1935, £5.
Burse entrusted to the Assumption.
From N.N. £1; Fr. G. Seychell £1; through Mr. E. Busuttil 6s.; Fr. G. Grech 2s.6d.; from
N.N. 2s.6d.; Mr.s S. Camilleri 10s.; Cath. Al. Fem. Sliema £2; Cath.Ac.Fem. Rabat 15s.; Mrs. A. Dingli £1.; Mr. A. Delia £10; Adv. E. Debono 10s.; from N.N. £2; Collected by Mr. E. Busuttil £5.; collected by Mrs. V. Scerri 16s.; through Bro F. Muscat S.S.P. £6.17s.6d.; Can. Tartaglia £5; CAth. Ac. Fem. Zebbej £4.1s.6d.
Burse entrusted to Saint Paul Ap.
Through Miss G. Calleja 7s.
Burse entrusted to The Souls in Purgatory.
Collected by V. Scerri £1.0.8d; Mr. A. Marguerat £1; Mrs. G. Calleja and others 14s.6d.; Mrs. R. Cassar Torreggiani £1; Mrs. E. Cassar Torreggiani 10s.; Mons. G. Apap Bologna 10s; through Mrs. Cassar Torreggiani £2.6s.; collected by Mrs. G. Borg Cardona 19s.; Mrs. L. Grech, for February and March 1935, £5; through Bro Jerome Gatt S.S.P. £1; Mr. G. Buhagiar £3; through Miss G. Calleja 6s.; Miss L. Grech for October, November and December 1935, £7.10s; Mr. S. Zammit 4s.
Burse entrusted to Saint Joseph.
Cath. Ac. Fem. Sec. Cospicua £1; through Bro Rosario S.S.P. 2s.6d.; Mrs. E.Saliba £1; Mrs. L. Grech, April 1934 £2 10s; Mr. C. Camilleri 7s. Cath. Ac. Fem. Sec. Cospicua £1.; Cath. Ac. Fem. Sec. Rabat £2; through Mrs. G. Debono 3s. 4 1/2d; Miss Stafrace £2.3s.10 1/2d.; Cath. Ac. Fem. Cospicua. £1.; Mrs. L. Grech for May and June 1934 £5; Mr. A. Delia £1; N.N. 5s.; Mrs. L. Grech for July and August 1934 £5; Fem. Cath. Ac. Cospicua £1; through the Superior £1; Mrs. L. Grech for July, August , September 1935 £7.10s.; through Fr. Louis S.S.P. 14s. 6d.; Mr. A. Mamo 2s.6d.; through Fr. Louis S.S.P.1s.; collected by Miss Maria £2.7s.; by Miss G. Borg Cardona 4s.6d.; by Miss M. Asphar £9.14s.; Can. Tartaglia £1; Cath. Ac. Fem. B'kara £1.; Mr. F. Sciberras £1; Mr. Arthur Vassallo 10s.; Miss. Briffa 14s.; Nuns of St. Benedict £1.
Burse entrusted to Saint Agatha V. and M.
Through Miss M. Asphar £ 13.11s.; Cath. Ac. M. Sec. Cospicua 3s.6d.; Mrs. L. Grech for January 1935. £2.10s.
I. Burse entrusted to St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
Cath. Ac. fem. Floriana £5; Cath. Ac. Fem. Cospicua £1.; Mr. V. Debono £5; Mrs. E. Saliba £1; through E. Buhagiar £2.10s.; through Bro Jerome Gett S.S.P. 15s.; from the collection of a day without smoking £2.1s.5 1/2d; collected from Gov. school Valletta 2s.; collected by Miss. G. Caruana £1.10s.; collected by Miss. A. Portelli £3. 11s.6d.; collected by Miss Pauline Segond £1.2s.; Catholic Women's League £1; Miss Olga Lanzon £1; Miss M. Gatt 2s; through Mr. Oreste Galea £5.13s.10d.
II. Burse entrusted to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
Fr.G.Calleja Grech £2.; Mrs. L. Grech for June 1935 £2.10s.; through Bro Jerome Gatt S.S.P. 14s.
Diverse Contributions
Magistrate W. Soler for the Small Choir £10; Mr. Francis Grech for the Small Choir £10.; Mr. G. Micallef £1; N.N. £2 N.N. 1s. Prof. Fr. Francis Catania 10s.; Can. V.Vella 15s.; N.N. £2; N.N. £2; Fr. Philip Muscat 10s; M.R.R. Sisters £4; Rev. Fr. Francis Catania Rabat 10s.; Can. Fr. Vincent Vella Rabat 7s.; Cath. Ac. Fem. Mosta £1.19s; and other things; Mr. Joseph Micallef Casal Ghaxaq £1; Mrs. Dolores Pisani 2s.6d., and an alb; Fr. Philip Muscat Rabat 5s.; A.A. Floriana £2.