saint paul
Almanac of
The Institute
of the Missions- 1933 -
YEAR XII Superior -Msgr. J.De Piro Strada Dei Celsi No. 10,
burse entrusted to the heart of jesus.
Through the Superior Msgr. J. De Piro 2s.6d- Through Msgr. Can. C. Grima Rabat 10s.- Through Bro Rosar Bahagiar S.S.P. 4s.6d1/2- From the Collection Box at Hamrun 2s.5d- Through Bro Jerome Gatt S.S.P. 2s- Through Catherine Pace Vittoriosa 10s.- Through Angela Pace Zurrieq 8s.6d.- Through Mr. Francis Pace Axiaq 10s.- N. Zammit Marsa 6s.6d- From the Collection Box of Hamrun 2s.2d- Can. Fr. Vincent Mangani £1.- Fr. Joseph Calleja Grech 10s.- Through Mr. Paul Farrugia £1.4s.9.1/2d- Msgr. Can. Cap. L. Farrugia 10s.- Collected by Mr. John Camilleri 6s.1d- Through Mr. C. Borda 4s.- G.M. £15.- Fr. Anthony Galea £1.- Mr. John Coleiro £2- Fr. Joseph Grech C. Zebbug 2s.6d- Souls who wish to see Jesus Christ known and loved £5.- Fr. John Ghigo Archpriest of Zurrieq 10s.- Through Mr. Oreste Galea 17s.3d- Mr. Frederick Monpalao 1s.- From the collection box at Hamrun 3s.7.1/2d- Mr. Francis Pace Axiaq £1.- Souls who wish Jesus known and loved £1.- From the collection box at Hamrun 8s.5.1/4- L.M.S.£10.- Mr. D.V.Stilon £1.- Miss Anne Dingli £1.- Rev. Father Paul Gauci Missionary in New Orleans U.S.A. £1.-Mr. Louis Sammut, through Fr. Sav. Grixti £1.- The Baron Mr. I De Piro £1.10s.- Mr. Zammit £1- Collected by M. Anne Meli Galea 4s- Collected from some collection boxes 7s.3d- From the collection box at Hamrun 8s.81/4d- Mrs. Vincenza Xerri 8s.4d- From the collection box at Hamrun 12s.3 1/2d- Mr. C. Formosa 10s.- R.Tabone 1s.6.1/2d - Mr. Edgar Agius 10s.- Mr. Edward Schembri 10s.- Mr. Lazzaro Pisani 4s.- Mr. George R. Peralta £2.- Mr. Carmel Farrugia L.L.D. £1.10s- Collected by Mary Peralta Valletta Mrs. M. dei Baroni De Piro £1.- Mrs. G. Peralta £1.- Catholic Women's league £1. Miss Levy Grech £1.- Mis. E. Lanzon £1.- G. Schembri £1.- Mrs. H. De. Giorgio £1.- M. Briffa £1.- Collected by Josephine Caruana Floriana Fr. C. Buhagiar 2s.- Misses Caruna 2s.- Caroline Zammit 2s.- M. Preziosi 2s.- Emilia Casario 9s.- Misses Zanghi 2s.- Mrs. Tortell 2s.- Misses Borg 2s.- Miss Theresa Bonnici 2s.- M. Anne Quattromani 2s.- Miss Bianca Ganado 2s.- Misses Cachia Randon 2s.- Misses Pace Axiaq 2s Mrs Busuttil 2s. - Marquis Apap Bologna 2s- Mr. De Piro 2s.- Luisa Caruana 2s.- Mr. R. Grech 2s.- Mr. Helena Darmanin 2s.- From other collection boxes 12s.4d.- from the collection box at Hamrun 1s.11d.- Mrs. E.T.Levy Grech £2.10- A Confessor £1.- Souls who love the Heart of Jesus £1.10s.- Fr. Anthony Buhagiar 10s.- Msgr. Fr. Dominic Catajar £1.- Miss Concetta Cutagjar £1.- Fr. Robert Calleja 10s.- Collected by Mr. Eteweld Busuttil N.N. £1.- Collected by Mrs. Melita Agius Sliema Mary Sultana 1s.- Melita Agius 1s.- E. Agius 1s.- Lucretia Agius 1s.- V. Pace 1s.- Maria Parlato 1s.- Jiulia Agius 1s.-C. Testaferrata Abela 1s.N.N.£1.- T. Agius 1s.- Clorinda Manduca 1s.- Mrs. L. Bonnici 1s.- Cutajar Family 2s.6d.- Salamone 1s.- L.S.G. Bartolo 1s.- N.N. 1s.- M. Benjacar 1s.- S. Gerardo 2s.6d.- and others 1s.6d.- Mr. Fcis Pace Axiaq 10s- Camilleri and Portelli 3s.- Mr. Oreste Galea 18s.- Siggiewi- M. Caruana 2s.6d.- G. Delia 2s.- C. Farrugia 1s.- A. Delia 5s- N.N. 2s.- Family N.N. 3s.- Collected by Mr. C. Borda - Carlo Mallia 5s.- John Apap 1s.- John Bartolo 1s.- O.S. 1s.- A Bartolo 1s.- From the collection box at Hamrun 7s.9d.- Collected by Formosa 2s.4 1/2d- By Mr. C. Wilson 5s.- Vincenza Xerri 14s.6d.- Mrs. Teresa Mangani Tunis 10s.
burse entrusted to mary assumed into heaven
Collected by Mrs. M. Anne, Meli Galea, V. Galea 1s.- Bugeja 1s.- Frendo 1s.- Grixti 1s.- Lauri 1s.- Ellul 1s.Gatt 1s.-DeGiorgio 1s-Brincat 1s.- Sciberras 1s -Ellul 1s- Mercieca 1s.- and others 2s.6d- Through a devout Parish Priest 7s.6d.- Through Msgr. Can. Archpr.Fr. Dominic Cutajar 10s.-N.N. £2.- Through Mrs. Mary Ellul 5s.- Through the Guardian Friar Peter, Floriana F.M. Cap. £2.- From S. Fco. Calif. £5- From Mrs. T. Levy Grech 10s.- From Mrs. Pauline Farrugia 4s.- From Mr. Oreste Galea Hamrun 17s.6d.- Through Mr. M. Mifsud £1.- Can Fr. Peter Farrugia £1.- From Mr. Oreste Galea 16s.10d- From Mr. John Camilleri, Hamrun 4s.2d.- Hamrun Elem School 12s.9d3/4- Mrs. Vincenza Conti £2.- Through Fr. Jos. Gonzi 5s.1d1/4- From Mrs. Angela Pace 14s.- Collected by Mary De Martino, Sliema M.A.De Bono Ciantar 2s.6d.- Elisa Mifsud 2s.6d- Dolores Mifsud 2s 6d.- Lucretia Attard 2s 6d.- Joan Azzopardi 2s 6d.- Gertrude Bugeja 2s.6d.- C.A.1s.- M.A. T. 1s.6d.- Felicity Xuereb 1s.- M.D.M. 2s.6d.- E.B.C. 2s 6d.- N.Mifsud 5s.- V. Nicosia 1s.- Ap 5s- From Borg Carter, 1s.-N.N. Grace received 10s- N.N. To receive a grace 1s.- N.N. 1s.- N.N.1s- N.N.1s- N.N. to receive a grace 1s.
burse entrusted to the patriarch saint joseph.
From the collection box of S.H.S.P.£1.- Through Fr. Chalcedonius Psaila £1.- Miss Eleanora Apap 5s.- Mrs. Theresa Mangani 10s.- Mr. Joseph Xuereb from Bengasi 15s.- Fr. Anthony Barbara 10s.- Can. Fr. John Dedomenico 4s.- K.,Mifsud Bonnici 2s.- G. Mifsud Bonnici 1s.- R. Mifsud Bonnici 1s.- Hugh Pius Borg 2s.- Through Messrs. K. Ellul John . Sch. 11s.11d- Through Mr. Anthony Delia Siggiewi £5.- Fr. Joseph Camilleri Siggiewi 4s.- Fr. Loreto Callus 10s.- Msgr. Archip. Fr. Carlo Cortis D.D. £2.- Collected by Mr. Anthony Vella Galea P.P- Fr.G. Vella Vice Parish Priest.2s- S.M.V.G. Caruana 2s.- S.A.Vella Galea 2s.- C.R. Chapel 2s.- Magdalene Galea 2s.6d.- Anthony Vella 2s.6d.- Angelo Baldacchino 2s.- Collected by (The Headmistress?) Collins (Secondary School) Miss Gatt (cospicua) and by Mrs. Peralta (Valletta)C.M. 2s.6d.- M.C. Mamo 5s.- V.G. 3s.6d.- S.F.1s.6d.- M. Gatt 2s.6d.- E.K.S. School 2s.6d.- From VI 3s-VI,III,II,I 13s.- IV prep. III,II,VI 10s.7d- (Secondary School) Members of Staff 8s.-M.E.C.- 5s.-Mrs. F.De Giorgio 2s.6d.- Collected by Mrs. Mary Ardoino -Rosina Galea 5s.- A. Mercieca 4s.- Paul Agius 2s.6d.- Josephine £1.- L. M. Agius 5s.E. Delicata 2s.6d.- E. Balzan 5s.- Mrs. De Piro £1.- G. Sammut Farrugia 2s.6d.- M. Busuttil 1s.- B. Xiberras 2s.6d.- E. Bonello 1s.- E. Cassar Torreggiani 2s.- M. Bugeja 2s.6d.- M. Ardoino 1s.-M.Mercieca 2s.-N.N. 2s.6d.- E. Sammut 2s.- V. Sammut 1s.- N.N.1s.- M.M.6d.- N.N. from Siggiewi £4- S.T.Levy Grech £2.10s.- Collection Box at Imdina 7s.2 3/4d.
burse entrusted to the apostle saint paul.
Collected by Fr. G. Gonzi C. Tarxien: Parish Priest S. Galea 5s.- Marquis B.C. 2s.6d.- M.Ved. Attard Montalto 5s. Parish Priest E. Vella 5s.- Miss. Marietta Farrugia Bugeja £1.- C. Cecy 2s.6d.- Fr. G.Gonzi 2s.6d.- Through Miss. T. Hammet £2.- Through Mr. A. Sanches £2.10s.- Through Fr. F. Muscat 5s.- N. Zammit Marsa 6s.- Oratory B'Kara 4s.- St. Paul's Missionary Crusade £1.- From the collection box of the Oratory B'kara 8s.- Collected by Miss. P. Segond Sliema C. Chetcuti 1s.- Emann 1s.- G. Curmi 2s.- P. Curmi 2s.- P. Segond 1s.- T. Briffa 1s.- G. Briffa 1s.- E. Rizzo Marich 1s.- N.N. 1s.- E. Foro 1s.- B. Cavarra 1s.- N.N. 1s.- N.N. 1s.- E. Bugeja 1s.- G. Bugeja 1s.- E. Azzopardi Sant 1s.- E. Sant 1s.- S.B. 1s.- and others 2s.- Benefactor B'kara 12s.
burse entrusted to saint chalcedonius m.
Collected by Mr. E. Xerri 1s.1d.- Legate of Carmel Abela- Through Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and M. Assumpta Wismayer £5.- Can. Fr. Orland Speranza 5s.- Collected by Miss Collins £1.- Angela Pace Zurrieq 7s.6d.- Collected by Anthony Vassallo from New York £2.9s.6- Through the Superior £1.15s.1d.- Through Bro Jerome Gatt S.S.P. £1.1s.1d.- G.E. £2.- Collected by Victor Radmilli Floriana - The Anglo Maltese Bank 5s.- and others 19s.6d.- Collected by Miss Carmela Borg Valletta -Widow Mrs. Gait Meli 1s.- M. Farrugia 2s.- E. Micallef G.G. 1s.- De Piro £1.- George 1s.-J.Borg 10s.- V. Borg 10s.- L. Borg 2s.- C. Borg 2s.- P. Agius 2s.6d.- Mrs. L. Calleja Jera 2s.6d.- and others 4s.-
burse entrusted to saint agatha v. and m.
N.N.2s.- Through Fr. Joseph Zammit Naxxar 10s.- Through the Parish Priest Fr. Michelangelo Cauchi C. Zebbug Gozo 10s.- Mr. Paul Camilleri 10s.- Through Msgr. J. De. Piro 15s.- Collected by Mr. C. Cauchi 9s.- Mr. J. Testaferrata Bonnici £1.- Through the Superior £1.- Through the Superior 12s.6d.- Msgr Alphonse M. Agius B.A.D.D. Sec. Wait. of H.H. £1.- Can. V. Vella 5s.- Fr. Jerome Seychell Vic. Cur. 10s.- Carmel Callija 10s.- Collected by Mr. A. Portelli Sliema- Mrs. V. Stilon De Piro 5s.- Miss Lola Franeia £4- Adv. Gauci Maistre 2s.6d.- M. Bonavita 1s.- Mr. A. Portelli 5s.- and others 3s.6d.- Collected by Mr. Etelwall Busuttil:- E.B. 5s.- Collected by Mrs. M. Asphar Sliema:- Mrs. P. Sammut 1s.- Mr. A.M. Galea £1.- Miss. Asphar £1.- N. Tabone 2s.6d.- Debono Cassia 2s.6d.- Miss. Salamone 2s.- G.M. Vella 2s.2d.- Mrs. W. Dimech 8s.- F. Camilleri 2s.- P. Camilleri 2s.- M. Sultana 2s.- L. Casolani 2s.6d.- C. Selvagi 2s.- M. Bugeja 2s.6d.- H. Vassallo 2s.6d.- M.M. £1.- G.Pace 2s.6d.- L. Pace 2s.6d.- Mrs. T. Pace 10s.-Mrs.L.Galea 10s.-N.N. 3s.- Galizia Family 31.
burse entrusted to saint therese of the child jesus.
Msgr. Bishop G. Caruana £1. 10s.- Miss Mary Mifsud £1.6s.- T.S. 15s.- The Notary Mr. Francis Farrugia £1.- From the fair at the Oratory, B'kara $42.4s.3 1/2d.- Through Mr. Fred Cachia Zammit £1.- Through the Superior 10s.6d.-
burse entrusted to the souls of purgatory.
A.Margurat £1. 10s. Mrs. Ursola De Piro D'Amico £1.- Through Mr. Margurat 10s.- Oratory B'kara 5s.- Collected by Mr. C.Borda- M.A. Zammit 4s.- V. Cafai 10s.- R. Vella 10s.- E. Fleri 1s.- Mr. Pace Moor 4s.- A. Vassallo 6s.- C. Car. Pensano 1s.- Fr. G. Soler 5s.- N. Azzopardi 6d.- M. Stella Darmanini 1s.- M. Spiteri 6d.- A. Stivala 1s.- M. Attard 6d.- G. Bonavia 6d.- F. Delicata 1s.- P. Attard 2s.- N.N. 10.- N.N. 5s.- R. Caruana 6s. and others 6d.- Fr. A. Coperstone 10.- Miss A. Dingli £1. From Miss M. Mifsud 10s.- Can. F. Said 6.- Through Bro. Jerome Gatt. S.S.P. 7s.2d- Mrs. Levy Grech £2.10s.- Collected by M. Gatt Cospicua, P. Zammit 2s. L. Gravagna 2s.- Alphonse Bondin 2s.- The Teaching Staff Victoria Girls 2s.6d.- M.Cauchi 2s.- From A.A. Cremona 3s.- M. Dolores Casolani 1s.- G. Refalo 1s.- M. Gauchi 1s.- E. Tabone 1s.- M. Galea 2s.- Elisa Bondin 2s.6d.- A.M. 2s.- G. Azzopardi 1s.- T. Mercieca 1s. and others 2s.- Mr. A. Margurat £1.- Collected by Mr. E. Busuttil, wid. Mr. M.A. Busuttil 10s.- G. Vassallo 10s.- Collected by Miss Mary Borg Cardona C.S.1s. from other persons 11s.
burse entrusted to saint teresa of the child jesus
A Devout Man. £100
burse entrusted to the sacred family
N.N.£51.- N.N.£48.- N.N.19.
of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1933.
While we publish this Almanac, we
would like to remember our friends and benefactors and thank them for whate-
ver they did for us last year. For the
coming year we would like to remind
them that we cannot accept the Pope's
invitation to commemorate the centenary of the Redemption of Man in a better way than by giving ourselves with greater zeal for the work of the Missions.
Nihil obstat Datum Melitae die 13 Januarii 1933.
Datum Vallettae dei 11ma. Jan 1933
= MAURUS O.S.B. Arch. Epus. Melit.
Published at " St. Joseph's Home "- Hamrun -Malta.
(short sayings placed at the bottom of certain pages or at the end of a number of articles)
The harvest is great. But the workers are few
If we love God a great deal, we also work much for him
God blesses the work of the Missionary
because of the suffering he undertakes
One look at the Crucifix
teaches us the value of a man's soul
Hand on this Almanac to somebody else.
Christ should reign;
Therefore help his army.
When we leave something for God's sake,
He gives us a hundred times over.
God wants everybody to be saved;
therefore he wants everybody to know the truth.
Work and pray as much as you can
so that the light of faith shines everywhere
We cannot love Christ
Without thinking of the souls for whom he died
Read this Almanac from cover to cover.
Throw a glance at the Mission Field
and see how much harvest is expecting the workers.
If you have not yet decided,
Check whether you are called to be a Missionary.
In your beneficence, remember
The work of the study burses
Let us strive for the Heart of Jesus
To reign on the Mission Field
We behave as lazy people
When we are not working for Christ
Speak about the Missions
Let no day pass
Without saying a Hail Mary for the Missionary
Pray for this Institute of the Missions
He who really loves Jesus, wishes him to be loved by everybody.
We cannot love Christ
without thinking of the souls for whom he died
The following sentence seems to be wrongly punctuated.
It seems to say "How can he who knows the value of a soul
does not intercede for it?" (Translator's note).
Another possible translation might be: "How can he who knows how much as soul id worth, do not do his best to save it?"
Literally there is : "Who knows the value of a soul. It may be (or it is/is it possible) not to interceed for it.
Under construction Saint Agatha, Rabat
Architect, Mr.Hugh Mallia.
the foundation stone
The Foundation Stone ready for blessing
For many years we had hoped that the time to start building was ripe; a building to house, as necessary, the young men to be prepared and brought up in their very beautiful vocation to depart from their country and seek and find their brothers, far, far, away. To give them the light of the Gospel, Jesus Christ and His Holy Name, to place it in their mind and in their heart and on their lips. But, year after year we had to look with a heavy heart at this hope of ours receding, far, far away as if carried away by some mysterious wind; as if it could never be fulfilled. But no one succeeds to thwart what God wants to happen.
And so when the time was ripe to roll up one's sleeves and start working, with the brave eagerness of the master-builder and the workers, of the members of the P.I.M. Committee, of the Master of ceremonies and of all involved inthe matter everything for the occurrence of the laying of the foundation stone was so well prepared that the ceremony turned out to be a greater success, more solemn than we had ever thought of and than what all our friends expected. So much so that afterwards they spent a long time congratulating us and telling us that they never expected such a great, beautiful and devout feast.
january 31 days
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.
The sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes.
Pope Pius XI instituted the Missionary day so that it would be given completely to the dear work of the Missions.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C. New Year's Day |
2 |
Monday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint John the Ap. Octave |
First Quarter at 5 and 22m. in the evening. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory Bishop |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
@ |
6 |
Friday |
The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Lucian martyr |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany-The Sacred Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph). |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Julian and companions martyrs |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint William bishop of Bourges |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Hyginus pope martyr |
Full moon at 9 and 34m. in the evening. |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Probus bishop |
13 |
Friday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Hilary conf. and doct. of the Church |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany - Saint Paul first hermit |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Marcellus I Pope Martyr |
Beginning of novena to Saint Paul in the Chapel of the Institute
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anthony Abbot (blessing of horses) |
18 |
Wednesday |
Chair of Saint Peter at Rome |
19 |
Thursday |
Ss. Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abacus martyrs |
Last Quarter at 7 and 13m. in the morning. |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Fabian pope and Sebastian soldier martyrs |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Publius I Bishop of Malta and St. Agnes V. |
22 |
Sunday |
III After Epiphany - Ss. Vincent and Anastasius m. |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Raymond from Pennafort |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Timothy bishop martyr |
25 |
Wednesday |
Conversion of Our Father St. Paul the Ap. Principal Patron Malta and Gozo and tit. of the Cath. and H. Safi. |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Policarp bishop |
Beginning of Triduum of St. Paul at the Chapel of the Institute.
New Moon at midnight and 18m. |
27 |
Friday |
St.John Chrysostom; Doctor of the Church |
28 |
Saturday |
The apparition of Saint Agnes virgin |
29 |
Sunday |
IV After Epiphany - Saint Francis from Sales |
The feast of Saint Paul held at the Chapel of the Institute
30 |
Monday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
31 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Nolasco conf. |
In fact, on the 3rd of last October all the missionaries gathered at the Church of Saint Agatha, Rabat. They went out processionally in twos wearing the surplice, expecting the Bishop near the cross of Hal Bajjada Str. The members of the P.I.M. Committee were already there, for the same reason, together with them. As soon as the Bishop Msgr Maurice Caruana O.S.B. arrived and the Superior kissed his hand, the procession started to move towards the Church. When we arrived together at the door, the Saint Joseph's Home children greeted him with the pontifical hymn. After the Bishop showed them his satisfaction and blessed them, he entered the Church, adorned for the occasion and full of guests. When everybody was at his place, the Superior kissed again the Bishop's hands and commenced his speech to invite the Bishop for the ceremony. For those who could not be present for some reason or other, we are here publishing the speech.
Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboravernut qui aedificant eam.
Your Excellency,
The divine words kindle total trust in us, without any reserve, in God's help. Better still, they give us strong faith in the first movement of the Principal Agent; they were already chosen and placed at the beginning of the rules which guide the new Missionary Institute which gathered us here for the benefit of its increase and prosperity. These words are, no less fitting and worthy to be remembered to day.
As everybody knows- Your Excellency- God's works and not ours, bear contrariety as a sign and as an ornament. In the work we have before us and in our hands, for the span of about fourteen years, there were so many
The Bishop approaching theFoundation Stone
The Bishop blessing the Foundation Stone
difficulties one after the other, that they could have tired every man. But since it was God who set to work at the task, His servants never lacked courage. Moreover, like a firm and sweet breeze God's spirit which always accompanied the difficulty blew in the sails of our poor boat, troubled by the waves.
And therefore all those who could recognize all the circumstances, whether very close or at distance which during such a long time led to today's solemn occurrence, can understand quickly and well the great happiness which inhabits our soul at this instance. We have arrived at the longed for right; we can, in God's name raise our voice, as we in fact do, to invite Your Rev. Excellency to pray and call down from heaven your choosing blessing On the Foundation Stone of this edifice. This Edifice will receive those who, with a generous heart befitting their youth, accepted the invitation they heard from on high to devout themselves to spread Christ's kingdom on earth through their work. Yes, here these youths are prepared to be able to obey the order of the Lord of the harvest. "Euntes docete omnes gentes." Go and teach all peoples. " Praedicate Evangelium omni creaturae," preach the Gospel to all creatures.
"Go and teach all nations." It is here, Rev. Excellency, that we quickly feel sentiment of humiliation and confusion when we start to think about the greatness of the need and the small amount that our work,still in its beginning, can offer- 1700 million,
february 28 days
Month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul the Ap.
The Sun rises at 27 min. It sets at 5 and 28 min.
On Missionary day, the christians dispersed throughout the whole world should find ways to help, everybody according to one's ability, the holy work of spreading the Faith.
1 |
Wednesday |
Octave of the Conv. of Saint Paul -St. Ignatius bishop m. |
2 |
Thursday |
Purification of the Virgin Mary Candlemas |
First Quarter at 2 and 14m. in the evening. |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Blaise bishop martyr |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Andrew Corsini bishop |
5 |
Sunday |
V After Epiphany- Saint Agatha virg. and mart. (Second Patroness of Malta) |
6 |
Monday |
Saint Titus bishop |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Romuald abbot |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint John from Matha |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Cyril bishop and doctor |
10 |
Friday |
Shipwreck of our father Saint Paul the Ap at Malta - Titular and Patron of Valletta and of Malta and Gozo- National Feast |
Full Moon at 1 and 59m. in the evening. |
11 |
Saturday |
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes in 1858. |
12 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima - The 7 Founders of the Servites of Mary. |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Martinianus hermit |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Valentine martyr |
15 |
Wednesday |
Ss. Faustinus and Jovita martyrs |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Falvian |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Onesimus bishop |
Last Quarter at 3 and 6m. in the evening. |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Simon bishop |
19 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima - Saint Conrad hermit at noto |
20 |
Monday |
Ss.Nemisius and companions martyrs (The dedic. of St. John Bapt. at Valletta) |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eucherius bishop |
22 |
Wednesday |
Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter Damiani bishop Giovedi Grass |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Matthias Ap. martyr |
New Moon at 1 and 42m. in the evening. |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Alexander bishop (Carnival) |
26 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima " |
Three days of Solemn exposition of the M. Bl. Sac. |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Leander bishop (Carnival) |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint Sarapion Carmelite " |
The Bishop is preparing the Mortar bed for the Foundation Stone
Your Rev E., are today the inhabitants of the world. Out of these 1700 million, a 1000 million, that is much more than half of them, are still expecting the blessing of divine redemption; they still do not know anything about our Redeemer, Their ears have never heard the sweet name of Jesus who, because of the work of Paul of Tarsus has been ringing on our lips for two thousand years. Therefore when we compare such a large number to our small fold for which today we are beginning this building, no one has to wonder if our senses, the mind and heart feel full of confusion. But, to say the truth; if the gospel event of the widow's mite encourages us, on the other hand we look upwards and put our hope in him who is Our most beloved Father because, when God is building, those who build the walls do not labour in vain. We find another consolation in the thought full of truth that God's power which made everything out of nothing and the power of the God Man who fed thousands of people from five loaves, has never changed and is still there for ever. And the sign of the cross which Your Rev. E. Puts today on this Foundation Stone, You as a representative of the Vicar of Christ, as Christ among us, this sign descends also like ointment with balm on all those pertaining to our Missionary Institute; it makes them grow in the spirit of Paul their Father; it makes their hearts similar to his because, as the Chrysostom says, the heart of Paul is the heart of Christ. Then he makes them grow more and more in number so that, in the extensive missionary work, in the infinite enterprise for the salvation of the pagan world, even they have their share as soon as possible. This was the living wish of the holy Pope Pius X while he blessed the beginning of the Institute. This is the ardent wish of the reigning Pontiff, Pope Pius XI, the Missionary Pope, whenever he repeats his blessing on us. This is the object so much longed for by us. Here finally we would be able to say that we have heard and fulfilled the commandment of Christ, "go and teach."
march 31 days
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
The sun rises at 6 and 30m. It sets at 5 and 56m.
Missions day should be a day of: prayer, mass, communion, adoration of the Blessed sacrament and medtiation
During this month the kurunella and the prayer of the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph are said
1 |
Wednesday |
Ash W. fasting and abst. begin and celebration of marriages prohibited |
2 |
Thursday |
Saint Simplicius pope |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Cunegundes August empress Fasting and abst. |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Casimir bishop do |
First Quarter at 11 and 12m. in the morning |
5 |
Sunday |
I of Lent |
6 |
Monday |
Ss.Perpetua and Felicitas martyrs |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas angelic doctor, dominican. |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint John of God Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Frances of Rome widow |
10 |
Friday |
The 40 Saints Martyrs of Sebaste Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Eulogius martyr Emb.D. fasting and abst. |
12 |
Sunday |
II of Lent -St.Gregory Pope tit. Kerc.-Gozo. (Process. in the Parishes) |
Full Moon at 3 and 44m. in the morning |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Euphrasia virgin |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Mathildis queen |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Zachary pope |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Cyriacus martyr |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Patrick bishop fasting and abst. |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Cyril Jerosolmitan bishop doctor do. |
Last Quarter at 10 and 3m. in the evening. |
19 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
20 |
Monday |
St. Joseph spouse of the V.M. feast at Rabat - fasting |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Benedict abbot |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Lina virgin |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Victorian martyr |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Gabriel Archangel fasting and abst. |
25 |
Saturday |
The Annunciation of Mary do |
26 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
New Moon at 5 and 18m. in the morning |
27 |
Monday |
Saint John Damascene doctor |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint John from Capistrano |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Cyril deacon martyr |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint John Climacus |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Balbina virgin and martyr fasting and abst. |
Te Deum sung as a conclusion of the Month of March
Your Rev. E.! I would be guilty of failing you gravely if I do not take the occasion to give you my thanks today for all the help which .you were pleased to give to our small work, since it appeared among us up to the present day. We are therefore not sorry to remember our state in which we then were; without form, surrounded by so much want and defects. For today we feel the satisfaction that we can say that our work, in its foundation, moved and led by Divine Providence, always found in Your Rev. E. that Fatherly help which no one but us can esteem in all its greatness. The cessation of this very devout temple was not the last among favours. To this we can add the proposal of the present meeting and the honour you have been pleased to shower on us by coming among us to bless and place this Foundation Stone with all solemnity. And therefore we feel we are fulfilling our duty when, in front of such a gentle and courageous gathering of our admirers and friends who know how to lift their minds upwards and know how to keep their heart full of the thought of God and of His works. Yes, at this moment we present you our thanks to gain in force as soon as it is united to that of all the others. And we make ours the cherished words of the dear Missionary Pope gloriously reigning while we address them towards you, Your Rev. E., in the most kindled wish so that the Divine Founder of the Church pours always in abundance his graces on this diocese, so much beloved by your paternal heart.
Bless, Rev. E! Bless this Foundation
The Foundation Stone descending slowly in place
sustained by the Bishop and godparents.
april 30 days
Month dedicated to the Risen Christ
The sun rises at 5 and 40m. It sets at 6 and 23m.
On Missios day our prayers should be (intended) so that God enlightens the mind of the poor ones who are in spiritual darkness.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Hugh bishop fasting and abstin. |
2 |
Sunday |
Passion S.- Saint Francis from Paula |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Pancras |
First Quarter at 6 and 54m. in the morning. |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Isodore bishop doctor |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Vincent Ferreri Domenican |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Celestine pope |
7 |
Friday |
The 7 Sorrows of the Virgin Mary fasting and abstin. |
8 |
Saturday |
Saint Perpetnus bishop do. |
9 |
Sunday |
Palm S. |
10 |
Monday |
M. in Holy week |
Full Moon at 2 and 36m. in the evening. |
11 |
Tuesday |
T. in Holy week |
12 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
13 |
Thursday |
Maundy T. |
14 |
Friday |
Good. F.-Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ fasting and abstin. |
15 |
Saturday |
Holy S. Fasting and abst. end at noon |
16 |
Sunday |
Easter Sunday Cel. of marriages allowed |
17 |
Monday |
Easter M. |
Last Quarter at 5 and 15m. in the morning |
18 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Leo IX pope- Proc. of St. Gregory from the Cathedral |
20 |
Thursday |
SS.Sulpicius and Servilian |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Anselm bishop |
22 |
Saturday |
SS.Soter and Caius popes martyrs |
23 |
Sunday |
Low. S. I After Easter (H.Balzan and Tarxien feast of the Annunciation) |
24 |
Monday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmaringen (Hal Qormi feast of St. George) |
New Moon at 7 and 36m in the evening. |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Wednesday |
SS.Cetus and Marcellinus popes martyrs |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter Canisius doctor |
28 |
Friday |
Saint Paul of the Cross |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter martyr |
30 |
Sunday |
II After Easter. Feast of St. Publius at Floriana. |
Beginning of the month of May in honour of Mary Our Most Blessed Mother in the Chapel of Institute.
During the blessing of all the foundations
Stone! And may this blessing, together with the blessing which the Father of all christians was pleased to give us today, strengthen the truth that God started this work; that our hope in God's help which is so necessary, is strengthened. According to what the words of the Royal prophet teach us :" Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam ." "If God is not he who builds the house, those who are building it labour in vain
As soon as the Superior finished his speech, all those present in the church, went out quickly, led by the members of the P.I.M. committee.
During the blessing of Pope Pius XI
May 31 days
Month dedicated to our Lady the Virgin Mary
The sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 6 and 45m.
On Mission day we must pray so that everybody recognises the true faith and embraces it heartily.
Special devotions towards Our Lady, Mary, will be held.
1 |
Monday |
Ss.Philip and James Ap. martyrs |
2 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anastasis bishop |
First Quarter at 11 and 37m. in the evening. |
3 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St. Joseph. |
4 |
Thursday |
Finding of the Holy cross |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Pius V Pope |
6 |
Saturday |
Martyrdom of Saint John ap. and evangelist |
7 |
Sunday |
III After Easter |
8 |
Monday |
The apparition of St. Michael Arch.- Feast of O.L.- of Pompei |
The supplika of O.L. of Pompei will be held at noon in the Chapel |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gregory Nazienzen bishop |
Full Moon at 11 and 2m. in the evening. |
10 |
Wednesday |
St. Joseph's Octave- Ss. Giordanus and Epimacus mm. |
11 |
Thursday |
Saint Barnabas Ap. |
12 |
Friday |
Ss.Nereus, Achillaus and companions m. Haz-Zebbug |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Robert Bellarmine doctor (Feast of St. Philip) |
14 |
Sunday |
IV After Easter |
15 |
Monday |
Saint John Baptist de la Salle |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ubald bishop |
Last Quarter at 1 and 48m. in the evening. |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Paschal Baylon |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Celestine pope and St. Pudentiana. |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Bernardine from Siena |
21 |
Sunday |
V After Easter |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Rita widow from Cascia |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Baptist de Rossi |
24 |
Wednesday |
Ss.Domitian and Rogotian mm. |
New Moon at 11 and 5m. in the morning. |
+25 |
Thursday |
Jesus Christ ascends into Heaven |
Beginning of novena to the Holy Spirit in the Chapel. |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Philip Neri |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Bede Venerable doctor of the Church |
28 |
Sunday |
Between Ascension Octave |
29 |
Monday |
Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi |
30 |
Tuesday |
Saint Felix pope martyr |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Angela mericiy virg. and St. Petronilla virg. |
Function to end month of May held, before sacramental Benediction, Te Deum Sung. And the month of June begins.
A month after the Foundation Stone, on the Eastern side.
They took their places behind the ropes there prepared. The Bishop, accompanied by the Canons of the Cathedral together with the two godparents Sir Hugh Mifsud Prime Minister and Sir Arthur Mercieca President of the law Courts and by the Missionaries processionally came out of the Church and walked towards the foundation stone. The foundations of the building were surrounded not only by the guests who were not a few and did their best to come, some even from afar; but also by a large crowd of happy people. The word Missions and Missionaries console the heart of every christian in Malta, also, just as it does throughout the whole world. For the love of Jesus Christ dwells in everybody's heart and this love brings with it the wish that Christ be known by everybody so that everybody loves him.
As we have already said the Bishop was assisted by the Canons of the Cathedral. As soon as he arrived on the spot of the Foundation Stone he
began the cherished prayers as ordered by the ritual of the Church and with the sign of the Cross he sprinkled holy water. After this he laid on the ground and, although dressed in pontifical garb he started to level the stone bed with the mortar prepared for him. He did his part so whole- heartily that he seemed a man of the trade. When he rose up again the stone started to descend very slowly and very gently until it touched the ground. It was sustained by him and by the two godfathers. At the last master's stroke, delivered by the Master Joseph Sapian the stone lay completely in its place. The stone was cut from a hard-stone quarry; it is quite large and at one side it has a stone cross made from the dear and miraculous stone of the cave of Saint Paul; the cave is close to our church of Saint Agatha. At the end of the ceremony of the foundation
June 30 days
Month of the M. S. Heart of Jesus.
On Missions Day our prayer should be intended so that everybody throughout the world adores the true God in a fitting way.
Throughout this month there will be special devotions in honour of the Most. Sac. Heart of Jesus.
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Pacificus martyr |
First Quarter at noon and 51m. |
2 |
Friday |
SS.Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus martyrs |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Clotildis queen (Vigil fasting and abst.) |
4 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
5 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
6 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Claud bishop Emb. Days fasting and abst. |
8 |
Thursday |
Saint Medard Bishop |
Full Moon at 6 and 3m. in the morning. |
9 |
Friday |
Ss.Primus and Felicianus martyrs Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Margaret Queen Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
11 |
Sunday |
I After Pent. M. Bl. Trinity Tit. Feast of Marsa |
12 |
Monday |
Saint John of Saint Facondus |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Basil the great doctor |
15 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
Last Quarter at midnight and 24m. |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Francis Regis |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Avitus abbot |
18 |
Sunday |
II After Pent. Feast of Corpus Christi at Rabat |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Juliana Falconieri virgin |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint Sylverius Pope martyr |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Aloysius Conzaga |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
New Moon at 9 and 6m. in the morning. |
24 |
Saturday |
Birth of Saint John Baptist (Tit. of Conc.Ch.Valletta and of |
25 |
Sunday |
III After Pent. Xewkija, Gozo) |
26 |
Monday |
Saint John and Paul martyrs |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ladislaus king |
Triduum to Saint Paul begins at the Chapel |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint Irineus bishop martyr |
29 |
Thursday |
Martyrdom of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul (Feast at Imdina and tit. of Nadur Gozo ) |
30 |
Friday |
Memorial of the mart. of St. Paul Ap. (feast at Rabat. ) |
Feast of the Apostle Our Father. Before Benediction in the evening the kurunella of Saint Paul is said and the Te Deum to conclude the month of June is sung and of the XIII anniversary of the Society. A.D. 1910
Last Quarter at 10 and 39m. in the evening.
A month after the Foundation Stone on the Western side.
stone the Bishop continued to go round and bless all the foundations of the outer wall of the whole building which was planned; throughout the blessing, the "Asperges me Domine hyssopo et mundabor" was sung. As soon as he arrived near the foundation stone he ordered the Superior to publish that on that day the Pope was pleased to give his blessing to all those who should have been present on that day for this occurrence. And since the blessing was also accompanied with the very great privilege of the Plenary Indulgence, at the singing of the Confiteor everybody knelt down and the act of contrition came out of everybody's mouth with great devotion and fervour so that the fruit of the indulgence descends in everybody's soul and confirms it. When the Bishop made the holy sign of the Cross over the crowd of souls by whom he was surrounded in stead of the Pope and in the name of the Pope, he intoned the hymn of thanksgiving and amidst the singing of the Te Deum he retraced processionally his steps from where he had come to the church of Saint Agatha. There, as soon as he arrived this ceremony was concluded with the antiphon of Saint Paul, patron of this Missionary Institute. This ceremony was really a great success; it was so dear and beautiful surrounded by everybody's good wishes; wishes which we can now say were truly courageous. God strengthened them so much that, to the amazement of all those who visited the work after a month the master builder had to start preparing to place the beams. And really, as we have already said before, it could not be otherwise.
good luck !
When the foundation stone of the Missionary Institute was laid at Saint Agatha's Rabat, to our amazement and consolation we realized how much all our friends and benefactors have it at heart. From that same moment, everybody augured us and encouraged us; their wish to work and help us so that they share in our work was clear from the questions of many of them. Some did not hold back in resolving their wish to fact. Those who could not come and others from afar delivered their good thoughts through writing. The members of the Saint Paul's Missionary Grusade erected at the Seminary of Floriana wrote thus to us:" since we cannot come for this beautiful ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the Missionary Institute, we send you our best wishes so that this new Institute ,blessed by God and loved from the Maltese becomes a nice nursery of soldiers of Christ among the infidels." And our friend Friar Daniel M. Callus of the Dominicans who is at Oxford in England and therefore he can see, hear observe and evaluate a little better than us, wrote this to us :" In the papers which I have received today I read about the laying of the foundation stone of the Missionary Institute being built at Imdina near Saint Agatha's Sanctuary. Permit me to present you the most lively joy and at the same time the most ardent wishes that it would be erected as soon as possible for God's glory and for the extension of His Kingdom on this earth through the preaching of the Faith on the Mission field. May the Institute of St. Paul grow, flourish and spread. This is my wish and my prayer!"
We thank all our friends and ask God to reward them for all the good they do us and wish us.
Let us make sure that our heart never lacks thanksgiving to God for the gift of faith which He was pleased to bestow on us without any merit on our part; let us keep alive within us the wish that whoever is not adorned with it will soon share it with us.
july 31 days
Month of the Precious Blood of the Redeemer
The sun rises at 4 and 46m. It sets at 7 and 28m.
Mission Day should be a day of unit with those thousands of brave Missionaries, men and women, who are far away, working for the extension of the kingdom of Christ.
1 |
Saturday |
The precious blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Sunday |
IV After Pent- Visitation of V.M. |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Leo II pope (Tit. of Porto Salvo Vallette) |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulderic |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
6 |
Thursday |
SS.Peter and Pael Ap. Octave |
7 |
Friday |
SS. Cyril and Methodius brothers Bishops |
Full Moon at noon and 49m. |
8 |
Saturday |
Saint Elisabeth queen of Portugal |
9 |
Sunday |
V After Pent. - (Tit. feast Saint Joseph Kalkara). |
10 |
Monday |
The Seven brothers martyrs |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint Pius I pope martyr |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Gualbert abb. |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Anacletus pope martyr |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Bonaventure Cardinal bishop, and serafic doct. |
Last Quarter at 1 and 22m in the evening. |
15 |
Saturday |
Saint Henry Emperor |
16 |
Sunday |
VI After Pent.- Sol. Comm. of O.L. of Carmel |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Alexius (Feast at Valletta) |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Camillus de Lellis confessor |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Vincent of Paul |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Jerome Emiliani and Saint Elijah Prophet |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Praxedes virgin (Found. of the Carmelites) |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Mary Magdalen penetint |
New Moon at 5 and 1m. in the evening. |
23 |
Sunday |
VII After Pent. SS. Apollinaire bishop and S.Liborius bishop, tit. feast of St. Joseph, Imsida, (on these three days the house of Saint Chalcedonius at Floriana will be open). |
24 |
Monday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint James Ap martyr |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anne Mother of the V.M. |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Pantaleone bishop |
28 |
Friday |
SS.Nazarius and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Martha virgin sister of Mary Magdalen |
30 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pent. St. Venera -tit. of St. Venera |
First Quarter at 5 and 42m. in the morning |
31 |
Monday |
St.Ignatius founder of the Jesuits |
Beginning of the Assumption Kwindicina at the Chapel.
the assumption of mary
Since Saint Paul's providential coming, the Maltese did not only embrace the faith of Christ; they also embraced the great devotion towards his mother Our Lady the Virgin Mary. When it was time to leave us after he revealed Jesus to us, St. Paul did not leave us orphans because, before he left, he left us Saint Publius as a representative of Christ instead of him. As a heavenly mother he left us Jesus’ mother herself as the two images which Saint Luke, (Saint Paul's companion during his coming,) left us, can witness. One is on the rock, in the Mellieha cave. Today this is a most dear Sanctuary. The other is on wood at the oratory of the palace of Saint Publius where nowadays the Cathedral is built. This has always been venerated by means of a feast on the day of Mary's Assumption. Yes, under the veneration of the Assumption of Mary. the devotion did not spread only throughout Malta but also in Gozo where the titular of the Matrix is, to this day, the Assumption of Mary. Therefore we too chose her as our most cherished patroness, we who since the beginning of the Institute felt Mary's help. Since the Institute had its beginning in the island of Saint Paul, we felt that we could not do better than venerate her under a very ancient custom in Malta when, under the title " Santa Marija" her assumption into heaven is celebrated throughout the whole place.
And when in the course of development of the Institute we came to open the boarding house at the Oratory of B'kara, we could not find a better name than that of Santa Marija. We also dedicated the first academy we held at the Boarding House in honour of the Blessed Virgin since it was also the year of the centenary of the council of Ephesus. Before concluding that very dear meeting we adopted a resolution to ask the Bishop, in our smallness, to ask the Pope to advance the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Blessed virgin , how and when he sees it fit. Therefore everyone can recognize how our small institute cherishes the words with which the Bishop concluded the beautiful speech about the Catholic Action on this year's feast of Christ the King. We will publish here those words just as they came out of the Bishop's own mouth over the microphone.
"And to begin well, (the Catholic Action), like the first Twelve, together with the first disciples , let us gather, in prayer and in thought, with Mary. Mary was she who led the Child Jesus in his first steps. It was Mary who led the first Apostles in their first steps. Those Soldiers of Religion who were our forefathers combatted and won in Mary's name. In Mary's
name the first soldiers of the Catholic Action were summoned and reared. Under the veil of Mary Assumed, Patroness of Malta, even we erected the first federation of Catholic Young Men here in Malta. It is therefore fitting that even today, on the feast of Christ the King, on the feast of this Kingdom of Christ which is the church, we hail here even today, as we did last year when we had the luck to crown her Queen, " Queen of the Angels; Mary, our Mother."
"This year we would like to see another crown surrounding her head. Since the first days, the Christians believed that when the breath of this life did not maintain that most pure body through which Jesus, the Son of God took the human form, Mary was assumed into heaven body and soul. In this way, since the oldest times, even we Maltese have venerated her under the title of "Santa Marija" the Assumpta. Seven Churches, Seven of the most ancient parishes witness to it. Today therefore , that the Catholic Christians of the whole world are asking the Pope to define as a dogma of faith this veneration and this belief, it is fitting that even we do associate ourselves with them. It is fitting that Malta " Cattolicissima " , as it was (one) of the first to believe and built and erected seven churches, seven of the oldest parishes to Mary Assumed into heaven body and soul to show its faith, it would not remain to be one of the last to ask the Pope to hear our prayers, together with the prayers of all the other catholics throughout the world and put this beautiful crown on her head."
"As we are gathered here together, it is fitting to honour Her son Jesus, King of Kings; let us also hail Mary, Mother of Jesus , Queen of Heaven: Ave Regina Coelorum! Queen of heaven, hail! Ave domina angelorum. Queen of Angels, hail ! These angels of the Church, these soldiers of peace, the new Apostles of the Catholic Action greet you throughout the world: Queen of the angels, Mary, Mother of God, Hail! And, together with them, these your sons of Malta, all our children, all our young men, all our young women look towards you so that you watch over them: Protect them from distress; protect them from injury; protect them from the harm of the soul while all together they tell you " Queen of the Angels, Queen of Heaven, hail . And together with them, all the fathers of Malta, all the mothers of Malta greet you; they pray to you Holy Mary , assumed into heaven, hail: salve radix, salve porta, you are the main plant from which the flower sprouted; you opened heaven's door from where light descended. Our Lady assumed into heaven, hail! Where you are enjoying God, above the stars, above the sun, above the most of angels and saints, with that soul which was never damaged by our sin, with that body out of which Your Son Jesus took human form , guade virgo gloriosa, super omnes speciosa , you who have outstripped us with your beauty, you who are God's delight, you who obtained God's love more than us sinners. Vale, O valde decora, beauty without stain, hail! Oh Queen , Oh Mary, hail! Remember us, we ask you to pray for us. Et pro nobis christum exora".
As soon as the Bishop ended his cherished speech, among everybody's joy and delight, he proposed this resolution in a very devout voice. It was received with a most fervid applause from the immense gathering of people.
Gathered around her Bishop in honour of Christ the King, Malta cattolicissima asks the Father and Teacher infallibility of all those who believe, to be pleased to confirm their belief of many hundreds of years by defining the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into heaven as a dogma of the faith.
A month after laying the foundation stone from the northern side
august 31 days
The month of Mary Assumed into Heaven.
The sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 7 and 11m.
On Missions Day let us also think of the many missionaries who need our help to able to continue their precious work.
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Ap. in Chains and the Maccabean Saints. |
2 |
Wednesday |
St. Alph. M. of Lignori and O.L. of the Angels (Portiuncula) |
3 |
Thursday |
When the body of St. Stephen martyr was found |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Dominic of Gusman conf. feast at Valletta |
5 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of the Snows. |
Full Moon at 8 and 30m. in the evening. |
6 |
Sunday |
IX After Pent- The Transfiguration of Our Saviour Tit. C. Lija |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Cajetan Tit. of Hamrun |
8 |
Tuesday |
SS. Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus and companions martyrs |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Aristarcus bishop companion of St. Paul during shipwreck. |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Laurence levite martyr Patron of Vittoriosa |
11 |
Friday |
St. John Mary Vianney. |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Clare of Assisi virgin |
13 |
Sunday |
X After Pent.- SS. Hipollitus and companions martyrs Feast of St. Cajetan, at Hamrun. |
Last Quarter at 4 and 47m. in the morning. |
14 |
Monday |
St. Eusebius confessor Vigil fasting and abst. |
15 |
Tuesday |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary .(tit. H. Ghaxaq, Attard, Gudja Qrendi, Mqabba, Mosta, Mgarr, Dingli, Malta and of the Cathedral and of Zebbug (Gozo). |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Joachim Father of the Virgin Mary |
17 |
Thursday |
Saint Hyacinth conf. |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Helen (Tit. feast of B'kara) |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint John Eudes confessor |
20 |
Sunday |
XI After Pent.- Saint Bernard Bishop and doctor Feast of Stella Maris at Sliema |
21 |
Monday |
St. Jane Frances Fremoit de Chantal widow |
New Moon at 6 and 46m. in the morning. |
22 |
Tuesday |
Assumption Octave |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Philip Bennizi conf. |
24 |
Thursday |
Saint Bartholomew Ap. martyr (tit. H. Gharghur) |
25 |
Friday |
Saint Ludwig king conf. |
26 |
Saturday |
Saint Zephyrinus pope martyr |
27 |
Sunday |
XII After Pent- Saint Joseph Calasanctius conf. (Feast of St. Julian ) |
28 |
Monday |
Saint Augustine bishop Doctor |
First Quarter at 11 and 11m. in the morning |
29 |
Tuesday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Rose from Lima dominican |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Raymond nonnatus Conf. |
joy at the institute
The appearance of a new man in the family brings get joy and it is a custom for a feast to be held on that day. No less happens at our Institute at the appearance of a new Priest within the Society; much more so when this is in its beginning and in great need of Priests who would be able to work in the field of Christ and save souls.
Therefore it was a very natural thing that our small Institute rejoices when, in his mercy, God was pleased to give us a new priest in the person of the Reverend Fr. Augustine Grech on the 25th of September of last Year at the Cathedral; he was ordained by the Bishop Dom Maurice Caruana O.S.B.
The day following the Priestly Ordination, on the 26th , the feast of the first mass was held at the Church of our Oratory, at B'Kara where this new Priest has been these last two years to help the local Superior in the running and in the work of this place.
This was already the second time that in the Chapel of this Oratory, the feast of the first mass of one of the priests of the Society was held . If the feast which was held the first time was a success, we can say no less for this one, thank God.
The Chapel was beautifully adorned and everything concurred to make the feast more solemn. The family, relatives and friends of the new priest and a large number of guests and benefectors of the Society were present at the feast.
The mass was very devout, with the music under the leadership of the Maestro F. Camilleri. The beautiful panegyric delivered by the M. R. Father Master Adeodato Schembri of the Order of St. Augustine really continued the feast. In beautiful words he showed the power, the office and the obligations of the catholic missionary Priest. Apart from the joy of beautiful words heard, everybody got the lesson to love and honour better the minister of Christ. After the mass, those who were present came foreward and kissed the hands of the new priest while they wished him a long life of work for God's glory and for the good of souls and of the Society.
The true Christian
is very eager for God's glory and for the good of souls. Therefore he fulfills his duty to help those holy works which as their aim have the spreading of the faith and the salvation of millions and millions who are still in the darkness of paganism.
september 30 days
The month of the Angels
The sun rises at 5 and 32m. It sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
On Missions Day let us think that, whatever we give to God, we will receive a hundred times over for it and that whoever gives for the Missions, will be giving God.
1 |
Friday |
Saint Giles Abbot- The XIII brothers martyrs |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Stephen King of Hungary |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pent.- Our Lady of the Cincture. |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Rosalia Palermitan virgin |
Full moon at 6 and 2m. in the morning. |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Laurence Justinian |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint Theoclistus Pilot martyr |
7 |
Thursday |
Remembrance of the Victory of 1565 National Feast |
= |
8 |
Friday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary Tit. and Patroness of Senglea, Naxxar, Mallieha and Xaghra, Gozo |
9 |
Saturday |
Saint Gorgonius martyr |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pent.- Saint Nicholas from Tolentino Haz-Zabbar tit. feast of O.L. of Graces. |
11 |
Monday |
Ss.Protus and Hyacinth martyrs |
Last Quarter at 10 and 28m. in the evening. |
12 |
Tuesday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria |
14 |
Thursday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross. |
15 |
Friday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V.M. |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Cornelius and Companions martyrs |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
XV After Pent.- the Wounds of St. Franc. of Assisi Birzebbuga tit. Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. |
18 |
Monday |
St. Joseph from Copertino |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Januarius bishop and companions mm. |
New Moon at 7 and 19m. in the evening. |
20 |
Wednesday |
Ss.Eustachius and companions mm. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
= |
21 |
Thursday |
St. Matthew Ap. and Evang. |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Thomas bishop Emb. D. fasting and abst |
23 |
Saturday |
St Linus pope and St.Thecla v.and m. " |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pent.- Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Monday |
Saint Firminus bishop martyr |
26 |
Tuesday |
Ded. of the consecrated Churches in Malta Feast with I Vespers held; sung Mass and II Vespers etc. |
First Quarter at 4 and 34m in the evening. |
27 |
Wednesday |
SS. Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Winceslas king of Bohemia |
@ |
29 |
Friday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Jerome confessor and doctor. |
the fair
The Fair at its most lively moments
Since the beginning of the Church, the christians used to gather so that, one mind and one heart they offered God the holy sacrifice, their prayers, their thanks, their praise. And during these gatherings, collections for whatever was necessary for the altar were made; the poor participated in whatever remained. After so many years, the same thing is still being done. Therefore as soon as we opened this Institute of the Missions as it came to be known gradually for God's glory, it seemed that everybody agreed... everyone showed us one's wish to help the new work. And since the number of these friends started increasing, we understood that it would be a good thing to bring everyone together. The proposal of a fair was eagerly accepted so that everybody would be able to help as one wished. Surrounded by recreation and pleasure and everybody's joy, in a hundred manners and ways, help on the Institute descends from heaven by means of everyone present at the Fair. Many gentlemen gathered underthe name of the Committee" Pro Instituto Missionario ". Every time they met in advance they thought of and prepared what was to be done on the day of the Fair. Apart from this, the catechists of the Oratorio of B'kara form another committee among themselves and with great solicitude, all of them strive so that the event would be a success. Not only that; but the Dames
To know if we have God's love in our heart, we have nothing to do but to look within us and see whether we have the wish that his name be known everywhere.
of Saint Agatha's laboratory also strive to help those who are already on the mission field. One must be there to see the solicitude of the Christian spirit growing while one reads the streamers dispersed against the walls of the yard of Oratory. For example, "Remember the milliard of pagans". "Help the army of Christ," "Give to others what Saint Paul gave to you", and many such beautiful words that, whether you like it or not, you have to put your hand in your pocket and, as soon as you take it out, you also help to push the Missionary cart. Now you have a number in a lottery, now you pay to enter and see the sweet games of some animals, now you find yourself holding a line to try your luck in a dry sea; now you face a bazaar supplied with whatever you need; now they tell you to move because above you there is already the camel's head; Marquis Scicluna sent it so that even he would have a share in the merit of the Institute. Now they would invite you, not without paying, for a cup of tea. Soon lotteries are drawn and you can imagine the winner's joy! And so, one event after the other and half a day passes; everybody is happy because everybody is satisfied with the work he has performed or with the time he has spent for God's glory and for the benefit of the souls of the pagans who, among the poor are the poorest.
The fair - The camel of the Marquis
october 31 days
The month of the Rosary
The sun rises at 5 55m. It sets at 45m.
On Missions day it is everybody's duty to help The Pontifical works of the Propaganda and of the Holy Childhood.
1 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pent.- Proc. of O.L. of the Rosary. |
2 |
Monday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus |
Full Moon at 6 and 6m in the evening. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis of Assisi Found. of the Minors |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Placidus and his companions martyrs |
6 |
Friday |
Saint Brunone conf. |
7 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
8 |
Sunday |
XVIII After Pent.- Ded. of the Cathedral of Malta |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Dionysius and companions martyrs |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Wednesday |
Ded. of the Cathedral of Gozo. The Maternity of Our Lady |
Last Quarter at 5 and 44m. in the evening. |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Wilfred bishop |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Edward King and Confessor |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Callitus I Pope martyr |
15 |
Sunday |
XIX After Pent.- Saint Teresa Carmelite Feast of Our Lady held at the Chapel. |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Hedwiges widow |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Margaret M. Alacoque. |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Luke Evangelist disc. and companion of Saint Paul during the Shipwreck. |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter of Alcantara |
New Moon at 6 and 43m in the morning. |
20 |
Friday |
Saint John Cantius |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Hilarion abbot- Saint Ursola and companions martyrs |
22 |
Sunday |
XX After Pent.- Saint Mary Salome disciple of Jesus Christ. |
Missions day. An hour of Solemn adoration from 11 to noon will be held; and in the evening a Sermon about the missions; morning and evening collections for the missions
23 |
Monday |
Saint Theodorita martyr |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Wednesday |
SS. Chrysanthus and Darias his wife, martyrs |
First Quarter at 11 and 19m in the evening. |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Furmentius bishop |
28 |
Saturday |
SS. Simon and Jude Thaddeus Ap. martyrs. |
29 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pent.- Feast of Jesus Christ King. |
From 11 to noon an hour of Solemn Adoration, the Act of Consecration and Litany of the Heart of Jesus.
30 |
Monday |
SS. Marcellus and Cassianus martyrs |
31 |
Tuesday |
Saint Quintin martyr Vigil fasting and abst. |
The fair - Drawing the Lottery
The Missionary is a martyr
because he is a strong proclaimer of a supernatural program. He disperses it and defends it with suffering and with blood. He knows that the ways to spread the Gospel are harsh and difficult, that before reaching his aim he must pass through bramble and thorns. He knows too that the seed sown in the hearts cannot grow strong unless watered by blood. The crown of martyrdom is always infront of the Missionary's eyes who yearns greatly for it and starts feeling the joy of that day when, in some area of foreign land he would be able to offer himself for God's glory and for the salvation of souls.Msgr. Salotti, from the Radio of the Vatican.
november 30 days
All Souls Month.
The sun rises at 6 and 22m. It sets at 5 and 6m.
Another work worth helping us the Work of Saint Peter Apostle so that there will be priests from the Mission countries themselves.
1 |
Wednesday |
All Saints |
2 |
Thursday |
All Souls |
Full Moon at 8 and 57m. in the morning |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Hubert bishop |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Charles Borromeo bishop and doctor |
5 |
Sunday |
XXII After Pent.- The Relics of this diocese |
6 |
Monday |
Saint Leonard Tit. of Hal Chircop |
7 |
Tuesday |
Ss. Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
8 |
Wednesday |
All Saint's Octave |
9 |
Thursday |
Cons. of Archibasilica of Our Saviour Rome. |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Andrew Avellino confessor |
Last Quarter at 1 and 6m in the evening. |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Martin bishop |
12 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pent.- Saint Martin I pope martyr |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Didacus |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Josaphath bishop martyr |
Te Deum for Canonical Erection of the Society of Saint Paul sung at Chapel; in the evening.
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Albert the great bishop and doctor |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Geltrude benedictine virgin |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus bishop |
New Moon at 5 and 22m. in the evening. |
18 |
Saturday |
Consecration of the Patriarchal Basilicas of Saint Peter in the Vatican and of Saint Paul outside Rome. |
19 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pent.- Saint Elisabeth widow |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Felix from Valois confessor |
21 |
Tuesday |
Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Cecily virgin and martyr |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Clement I pope martyr |
24 |
Friday |
Saint John of the Cross and Saint Crisoganus |
First Quarter at 8 and 36m. in the morning. |
25 |
Saturday |
St. Catherime V. and M. Tit. of Zejtun and Zurrieq |
26 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pent.- Saint Sylvester bened. abbot. |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Maximus bishop |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint James della Marca |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Saturninus martyr |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Andrew Ap. martyr (tit. of Hal Luqa). |
cardinal van rossum
Whoever keeps in mind the Missionary nature of our Institute understands quickly that the death of Card. Van Rossum was felt in a particular way within our small rows. He was the Head of the Propaganda Fide and therefore he was at the head of the whole Missionary world. And since its beginning God wanted the Institute to be Missionary, when we were in the early days of foundation, one day we also found ourselves infront of the venerable person of the Cardinal. And we remembered, and still do always remember how he hosted us, with tears in his eyes, because he was so pleased with
the purpose of the Institute. And we have remembered, and still do remember, the sound counsels he gave us so that the institute would be really good and firm work, beneficial for the Church of Jesus Christ. Therefore together with the whole missionary world we also do lift our small voice through these pages and ask God for rest, honour and glory for such a holy soul both in its life in religion with the Redemptorists as well as for its share with the hierarchy of the Church. We can imagine the extent of Card. Van Rossum's work as an arm of the Pope in the Mission field at this time when Pius XI is being called the Missionary Pope by everybody.
The Missionary is an Apostle who, full of courage and ability goes to far away countries which are poorly receptive and know nothing of the beauty of God's word. Proclaimer of those truths of which the christian religion is teacher and custodian, he enlightens the minds of the local people, gives a new shape to conscience, he shows them a law which serves as leader, he gives them a discipline which curbs their passions and instills a firm earnestness towards good. In this way honesty develops, firm characters are formed, better generations are prepared and every people starts writing its own new history.
Msgr.Salotti from the radio of the Vatican
domine da mihi animas
Since the beginning of the new centuries the shout of a merciful prayer which moves hearts was hurled throughout the four winds of heaven; that shout of a sincere and faithful wish which some holy souls presented as a prayer to the Lord of all creatures, "Domine da mihi animas" Lord give me souls.
Because of this voice the wolf and the lamb meet together; they eat from the same grass and drink from the same valleies to form their forces so that hand in hand they try anew to befriend other animals. Yes, diverse races join together; the negro mixes with the white, the savage with the gentle, the depraved with the virtuous, the poor with the rich, the old man with the youth, without considering their diverse nature but they unite together in one thing and at the force of this echo they eat from the eucharistic bread which makes them one nature, one body, one blood, one soul under one lord who do not wish anything except unity, belief , justice and mercy.
It was that gentle shout "Domine da mihi animas et caetera tolle" which induced many wise personages to leave their friends, their brothers, their dear parents, their country and go far, far away into foreign and idolatrous lands to leave their lives there for the love of those souls which are not yet redeemed by the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, a great number of bishops, priests, lay people, sisters and secular (people) also offered themselves like courageous soldiers to fulfil the wish which christ showed his apostles through the words," Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti " go and teach all nations, and baptise them in the name of the Father,and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Therefore our beloved Shepherd , the present Pope, encourages all the faithful with his holy pen, from the throne of Saint Peter, to declare war over darkness; not a war of swords however, but of more potent arms of the evangelical words. These pierce the hardest hearts not by cannons but through good customs which demolish the terrible fortresses of vice; a war of peace, not of sorrow; not a war of loss but of victory and of certain victory; of triumph and not of a domination which ends, but a kingdom of heaven which lasts for ever and ever.
This shout " Domine da mihi animas " induced Pope Pius XI to encourage and help the works of the missions so that he would be able to arrive in far away countries and penetrate the reign of the devil and here triumph and enlighten with the light of faith while he sows the seed of truth.
Mission work consists in this: in nothing but the continuous and hard sacrifices of those who become messengers of the word of God for the salvation of souls to go on fulfilling the gentle prayer of some holy persons who with a great and holy greed wished always to gain a very large number of souls who are far away from God. To teach the christian religion and to persuade the infidels from their deceptive superstitions what care won't the missionaries take and to which limit of patience won't they go? Will sick pagans lack the care of some sisters? With what attention and gentleness do they behave towards abandoned babies; and how they behave towards children prepared for baptism and for the First ( Holy) Communion?!
And just as the mission takes care of the soul, it also cares for the body by civilizing their bad customs , by exercising them in trades, in the sciences and in many other worthwhile matters.
Therefore let all of us who are already profiting from the work of redemption, let us follow these brave souls who by their actions hurried and confounded the enemies of Christ; and may our wish" Domine da mihi animas," be soon fulfilled by our work, word and prayers.
december 31 days
Christmas month
The sun rises at 6 and 62m. It sets at 4 and 46m.
Our Institute helps the Mission through the formation of Missionaries. That is why the work of the Study Burses was set.
1 |
Friday |
Saint Eligius bishop |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
Full Moon at 2 and 29m. in the morning. |
3 |
Sunday |
First of Advent- Saint Francis Xavier Apostle of India Celebration of marriages prohibited |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Peter Chrysologus bishop doctor |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Saba abbot |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint Nicholas of Bari Tit. of Siggiewi |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Ambrose bishop |
8 |
Friday |
Conception of the V.M. Tit. and Pat. of Cospicua |
9 |
Saturday |
Saint Leocadia virgin |
10 |
Sunday |
The Second of Advent- Our Lady of Loreto |
Last Quarter at 7 and 22m. in the morning. |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Damasus I Pope |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint Valerius abbot |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint Lucy virgin and martyr |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Vitalis bishop |
15 |
Friday |
Octave of the Conception of the V.M. |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Eusebius bishop martyr |
Beginning of the Novena of the Child Jesus |
17 |
Sunday |
Third of Advent - St. Florianus and companions martyrs |
New Moon at 3 and 51m. in the morning. |
18 |
Monday |
Ss. Rufus and Losimus martyrs |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Nemesius martyrs |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Dominic benedictive abbot Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Thomas Ap. martyr |
22 |
Friday |
The XXX martyrs in Rome do |
23 |
Saturday |
St.Victoria virgin martyr do |
First Quarter at 9 and 7m. in the evening. |
24 |
Sunday |
The Fourth of Advent- St. Lucianus and companions mart. |
25 |
Monday |
Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Solemn feast of the Child Jesus in the Chapel at midnight Procession with the Holy Child Mass shall be sung and there will be General communion
26 |
Tuesday |
Saint Stephen first martyr cel. of marriages allowed |
27 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Ap. and Evangelist |
28 |
Thursday |
The H. Innocents martyrs |
29 |
Friday |
St Trophimus bishop companions of St. Paul during Shipwreck. |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Vitalianus pope and Saint Sabinus bishop |
31 |
Sunday |
Within the Christmas Octave- St. Sylvester Pope m. |
Full Moon at 9 and 52m. in the evening |
te deum
brother pius ellul
We were going to Lourdes for the first time in 1929. As soon as we arrived at the station at Toulouse a young Capuchin boarded the train with us. Although we did not recognise him immediately, we gradually made acquaintance of Br. Pius Ellul. Agreeable as he was, he informed us about his beautiful vocation and, with joy in his heart he told us how, from there he was expecting the obedience for the Mission among the somalis in Abyssinia near Mizzi. When the missionary Friar Angelo visited Malta for the second time, we met Brother Pius again; here we could better observe his zeal. The Saint Agatha's Missionary Laboratory was the one which helped whole heartily Friar Mizzi to prepare his departure for the Missions. Among other things the Dames of the Laboratory took upon themselves the task of sewing the tunics for that whole group of young men whom Friar Mizzi was to take with him. And since workers of the laboratory could not handle cutting the cloth to measure for dressmaking, Brother Pius set to work and we are still
seeing him, with complete mastery , with scissors in hand, handing the parts of the tunico now to one, then to another, for sewing. So, when last March, that is four months after the departure, the news about his heavenly voyage arrived here, we stared at each other and, so to say, we could not believe. We who know something about the need of Gospel workers among the Somalis can do nothing but lift up our eyes heavenwards and adore God's judgements which we do not understand. We ask him to enlighten this soul as soon as possible with the never-ending light, and give it that glory which it itself strove to give him on earth.
Francis: How did you get this idea? How did you change your plans?
Carmel: It is fitting that some secrets of the heart are left only to Jesus or else we entrust them to the person who is instead of him, who is the confessor. But since you are my greatest friend since our early childhood, I would like to confide in you. Since my father died and we were very young, he always told us and repeated," Be always good children, love the church of Jesus Christ, always obey the Pope who is so much persecuted in our times; above all always bring new souls towards His Church. And then what greater grace can you have with Jesus when, in some new country you introduce the holy rood of the cross?"
My Father died. Who knows how many times these thoughts came to my mind without any profit!
One day, while I was leafing the books in my room, I came over a small almanac of the Institute of the Missions. I set it aside at once and started to read it very slowly.
How fruitful is the reading of holy books! How it separates us completely from the world! While I was reading and leafing through it page after page, I came across a picture representing a missionary young man preparing the children for their first communion. From that moment onwards, it was as if something entered within me and I did not think of anything except of what should I do to reach that state of that missionary.
With sadness in our heart, last September we got the news that Friar Irene passed for eternal life. We got to know Friar Irene because our Brother Jos. Fcis. had been working with him for about four years at the Gololcia Station. We received letters from him more than once, at times to thank us for something or other, and we, through the Saint Agatha's Laboratory tried to please him as best as we could, wholeheartedly. One of the first Missionaries among the Somalis he was of a very generous heart. He never sought to save the work to the advantage of the Mission and of the souls entrusted to the Zeal of his apostolic ministry. May God give him eternal rest.
Francis- Carmel, for how long have you nurtured this ideal?
Carmel - Francis,you want to know alot and I do not want to hide anything from you. Mine is a complete story of God's mercy for souls far away from him who do not deserve so much love. About two months ago I changed my plans and gave myself to study the christian education of the young children. Maybe this study is despised by the world but it is also very precious infront of God. It is necessary to move towards Abyssinia, towards China, to save black children thrown away by their parents in the streets for a most ugly death.
Every vain thing which some time before , used to please me, now starts to annoy me. I felt everything bored me, except those things which unite one to Jesus. I started to communicate every day for the missionaries and in that way I played the missionary through prayers.
If only you knew, dear Francis what hours of joy I spent reading that Almanac! Sometimes I cried when I used to read about those Missionaries, both friars and priests, as well as sisters who gave their last Good-bye to the world and went to attract souls to the bosom of God's church. And how many times I asked myself," Why cannot I do what the others have done? But you know what is important, to listen God's word which is worth as much as the whole world with all its things. How do worldly people strive to obtain something; after some time death carries everything away from them? Therefore how much more should we work to save souls ? Its ways are the kingdom of heaven. Oh my dear Francis! You who have been my bosom friend at school and everywhere! I have already made a vow to God and to Mary to go with my cross in Abyssinia, in China and everywhere to introduce souls towards the large estate of Christ. I will soon put on the habit and begin my novitiate in the Society of Saint Paul. Then from there, when I will have finished my studies, if God gives me a long life, I will go towards those countries who are in the darkness of paganism where I will end my last day in the service of that bridegroom who accepts every promise.
I hope that your Guardian Angel announces to you this zeal of this very beautiful work and which is so cherished by the Pope, to adorn this life with a never-ending joy.
Some years ago we spoke about this enterprise taken by a German Priest for the help of Missionaries. Now we read with great joy that the Pope himself will plan to provide fifty aeroplanes so that the whole Mission field will be served by them. The sick will be carried quickly to good hospitals, the doctors and nurses will be on the spot required at once and in this way even the missionaries would be able to increase their work. So the spreading of the faith increases more and more and the kingdom of Christ is realised everywhere. Therefore with our whole heart we wish Miva every prosperity.
the study burses
A very powerful means with which to help the work of the Missions is undoubtedly the preparation and the bringing up of the missionaries themselves who have to go on the field of the apostolate Therefore the Society of Saint Paul opened two Houses, one at Imdina and the other at B'kara to receive those youths who feel God's call and make us hope that they can become Missionaries and go abroad like the Apostles to preach God's word and extend the Kingdom of Christ even more.
But are there people who do not know how costly the preparation of Missionaries is? The Work of the Study Burses was erected just for this reason: so that those who have the possibility, help themselves and our Institute by giving some money for them.
The Study Burse is a sum of money intended to be invested so that, with the interests accrued help to defray expenses to raise up and keep at school, one of those young people we have mentioned could be formed to become a missionary. Many people have understood this work very well and therefore they themselves have came foreward and gave us some money in one of the burses we have started. Someone's money reached us also through the person's will.
We thank everybody. But we cannot say that the help we receive has met the needs of the two Houses we have mentioned; we find that it lags behind quite a lot. Therefore we hope that all the friends of the Institute listen with greater attention to the voice coming out of the pages of this Almanac. We hope that they induce others to listen to it and in this way the number of those who have helped the Institute during this year increases to the advantage of one, as well as to the advantage of the other.
Those who would like to donate may do so either by consigning it directly to the Superior of the Institute, or to Mr. Etewald Busuttil No. 276 St. Paul St. Valletta or to Mr. George Peralta 13 Zacchary. St. Valletta or to Mr. Amante Marguerat at Pieta' or to Mr. A. Cachia Zammit at Birzebbuga.
Days of fasting and abstinence
commanded by the Church.
Can.1250 The Law of Abstinence is the prohibition to eat meat or things derived from meat; but not eggs, cheese, milk and butter, and fat (to be used) for cooking however.
Can 251 1 The Law of fasting is that only one meal is eaten; but one can eat something in the morning and in the evening according to the approved custom for quantity and quality of local food.
2 Meat and fish can be mixed at the same meal and the evening meal can be exchanged for the noon meal.
Can.1252 1 Meat is prohibited on all fridays throughout the year.
2. Days of fasting in which meat cannot be eaten are Fridays and Saturdays throughout lent and
1 Ash Wednesday
8 Ember days
10 Dto.
11 Dto
3 Pentecost Vigil
7 Ember days
9 Dto.
10 Dto.
20 Ember Days
22 Dto.
23 Dto.
30 All Saints’ Vigil
20 Ember Days
22 Dto.
23 Dto.
3 On all the other days of Lent there is only the obligation of fasting.
4 On Sundays and on Days of Obligation there is neither fasting nor abstincence; everything is lifted except that on the days of Lent the vigils are not held before, and Lent ends at noon on Holy Saturday.
Can 1253 Particular indults, Vows and Constitutions and the rules of Religion or else an approved Institute both of men as well as of women who live together, even without vows, remain just as they were.
Can. 1 All those who are seven(7) years old fall under the law of abstinence, that is they cannot eat meat on prohibited days.
2 The Law of fasting binds all those who are twenty one (21) years old, until they commence the sixtieth (60)year.
oremus pro benefactoribus nostris.
retribuire dignare, domine. omnbus. nobis
bona facientibus propter nomen tuum,
vitam aeternam. amen.
Fra Diego Institute.Masses heard 2190, Communions 278, Spiritual Communions 92697, Rosary 110215, Via Crucis 200, Aspirations 115, Ejaculatory prayers 121,600, Sacrifices 115, Holy Hour 160, Hours of Study 200, Hours of Work 700, Hours of Recreation 1766,- Mr. A. Marguerat Pac. of Stamps.- N.N. Masses heard 9277, Communions 5043, Spiritual Communions 312, Rosary 13386, Via Crucis 1752, Ejaculatory prayers 1900, Sacrifices 484- Mrs. M. Ellul. pac. Stamps- Friar Guido Annati- As a Franciscan I do not have material offerings to send, but I promise a special prayer every morning in the holy sacrifice of the mass- Notary Fcis. Farrugia pac. stamps- St. Paul’s Missionary Crusade - pac. Silver-Paper- Girl orphans of the Cini Institute. Masses heard 113, Communions 112, Spiritual Communion 1098, Rosary 123, Via Crucis 97, Aspirations 1055, Ejaculatory prayers 2080, Sacrifices 150, Holy Hour 160, Hours of Study 30, Hours of Work 1092, Hours of Recreation 122, The Little (girls) of the Cini Institute. Masses heard 23, Communions 19, Spiritual Communions 24, Rosary 23, Via Crucis 23, Aspirations 100, Ejaculatory prayers 200, Holy Hour 22, Hours of Study 10, Hours of Work 21, Hours of Recreation 40, Orphans (girls) at the Cini Institute Masses heard 32, Communions 24, Spiritual Communions 228, Rosary 80, Via crucis 17, Aspirations 505, Ejaculatory prayers 3680, Holy Hour 32, Hours of Study 38, Hours of Work 97, Hours of Recreation 65, Mary Fleri Masses heard 255995, Communions 42884, Spiritual Communions 97776, Rosary 90200, Via Crucis 547162 Aspirations 2100, Ejaculatory prayers 978987, Sacrifices 134, Holy Hour 5362, Hours of Study 640, Hours of Work 524785, Hours of Recreation 175633, and a pac. stamps Mr. Alphonse. M. Galea hundreds of Scriptural books in maltese so that by their money we buy stones for the new-Institute. St. Agatha. Miss. Cruc- Saint Paul-Seminary Floriana. Masses heard 143, Communions 97,, Spiritual Communions 138, Rosary 214, Acts of Charity 77, Acts of humility 37, Ejaculatory prayers 13595, Sacrifices 310, Holy Hour 103, Hours of Study 241, Visits to the M. Bl. Sac. 66, Hours of Recreation 113, The ( Mother) Superior of the Convent of the Good Shepherd Masses heard 5100, Communions 5100, Spiritual Communions 51000, Rosary 52000, Via Crucis 280, Aspirations 26700, Ejaculatory prayers 105000, Sacrifices 26700, Holy Hour 170, Hours of study 2700, Hours of Work 33000, Hours of Recreation 7500, Mother Prioress of the Dominican Sisters Gozo. Masses heard 338, Communions 289,Spiritual Communion 888, Rosary 226, Via crucis 20, Aspirations 105, Ejaculatory prayers 705, Sacrifices 1244, Holy Hour 58, Hours of study 94, Hours of Work 521, Hours of Recreation 255,- Brother Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Abyssinia. For the month of January and February Masses heard 450, Communions 3200, Spiritual Communions 200, Rosary 1500, Via Crucis 60, Aspirations 245, Ejaculatory prayers 23456, Sacrifices 624, Holy Hour 253, Hours of Study 22354, Hours of Work 4658, Hours of Recreation 623, For the month of March and April Masses heard 468, Communions 3321, Spiritual Communions 334, Rosary 1500, Via crucis 60, Aspirations 338, Ejaculatory prayers 28647, Sacrifices 738, Holy Hour 263, Hours of study 24532, Hours of Work 4732, Hours of Recreation 7231, St. Scholastica Monastery Lady M. Geltrude Xuereb Vittoriosa Masses heard 1370, Communions 1390, Spiritual Communions 20865, Rosary 10570, Via Crucis 10050, Aspirations 900, Ejaculatory prayers 21500, Sacrifices 500, Holy Hour 400, Visits 4000, Hours of Work 5000, Hours of recreation 130, The (Mother) Superior of the Institute St. Dorothy. Masses heard 500, Communions 500, Spiritual Communions 200 ,Rosary 500, Via Crucis 50, Saint Ursola Monastery Valletta, Masses heard 13170, Communions 8613, Spiritual Communions 122535, Rosary 27814, Via crucis 9912, Aspiration 266350, Ejaculatory prayers 200876, Sacrifices 51178, Holy Hour 637, Hours of Meditation 9431, Hours of Work 11150, Hours of Recreation 9431, Visits to the M. Bl. Sacrament 16830, Jesus of Nazareth Institute -Zejtun. Masses heard 135, Communions 80, Spiritual Communions 13885, Rosary 932, Via Crucis 244, Aspirations 273, Ejaculatory prayers 66930, Sacrifices 134, Holy Hours 281, Hours of Study 391, Hours of Work 425, Hours of Recreation 384, Brother Joseph Caruana S.S.P. Gololcia. For the month of May and June Masses heard 393, Communions 3432, Spiritual Communions 286, Rosary 1644, Via Crucis 30, Ejaculatory prayers 262, Sacrifices 533, Holy Hour 262, Hours of Study 23125, Hours of Work 5623, Hours of Recreation 6320, For the month of August and September Masses heard 464, Communions 3231, Spiritual Communion 233, Rosary 1432, Via Crucis 30, Ejaculatory prayers 234, sacrifices 696, Holy Hour 235, Hours of Study 63482, Hours of Work 6342, Hours of Recreation 7467, Miss Vincenza Haber Masses heard 1900, Communions 2460, Spiritual Communion 1130, Rosary 3800, Via Crucis 160, Ejaculatory prayers 9700, Sacrifices 700, Holy Hour 14, Hours of Study 2000, Hours of Work 4000, Hours of Recreation 300. Sr. Constantina (Mother) Superior of Troina. Masses heard 1050, Communions 1002, Spiritual Communions 4236, Rosary 5724, Via Crucis 628, Aspirations 22401, Ejaculatory prayers 39,690, Sacrifices 1900, Holy Hour 120.
The Community of the Benedictines (Nuns), Notabile Visits to Jesus (in the Bl.) Sacrament 141224, Masses heard 11832, Spiritual Communions 231732, Rosary 1874819, Via Crucis 33846, Aspiration 100000, Ejaculatory prayers 400S7228, Sacrifices 446111, Holy Hour 425, Hours of Work 107873, Hours of Recreation 1998, Hours of Adoration 2331, Hours of Silence 60261.
oremus pro defunctis nostris,
requiem aeternam dona eis domine, et lux
perpetus luceat eis. requiescant in
pace. - amen.
Sister Raymonda of St. Joseph. Franciscan Tertiary- Lady Innocentza Magro Benedictine Nun- Sister Mary Vella of the Dominican Sisters of Gozo- Felix Camilleri beloved father of Fr. Francis Camilleri S.S.P.- Lucio Vella beloved father of the student Anthony Vella- Msgr. Henry Dandria- Dr. Max Debono Ex- Senator. John Pace beloved uncle of Brother Santi Muscat S.S.P.