Saint paul
Almanac of
The Institute of the Missions
Superior Msgr. Dean Albert Pantalleresco D.D.Bl. Can.
Cini Institute. Masses heard 56, Communions 56, Spiritual Communions 340, Rosary 45, Via Crucis 70, Aspirations 390, Ejaculatory prayers 4500, Sacrifices 50, Holy Hour 75, Hours of Study 11, Hours of Work 126, Hours of Recreation 128, Mary Fleri - Masses heard 2633, Communions 1600, Spiritual Communions 106, Rosary 1608, Via Crucis 1102, Aspiration 50, Ejaculatory prayers 1538, Sacrifices 126, Holy Hour 200, Hours of Study 953, Hours of Work 845, Hours of Recreation 169, Used Stamps- For the building of the Institute - Mrs. Ursola De Pire £10: Mr. Fcis. Pace Axiaq £2; Miss Mary Asphar £25; Msgr. Alph. M. Agius £1; Rev. Fr. Jerome Seychel 10s; Mr. Jos. Agius £1; Can. Fr. Sav. Tartaglia £1; M.V. £1; The parish priest of Imqabba 5s; Msgr. Bishop George Caruana of Habana Cuba £ 28-5s- N.E.S. £10; Institute of St. Dorothy, Naples. Masses heard 250, Communions 220, Spiritual Communions 600, Rosary 260, Via Crucis 250, Aspiration 360,Ejaculatory prayers 7430, Sacrifices 500, Holy Hour 110, Hours of Study 450, Hours of Works 100, Hours of Recreation Institute of St. Dorothy Naples Masses heard 600, Communions 520, Spiritual Communions 800, Rosary 700, Via crucis 100, Ejaculatory prayers 5000, Sacrifices 800, Holy Hour 90, Hours of study 500, Hours of Work 142, Hours of Recreation 112. Mary Fleri Vittoriosa. Masses heard 1502, Communions 1929, Spiritual Communions 2700, Rosary 7960, Via Crucis 309, Aspirations 1024, Ejaculatory prayers 4960 Sacrifices 1040, Holy Hour 1020, Hours of Study 260, Hours of Work 1300, Hours of Recreation 386, Mary Fleri Masses heard 1800, Communions 1731, Spiritual Communions 3600, Rosary 4520, Via Crucis 104, Aspiration 80, Ejaculatory prayers 6841, Sacrifices 70, Holy Hour 1374, Hours of Study 540, Hours of Work 3630, Hours of Recreation 300, Used Stamps- Mr. Alphonse M. Galea 300, Books on Bible explanation Hamrun Inf. School. Masses heard 6276, Communions 5096, Spiritual Communions 185492, Rosary 19325, Via crucis 2131, Aspiration 122522, Ejaculatory prayers 262265, Sacrifices 37627, Holy Hour 490, Hours of Study 27666, Hours of Work 32548, Hours of Recreation 24344, Mr. Ellul Hamrun G. Masses heard 7774, Communions 7941, Spiritual Communions 5861, Rosary 16324, Via Crucis 4346, Aspiration 8109, Ejaculatory prayers 324052, Sacrifices 7092, Holy Hour 613, Hours of Study 10755, Hours of Work 7995, Hours of Recreation 9026, Visits 2873, Miss Mary Fleri Masses heard 1838, Communions 929, Spiritual Communions 1000, Rosary 3910, Via Crucis 901, Aspirations 120, Ejaculatory prayers 9382, Sacrifices 1920, Holy Hour 1800, Hours of Study 124, Hours of Work 962, Hours of Recreation 879, The ( Mother) Superior of the Sisters Dorothy Masses heard 1000, Communions 500, Spiritual Communions 500, Rosary 1000, Via Crucis 50, The Community of the Benedictines ( Nuns) Notabile Masses heard 15042, Communions 11473, Spiritual Communions 158780, Rosary 72879, Via crucis 9307, Aspiration 1823, Ejaculatory prayers 1201376, Sacrifices 66442, Holy Hour 634, Hours of Study 108, Hours of Work 21392, Hours of Recreation 9000, Visits to Jesus in the Bl. Sac. 26319, Hours of Silence 7205, The Noble Mrs. Ursola De Piro etc. £2.-0.-0. Diverse benefactors 7s.- 6d.- N.N. 10.sBr. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £1.-10s.-0. Mrs. S. Pace Axiaq £2.-0-0. Miss Rosa Salamone £2.-2s.0. Through Mrs. Muscat 10s.- Doctor Speranza Gozo £0-10-0. Fr. Philip Muscat (Rab) N.N.£3.0.0.
Mons. Can. Dec. Gius. dei Msi. De. Piro
2 nov. 1877 - 17 Sett. 1933.
of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1934
Published at " St. Joseph's Home" - Hamrun - Malta
- where we stand -
If all the Institutes that were under Msgr. De Piro's care lost their father and their mother at his death as they themselves wrote in the souvenir they distributed, what have we, the members of the Society of Saint Paul, to say? Who can say what Msgr. De Piro was for us ? At his death, it was as if the whole Society were dead. We looked at each other without being able to say one word of comfort, as if we were reading each other's harsh thoughts. Everybody was silent; no one dared utter a word for no one knew about what we could talk. We were like bewildered and astounded people because of what happened to us. We could do only one thing: strengthen our hearts in prayer and in hope in God. We wish to continue going on, we wish to continue living as a Society of the Missions, to continue in the holy way in which Msgr. De Piro put us. However, with every step, with every breath, it is as if we find ourselves in the wilderness; in the desert, surrounded by darkness and open space; without any help although deep down we feel that help is near us; that it is with us; that it is in our souls.
Well, if he provided us with all our needs while he was on earth, how can he abandon us, now that he is in heaven? He provided to feed and to cloth us, to pay school-fees. He chose most of us from our families since our early childhood. We grew up with him and under his care until we became fully-grown men. Although we were grown-up men and priests, we always felt like small children in front of him because we felt and understood that we were dependant on him.
And now? Now we expect the mercy of God's Providence. Providence for clothes, for food, for learning, for everything. It is true that we always wished that before his death, at least we would be strengthened more in time, in thought and in ability but God did not want that. May God's will be always blessed and obeyed. He wanted to separate us from him all of sudden. On the day he died many of us were on retreat at St. Chalcedonius’ House at Floriana. When we got the bad news, we stared and broke down crying like babies. Oh! What a loss! Oh ! What a loss!
But now that some time has passed since his death, we must take a course of action. And we must also speak clearly. Very few people are conscious of the situation of the Society after the death of Msgr. De Piro.
We never lacked what was really necessary for life when he was alive, even though we lived with the greatest economy and even in poverty. The Boarding House at Birkirkara and the novitiate of St.Agatha's were prospering with his money and with the benefactor's help. Together with the money he obtained through charities from kind-hearted people, he added something of his own money every week because, although the Society had its benefactors, it could not survive simply on the charities of its’ benefactors. Our minds were always at rest because he supplied what we lacked every week for clothing, daily expenses and for our education out of his own pocket. But , he did not succeed in collecting enough sums of money so that we could live on their interests , as it was his idea because of the money he spent on St. Agatha's building and the help he gave the Society since its erection. Therefore now we have to turn towards our benefactors and, for the love of Christ, for their love of the Missions, beg them not to forget us. We ask them to maintain their help and to increase their charity as much as they can because, if they fail us and if their help does not increase, we do not know how we can live on as a Missionary Society.
This year will be a very greet test. If we lack livelihood, what are we to do? We do not wish to break up the Boarding. House at Birkirkara. Apart from the Director and lay persons, there are students studying at the Jesuits' school so that, one day they will begin their novitiate At St. Agatha's, apart from the Director and Catechists, there are novices and students reading Philosophy and Theology in the new house. All these must live, must be clothed, and their expenses are not small. Our hope therefore, rests first in God and then in you. It is very hard for us to beg you to provide food and clothing. But everybody knows that the one who serves at God's altar cannot work to earn his living. Our love towards God and towards our Society forces us to behave as beggars. We hope that this groan coming out of the depths of our broken hearts is not lost but finds kind hearts who accept it and have mercy on us.
What you do to us, you do to Jesus Christ himself; he gives you back everything in this life and in the other.
Thank you beforehand. We promise you our continuous prayers.
january 31 days
The month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes.
@ |
1 |
Monday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Tuesday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Ap. Octave |
4 |
Thursday |
Holy Innocents' Octave |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
@ |
6 |
Saturday |
Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany - The Sacred Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph |
8 |
Monday |
Saint Eugenianus martyr |
Last Quarter at 9 and 35m in the evening. |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Julian and companions martyr |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint William bishop of Bourges |
11 |
Thursday |
Saint Iginus pope martyr |
12 |
Friday |
Saint Probus bishop |
13 |
Saturday |
Epiphany Octave |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany- Saint Hilary conf. and doct. of the Church |
15 |
Monday |
Saint Paul first hermit |
New Moon at 1 and 37m in the evening. |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Marcellus I Pope martyr |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anthony abbot (blessing of horses) |
Beginning of novena to St. Paul in the Chapel of the Institute |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter's Chair in Rome |
19 |
Friday |
Ss.Marius Martha, Audifax and Abacum martyrs |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Fabian pope and Sebastian soldier martyr |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
III After Epiphany -St. Publius I Bishop of Malta |
22 |
Monday |
Ss.Vincent and Anastasius martyrs |
First Quarter at 11 and 40 m in the morning. |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Raymond from Pennafoct |
24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Timothy bishop martyr |
@ |
25 |
Thursday |
Conversion of Our Father St. Paul Ap. Principal Patron of Malta and Gozo at tit. of the Cath. and Hal Safi |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Polycarp bishop |
27 |
Saturday |
St. John Chrysootom; Doctor of the Church |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima- The apparition of Saint Agnes virgin |
Feast of Our Father Saint Paul Apost. |
29 |
Monday |
Saint Francis from Sales Doctor of the Church |
30 |
Tuesday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
Full Moon at 4 and 41m in the evening. |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Peter Nolasco conf. |
after his death
It was the month of August; we gathered around Msgr. De Piro and spoke about his trip to Abyssinia to accompany the first missionaries of our Society of St. Paul. He told us, " Next Year's almanac is up to you; you are to do it by yourselves because I will not be with you". Hewas like a prophet! His words became a reality for, really he is not with us. He went away though he did not leave us to go to Abyssinia as he had in mind; but he went to God who was pleased to all him.
If the people of Malta felt, and felt greatly the suddent loss of Msgr. De Piro, we, priests and catechists of the Society of Saint Paul, felt it much more. Could it be otherwise? When Msgr. De Piro died, the Society of St. Paul lost its Founder and Superior. In fact, Msgr. De Piro was that first maltese priest who thought of erecting in Malta an Institute of Missionaries who, through their ministry would be able to help not only their maltese brothers living abroad, but also peoples of other nations. The time seemed ripe for Msgr.De Piro to see his wish being fulfilled because in the last days of autumn, the first missionaries of this Society should have departed. He was longing for the ceremony of departure of his first missionaries. The great joy he felt at this thought, his
The beginning of the funeral at the Addolorate Cemetery
ardent wish to see the mission spot where his dear sons were to go induced him to decide to accompany these Missionaries to Abyssinia. He did not consider for a moment the fatigue due to the voyage. But, while man prepares and lays his plans, God decrees otherwise, in his great wisdom and in his judgements which are completely hidden from us. And that is what happened in September; in less than three hours we had to witness sadly the gentle figure of our Founder and Superior disappearing from sight. There were tears in our eyes, we were broken hearted.
Although we had realised that his strength was giving way, yet we never thought that death was so near.
It is completely impossible to express what we felt in those moments. We can say with all sincerity that we felt his loss more than any other loss which we might have had in our families. It is rightly so because the loss of Msgr De Piro left in us an immense emptiness; much greater than any other loss. It is much more so for us who have been lucky to be among the first member in this Society and associated ourselves with him to enlarge and advance our Work. We therefore realise very well what the Society of St. Paul lost at Msgr. De Piro's destruction, its Founder. It is much more so because we can still consider it in its infancy and it required his help, both spiritual as well as material.
The section of the Funeral showing the Governor with his Suite
february 28 days
The month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul Ap.
The sun rises at 27 min. It sets at 5 and 28 min.
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Paul's Conv. Octave- St. Ignatius bishop m. |
= |
2 |
Friday |
Purification of the Virgin Mary Candlemas. |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Blaise bishop martyr |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima- Saint Andrew Corsini bishop |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Agatha Virg. and mart. Second patroness of Malta |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Titus bishop |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Romuald abbot |
Last Quarter at 9 and 21m in the morning. |
8 |
Thursday |
Saint John from Matha Giovedi Grass |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Cyril bishop and doctor |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Scholastica virgin Carnival |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima- Apparition of the V.M. at Lourdes " |
12 |
Monday |
the 7 Founders of the Servites of Mary " |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Martinianeses hermit Carnival |
14 |
Wednesday |
Ash W. Beginning of fasting and abst.cel.of marriage prohibited |
New moon at 43m. after midnight |
15 |
Thursday |
SS.FAustinus and Jovita martyrs |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Flavianus fasting and abstin. |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Onesimus bishop do. |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
I of Lent |
@ |
19 |
Monday |
Shipwreck of Our Father Saint Paup Ap in Malta. Titular and Patron of Valletta and of Malta and Gozo- National Feast |
20 |
Tuesday |
Ss. Nemesius and companions m. Dedic of St. John's Valletta |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Eucherius bishop Ember Days. fasting and abst. |
First quarter at 6 and 4m. in the morning |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter's Chair in Antioch |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Damiani bishop Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
= |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint Matthias Ap. martyr Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
II of Lent |
26 |
Monday |
Saint Alexander bishop |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Passionist |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint Serapion Carmelite |
In your weekly, monthly or annual accounts
Cheek whether you remembered the missions.
God blesses the help you give us.
When we reach such a sad point, we know how to do nothing but look towards heaven where God was pleased to call him and, although our eyes are full of tears, a sign of the great sorrow in our heart, yet, with perfect resignation we say," You are the Lord; Your will be done!". Only this thought could and can console our sorrow - crushed heart.
We can never lose or blur the memory of our Founder because it is sculptured within our hearts. We can never forget the attention and love he showed us as a true father. He was always gentle with everyone of us, ready to serve us in our wishes. In fact, as time goes bye, his image increases because his loss is felt more and more.
Here we do not feel it necessary to speak about his life because that was already printed in that small book called " Chelmtejn Fuk Mons. De Piro " ( "A short speech about Msgr. De Piro"). It was published on the occasion of his funeral which took place at the Jesuits's Church in Valletta. Therefore in this Almanac we shall only speak about Msgr. De Piro's relationship to the Maltese Institute of the Missions.
The Vicar General blesses the Corpse
Although Msgr. De Piro was a diocesan priest, he always possessed no small love and attraction for the missions under every form. In fact, although he was a very busy man, he was one of the priests who worked in the "Missjoni l-Kbira" (lit. "Big Mission" ). Wherever the Mission went, he followed to help the other missionaries in confessions, according to what his duties permitted.
Full of this missionary ideal, he felt that God was calling him to erect, through him, an Institute of the Missions in Malta. For this reason, with Pius X's blessing in 1910 Msgr. De Piro opened the first house in Imdina so that it would be the cradle of this missionary Institute under the protection of Our Father St. Paul the Apostle.
Here the first youths were received ; a student and two catechists who felt called for that life were housed. As time went bye, new vocations came and slowly but gradually, the Society of Saint Paul started to increase in number In the year 1914, during the administration of Msgr Bishop Portelli O.P. the missionary habit as it is today was given (to the Society). The first priest of the Society was ordained in the year 1919, therefore together with him he could share the work of this Institute which was now growing at a good rate. As time went bye more priests were ordained and at present there are six priests.
The Governor present during the burial
Our Bishop Dom. Maurice Caruana was pleased to erect canonically the Society in 1921 through a decree of the 14th of November; so the Society is now accepted as a true Religious Society by the authority of the Church.
He thought of opening the Boarder House at the Oratory of B’kara to maintain firm health the vocation of those young people who feel called to our Society. In this way these youths could be received there at a tender age and so be delivered from the dangers which couldcost them their vocation. That was a very good idea because, when they are still young , they can be better raised for that aim for which they are called.
Through his efforts, the Society obtained two places where it can show its work: Saint Joseph's Home at Hamrun and the Gozo Home. Even in Abyssinia, the Society has Bro Joseph Fcis. Caruana, the first one to be sent by it in 1927. The more time passed, the more the need of a new Priory was felt. After much worry and work, the Founder had the consolation of seeing his missionaries going for long in he new House he built for them in July. So today the Society of saint Paul can boast of 3 houses in Malta and 1 in Gozo, there are six priests, 5 students, 2 novices, 12 catechists and 8 boarders.
The Society of St. Paul was in this state at the death of its Founder. If, when he was alive he shunned no trouble to see his Society thriving, how much more so now that he is nearer to God; he will not fail to ask Him that this Institute erected by him grows in religious missionary spirit and souls profit greatly from it.
The Bishop blessing the Corridor of the New Priory
march 31 days
The month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
The Sun rises at 6 and 30m. It sets at 5 and 56m.
The Kurunella and prayer of the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph are said throughout this month.
1 |
Thursday |
St. Albinus pope |
Full Moon at 10 and 25m. in the morning. |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Simplicius pope Fasting and abst. |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Cunnegundes August Empress do |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
5 |
Monday |
Saint John of the Cross |
6 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Perpetua and Felicity martyrs |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas angelic doctor, dominican |
8 |
Thursday |
Saint John of God |
Last Quarter at 6 and 5m. in the evening. |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Frances of Rome widow fasting and abst. |
10 |
Saturday |
The 40 Saints, martyrs of Sebaste do |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
12 |
Monday |
St. Gregory pope Process in the Parishes of Malta and from the |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Euphrasia virgin Cath. Gozo |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Magtilde Queen |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Zacchary pope |
New Moon at 12 and 8m. in the morning. |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Cyriacus martyr fasting and abst. |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Patrick bishop fasting and abst. |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
Passion S. |
@ |
19 |
Monday |
St. Joseph spouse of the V.M. feast at Rabat-fasting |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint Nicetus bishop who died in exile |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Benedict abbot |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Lina virgin |
23 |
Friday |
The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary - fasting and abst. |
First Quarter at 1 and 44m in the evening. |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint Gabriel Archangel fasting and abst. |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
Palm S. |
26 |
Monday |
M. in Holy Week |
27 |
Tuesday |
T. in Holy Week |
28 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
29 |
Thursday |
Maundy Th. |
= |
30 |
Friday |
Good F.- Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ fasting and abst. |
31 |
Saturday |
Easter S. - fasting and abst. end at noon |
Te Deum sung as a conclusion of the Month of March
Full Moon at 1 and 44m in the evening . |
The number of the labourers is not enough and the work lacks help. pius xi.
Blessing the New House.
Processional entry into the new Priory
In last year's edition of the Almanac, the Society of St. Paul was happy that it can speak to its benefactors and friends about the laying of the foundation stone of the missionary Institute for its Students and novices. A very sweet and devout feast was held on this occurence; our late Founder was very happy when he saw that his great wish of many years would be fulfilled- to see this house built.
We imagine that you wonder when in this Almanac you read that this Institute was blessed when hardly nine months have passed since the mentioned ceremony. But it is as if the Good Lord wished to bless so many years of patience.
The day chosen to bless this New Institute of the Missions was that day which the Church dedicates to the martyrdom of St. Paul Apostle, the 30th of June. And it was really fitting that such a function be held on that day when this Institute of the Missions considers this great Apostle, model of missionaries, as its special Patron Saint.
The function was held in the morning; it began with the Bishop's mass. At half past six the missionaries gathered in St. Agatha's Church in Rabat. The new Institute is joined to this Church; a quarter of an hour later all of them were at the beginning of the passage ( near the Cross) which leads from the street to the Church.
The Bishop going out of St. Agatha's Church to bless the New Priory
They waited for the Bishop, Dom Maurice Caruana, who came at seven. The Superior moved closer and kissed his hand; from there everybody walked processionally towards the Church where the Benefactors, friends and Admirers of our work were already gathered.
When the Bishop finished his visit, he started putting on the sacred vestments for mass, assisted by the Superior and by two Priests of the Society. The Bishop's mass turned out to be very devout and at that hour we felt something mysterious in our heart; something which was hard to explain. The antiquity of St. Agatha's Church which witnessed a House of religious missionaries joined to it after so many years and the vestiments in which the Bishop was dressed, made us feel that mysterious something; we felt as if we were living at the times of the great Patriarchs of the Orders of monks who were entering one of their nonasteries for the first time, surrounded by their sons.
When the Mass ended, the Bishop blessed a large Crucifix which on that same day had to be hung in the lower corridor of the Priory. After its blessing, the Crucifix was placed on the ground, resting on two pillows and everybody came foreward for adoration just as we do on Good Friday. When the Adoration ended, the procession moved out of the Church to the New Priory. The Entrance was majestic and, whether you like it or not, you feel moved when you see the Bishop dressed in pontifical vestments moving with all the gravity which the Church asks for in its functions, asking God's mercy together with others, saying the Kyrie Eleison. When the procession entered the priory, the Bishop intoned the "Asperges" and blessed the Institute with the blessing for a new building. After this first benediction, the
The bishop putting the copper Medallion in place
procession walked to the upper corridor while the psalm " Miserere" was sung. Here, the Bishop blessed the missionaries' rooms and library. From there the procession moved to the corridor downstairs to the parlour where the Crucifix we mentioned was hung. From there the Bishop moved on to bless the Refectory, the Pantry and the Laboratory. After he finished blessing the whole House, the Bishop himself placed a copper medallion on the side of the column resting over the foundation stone; the Superior had brought with him this copper medallion from Rome; it represents the peoples of the world adoring Christ's Cross, a souvenir of the Holy Year. As soon as the Bishop placed this medallion in the wall, the Superior quickly hung under it a small frame with this inscription:
Afterwards, the Bishop intoned the Te Deum , surrounded by the eager singing of thanksgiving to God; then he returned, as he had came, processionally towards the Church. This ceremony which filled everybody with joy in one's heart ended with the singing of St. Paul's antiphon. Now the missionaries live there already; and they are very happy of the house with which God provided them.
april 30 days
The month dedicated to the Risen Christ.
The sun rises at 5 and 40m. It sets at 6 and 23m.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Easter Marriage can be celebrated |
= |
2 |
Monday |
Easter M. |
= |
3 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Isodore bishop doctor.Process.of St.Gregory from the Cathedral |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Vincent Ferreri dominican |
6 |
Friday |
Saint Celestine pope |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Cyriacus and companions m. |
Last Quarter at 48m. after midnight. |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
Low S- I After Easter (H. Balzan and Tarxien feast of the |
= |
9 |
Monday |
Annunciation of V. Mary Annunciation) |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ezechiel Prophet |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Leo I Pope |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Julius |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Ermenegild martyr |
New Moon at 23 and 57 in the evening. |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Justin martyr |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
II After Easter Feast of St. Publius at Floriana |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Lambert |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anicetus pope martyr |
18 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St. Joseph |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Leo IX pope |
20 |
Friday |
Ss.Sulpicius and Servilianus |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Anselm bishop |
First Quarter at 9 and 20m. in the evening. |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
III After Pentecost |
23 |
Monday |
Saint George martyr tit. of Hal Qormi |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmaringen Capuchin |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Thursday |
Ss. Cletus and Marcellinus popes martyrs |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Canisius doctor |
28 |
Saturday |
Saint Paul of the Cross |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
IV After Easter ( feast of St. George Gozo) |
Full Moon at 12 and 45m. in the evening |
30 |
Monday |
Saint Catherine from Siena virgin |
At the Chapel of the Institute, beginning of the month of May in honour of Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
If you want to work according to the Pope's
wishes, help the work of Saint Peter
for the indigenous clergy.
a very young missionary
It was a night in February after sunset. The sky was full of ugly clouds; it was raining quite strongly after some time and, from time to time, the black threatening dark sky was lit by lighting. The village streets were completely empty.
That particular night, all the village people were gathered inside their homes, afraid of the impending storm. One family, father, mother and son were around the table. The father was reading from a book about "the necessity of Missionaries".
However, Anthony (that was his name) broke the silence from time to time by asking his father something about the article in hand. So, one of Anthony's questions was this, "Father I wish to ask you something." "Tell me my son" answered his father, smiling.
Anthony asked, "Why do not we, all the Christians of the world, go to those infidel countries to teach them and show them who is this God who died for us and for them, to redeem us with his precious blood and so he freed us from the devil's slavery and opened the gates of Heaven for us? Isn't this matter which I asked you beautiful?" The father smiled and said, "My dear son, what you wish is very sweet and beautiful! However, you must know that to leave mother, father, brothers and even one's country, it is a very hard thing and therefore not everybody can do it because it must also be God's call and without it you cannot do anything."
But joyfull, Anthony answered, "I am ready to leave everybody, even father and mother, to save those many infidels living in the darkness of paganism."
The father answered him, "Listen son! You are still young to go among those wild infidels. And what can such a small boy like you do? You are so weak! Anthony started crying and answered his father, "Did not you tell me that one must be called by God to go and convert them?" "Yes my son", answered the father. "Therefore," answered Anthony, "I am no longer too young for it, because I feel attracted to this missionary call." "Therefore", answered the Father, "once you are called to a Missionary life, I won't deter you. However you must wait; you are still young. Therefore, go to school first; when you grow up you would be able to go to those people who do not yet know their Creator."
The boy, happy beyond himself, answered him, "What am I to do to help my fellow missionaries until I grow up?" The father answered him, "Just this my son; pray daily for them." Saying so, the father kissed his son on his lips and said in a low voice, "May God bless these lips: out of them words of life and strength will come, God willing." Then he kissed his son on his feet and said, "Blessed be also the feet which have to wander to far away countries to preach God's word."
Therefore from that evening onwards, Anthony started to pray fervently, wishing that one day he would become a Missionary and go to the Missions among the infidels. He did not play any more with the other children; he always Butayed at home and asked his father to read something about the Missions for him. In a word, Anthony's heart was on fire with love for the Missions. He never thought about anything except that the whole world become Christian. Therefore he dreamt daily about nothing but the Missions, as he told his father and mother. Isn't he a very young Missionary ?
May 31 days
Month dedicated to Our Lady the Virgin Mary
The sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 6 and 45m.
Special devotions towards Mary, Our Lady will be held.
= |
1 |
Tuesday |
Ss. Philip and James Ap. Martyrs |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anastasius bishop |
= |
3 |
Thursday |
Finding of the Holy Cross |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Monica mother of St. Augustine |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Pius V pope |
@ |
6 |
V after Easter |
Last Quarter at 6 and 41m. in the morning |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Stanislas bishop Rogation |
8 |
Tuesday |
The apparition of St.Michael Arch.-Feast of O.L. of Pompei Rogation |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory Nazianzen bishop Rogation |
@ |
10 |
Thursday |
Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven |
Beginning of Novena to the Holy Spirit in the Chapel |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Francis de Hieronymus jesuit |
12 |
Saturday |
Ss. Nereus, Achilleus and companions m. |
@ |
13 |
between Ascension Octave Feast of St. Philip at Haz-Zebbug |
New Moon at 12 and 30m in the evening. |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Boniface martyr |
15 |
Tuesday |
Saint John the Baptist de la Salle |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ubald bishop |
17 |
Thursday |
Ascension Octave |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter Celestine pope and St. Pudentiana (vigil vasting and abst.) |
@ |
20 |
Pentecost |
= |
21 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
First Quarter at 3 and 19m in the evening |
22 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Baptist de Rossi Emb. D. Fasting and abst. |
24 |
Thursday |
SS. Domitianus and Rofatianus mm. |
25 |
Friday |
Saint Gregory VII pope Emb. D. Fasting and abst. |
26 |
Saturday |
Saint Phiip Neri Emb. D. Fasting and abst. |
@ |
27 |
1 after Pent. - M.Bl.Trinity Tit. Feast at Marsa |
28 |
Monday |
Saint Augustine bishop of Canterbury |
Full Moon at 9 and 41m. in the evening |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi virgin |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Felix I pope martyr |
@ |
31 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
Function to end the month of May held; Te Deum sung before Sacramental Benediction
Help the Missionary vocations
june 30 days
The Month of The M. Sac. Heart of Jesus
The sun rises at 4 and 44m. It sets at 7 and 23m.
Throughout this month, there will be the devotion of the month of June.
1 |
Friday |
Saint Pacificus martyr |
2 |
Saturday |
Ss. Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus martyrs. |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
II After Pent. Corpus Christi Feast at Rabat |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Caracciolo |
Last Quarter at 12 and 52m. in the evening. |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Boniface bishop martyr |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint Norbert Bishop |
7 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi Octave |
8 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
9 |
Saturday |
Ss.Primus and Felicianus martyrs |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
III After Pent Feast of the Heart of Jesus, Paola |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Barnabas Ap. |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint John of St. Facondus |
New Moon at 2 and 11m. in the morning. |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Basil the great doctor |
15 |
Friday |
Sacred Heart Octave |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis Regis |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
IV After Pent. |
18 |
Monday |
Saint Ephrem Syrian Deacon doctor |
19 |
Tuesday |
St. Juliana Falconieri virgin |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Sylverius Pope martyr |
First Quarter at 6 and 36m. in the morning. |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint Agrippina virgin and martyr |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
V After Pent.- Birth of St. John Baptist (tit. of Conc. Ch. at Valletta |
25 |
Monday |
Saint William abbot and Xewkija Gozo) |
26 |
Tuesday |
Saint John and Paul martyrs |
27 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ladislaus king |
Beginning of Triduum to Saint Paul in the Chapel. |
Full Moon at 5 and 7m. in the morning |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Irineus bishop martyr |
@ |
29 |
Friday |
Martyrdom of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Feast at Imdina and tit. of Nadur Gozo) |
30 |
Saturday |
Memorial of the Mart. of St. Paul. Ap. feast at Rabat. |
Feast of the Apostle Our Father. To conclude the month of June and on the XIVth anniversary of the Society AD 1910, St. Paul's Kurunella is said and Te Deum sung in the evening before Benediction.
Give this Almanac to someone else to read it.
july 31 days
The month of the Precious Blood of the Redeemer.
The sun rises at 4 and 46m. It sets at 7 and 28m.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
VI After Pent.- The precious blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Monday |
Visitation of V.M. - Tit. of Porto Salvo, Valletta |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Leo II pope |
Last Quarter at 8 and 27m. in the morning. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulderic |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
6 |
Friday |
Octave of Ss. Peter and Paul Ap. |
7 |
Saturday |
Ss.Cyril and Methodius brothers bishops |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
VII After Pent.- (Tit. feast Saint Joseph at Kalkara) |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Veronica Juliani Capuchine |
10 |
Tuesday |
The Seven brothers martyrs |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Pius I pope martyr |
New Moon at 5 and 5m. in the evening. |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint John Gualbert abb. |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Anacletus pope martyr |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Bonaventure Cardinal bishop and seraphic doct. |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pent. feast of O.L. of Carmel at Gzira |
16 |
Monday |
Sol. comm. of O.L. of Carmel Feast at Valletta |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Alessius |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Camillus de Lellis confessor |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Vincent de Paul |
First Quarter at 6 and 52m. in the evening. |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Teronimus Emiliani and Saint Elijah Prophet |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Praxades virgin (Found. of the Carmeletes) |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
IX After Pent.- tit. feast of St. Joseph at Imsida |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Apollinaris bishop and St. Liborius bishop |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr (Saint Chalcedonius' house at Floriana will be open in these three days) |
= |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint James Ap. martyr |
= |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Anne Mother of the V.M |
Full Moon at noon and 8m. |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Pantaleone bishop |
28 |
Saturday |
Ss.Nazzarus and Celsus martyrs |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
X After Pent.- St. Venera tit. of Sta Venera |
30 |
Monday |
Ss. Abdon and Sennen martyrs |
31 |
Tuesday |
St. Ignatius founder of the Jesuits. |
Beginning of Assumption Kwindicina in the chapel.
and Henry the little negro.
(The following is an extract) from a letter of Sr. M. Ersilia Cachia of the maltese Franciscan Sisters of Gozo to her Mother Superior General , Sr. Nazzarena Gouder.
Mother , you will surely be pleased when I tell you how Msgr. E. Dandria R.I.P does also protect from heaven our little negros.
Henry is a four-year old negro, one of our orphans. We mentioned him Henry as a sign of respect to the famous Msgr. E. Dandria R.I.P. Usually he is a strong and lively boy; one evening, some weeks ago, he came near me; he was crying and holding his head. He said to me: "Ma mere ...... ma mere...... I am feeling hurt here." I examined his head to see whether he had bumped or whether he had a swelling
in his. head; there was nothing wrong. So, I caressed him, gave him some warm milk and put him in bed to sleep... and he slept.When I went to wake him up the following morning, I was shocked... His head and face were full of pus; they were swollen to such an extent that his eyes could not be seen. A very bad smell came out of the pus. I called Mother Superior at once; she took him out the dormitory and put him in a room where he could be separated from his companions and she could cure him better. That was the first thing she did.
Meanwhile it was already nine in the morning; by noon his lips, gums and palate were covered with puss; he was a terrible sight! For four days he was in this condition; he could take in nothing but some milk from a tea-spoon; he was so hurt that he was crying all the while. When Mother came near him to medicate him, he was terrified for he suffered terribly while she nursed him. Once he cried so much that everybody felt broken hearted. Therefore I remembered that I had a card, a photograph of Msgr. Dandria... I brought it quickly and told him, "Look Henry, you are named for this Friar. Tell him to cure you." He answered me, "Yes, ma mere." I touched the photograph to his head and put it under his pillow. Meanwhile, we began a triduum of prayer in suffrage of Msgr. Dandria to obtain the healing of this boy, God-willing.
May God be blessed in His Saints! As soon as we started the triduum the pain decreased and it became easier to medicate the boy. When the boy felt becomming better, he would take out the photograph on his own from under the pillow, kiss it touch it to his head and say, "Friar, heal me!" And he was healed ! In a few days, the pain and swell disappeared and every part which was attacked by pus was completely cured. Therefore we thank God and our beloved patron Msgr. E. Dandria.
Even the boy remained grateful towards him. He carries everywhere Msgr. Dandria's photograph and kisses it. Whoever asks him, "Who is that?", He answers "He is My Father."
In the photograph I will send you, there is little Henry sitting near my feet, the one with protruding teeth. This boy already has something which you do not find in children, "Love for the Chapel." Jesus attracts him. During recreation, I go into the Chapel for a short visit to the Blessed Sacrament. He got used to me. Therefore, every day he expects me near the Chapel door. When he sees me entering, he asks me, "Ma mere, do you want me to come?" I always take him in. If some time I am impeded from paying this visit during recreation he at once looks for me and tells me, "Ma mere you do not go near Jesus today?".
We hope that, just as Msgr. Dandria earned him his physical healing, he also continues to pray for him so that, as the boy grows in age, he also grows up in piety for God's greater glory and for the good of his soul.
Mother, recommend us in your zealous prayers so that we keep on working for our dear negros. Bless us and do not worry about us because God is with us.
burse entrusted to the patriarch saint joseph.
C. William 4s.- from N.N. 2s. 6d.- G.S.E. Hamrun 10d.- G. Camillari Hamrun 3s.4d.- Trocadero Bar, 41/2d. Portelli Marsa 71/2d. From Bonello Cospicua 6d.- From the collection box at Hamrun 5s.7d- From Mrs. Levy Grech Mosta £2.10s, From Mrs. Mary Attard Montalto £1.-C. William 10s.- Can. V. Vella Rabat Notabile-5s.- From the collection box at Hamrun 1s.101/2- From the Missionary Evening, at the Oratory, B’Kara 23-15-2. Change left from the Missionary Evening £11. From Mrs N.N. Sliema through George Pace 12s. 1 3/4d. Collected by Miss Mary Adroino Sliema £2-8-3.
burse entrusted to saint therese of the
child jesus.
A devout man £100.
august 31 days
The month of the Assumption
The sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 7 and 11m.
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Peter Ap. in Chains and the Maccabean Saints |
2 |
Thursday |
St. Alph. M. de Liquori and O.L. of the Angels (Portincula) |
Last Quarter at 6 and 26m. in the morning |
3 |
Friday |
When the body of St. Stephen first martyr was found |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Dominic of Gusman conf. feast at Valletta |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
IX After Pent.- Our Lady of the Snows |
6 |
Monday |
Transfiguration of the Saviour tit. C. Lija |
7 |
Tuesday |
St.Cajetan from Tieni tit. of Hamrun |
8 |
Wednesday |
Ss.Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus and companions martyrs |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Aristarcus bishop companions of St. Paul during Shipwreck. |
= |
10 |
Friday |
St. Laurence Levite martyr tit. of Vittoriosa |
New Moon at 8 and 45m. in the morning |
11 |
Saturday |
St. John Mary Vianney |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
XII After Pent.- Saint Clare of Assisi virgin |
Feast of St. Cajetan at Hamrun. |
13 |
Monday |
Ss.Hypollitus and companions martyrs |
14 |
Tuesday |
St. Eusebius confessor vigil fasting and abst. |
@ |
15 |
Wednesday |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (tit. H. Ghaxaq, Attard, Gudja, Orendi, Mqabba, Mosta, Mgara Dingli (Malta) and of the Cathedral and Zebbug ( Gozo). |
Sung Mass in the morning. Compline- Salve- Litany and Sacramental benediction in the evening.
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Joachim Father of the virgin Mary. |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Hyacinth conf. |
18 |
Saturday |
St. Helen Empress (tit. of B'kara) |
First Quarter at 4 and 32m. in the morning |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pent.- Saint John Eudes confessor Feast of Stella Maris at |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Bernard Bishop and doctor Sliema |
21 |
Tuesday |
St. Jane Francis Fremoit de Chantal widow |
22 |
Wednesday |
Assumption Octave |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Philip Bennizi conf. |
= |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Bartolomew Ap. martyr (tit. H. Gharghur) |
Full Moon at 7 and 36m. in the evening |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Ludwig King conf. |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pent.- Saint Zephyrinus pope martyr Feast of St. Julian’s |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius conf. |
28 |
Tuesday |
St. Augustine bishop Doctor |
29 |
Wednesday |
Beheading of St. John Baptist |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Rose from Lima dominican |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Raymond nonnatus Conf. |
Last Quarter at 7 and 39m. in the evening. |
louis's wish
Louis, why do you want to become a Missionary?
This was the question the teacher asked Louis while he hit two times the table with the ruler. Louis was the gentlest boy in class; he often spoke about the missions; he wanted to attract everybody's attention on him.
Many were the boys who expressed their wish for this question, Carmel was the first. " Sir, two days ago I dreamt that I am seeing many small children, shivering in the cold weather at night. The missionary was not able to take care of the whole lot because he had no help and I thought of becoming a missionary to help my black brothers. Cajetan's was the second answer. " Some time ago I was seeing a missionary exhibition. There were many people, men and women, writing down their name on a register. A friar was guarding it. When I went closer, the friar did not allow me to write my name because I was too young. Therefore he asked me about several matters. Finally he asked me whether I love Jesus crucified. I was quick to answer " Yes"; but he added, " To love Jesus more than you do, it is necessary to become a missionary." At this answer, I started to jump for joy; I asked him," How old must one be to become a missionary ?" He answered me that, when I would be twelve years old, he will enroll me at the college; from there I would be able to become a missionary. When he finished speaking, Joseph, George and Anthony wanted a chance to speak but the teacher did not want to lose time. He said to them," I only want to hear Louis's answer.
The gentle Louis started to speak; his eyes as blue as the sky, a sweet smile on his lips. "A few days ago, I heard a sermon on the fervour and suffering of Saint Francis Xavier in India." He ended by saying that, although there are many missionaries, the number of those far away from Jesus and in danger of being lost for ever is very great. But this is not what attracted me to become a missionary; it was Jesus heart- rending cry from cross " Sitio", "I thirst"; "This was a thirst for souls. If you love me, bring souls closer to me and you will satisfy my thirst."
"Yes, I want to become a missionary because I have realised better his love; he loved everybody. Why should I not become a missionary when I received so many graces without even asking any of them? I have received the graces of baptism with all attending graces; I was born in a christian family; I was born in a christian city surrounded by christian teaching, under the care of many priests. And how many times did I not even bother to thank God for all this great good he did and which he is continually doing to me?
"Yes, I do want to become a missionary and I wish this grace to all of you so that we would be able to make up for the misery of so many abandoned souls; I wish that we would be better able to communicate the graces we have, and to prepare for them that bread which serves only for eternal life.
"Sir, is not this the best way to show Jesus my deep gratitude and to prove to Him how much I have recognised the gifts he has given me and my great love towards Him?" "Yes Lord, I want to become a missionary because I also want to love you when I become a missionary, I will be able to love you much more and better, and I will be able to satisfy your thirst on the cross."
September 30 days
The month of the Angels
The sun rises at 5 and 32m. It sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Giles abbot - The XIII brothers martyrs |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
XV After Pent- Saint Stephen King of Hungary (Our lady of the Cincture) |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Mansuet bishop |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Rosalia, virgin from Palermo |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Laurence Justinian |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Theoclistus pilot martyr |
7 |
Friday |
Remembrance of the 1565 Victory - National Feast |
= |
8 |
Saturday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary. Tit and Patroness of Senglea Naxxar, Mellieha and Xaghra Gozo. |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pent.- Saint Gorgonius martyr Tit. feast of O.L. of Graces at Haz-Zabbar |
New Moon at 20m. after midnight. |
10 |
Monday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
11 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Protus and Hyacinth martyrs |
12 |
Wednesday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria |
14 |
Friday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
15 |
Saturday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V.M. |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pent. - Saint Cornelius and companions martyrs Birzebbuga Tit. feast of O.L. of the Seven Sorrows |
First Quarter at 12 and 25m. in the evening. |
17 |
Monday |
The Stigmata of St. Fran. of Assisi |
18 |
Tuesday |
St. Joseph from Capertino |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Januarius bishop and companions mm. Emb. D. fasting and |
20 |
Thursday |
Ss.Eustachius and companions mm. abst |
= |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Matthew Ap and Evang. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Thomas bishop Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
XVIII After Pent.- St. Linus pope and St. Thecla V. |
Full Moon at 4 and 18m. in the morning. |
24 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Firminus bishop martyr |
26 |
Wednesday |
Ded.of the consecrated Churches of Malta |
Feast with I Vespers, Sung Mass and II Vespers etc. |
27 |
Thursday |
Ss. Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Friday |
Saint Wenceslas king of bohemia |
= |
29 |
Saturday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel |
@ |
30 |
Sunday |
XIX after Pent.- Saint Jerome confessor and doctor |
Last Quarter at 12 and 29m. in the evening. |
our brothers
When God created man, he created only one man; out of him he formed his companion and wanted all men to be children of these first parents.
God did this so that there will be only one human race, that is all peoples would be like branches out of one tree.
But this was not enough. Man sinned and sent God his only Begotten Son so that from death he lifts man to life, and Jesus came among us. He gathered all men under one leader and made them children of one Father, like a flock under one shepherd.
Therefore if men were children of one father according to the body because they were derived from one man Adam, they became also spiritual children of one Father, God, through Jesus Christ. They also became spiritual brothers while before that they were brothers only because of their origins.
Brothers think of each other; they seek their brothers' well being. Once the soul is greater than the body and once there are those who take care of the body, we must provide for the spiritual good for the souls of our brothers.
Our brothers are not only the ones who live near us- those who are far away from us are also our brothers; those who have not been lucky to receive the light of Faith, those who are our brothers according to the flesh only and not according to the spirit. Let us therefore remember them. Let us therefore provide for them. Let us help them according to our possibilities.
Paul the Apostle, Our Father was burning with love for his brothers away from God. He said," Charitias Christi urgent nos," that is the love of Christ attracts us to strive for their spiritual benefit.
These words should be chiselled in our heart; we should not be at ease when a day passes without at least praying for our brothers who do not possess Faith.
"Charitas Christi urgent nos" because our poor brothers are in the darkness; they are in the devil's hands, man's enemy. They will be lost if we do not try to help those who continually give their life to free them from Satan's harsh yoke.
"Charitas Christis urgent nos" because it is our duty as Christians to strive so that our society, the Holy Church, spreads more for it is our duty to cooperate with Christ who suffered for everybody.
"Charitas Christi urget nos" because Jesus prayed that we all become one flock under one Shepherd, " Ut sint unum ovile et unus pastor"- because, just as everybody lost one's right to heaven through Adam's sin, so everybody obtained it because of J. Christ's death.
Oh my dear brothers, let us therefore listen to J. Christ's voice; let us listen to his groan from the Cross," Sitio", " I thirst because I know that many are still far away from me and they will take long to come to me."
Let us therefore hear this voice; let us strive according to the words of the Apostle " Charitas Christi urget nos," to satisfy the thirst for souls which Jesus underwent on the cross.
october 31 days
The month of the Rosary
The sun rises at 5 and 55m. It sets at 45.m.
1 |
Monday |
Saint Remigius |
2 |
Tuesday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis of Assisi Found. of the Minors |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Placidus and companions martyrs |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Brunone conf. |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
XX After Pent.- Our Lady of the Rosary Proc. of O.L. of the Rosary |
8 |
Monday |
Consecration of the Cathedral of Malta |
New Moon at 3 and 4m. in the evening. |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dionisius and companions martyrs |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Thursday |
Ded. of the Cathedral of Gozo- Maternity of Our Lady |
12 |
Friday |
Saint Wilfred bishop - Our Lady of the Pillar |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Callistus I pope martyr |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pent. |
15 |
Monday |
Saint Teresa Carmelite |
Feast of Our Lady held in the Chapel |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hedwiges widow |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Margaret M. Alacoque |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Luke Evangelist - disc. and companion of Saint Paul during |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Peter of Alcantara Shipwreck |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint John Cantius |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
XXII After Pent.- Saint Ursola and companions martyr |
Missions Day. An hour of solemn adoration held from 11 to noon. In the evening there will be a Sermon about the missions. Morning and evening collections for the missions.
22 |
Monday |
Saint Mary Salome disciple of Jesus Christ |
Full Moon at 3 and 1m. in the evening. |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Theodorita martyr |
24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Thursday |
ss. Chrysenthus and Darias his wife, martyrs |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Frumentius bishop |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pent.- Feast of Jesus Christ king |
From 11 to noon there will be an hour of solemn Adoration, the Act of Consecration and the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
= |
29 |
Monday |
Ss.Simon and Jude Thaddeus Ap. martyrs |
30 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Marcellus and Cassianus martyrs |
Last Quarter at 8 and 21m. in the morning. |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Quintinus martyr Vigil fasting and abst. |
Love Christ and make him loved by the others.
not in vain
It happens many times that just one word is enough to touch man's heart and force him to examine himself, to recognize right from wrong, to feel that his bad habits are blinding him to the light of justice; at other times very elaborate speeches, gentle words, terrible facts and harsh words do not even touch any of us. Why is it so? Well, because the Creator Who commands everything has kept himself master of our heart's conversion; He only left us the means with which we can gain from Him the grace of conversion-our own or others' conversion.
F.Cermenati was an old, very hard-working missionary. He had worked for God for thirty whole years on the mission field in the Equator, teaching one of the most tepid and vigourless races int he Cabrais. He lived in a hut made of reeds and covered by thick straw among others which formed the core of the village of his parish. It was set in a vast plain full of large palm trees; on one side there was the valley while on the other there was a very high, sunny hill, reaching for the clouds. The friar's house was divided into two parts- an one side there was the room where he lived; on the other side there was the church adorned with sacred objects and with the Way of the Cross pictures. Here for six years he gathered young and old to teach them religion about the true God.
One day friar Cermenati decided to deliver a short sermon to young people. "They beat him, they tore at his flesh, they spat at him; they put a crown of thorns on his head and crucified him," he was saying from the altar. At the end of his speech he went to his room and prayed God to bless the seed he had sown in these tender souls.
However, the result was not long to come out. After the children had left the church, they entered it and started to pray in a voice higher than usual. "I have not spoken in vain," the friar said within himself; while he was having a cup of coffee, he could hear their every word. But those children who at one moment were as quiet as lambs, changed suddenly to a shouting, fidgeting, fighting crowd, as if they were a wild wolf. The friar listened attentively; the following words echoed into his ears, "Take him... bring him here to me... what did you do to him you wicked men... bad people... I removed his eyes now he cannot crucify him anymore."- At the words, "I removed his eyes" the poor friar panicked; therefore he clutched a stick and ran towards the church to see what happened. His arrival brought complete silence among them. "What has happened ? What are you doing?" the friar asked at once. "Friar" answered the youngest one, "I removed the eyes of that wicked rascal." The friar gave a worried glance at all those in front of him; everyone's eyes were in place, so he asked him again, "Who is it? Who is it?" The mystery was soon cleared because the child led the old missionary towards a corner in the Church and showed him the pieces of removed, broken and torn pieces of the Way of the Cross stations.
You can imagine how sorry the friar felt when he saw those precious pictures of the way of the Cross torn; they had cost him so much to obtain them from his European friends and now they were useless. However, he was also happy because he realised how the Good God used that sermon, especially those words, to increase the young people's feelings of pity towards the suffering of Christ and instil in them a hatred towards sin because of which Our Divine Lord became man and suffered while God wanted to give a sign of approval to the work of that missionary.
Therefore no act performed in God's honour and glory is vain. It will always yield fruit and God will not fail to reward us generously for it.
november 30 days
All Souls' month
The sun rises at 6 and 22m. It sets at 5 and 6m.
@ |
1 |
Thursday |
All Saints |
2 |
Friday |
All Souls' Day |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Hubert bishop |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pent- Saint Charles Barromea |
5 |
Monday |
(The Holy) Relics of this diocese |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Leonard tit. of Hal Chircop |
7 |
Wednesday |
Ss. Vitalis and Agricola |
New Moon at 4 and 45m. in the morning |
8 |
Thursday |
All Saints' Octave |
9 |
Friday |
Cons. of the Arcibasilica Pat. of Our M.H. Saviour Rome |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Andrew Avellino confessor |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pent.- Saint Martin bishop |
12 |
Monday |
Saint Martin I pope martyr |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dedacus |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Josaphat bishop martyr |
In the evening Te Deum sung in the Chapel to commemorate the Canonical Erection of the Society of Saint Paul.
First Quarter at 2 and 39m. in the morning. |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Albert the Great bishop and doctor |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Gertrude benedictine virgin. |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Gregory taumaturgus bishop |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
XXVI After Pent. - Consecr. of the BB. Patr. of St. Peter and St. Paul of Rome. |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Elisabeth widow |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint Felix from Valois confessor |
21 |
Wednesday |
Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple. |
Full Moon at 4 and 26m. in the morning. |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Cecily virgin and martyr |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Clement I pope martyr |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint John of the Cross and Saint Chrysoganus |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
XXVII After Pent.- St. Catherine v. and m.- Tit. of Zejtun and |
26 |
Monday |
Saint Sylvester bened. abbot Zurrieq |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Maximus bishop |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint James della Marca. |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Saturninus martyr |
Last Quarter at 5 and 39m. in the morning. |
= |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Andrew Ap. martyr. (tit. of Hal Luqa) |
Pray daily for missionaries and for the souls they have to save.
december 31 days
Christmas month
The sun rises at 6 and 62m. It sets at 4 and 46m.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Eligius bishop |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
First of Advent-Saint Bibiana V. and mart. Celebration of marriages |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Xavier, apostle of India prohibited |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Chrysologus bishop doctor |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Saba abbot |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Nicholas of Bari tit. of Siggiewi |
New Moon at 5 and 54m. in the evening. |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Ambrose bishop |
@ |
8 |
Saturday |
The Imm.Conception of the Bl. V.M. tit. and Pat. of Cospicua |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
Second of Advent- Saint Leocadia virgin |
10 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint Damasuc I Pope |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Valerius abbot |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Lucy virgin and martyr |
First Quarter at 10 and 51m. in the morning. |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Vitalis bishop |
15 |
Saturday |
Octave of the Imm. Conception of the V.M. |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
Third of Advent- Saint Eusebius bishop martyr |
Beginning of Novena to the Child Jesus. |
17 |
Monday |
St. Florianus and companions mar. |
18 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Ruphus and Losimus martyrs |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Nemesius martyr Emb. Days fasting and abst. |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Domenic benedictine abbot |
Full Moon at 8 and 53m in the evening. |
= |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Thomas Ap. Mart. do. |
22 |
Saturday |
The XXX martyrs of Rome do. |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
Fourth of Advent St. Victoria virgin and martyr |
24 |
Monday |
St. Lucianus and companions mart. Vigil fasting and abst. |
@ |
25 |
Tuesday |
Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
In the Chapel solemn feast of the Child Jesus ; at midnight Procession with the Child Jesus; Mass sung and general Communion.
= |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Stephen first martyr marriages may be celebrated |
= |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint John Ap. and Evangelist |
= |
28 |
Friday |
The Holy Innocents martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Trophimus bishop m. and St. Paul's companion during Shipwreck . |
Last Quarter at 2 and 8m. in the morning |
@ |
30 |
Sunday |
Within the Christmas Octave - Saint Vitalianus pope and |
= |
31 |
Monday |
St. Sylvester pope m. (Saint Sabinus bishop |
te deum.
Every Christian heart should help the missions
the missioner's dream
(As a remembrance of Msgr. De Piro)
1.The longed for
darkness at night fell;
silence and stillness
engulfed every street
2.The winds died;
so did birds'songs.
Grass and plants
were hid in the dew.
3.Blue sky, green fields
are coloured alike;
earth heaven and sea
are sleepy
4.In this setting
a rain of balsam
and sweet honey
drizzles from heaven
5.Wings flap,
what beautiful scenes,
wonderful voices
a faint image of angels!..
6.Why all this
music and singing?
Why is everybody
amazed so much?
7.Oh! brave
young Missionary,
sleep peacefully
that I may sing.
8. Sleep and dream
as only you can,
that I may speak
about your good fortune
9. Allow me to rest
with you in your hut;
straw hurts and stings;
but it is better than feathers
10.Oh! If only
I could steal
this king's dream
in this night of joy!
11.This king is rich
in his poverty;
he is never a slave
of greed and envy!
12.Oh! missionary, allow me
to admire you;
give me all you have
within you!
13.In this world's glory
what do you find sweeter
than life's dreams,
sweeter than death's victory?
14.Denied by his own people
by friends, by his family,
he is another Christ
For him it is better
15. Because this short denial
gives him
that which is everything
all the time to him.
Christmas Day
burse entrusted to saint therese of the child jesus
From six pounds change 5s-9d. Through the Parish of Hal Ghaxaq £1. Through Fr. M. Callus S.S.P. 18s.-
burse entrusted to mary assumed into heaven.
Collected by Miss Antonia Bianchi Naxxar- Ant. Bianchi 3s.- M.A. Bmavia 2s.- Miss G. Micallf 2s.6d.- C. Xicluna 1s.- F. Zammit 1s.- and others 4s.9d. Collected by Mary Galea- - M.C. Attard 1s.8d.- M.C. Spiteri 2s.- G. Gauci 2s.- L. Gravagna 2s.- Female Teachers 1s.- 6d.- P. Zammit 1s.- Male Teachers 1s.6d.-C. Trionfi 1s.- Can. Portelli Gauci 2s.6d.- M. Demartino 1s.- A. Borg Cardona 2s.- E. Tabone 2s.- G. Refalo 1s.- J. Callija 1s.- G.R. Pace 2s.- M. Cauchi 1s.- M. Camilleri 1s.- G. Psaila 1s.- S.M. Tabone 1s.- A.M.T. Sammut 2s.- E. Mallia 1s.- N.N. 10s.- Through Br. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. 2s.6d.- A. Preacher 6s.- Miss E.S.Levy Grech £2.10s.- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P.5s.10d.- Through Bro-Emmenuel Gafa' S.S.P. 3s.3d.- Collected by Angela Pace Zurrieq.- A.Vella 2s.6d.-L.Camilleri 2s.6d.-A.Pace 2s.6d.C.Camilleri 1s.- C. Farrugia 2s.6d.-A. Pace 2s.6d.-C.Grixti 2s.6d.-Fr. G. Vella 2s.6d.-P.Farrugia 3s.- M.A. Bugija 1s.-D. Saldo 1s.- C. Farrugia 1s.- Dr. M. Milanesi 10s.- A. Camilleri 2s.- A. Grech 1s.- C. Bugeja 1s.- R. Farrugia 2s.- P. Farrugia 2s.- M. Micallef 1s.- and others. Collected by Miss Mary Asphar, Sliema. £1.18
burse entrusted to the souls in purgatory.
Collected by Fr. Joseph Gonzi C-Tarxien- Can. F. Callija Gera 2s.6d.- Fr. J. Gonzi 2s.6d.- S. Micallef 2s.- L. Casolani 1s.- and others 1s.6d.- Fr. Jerome Seychell £1. C. Wilson 5s. S.F.F.4s.- Mr. Amante Marguerat 15s. M. E. T. Levy Grech Mosta £2.10s.- Collected by M. Mifsud £9.4s- D. Victor Stilon £10- Collected by Angela Pace Zurrieq Archi P.P.G.B. Ghigo 10s.-C. Farrugia 2s.- N.N. 6s.- N.Nn.2s.-6d.- C.C.2s.-M.Farrugia 2s.- C.Grixti 5s.- A. Grech 2s.-V.Aquilina 4s.- M.M.1s.- C. Schembri 2s.- S. Camilleri 2s.- M. Mul 1s.- Fr. P.P.Saydon £1.G. Mallia 2s.- M. Cordina 2s.6d-M. Mangion 1s.- N.N.3s- F. Camilleri 5s.- T. Camilleri 6s.- R. Farrugia 3s.- C. Pace 5s.- From the Collection box at the Oratory, B'kara 3s.6d.- From the Collection box at the Oratory B'kara 3s.- From Fr. Ang. Gan. Copperstone £1. From Mrs. A. Levy Grech Mosta £2s.10d. From Mr. Sanchez from C. Paola £5s. From Mr. Sav. Zammit of Zurrieq £1. From Mr. Antonio Delia of Siggiewi 10s.- Gathered by the Coll. Filomena Scicluna £1-10-11. From N.N. 10s.- From N.N. The Seminary Floriana 4s.- From Fr. Jos. Zammit Naxxar £1. From Mr. Amante Marguerat £1. Miss Verenza Xerri, C. Qormi £1.0-8d.- Miss Josephine Borg Cardona Sliema 19s.
burse entrusted to saint paul the apostle
F. Pace Axiaq Rabat Notabile 14s.- N. Farrugia Zurrieq 10s.- D.F. Debono Mellieha, Msgr C. Zammit Msida £1. R. Mifsud Bonnici Hamrun 10s.10 1/2d.- Msgr C.Grima Rabat Notabile 10s.- Fr. Jos. Zemmit Naxxar £1.- Msgr. A. Agius D.D. Notabile 10s.- Fr. S. Grixti C. Attard 10s.- Fr.A.Barbara Rabat Notabile 10s.- Fr. G. Calleja 10s.-Dolores Francalanza. B'kara 5s.8d.- Collected by Filomena Xikluna Msida:- Carmela Cordina 2s.- N.N.£1.- Collected by Mrs. Mary Ashpar £2-6-0. From Therese Mangani from Tunis 10s.- From Michael Attard of N. Queensland Australia £2. Collected by Josephine Calleja B'kara 14s.6d.
burse entrusted to the (sacred) heart of jesus
G.E.C. Luqa 10s.- Marianne Muscat 2s.- Emm. Le Zammit Valletta £3. Legate C.Buhagiar £42: Collected by C. Borda G. Gati, 1, others 3s.7d.- Can P. Farrugia £1.- Through the Parish Priest Fr. N. Aquilina Ghaxaq 10s.- St. Jos. Home Gozo 10- N.N. 5s.- Mr. L. Pace 5s.- Mrs. Levy Grech £2-10-0. Through The Capt. T. N. Aquilina 10s.- Collected by Mary Galea Victoria City Gozo- C. Borg 1s-8d. E. Bondin 1s.- G. Galea Pace 2s.- M. Bondi 1s.- E. Bondi .1s.- H. Gremona 1- M. Grima 1s.- W.S. Cremona 1s.- Lowel Bugeja 5s.- Not. J. Refalo 2s.- D.G. Micallef 1s.- S. Attard 2s.- G. M. 2s.- M. Galea 10s.- by several persons 2s.6d.- N.N.£1.- 0-0. N.N. 15s.- From the Hamrun collection box 16s.- 10 1/2d. Through D.G. Grech of C. Zebbug 2s.6d. From the Archip. Milanese D.S. Zammit of C. Zebbug £1. Dolores Francalanza B'kara 1s.- From Fr. G. Camilleri Siggiewi 4s.- Andrea Bugeja Marina Valletta 5s.6d.- Through Bro- Felix Muscat S.S.P. 15s.- and 15s.-2d.- From Francis Ellul 10s.- Through Mr. Ernest Galea 16.3d- From Mrs. E.S.Levy Grech £1. Mrs. E.Cassar Torreggiani 10. Msgr Apap Bologna 10s.
burse entrusted to saint chalcedonius m.
From Mrs E.S. Levy Grech Mosta £2.13s - From a man, devotee of the Eucharist 1s.- Persons with a devotiion towards Saint Ursola 4s.- Mr. C. Wilson 5s.- Mr. A. Zammit 4s.- Through Mr. R. Mifsud Bonnici 9s.9d. From Mrs. Levy Grech £2.-10s - Through N.Zammit 10s.- Through the Collection Box at St. Joseph’s £1-6s.-3. Mrs. Melita Agius £2-3-6
Burse entrusted to saint agatha v. and m.
Through the Superior 1s6d.- From Fr. G. Calleja £1.- From Mrs. Lev Grech Mosta £2.10s.- Msgr. Farrugia L. Valletta 10s.- Through Mr. S. Bonello Cospicua 3s.3d.- Fr. F. Muscat 10s.- Louis Sammut £1. through the Superior £1.- Through Bro Felix Muscat S.S.P. £3 Anna Dingli £1. Eleanora Apap 5s.- Maria Mifsud £1.- 1s Through the Superior 8s.4d.- Through Bro Felix Muscat S.S.P. 2s. Fr. Carm. Bondin C. Zebbug 4s.- Fr. Francis Catania 10s.- Can. Coll. Ang. Coperstone 5s.- From Bro Felix Muscat S.S.P. £1-6s-5, Through Bro R. Buhagiar S.S.P. 8s.9d.- From Bro. Thomas Vassallo S.S.P. 6s.- Mr. V. Abela 10s.- A. Devout Person 1s.- Through John Camilleri 6s.7d.- From Can G. De Domenico 4s.-
oremus pro defunctis nostris
requiem aeternam dona eis, domine, et lux
perpetua luceat eis. requiescant in
pace.- amen.
Sr. M. Domenica Degabriela Dominican Tertiary- Sr. Martha Nun of st. Catherine Monastery- Sr. Ursola of Jesus in the Blessed Host Franciscan Tertiary- Beneditta Caruana beloved mother of Bro. Joseph Fcis. Caruana. S.S.P.- Rita Muscat beloved sister of Bro Santi Muscat S.S.P.