Almanac of the
Institute of the Missions
---- 1932 ----
YEAR XI Superior-Msgr.J.De Piro 9 St.Paul Str.
Mr.Frank Partelli 8s- Bro.Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Gigigia (Abyssinia) for the month of May and June 1931 -Masses heard 4350 - Communions 5212, Spiritual Communions 7226, Rosary 2030, Via Crucis 63, Aspirations 746, Ejaculatory prayers 42153, Sacrifices 927, Holy Hour 445, Hours of Study 53345, Hours of Work 9472, Hours of Recreation 1000- For the Month of July Masses heard 2220, Communions 3241, Spiritual Communions 5321, Rosary 1025, Via Crucis 36, Aspirations 313, Ejaculatory prayers 22423, Sacrifices 435, Holy Hour 233, Hours of study 23462, Hours of Work 4452, Hours of Recreation 500, for the month of August and September, Masses heard 4432, Communions 5321, Spiritual Communion 7326, Rosary 2136, Via Crucis 65, Aspiration 724, Ejaculatory prayers 52154, Sacrifices 927, Holy Hour 462, Hours of Study 56344, Hours of Work 9373, Hours of Recreation 1500, for the month of October and November Masses heard 4432, Communions 5321, Spiritual Communions 7326, Rosary 2136, Via Crucis 65, Aspirations 724, Ejaculatory prayers 52154, Sacrifices 927, Holy Hour 462, Hours of Study 56344, Hours of Work 9373, Hours of Recreation 1500- For the month of December Masses 2220, Communions 3241, Spiritual Communions 5321, Rosary 1025, Via Crucis 40, Aspirations 313, Ejaculatory prayers 22423, Sacrifices 435, Holy Hour 233, Hours of Study 23462, Hours of Work 4452, Hours of Recreation 500, House of Adoration Valletta, Masses heard 403, Communions 403, Spiritual Communion 1480, Rosary 486, Via Crucis 504, Aspirations 1687, Ejaculatory prayers 2037, Sacrifices 1606, Holy Hour 475, Hours of Study 889, Hours of Work 3361, Hours of Recreation 370- Hamrun Inf. School Masses heard 1680, Communions 1630, Spiritual Communions 2418, Rosary 4190, Via crucis 448, Aspirations and Ejaculatory prayers 108840, Sacrifices 800, Holy Hours 100, Hours of study 950, Good deeds 400- Convent of the Sacred Heart, Sliema masses heard 43, Communions 38, Spiritual Communions 19, Rosary 39, Via crucis 10, Aspirations 50, Sacrifices 17, Holy Hour 16, Hours of Study 56, Hours of Work 39, Hours of Recreation 28- Saint Joseph Home Gozo Masses heard 100, Communions 100, Spiritual Communions 100, Rosary 500, Via Crucis 60, Ejaculatory prayers 100, Hours of Study 100, Hours of Work 100, Hours of Recreation 100- Mary Fleri 17 South St., Vittoriosa Masses heard 4768, Communions 6598, Spiritual Communions 6784, Rosary 12580, Via Crucis 3621, Aspirations 5219, Ejaculatory prayers 98778, Sacrifices 596, Holy Hour 956, Hours of Study 89687, Hours of Work 7945- St. Scholastica Monastery Vittoriosa. Masses heard 1366, Communions 1382, Spiritual Communions 20865, Rosary 10536, Via Crucis 1000, Aspirations 800, Ejaculatory prayers 21420, Sacrifices 200, Holy Hour 300, Visits 4000, Hours of Work 700, Hours of Recreation 120,- St. Catherina V. M. Monastery Masses heard 4850, Communions 4603, Spiritual Communions 5500, Rosary 4700, Via Crucis 5216, Visits to the Bl. Sacrament 23707, Ejaculatory prayers 27052, Sacrifices 1970, Holy Hours 1808, Hours of study 100, Hours of Work 11688, Hours of Recreation 4766, Hours of Silence 11690, Through Fr. Clement Portelli £1 10s- Mr. Joseph Gatt pac. used stamps- St. Joseph Home (Infants' Section) Masses heard 2293, Communions 118, Spiritual Communions 2075, Rosary 5210, Via Crucis 23, Aspirations 108, Ejaculatory prayers 6965, Sacrifices 15, H. Hour 23, Hours of Study 627, Hours of Work 250, Hours of Recreation 248, Inf. School Hamrun Masses heard 8800, Communions 3133, Spiritual Communions 5080,Rosary 40870, Via Crucis 870, Aspirations 10896, Ejaculatory prayers 99904, Sacrifices 3650, Holy Hour 402, Hours of Study 6470, Hours of Work 6735, Hours of Recreation 2293, Other Good works 16090,- Franciscan Sisters Victoria, Gozo. Masses heard 462, Communions 231, Spiritual Communions 693, Rosary decades 2002, Via Crucis 139, Aspirations 5400, Ejaculatory prayers 6700, Sacrifices 1788, Holy Hour 144, Hours of School 193, Hours of Work 456, Hours of Recreation 144, Notabile St. Dorothy Institute. For the Month of April 1931. Masses heard 60380, Communions 98650, Rosary 1000, Visits 1000, Via Crucis 500, Flowers 1000- Mary Fleri, 17 South St. Vittoriosa Masses heard 60380, Communions 98650, Spiritual Communions 5528, Rosary 94090, Via Crucis 481110, Aspirations 1068, Ejaculatory prayers 779040, Sacrifices 659, Holy Hour 229040, Hours of Study 76, Hours of Work 78997, Hours of Recreation 29040, M.H. Navarro. Various objects from the Shoeshop- Mrs. Mary Mifsud 10s- A.B. 10s- Marietta Fenech 3s.6d.- Mrs. Carmelo Pace £2- Mrs H. Degiorgcio 10s- Mrs. Emmanuele Zammit £1.- Doctor Paul Testa £1.- Mrs. M. Anne Giantar 2s.6d.- Can Fr. Laurence Zammit £1.- Can. Fr. Peter Farrugia £1.- Mrs. Jones 5s.- N.N. 1s- Mrs. Angela Pace £1.- Mrs. Francis Pace Asciak 10s- collected by Mrs. Mary Mifsud 12s.4d.- Mary Fleri 17 South St. Vittoriosa Masses heard 5468, Communions 4683, Spiritual Communions 4598, Rosary 74485, Via crucis 6548, Aspirations 468, Ejaculatory prayers 8986, Sacrifices 1276, Holy Hour 2479, Hours of Study 390, Hours of Work 498, Hours of Recreation 290, Missionary Crusade Bishop's Seminary stamps tin.foil - Pillar House Valletta Masses heard 200, Communions 430, Spiritual communions 1040, Rosary 479, Via Crucis 93, Aspirations 3190, Ejaculatory prayers 12900, Sacrifices 403, Holy Hour 36, Hours of study 56, Hours of Work 130, Hours of Recreation 98- Mary Fleri 17 South St. Vittoriosa -Masses heard 1896, Communions 268, Spiritual Communions 498, Rosary 3720, Via Crucis 297, Aspirations 264, Ejaculatory prayers 3465, Sacrifices 186, Holy Hour 537, Hours of Study 1128, Hours of Work 1128, Hours of Recreation 86, The Orphans (Girls) of the Good Shepherd Institute- Masses heard 2404, Communions 2400, Spiritual Communions 8000, Rosary 2400, Via crucis 2400, Aspirations and Ejaculatory prayers 8000, Sacrifices 240, Holy Hour 240, Hours of Study 8000, Hours of Work 8000, Hour of Recreation 8000. The inmates of Good Shepherd Institute -Masses heard 2430, Communions 2430, Spiritual Communions 24300, Rosary 7290, Via Crucis 243, Aspiration and Ejaculatory prayers 24300, Sacrifices 2430, Holy Hour 81, Hours of Work 12150, Hours of Recreation 4860- Through the Student Louis Zammit, Used stamps- Jesus of Nazareth Institute Zejtun Masses heard 139,Communions 142, Spiritual Communions 3988, Rosary 139, Via Crucis 1220, Aspirations 1238, Ejaculatory prayers 10580, Sacrifices 317, Holy Hour 4024, Hours of Study 2451, Hours of Work 3142, Hours of Recreation 2122, The Community of the Benedictines - Notabile- Masses heard 106199, Communions 4329, Spiritual Communions 248833, Rosary 420539, Via Crucis 3953, Aspirations 910930, Ejaculatory prayers 3122562, Sacrifices 1456130, Holy Hour 535, Hours of Study 260, Hours of Work 28725, Hours of Recreation 10222, Hours of Adoration 164, Hours of Silence 3060, Visits to the Bl. Sac. 94801- St. Ursola Monastery Valletta Masses heard 16650, Communions 8325, Spiritual Communions 33700, Rosary 75150, Via crucis 8325, Aspirations 249975, Ejaculatory prayers 500325, Sacrifices 132250, Holy hour 2500, Hours of Meditation 8325, Hours of Work 33300, Hours of Recreation 16320, Visits to Bl. Sacrament 49500, Our Lady of Sorrows Orphanage, Troina- Masses heard 1149, Communions 1082, Spiritual Communions 8817, Rosary 15689, Via Crucis 969, Aspirations 3722, Ejaculatory prayers 68130, Sacrifices 5363, Holy Hour 183, Daughters of Mary Congregation- Zabbar. Masses heard 215, Communions 220, Spiritual Communions 300, Via Crucis 222, Aspirations 160, Ejaculatory prayers 20, Sacrifices 20, Holy Hour 44.
of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1932
Nihil Obstact die 28 Januarii 1932
P.Adeodatus M. Schembri O.S.A. Cens. Theol.
Datum in Curia Epali.-Melit.die 29 Januarii 1932
CAN. P. GALEA - Vic. Gen.
Printed at "St. Joseph Home "- Hamrun - Malta.
Image of Our Damascene
(Phrases and sentences placed at the end of several pages in the original; bold lettering was used throughout)
Mater Dei, Mater Dei, Mater Dei
Ephesus is that city where, after a two year mission, amidst very hard work and great ruins the Apostle Saint Paul Our Father managed to collect the books on magic in its square where they were burnt in one large bonfire. But, together with the books that it burnt, that bonfire set alight again the pagan fanaticism of that people and at the shout "Long live Diana!", they rose up in a very fierce revolt against him and against the christians of those days. But Saint Paul did not leave behind this city which showed itself so ungrateful towards him. Through the letter to the people of Ephesus he wrote from Rome, he the taught them that for the good which God had done to them, they must correspond with a holy life. To this people he mentioned the graces which fell upon us through Jesus Christ and enumerated the duties christians have.
Saint Paul's word was not lost; many years passed and Ephesus became the city devouted towards Mary; it erected a beautiful basilica in Mary's honour and in it saw the Fathers of the third Ecumenical Council gathered in it. They gathered there so that, together with the Pope, they condemned Nestorius’ heresy. As soon as the Council recognised Mary as Mother of God, there arose in Ephesus, like a flash of lightning, another holy uprising; this time it was not against christian teaching which Saint Paul gave them but against heresy and in favour of the teaching of the Church gathered around the successor of Peter, the Holy Pope Celestinus I, represented by Saint Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria. In the streets and squares of Ephesus long live Diana! was not heard anymore this time but the voice which went up to heaven, accompanied by the light of torches, was Long live Mary, the Mother of God.
This is in fact what St. Cyril wrote to the Alexandrians, according to what he himself saw. Not only was he present; he was also Nestorius’ antagonist.
"Know that in the large church of Ephesus, called Mary Mother of God, on the 22nd of June (431) the Holy Synod was held. After we employed the whole day, finally we condemned Nestorius, that blasphemer who dared not be present. We decided the sentence of deposition; we removed him the grade of bishop. Roughly we were about two hundred Bishops, brought together.
"From sunrise till evening, all the people of the city were expecting the council's judgement. When they heard that that blasphemer was divested of his dignity, everybody in one voice started to praise the council and glorify God that finally the enemy of the faith was struck down.
"With regards to us, when we went out of the church, we were accompanied with torches and fiaccoli up to the houses where we were lodged. It was late; everywhere there was a great joy: there were many illuminations; some women even walked in front of us, swinging the censors.
And so for another time the church was victorious because, in the time of trouble, it looked towards the Vicar of Christ and heeded his words. And as a commemoration of this victory, the Bishops of this Council added the prayer which we say everyday and often up to this day, to the Angelic greeting , "Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
So Pope Pius XI expressed his wish with the letter he wrote to Cardinal Sincero that the fifteenth centenary of celebration of the council of Ephesus be remembered in a fitting way by the whole church. And not only in the oriental church but also in the occidental church because Mary who was so much honoured as Mother of God in this Council, is Mother of all the christians.
At the Pope's word, all Rome was set in motion and together with it, the whole of Italy; this event was celebrated with a Marian National Congress. Its conclusion consisted in a procession of Our Lady's image venerated at the Liberian Basilica under the title of Salus Populi Romani. Yes in one way or another the whole world, together with Rome, remembered this Ephesus centenary and the greatness of Mary, God's Mother and our Mother. And so, Malta, Mary's devotee since th early days of the church itself, could not remain indifferent and at the Pope's thought it was filled with so much joy and it succeeded in showing it so well on Sunday 25th of last October at the Floriana Granaries that, through the Vatican press, the Maltese' devotion towards Mary became known throughout the world.
Yes, the beloved Bishop of Malta's thought was an inspired thought; he wanted that the remembrance of the Council of Ephesus be solemnly celebrated by the incorporation of the devout image of Our Lady venerated at the Greeks' church at Valletta, known under the title of Mary Damascene, "Our Lady of Damascus".
This Madonna is called Damascene because since very olden times, it was honoured at the City of Damascus. Since the beginning there was a very important gathering of christians as we know through the Scripture story. So much so that it attracted the zeal of Paul from Tarsus in favour of the Law of Moses. It played , so too say a no small part in the conversion of the Apostle Our Father. And, as it has been said for sometime, this image is Saint Luke's work. In fact this Evangelist was deeply involved with that gathering of Christians in Damascus. Therefore it is no great matter that he gave them this image of Mary to entertain them in the esteem they had towards her. We would like to comment mostly about the completely wonderful making of how it is here in Malta among us, increasing the treasures of the faith and of our christian church. This image was much honoured by the christians of Damascus and they were favoured with many graces. But it happened that Damascus fel to the Turks and faith and christian religion were destroyed gradually; and together with them this cherished image of Our Lady was left behind. We therefore find that in the year 1415 this image left the city of Damascus. All by itself as if held by mysterious hands and a lamp lit infront of it, it moved over the sea and went right inside the port of the Island of Rhodes where the knights of Saint John lived. Some navigators tell us so; as soon as they saw that mysterious light, they followed it. The knights recognised it at
january 31 days
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The Sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes
@ |
1 |
Friday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C. New Year's Day |
Last quarter at 7 and 13m in the morning. |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Macarius Anachorite |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Gregory Bishop |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
6 |
Wednesday |
The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Lucian martyr |
New Moon at 11 and 19m in the evening. |
8 |
Friday |
Saint Apollinaris bishop |
9 |
Saturday |
Saint Julian and companions martyrs |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Hyginus pope martyr |
12 |
Tuesday |
The Sacred Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph |
13 |
Wednesday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Hilary conf. and doct. of the church |
15 |
Friday |
Saint Paul first hermit |
First Quarter at 8 and 45m in the evening |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Marcellus I Pope martyr |
Beginning of novena to Saint Paul at the Chapel of the Institute
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany |
18 |
Monday |
Chair of Saint Peter at Rome |
19 |
Tuesday |
SS. Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abacum martyrs |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Fabian pope and Sebastian soldier martyrs |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Publius I Bishop of Malta and St. Agnes V. |
22 |
Friday |
SS.Vincent and Anastasius martyrs |
Full moon at 1 and 31m in the evening. |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint Raymond from Pennafort |
+24 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima |
+25 |
Monday |
Conversion of Our Father the Ap. St. Paul Principal Patron of Malta and Gozo and tit. of the Cath. and H. Safi |
26 |
Tuesday |
Saint Polycarp bishop |
27 |
Wednesday |
St. John Chrysostom; Doctor of the Church |
28 |
Thursday |
The apparition of Saint Agnes virgin |
29 |
Friday |
Saint Francis from Sales |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
Last quarter at 9 and 22m in the morning. |
@ |
31 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima |
Feast of St. Paul at the Chapel of the Institute.
once as Our Lady venerated at Damascus. Therefore, after receiving it with great veneration, they also kept it always with great affection. So much so that, when Rhodes fell to the Turks in 1522, the knights did not leave it behind as a much cherished possession until they brought it with them to Malta in 1530. After it stayed for some time at Vittoriosa, in 1587 it was placed in its church where it still is. Therefore this most dear image was rightly chosen as the centre of the feasts with which the commemoration of the Council of Ephesus was to be celebrated.
Therefore after a three-day sermon's preparation in all the parishes of Malta by preachers called directly for this occasion by Msgr. Bishop, on Tuesday evening, 20th of October, the centenary feasts were inaugurated by the solemn translation of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Damascus from the Greeks' church to Saint John's. Msgr M. Gonzi Bishop of Gozo celebrated on this event; he was assisted by the chapter of Cathedral of Malta. When the procession arrived at Saint John's, the Bishop's Vicar, Fr. Paul Galea let off a very warm sermon enthused with love towards Mary. Yes, with words rightly placed and matching well with the occasion, he reminded us how devotion towards Mary in Malta is as old as the time of Saint Paul, the advent of Saint Paul the Apostle Our Father. Saint Luke who was his companion, was not content with just one image of Our lady; he left us two. One image is on the rock at Mellieha; the other is on wood, at the cathedral. Since those days the Maltese always had the greatest veneration for them until both were crowned in our own days by Msgr. Bishop P.P. Pace- He then passed on to remind us how the first titular of the same Cathedral was the image which we have just mentioned and that nearly half the Parishes of Malta and Gozo, together with the Cathedral there, are dedicated to Our Lady. He mentioned the beautiful and devout habit which all families have; in the evening they say the Rosary together. He also mentioned how widespread are the devotions of the Carmelite scapular and the devotion of the scapular cincture in honour of Our Lady. After this he mentioned the crownings of Our Lady, one after the other. That of Our Lady of Carmel of Valletta, the incorporation of the Immaculate Conception of Cospicua, Our Lady of Ruins, and of the "Bambina" of Senglea. And with the invocation Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix he explained how, through the incorporation of Our Lady of Damascus, in Malta there will be for ever a remembrance of these feasts of the fifteenth centenary of the Council of Ephesus.
After the opening of the feasts, the meetings of the Marian Diocesan Congress were held for three days. At Saint John's they were in italian; at the Jesuits' church they were in maltese. The best of the wisest orators both ecclesiastic as well as lay took part; everybody put in his ability so that Our Lady be honoured by the development of these nine arguments. (1) Mary Theotokos, that is, Mother of God, (2) The divine maternity and the bride and the christian mother, (3) Malta and Mary, (4) The divine maternity of Mary in Catholic Dogma. (5) the Divine maternity of Mary and cleanliness of the soul (6) Before and after the definition. (7) Mary Mother of God and our Mother. (8) The Greek church and the Virgin Mary.(9) The Council of Ephesus and the Primate of
february 29 days
Month dedicated to Our Father the Ap. Saint Paul
The Sun Rises at 27 min. It sets at 5 and 28min.
1 |
Monday |
Conv. of Saint Paul Octave |
= |
2 |
Tuesday |
Purification of the Virgin Mary Candlemas |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Blaise bishop martyr |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Andrew Corsini bishop Giovedi Grass |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Agatha virg and mart Second Patroness of Malta |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Titus Bishop of Gite (Carnival) |
New Moon at 2 and 35m in the evening. |
Three days of Solemn exposition with sermon and Sacramental benediction in the afternoon.
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima Carnival |
8 |
Monday |
Saint John from Matha " |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cyril bishop " |
10 |
Wednesday |
Ash W. beginning of fasting and Cel. of marriages prohibited |
Function of the Ashes at the Chapel. |
11 |
Thursday |
The apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes in 1858 |
12 |
Friday |
The Seven Founders of the Servites of Mary - Fasting with abstin. |
Beginning of Saint Paul triduum at the Chapel of the Institute |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Martinianus hermit -Fasting with abstin. |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
I of Lent |
First Quarter at 6 and 6m in the evening |
@ |
15 |
Monday |
Shipwreck of St. Paul Ap. Our Father, in Malta- Titular and Patron of Valletta and of Malta and Gozo- National Feast. |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Flavianus |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Onesimus bishop - Emb. D. fasting and abstinence |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Simon bishop |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Conrad hermit at noto - Ember Days fasting and abst. |
20 |
Saturday |
SS. Nemisuis and companions martyrs Emb.D. fasting and abst. |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
II of Lent |
22 |
Monday |
Chair of Saint Peter in Antioch |
Full Moon at 1 and 57m in the morning. |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Damiani bishop |
24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Protestato bishop |
= |
25 |
Thursday |
Saint Matthias Ap. martyr |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Profirius bishop fasting with abst. |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Leander bishop fasting with abst. |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
Last quarter at 5 and 53m in the evening. |
29 |
Monday |
Saint Serapion Sindonite |
The Pontifical of the Greek rite celebrated at Saint John's on the 24th of October, on the eve of the closing day adorned alot these Centenary feasts. The Celebrant was Msgr. Paul Schiro, titular bishop of Benda. He was assisted by other Papases of the same rite. Apart from the papas of Malta, they all came from Scicily for the occasion. The ceremonies of the concelebration were really moving. The breaking of the extra bread among all the clergy who took part filled everybody with joy. The ceremony was performed with all gentleness by the Bishop himself after he finished the sacrifice and removed the pontifical vestments.
The day of solemn concluding was Sunday 25th of October. Msgr. Bishop of Malta celebrated pontifically at Saint John's, in the morning, infront of the image of Our Lady of Damascus. He was assisted as usual by the chapter of the cathedral. In the afternoon, the miraculous image of Our Lady was carried to the Floriana granaries by an unequalled procession; all the people of Malta were there for, to fill such a large open space as it was on that day a few people would not suffice. The speech of the occasion was delivered through the microphone placed at the belfry and therefore everyone could listenit clearly.
The crowd was full of joy while the Bishop of Malta Msgr. Caruana, assisted by the Bishops Msgr. Gonzi and Msgr. Schiro' first crowned the head of the Child and then the head of Our Lady. When the bishop moved his lips closer to kiss the crowned image, the whole gathering of people exploded in a hearty hand clap, nearly out of its senses. At that time everybody felt that he must be united to the Bishop in that act of veneration and love towards Mary.
The 25th of October was really a heavenly day. Although separated from it by eighteen years, it reminded us of the day of the Eucharistic Congress. And we do not know what we should remember most: either the exit of the cortege towards Floriana, or the moment of incoronation, or during the Te Deum, or the entrance of the procession, or the meeting it had at Kingsway, Valletta; happiness and joy was on everybody's face. The consignment of the crowned Image by the Bishop to the Greek Papas was so moving. In fact it reminded us of that very tender action which took place on calvary when Christ recommended his beloved mother to Saint John.
In Gozo, the fifteenth centenary was commemorated by the Bishop through the solemn consecration of the new church built over the ancient sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta'Pinu. And even here the people of our sister island showed that they are really devout towards Mary.
In our missionary institute we also tried to offer flowers to Our Lady by means of a literary academy among the students who are housed there. We concluded by a resolution to make heard our small voice to the Bishop to place another pearl in the crown of Mary Our Most Holy Mother through the dogmatic definition of the glorious Assumption of Mary. By the Maltese she was always called for three times Mater Dei, Mater Dei, Mater Dei; now after the homily by the Bishop of Gozo she is called so by the Gozitans, too: Mater Dei, Mater Dei, Mater Dei.
Greeks' Church at Valletta
pius xi - the missionary pope
The Pope told us he cannot be at peace because of that one milliard pagans. Therefore, when he used the radio for the first time from the Vatican City and was heard throughout the world he greeted those who strive to diminish that miliard and extend God's kingdom in a special manner, as you can see at the end of this article. Yet this is not all; for the Pope also thinks of those among his children who are out of the church and separated from him through the deception of errors. In fact, in this his last Encyclical letter of last christmas, he picked up his argument from the conclusion of the centenary year of the Council of Ephesus. After he resolved all difficulties and, in the clearest way told us Jesus is God, she who bore him into this world should be called " Theotokos", that is , Mother of God. And since she is Mother of God, she must be full of every grace and adorned with every privilege; and therefore we must venerate, love and imitate her. With all gentleness and with a Fatherly word he invited the protestants to do like the Catholics and invoke her protection, and ask her to intercede between them and the Divine Redeemer.
On the other hand, he amonished wholeheartedly the brothers of the Oriental Church who are at loggerheads with him. In fact they venerate Mary like us; for many centuries they kept themselves united to the Apostolic faith and in the Council of Ephesus they greeted the Pope as Custodian of the Faith. He therefore invited them to recognize him as everybody's Father who , fifteen centuries ago in the person of Pope Celestinus, in the greatest unity, of soul and heart with them proclaimed the Virgin Mary Mother of God.
The Pope greets Missionaries on the radio.
The 12th of February 1931.
"Our dearest sons in Christ, we now revolve our word towards you, you who in the Missions are praying and working for the holy extension of the faith of Christ and for the greater expansion of His Kingdom. Like the first Apostles of the church, among dangers and with great patience, among the lack of necessary things and among the thorns of suffering; yes like them you are a show of Christ's glory amidst trouble, often also in prison and in your blood. You have fought up to death the great combat for the good of faith which you confess so well. You win souls and , for the future you sow the seed of christians. Hail, strong soldiers of Christ! We would like you also to greet the local priests and catechists in Our name. They are the first-fruits and society of your strivings."
the bishop visits us
Since some years back, the Society of Saint Paul could openanother House at the Oratory of B'kara under the name Santa Maria Boarding House by God's help. Here those youths who feel called to the missionary life are placed;in this way since their early days one can better preserve their vocation which can find so many obstacles in the world. Work in this houses has already started to yield some consolation, thank God!. Last year in September two students from this boarding house could put on the habit of the Society and be sent to the Novitiate House at Imdina. There, in prayer and study they can, one day, become courageous missionary priests, on the front lines of the Church of Christ.
The Superior was always yearning to invite our beloved Bishop to pay us a visit in this new House. As soon as the occasion presented itself when one of the students of the Society was to be ordained, the Superior
invited at once the Bishop to hold the ordination in the Chapel of the Oratory, if he would like to. The Superior's demand was gladly accepted and so, last year on the 6th of October the Society had the luck to receive our beloved Shepherd at the Oratory for the first time. At the door of the Chapel he was greeted by the Superior of the Society, by all the members of the Oratory and by other members of the Society who came for this occasion.
As soon as the Bishop entered the Chapel, the Scuola Cantorum of St. Joseph's Home began singing the Ecce Sacerdos et Pontifex, low Mass began after some time and then, after the first oration he commenced the Ordination of the first two minor orders. He was seated on the faldstool at the centre of the Altar. Although the greatness and the beauty of the Church of Christ are visible in all is functions, however, this greatness and this sanctity shine much more at holy Ordination. The Bishop started, by first performing some admonitions to him who was to be ordained. Our mother the holy Church orders these admonitions so that, those who are to be ordained know better what they would be doing. Among the beautiful words of admonition or the first order, that of Door-keeper the Bishop says the following words to those who would be ordained,".... And while you will open and close the visible church with material keys, strive also to lock out the devil and open the invisible house of God, that is, the hearts of the faithful, by your words and by your examples. May these keep the word of God in their heart and practice it..." In the pontifical before the Bishop gives the second order, that of the lector, we also find beautiful words,"... And believe with your heart and utilise what you read with your mouth so that you would be able to teach with the word those who hear you together with the example"
After the ordination the Bishop continued the mass which was very devout. Assisting at the function were many guests and our friends; many of them came to receive communion from the bishop.
After the function, the Bishop together with the other guests was accompanied to the saloon, adorned for the occasion. Here he showed the Superior and the other members the Society there present His joy during the function. He also showed his joy at the progress of the Society was doing and that he was pleased by everything. The word and the presence of the Bishop filled everybody with joy and produced courage in everybody's heart so that each continues to advance further his work.
march 31 days
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
The sun rises at 6 and 30m. It sets at 5 and 56m.
The Prayer to the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph is said every evening during this month as Pope Leo XIII ordered.
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Albinus bishop |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Simplicius pope |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Cunegundes August empress |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Casimir bishop fasting with abst. |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint John of the Cross do |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas angelic doctor, dominican |
New moon at 7 and 34m in the morning. |
8 |
Tuesday |
Saint John of God |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Frances of Rome, widow |
10 |
Thursday |
The 40 Saints Martyrs of Sebaste |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Eulogius martyr fasting with abst. |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Gregory Pope tit. of Kercam Gozo fasting with abts. |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
Passion S. |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Matildis queen |
15 |
Tuesday |
Saint Zachary pope |
First quarter at noon and 31m. |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Abraham priest |
17 |
Thursday |
Saint Patrick bishop |
18 |
Friday |
The Sorrows of the Virgin Mary Fasting with abst. |
@ |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Joseph spouse of the V.M. Feast at Rabat today, fasting with abst. also |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
Palm Sunday |
21 |
Monday |
Monday in Holy Week |
22 |
Tuesday |
Tuesday in the Holy week |
Full Moon at noon and 27m. |
23 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
24 |
Thursday |
Maundy T. |
= |
25 |
Friday |
Good F.-Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ fasting with abst. |
26 |
Saturday |
Holy S.- at noon, fasting and abst. ends. Cel.of Marriages allowed |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
Easter |
= |
28 |
Monday |
Easter M. |
= |
29 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
Last Quarter at 3 and 34m. in the morning |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint John Climacus Procession of St. Gregory |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Balbina virgin and martyr |
Te Deum sung as a conclusion of the Month of March
friar maximilian ryllo
and the missionary vocations
In the history of Malta we find that our island was always considered as a door of Europe for those who wanted to ascend from the East and from Africa, and a door of Africa and of the East for those who wanted to descend from Europe. In this situation and make-up of Malta we find why since the beginning of ancient times it was inhabited by man, we find why everybody wished it and wanted it, we find why it had to suffer many wars and many other wars passed through it. We also find how and why, in God's Providence, Malta had to receive the most precious gift of Faith in Christ before others through the work of Our Father Saint Paul.
And therefore we also find that 1839 a Missionary who was going to Alexandria in Egypt passed through Malta. He had to stay for some days since he did not easily find sails to carry him there. This stop was providential because, as we shall now say, the Maltese had the opportunity not only to confess their bond to the christian religion, but also to show the wish always present in their heart, that others have also a share in their abundant wealth.
This was the missionary Friar Maximilian Ryllo of the Society of Jesus. He was born at Podorosk, a country in Poland, then under Russian rule.
And since he was a very active man, an enemy of rest , and since he already was a missionary in Syria, Friar Ryllo did not let this occasion go by. Therefore in those few days which he had to stay in Malta, he delivered a course of spiritual exercises at the Jesuits' church in Valletta. Yes, there were extraordinary things which no one ever expected. Because although the church is so large, although the time was not so right, however, the number of people who attended, is still spoken of today.
Let us only say that, two hours before the sermons began, the chairs which in those days were hired in silver pieces were already given away and many and many people would have to stay outside the church because inside there would be no more room. The audience would be a really mixed audience. Together with the crowd there would be rich people and people of profession, heads of the clergy and the government. The attendance of protestants was not missing and everybody wondered at the power of the apostolic zeal and the fluency of speech of Friar Ryllo. It was so to such an extent that when the Governor once invited him for lunch at the Palace, he told him infront of the others: if London could contain a dozen Ryllos, for sure it would not take long to become catholic.
From sermons of such fervour, from the great and wonderful acceptance they had, we can imagine that the fruit was not less abundant and beautiful.
Here we shall not speak about the many conversions which took place; we shall not speak about the large numbers of confessions and communions, or the new fervour towards the good life which spread throughout the country. We will mention an unheard of thing which is so valid for our argument.
Be careful, repeat and ruminate over this reading. During the preaching of Friar Ryllo, no less than fifty young men go to him and tell him that they are ready to go to the Missions in any part of the world he would like and could send them. At first, Friar Ryllo took some time to see if this was something passing, or an idea formed without any reflection or a fit of the mind of youth. But they persisted so much in asking; they knelt down and with tears in their eyes they repeated their prayer; finally he decided to write to Friar General. On one side, the General knew about the gentleness of the Maltese, on the other side he could imagine the amount of good they could do in the Missions. He accepted their demand and wrote back to Friar Ryllo to chose the oldest and the best twenty four of them. The others he had to promise them and make them hope that they would be accepted before long. Here you can imagine that everyone tried to defend his demand as best as he could; everybody started to go to him morning and evening to be one included in the lucky number. But although Friar Ryllo wished to please everybody, he followed the order he had. He chose the most mature and they left their houses, relatives, friends and country and full of joy they left for Rome where they were housed at the novitiate of the Jesuits.
As it is said, history repeats itself. Therefore we need not wonder if, since the Church encouraged the Faithful for the missions during the times of Pope Benedict XV and during the times of the glorious Reigning Pontiff Pius XI if the Missionary spirit is now re-established in Malta.
We need not wonder if in these last few years we have witnessed groups and groups of young men and Sisters setting sail from Malta for the Missions; we need not wonder if when we opened the Oratory at B'Kara the Missionary institute it at once became full of young people eager for the Missions. More than that, they are waiting to join. We cannot but show them the wish to see them inside together with the hope that finally God send some kind hearted persons who satisfy them and us with their help.
Therefore read; read well the back cover of this Almanac. When you feel the mysterious voice inviting you for some good work, do not let that occasion pass by, but strive to merit infront of God by helping the work of the study Burses. In this way you would be helping the missionary vocations; you would be sending those much needed workers at the divine harvest so that all men gather as one fold under one shepherd as soon as possible.
pray for vocations
april 30 days
Month dedicated to the Risen Christ.
The Sun rises at 5 and 40m. It sets at 6 and 23m.
St.Deonigese Areopagate
1 |
Friday |
Saint Hugh bishop |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis from Paula |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
Low S. I After Easter ( H.Balzan and Tarxien) |
= |
4 |
Monday |
The Annunciation of Mary (feast of the Annunciation) |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Vincent Ferreri Dominican |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint celstine Pope |
New Moon at 1 and 11m in the morning. |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Hegesippas doctor |
8 |
Friday |
Saint Perpetuus Bishop |
9 |
Saturday |
Saint John the Almoner |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
II After Easter Feast of St.Publius Floriana |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Leo Pope doctor of the Church |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint Julius I Pope |
13 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St. Joseph |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Justin and SS. Tiburtius Valerian and Maximus |
First quarter at 3 and 6m. in the morning. |
15 |
Friday |
SS.Basilissa and Anastasia |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Agratide Martyr |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
III After Easter |
18 |
Monday |
Saint Caloger Martyr |
19 |
Tuesday |
SS. Sulpitius and Servilianus |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anselm bishop |
Full Moon at 9 and 17m in the evening. |
21 |
Thursday |
Ss.Soter and Caius popes martyrs |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmariengen Capuchin |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint George martyr (tit. Hal Qormi) |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
IV After Easter |
25 |
Monday |
Saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Tuesday |
SS.Cetus and Marcellinus popes martyrs |
27 |
Wednesday |
Saint Zita virgin |
Last quarter at 3 and 4m in the evening. |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Paul of the Cross |
29 |
Friday |
Saint Peter from Varona dominican martyr |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Catherine from Siena dominican |
Beginning of the month of May in honour of Mary Our M.Bl. Mother.
msgr. bishop andrew jarosseau
Last Christmas in Abyssinia was a day of great joy. Together with the feast of the Child Jesus, there was also the feast of the jubilee of his representative among that mission. Monsignor Bishop Andrew Jarosseau celebrated his fiftieth anniversary of his ordination and also of his missionary activity. Friar Andrew Jarosseau was born in 1857 in Saint -Marc-Des-Pres in Vandea , a place as Catholic as it could be. At he left the world for good to enter a friary and put on the poor habit of a capuchin.
At that time the capuchins were exiled from France because of the 1880 persecution. As soon as he finished his years of study spent in Spain he was raised by God to the dignity of the Priesthood of Christ in 1881. By the permission and at the happiness of his Superiors, a month or two afterwords he left for the place for which God had been long calling him, for the mission among the Africans.
He stopped over at Obok for some time; Gibuti was not yet a city as it is today. His Apostolic Vicar Msgr Kahagne called him to go to Harrar, and from there he was sent to Avalle'. In a short time the gentleness and faithfullness of God's servant Friar Andrew became known; so much so that he was nominated to act instead of his Superior. During Msgr.Jarosseau’s stay at Avalle, he strived to convert the mohamedans; if he did not succeed as much as he should have it was not because of his zeal which never lacked, but because of the hard hearts of those infidels. Yet Msgr. Jarosseau's zeal was rewarded on the occasion of the lack of water and famine which hit those areas when more than half the people died because of that scourge. Friar Joachim from Zejtun, his society during the voyage for Kaffa, can tell us more than anybody else; he can speak quite a lot about the two thousand and five hundred baptisms they administered in a few months.
There you should have seen Msgr. Jarosseau ! As a true instrument in the hands of providence who with unbelievable denial, surrounded by deprivations and suffering, with the heart of a true servant of God he embraced and helped children and babies he met; left alone in several states: slaves, moribund. To everybody's wonder he freed from the grave whole families and hundreds of people hit hardly by dearth of food. This fact showed and increased Msgr. Jarosseau's merit in front of everybody. Therefore, in 1900 he was chosen and nominated as the successor of Msgr. Cahagne, Apostolic Vicar of Ethiopia.
It is no easy matter to publish here the whole work of Msgr. Jarosseau in the 31 years he has been a Bishop, but since last year we had with us the Rev. Friar Mizzi, Vice- Prefect of the Somalis, he told us something about Msgr. Jarosseau. Let us mention the names of the Houses and the Stations he set up, from them you can think of the work
Msgr:Bishop Andrew Jarosseau
done in Abyssinia under the leadership of Msgr. Jarosseau. He started his Apostolic work by opening a hospital for lepers: until the present day this work glorifies and honours the Gallic mission. The foundations then continued one after the other, sprouting like shoots around a laurel tree. The Second opening was the station at the Capital, Addis Abeba. Then the printing press at Harrar; in Dirre- Dawa an indigenous Seminary in Harrar; stations at Alale', Daga-Dima, Dobba, Tefferi- Berr, Laga- Hullo, Minne', Gambo, Gurade' and Kabbana.
Apart from all these houses, we can also mention the great help that the civilizing work of the Catholic mission under Msgr Jarosseau proved to be for Ethiopia. It helped the erection of trains and mail, agriculture, it helped in the opening of commerce and the extensive planting of gardens, the abolition of serfdom. It also helped Ethiopia to be counted among the civilized countries and therefore take part, as it is doing, in the League of nations.
For us here in Malta Msgr. Jarosseau's jubilee had rightly a share in our thoughts and feelings. Through our compatriot Friar Mizzi who is one of his companions in the mission and whom he lately instituted Vice Prefect of the Smalis, Msgr.Jarosseau looked towards Malta and invited it to take part in the large estate of Christ given to him. In fact, the land peopled by the Smalis under Abyssinian rule is probably larger than Italy. Therefore the maltese missionaries and all those who help them from their home without giving their personal activity, have enough where to show and to extend their zeal. Therefore we must always be grateful to Msgr. Jarosseau for making us share in his merits, especially in this occasion of the jubilee.
Our Institute then has a special reason to be happy together with Msgr.Jarosseau. It was one of the first which, with the permission and blessing of the Bishop of Malta, accepted the invitation from Abyssinia as God's call and sent one of its brothers. We will let the words of Msgr.Jarosseau explain how this action was received on the other side. " I send you my thanks for the Apostolic reinforcement you were pleased to send to our African mission among the Smalis in the person of the gentle Br. Joseph Francis Caruana. This Brother is a very able person; he is of a great help to us and he makes himself useful to us. " Lately a letter which Msgr.Jarosseau sent to Bro Joseph fell in our hands. From it we could see how he treasures the little help which we are giving him up to the present. Therefore, together with a wish for a long life for God's glory and for the good of all the souls of the mission, together with the wish of God's most chosen blessing over him and over all his Apostolic activity, we share with him his third wish: that of seeing us working in large numbers with him in Christ's field.
Even this year, the Missionary Laboratory offered its work for the benefit of the Mission among the Somalis and sent many a box on the the Mission field. It was of a particular help to this last group of Missionaries which left last October together with Friar Mizzi. Its ordinary meetings are held once a month every third Monday of the month at the parlour of St. Joseph's Home. Therefore this years' meetings fall on these days: January 18- February 15- March 21- April 18- May 16- June 20- July 18- August 22- September 19- October 17- November 21- December 19.
Scatter your Faith
The solemn crowing of the image of Mary Damascene on the 25th of October 1931.
may 31 days
Month dedicated to our lady the Virgin Mary.
The sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 6 and 45m.
Saint Augustine
Special devotions towards Mary, Our Lady, will be held.
@ 1 Sunday V After Easter -SS.Philip and James App. martyrs
2 Monday Saint Anastaius bishop Rogation
= 3 Tuesday Finding of the Holy Cross Rogation
4 Wednesday St.Monica mother of St.Augustine Rogation
@ 5 Thursday Jesus Christ Ascended into Heaven.
New Moon at 6 and 2m in the evening.
Beginning of novena to the Holy Spirit in the Chapel of the Institute.
6 Friday Martyrdom of Saint John ap. and evangelist
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Stanislas bishop |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
Between Ascension octave- Feast of Our Lady of Pompei |
Supplica of O.L. of Pompei in the chapel of the Institute at noon.
9 |
Monday |
Saint Gregory Nazianzen bishop |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anthony bishop |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint memertus bishop |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Philip of Aggira Feast at Haz-Zebbug |
13 |
Friday |
Saint John Silent |
First Quarter at 1 and 52m in the evening. |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Boniface mart (Vigil fasting and abst.) |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
= |
16 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
= |
17 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Venantius martyr Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter Celstine pope and St.Pudentiana |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Bernardine from Siena. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
Full Moon at 4 and 59m. in the morning |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Julia Slave Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
I After Pent.- M.H. Trinity. Tit.Feast of Marsa. |
23 |
Monday |
St.Rita from Cascia |
24 |
Tuesday |
SS.Domitian and Rogation mm. |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory VII pope. |
@ |
26 |
Thursday |
Corpus Domini |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Bede Venerable doctor of the Church |
Last Quarter at 4 and 44m. in the morning. |
28 |
Saturday |
Saint Augustine bishop |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
II After Pentecost Feast of Corpus Domini at Rabat |
30 |
Monday |
Saint Felix pope martyr |
31 |
Tuesday |
Saint Angela Merici virg. and St.Petronilla virg. |
Function to end the month of May, Te Deum sung before Sacramental Benediction. Beginning of the month of June.
ad multos annos
Our Missionary Institute also unites itself heartily with many others especially with the Diocese of Venice, to thank God for the grace he was pleased to pour on the Eminent Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal P. La Fontaine. God lent him the time to rejoice for his twenty-fifth anniversary of being consecrated a Bishop. He rejoiced with his diocese whom he has been ruling for sixteen years; he rejoiced with his friends and admirers. In fact it was twenty-two years ago when Cardinal La Fontaine was in Malta as an Apostolic Visitor.Before being separated from him at Fra Diego Institute,he asked us whether we would like to speak to him about some other matter, apart from the few other things which regarded the Institute of Fra Diego. Therefore we plucked courage and told him about our thought which had been ticking in our mind about the Institute of the Missions. He did not let us continue what we were saying; he showed us at once that he was approving wholeheartedly whatever we
were saying. Not only that; he volunteered to help us as much as possible and asked us to present our demand in writing. When we kissed his hands and left him, we felt him, we felt God to be with us at that time; and more than once he also said that that meeting with us at the Fra Diego Institute was totally providential. We did not lose time; we wrote our demand, we passed it through our Bishop Msgr. Pace at that time, and handed it to him. After some time, while we were ill in bed with a high fever, his totally favourable answer reached us and it consoled us a lot because it was accompanied by the blessing of the holy Pope Pius X.
When we became well again, we rolled up our sleeves for work. We though of the opening of the house where the new Institute of the Missions was to begin. On the thirtieth of June 1910 Commemoration day of Saint Paul Our Father, the house began its work. Some time before the house had been blessed by Msgr. Bishop Pace. Therefore, since that time we have considered Msgr. Bishop La Fontaina as the Protector of the Institute and we have always prayed for him together in the Chapel. And now that the Cardinal Patriarch of Venice celebrates the twenty-fifth anniversary of his Ministry as Bishop, we have every right, or rather the duty to unite ourselves to all the others. While we offer him our joy, we renew our feelings of gratitude and together with him thank God for the grace he was pleased to give him; we sincerely wish him for many years to come, "Ad Multos Annos".
disseminate this almanac.
saint augustine and malta
Saint Augustine
When we were very young, we remember that once we heard that Saint Augustine was a maltese. Yet, the how, the why, on what grounds and the wherefore why these words were told us , we do not even remember. But now in the very big feast which was held in Malta in honour of Saint Augustine on the occasion of the fifteenth centenary of his glorious death, we have remembered again these words and said in our heart of hearts in truth there is some sort of bond between Saint Augustine and the Maltese. Therefore we pondered deeply until we said, of course! if Saint Augustine is not our brother for being born in Malta, he is surely our brother in the beginning of his faith. As he himself confesses, the work of his conversion knows Saint Paul the Apostle as its father, just as our conversion.
One days in fact, while Augustine was in the garden, he felt something like a terrible tempest in his heart and his eyes melted like two rivers of tears. And while the strongest contrition was being conceived within him, he heard a baby's voice coming out of the house next to him telling him," Take up and read! Take up and read! " For some time he looked around to see if it could be the voice of children when they were playing but he could not he remember ever having heard such a voice. At once his eyes dried up; sure that those words came down from heaven to open the book of the Apostle Saint Paul which he had carried with him in the garden. He picked it up from where he had left it and his eyes fell on these words;" Do not live among excess food and drink, do not live among bad pleasures not among fighting and jelousy but put on Jesus Christ. Do not try to please your body according to the wishes of your senses " As soon as he finished reading these words, he stopped because, as he himself says, he did not need to read any more. In fact, he felt his soul enlightened like a flash of lightning and the darkness with which he was surrounded, dissolved for ever. In this way Augustine gave himself to God at the words of Saint Paul's letters.
The centenary celebrations were adorned with functions, academies, and speeches by learned orators with solemn pontificals. But the most beautiful occurrence for which the feasts will be remembered in our religious history, was the closing ceremony at the Floriana granaries. The whole of Malta gathered there to hear the beautiful speech of the circumstance through the microphone and receive the sacramental benediction from the hand of the Bishop.
Pray for the Missionaries
june 30 days
Month of the M. S. Heart of Jesus.
The Sun rises at 4 and 44m. It sets at 7 and 23m.
During this month there will be the devotion of the month of June.
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Pacificus martyr |
2 |
Thursday |
SS.Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus martyrs |
3 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis Caracciolo |
New Moon at 9 and 6m in the morning. |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
III After Pent. |
6 |
Monday |
Saint Norbert bishop |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Claude bishop |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint Medard bishop |
9 |
Thursday |
Ss.Primus and Felicianus martyrs |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Margaret queen |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Barnabas apostle |
First Quarter at 9 and 29m. in the evening. |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
IV After Pent.- Feast of the SacroCuor, Sliema |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Basil bishop of Caesarea |
15 |
Wednesday |
SS.Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia martyrs |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis Regis |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Avitus abbot |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Mark and Marcellinus martyrs |
Full Moon at noon and 28m. |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
V After Pent. |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Silverius Pope martyr |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Louis Conzaga |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Ethelreda abbess |
@ |
24 |
Friday |
Birth of Saint John Baptist -Tit. of the Con. Cath. at Valletta and of Xewkija, Gozo |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint William abbot |
Last Quarter at 8 and 26m in the evening. |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
VI After Pent. |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Ladislas king |
Beginning of the Triduum to Saint Paul at the Chapel of the institute. |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint Leo II abbot |
@ |
29 |
Wednesday |
Martyrdom of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Feast at Imdina and tit. of Nadur Gozo |
30 |
Thursday |
Commemoration of the Mart. of St. Paul Ap. feast at Rabat. |
Feast of the Apostle Our Father. Before Benediction in the evening, St. Paul's kurunella is said and the Te Deum sung as conclusion of the month of June and of the XXI Anniversary of the Society AD. 1910.
Friar Mizzi, Vice Prefect of the Mission among the Somalis, pays a visit to the Society of Saint Paul.
of missionaries.
In the missionary history of Malta, the 27th of last November was a day worthy of remembering. On that day, no less than 19 Missionaries left for the Maltese Mission among the Somalis of Abyssinia. They were under the leadership of the zealous Friar Mizzi who, in these last five years has been chosen as Vice Prefect of that Mission. The first time Fr. Angelo came he carried away with him some youths also; then three group of franciscan Sisters followed. But this time, things went much better. First of all, the number was larger and also of greater importance Among them there was Canon Fr. John Portelli from Nadur Gozo; there were five franciscan Sisters and twelve young men; eight of them for the seminary at Bursum near Harrar and four as lay-brothers to perform as catechists.
The preparation for the departure was also more solemn this time. For the departure function the Capuchins’ Church at Floriana was chosen, as it was fitting. Msgr. Canon Theologian H. Dandriaof the Cathedral delivered the speech for the occasion. There is no need to say much that it was beautifully delivered for with his zealous and Apostolic word he described for them the beauty and the greatness of the call for Missionary life; how helpful and strengthening in times of suffering which cannot be separated from good acts is the consolation which is associated with the work of God's estate and with the abundance of the harvest.
The M. Rev. Friar Francis, Minister Provincial of the Capuchins, presided the function and continued the very moving ceremony of the consignment of the Cross to this small group of soldiers of Christ. For such an occurrence the church was full of people ; the relatives and friends of the departing Missionaries could not but turn up and the devout of the Missionary work could not miss this occasion. It was a reminder of the first days of the Church, it especially (brought to mind) the moment when the Apostles went out of the cenacle on pentecost.
Friar Mizzi told us that the four months he stayed in Malta seemed to him four weeks; so can we also say because we can still see him entering our office... we were then in the first days of August and we do not know how the months passed and it was departure time. That is the way things are in this world; however long you enjoy a person's society, finally it is time to separate; but if the time seemed short to us, it means that we were happy with each other. That is the way things were really for, in these last four years which, so to say, we have been in touch with the Mission among the Somalis, we have come to know many things effortlessly about those areas and about the life Missionaries lead down there. Therefore every time Friar Mizzi came to us or whenever we met, we always had many things to ask and others to tell him; so much so that finally we would promise each other to continue another time, since we had to leave each other.
Friar Mizzi paid us several visits but we chose a day when we could introduce him also to our students, novices and aspirants before going away for the work he has most at heart among the Somalis. The day chosen was the 22nd of last November. When he arrived, we greeted each other and gathered around him and invited him to speak to us. He spoke to us from the bottom of his heart: about the beauty of our vocation, about the activity of the missionary field and of how one must be accustomed to hope in God. More than once it happens that one finds oneself alone and one feels so much the separation from those who can make you hope for some help. On the other hand as soon as one sees oneself surrounded by hostile creatures and natural elements, nothing but God alone remains. And one feels God with oneself; and one feels God lifting oneself with the courage he gives; and he takes care of oneself exactly as a father and a mother take care of their baby. And with the wish in his heart that we will not be long in working with him side by side for the conversion of the Somalis, he ended his speech. We invited him to eat with us since it was late; after hugging him before being separated, we asked him to hug for us the beloved pioneer of our Society, Brother Joseph Francis Caruana who is already working with him.
That day, on the same morning of departure, the 27th of November two sisters came to us and informed us of Mother General's wish to meet the group of sisters who were to depart. We accepted this invitation and as soon as we entered Valletta, we passed through Adoration House. We discovered that instead of five sisters, six were going for Sr. Maria Cleopha of Jesus of Nazareth was going with them as Visitress of the houses they have in this Mission. The other missionary Sisters were : Sr. Delphina, Sr. Maria Ersilia, Sr. Innocenza, Sr. Saveria, and Sr. Marianne. As soon as we met, we delivered a short speech of the occurrence, we gave them a dear relic, taken from the miraculous stone of Saint Paul's grotto which we have in Malta and were separated from them. We gave them greetings for those who before them reached the first file of Christ's army, we wished them a safe voyage and blessed them with the relic of the Apostle our Father, taken from his own bones.
This time, the departure of this group of 19 Missionaries for Somalia was adorned with all beautiful things. The most beautiful was placed by the Guardian angel of this Mission, that day, on the evening during departure. On the quay there was a large crowd of relatives, friends, admirers and devotees of the Mission. That moment of sadness felt by the heart due to separation from its motherland was changed into the sweetest joy because of the voice coming out of that people. "No, we will not forget you. We will be united with you with our thought, we will be with you with our actions, we will be with you with our help; you pray for us and we pray for you. And so, in the cherished Heart of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ our heart will also remain beating for you, in spite of the distance. Long live the Religion of Christ ! Long live its Missionaries !.
july 31 days
Month of the Precious Blood of the Redeemer.
The Sun rises at 4 and 46m. It sets at 7 and 28m.
When it is time to distribute charity, do not forget the maltese Institute of the Missions
1 Friday The Most precious blood of O.L.J.C.
2 Saturday Visitation of V.M. - Tit. of Porto Salvo, Valletta
+3 Sunday VII After Pent. New Moon at 10 and 10m in the evening.
4 Monday Saint Bertha and Saint Ulric.
5 Tuesday Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria
6 Wednesday octave of Ss. Peter and Paul app.
7 Thursday Ss.Cyril and Methodius brothers Bishops
8 Friday St.Elisabeth queen of Portugal
9 Saturday Saint Vironica Giuliani Capuchine
+10 Sunday VIII After Pent. (Tit. Feast Saint Joseph, Kalkara)
11 Monday Saint Pius I Pope martyr First quarter at 2 and 57m. in the morning.
12 Tuesday Saint John Gualbert abb.
13 Wednesday Saint Anacletus pope martyr
14 Thursday Saint Bonaventure Cardinal bishop, and Seraphic doct.
15 Friday Saint Henry Emperor
16 Saturday Solemn comm. of o.L. of the Carmel Feast at Valletta.
+17 Sunday IX After Pent. Tit. feast of St. Joseph, Msida
Full Moon at 8 and 56m in the evening.
18 Monday Saint Camillus de Lellis confessor
19 Tuesday Saint Vincent de Paul
20 Wednesday Saint Elijah Prophet- found. of the Carmelites
21 Thursday Saint Praxedes virgin
22 Friday Saint Mary Magdalene penitent.
23 Saturday Ss.Apollinaris bishop and S. Liborius bishop Last quarter at 1 and 32m in the evening.
+24 Sunday X After Pent.
+25 Monday Saint James Ap. martyr
+26 Tuesday Saint Anne Mother of V.M.
27 Wednesday Saint Pantaleon bishop
28 Thursday Ss. Nazarius and Celous martyrs
29 Friday Saint Martha virgin sister of Mary Magdalene
30 Saturday Ss.Abdon and Sennen martyrs
+31 Sunday XI After Pent.- Sta. Venera tit. of St. Venera.
Beginning of Sta. Maria quindicina at the Chapel.
August 31 days
Month of the Assumption
The Sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 7 and 11m.
1 |
Monday |
Saint Peter Ap. in Chains and the Maccabean Saints |
2 |
Tuesday |
St.Alph. M. De Liguori and O.L. of the Angels (Portinucula) |
New moon at 9 and 32m in the morning. |
3 |
Wednesday |
Discovery of St. Stephen's body martyr |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Dominic of Gusman conf. feast at Valletta. |
5 |
Friday |
Our Lady of the Snows |
6 |
Saturday |
The Transfiguration of the Saviour tit. C. Lija |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
XII After Pent. tit. feast St. Cajetan Hamrun |
8 |
Monday |
SS.Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus and companions martyrs |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Aristarcus bishop, St. Paul's companion in the Shipwreck. |
First quarter at 7 and 30m. in the morning. |
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10 |
Wednesday |
St. Laurence Levite martyr Patron of Vittoriosa |
11 |
Thursday |
SS. Tiburtius and Susanna mar. |
12 |
Friday |
Saint Clare of Assisi virgin. |
13 |
Saturday |
Ss.Hipollitus, Cassian and companions martyrs |
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14 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pent. |
@ |
15 |
Monday |
Assumption of Our Lady (tit. H. Ghaxaq, Attard, Guja, Qrandi, Mqabba Mosta, Mgarr Malta and the Cathedral and Zebbug, Gozo). |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Joachim Father of the Virgin Mary. |
Full Moon at 7 and 32m in the morning. |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Hyaciuth conf. |
18 |
Thursday |
St. Helen (tit. Feast of B'kara) |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Louis Bishop |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Bernard bishop and doctors |
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21 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pent. |
22 |
Monday |
Assumption Octave |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Philip Bennizi conf. |
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24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bartholomeo Ap. martyr (tit. H. Gharghur) |
Last Quarter at 7 and 11m int he morning. |
25 |
Thursday |
Saint Ludwig king conf. |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Zephyrinus pope martyr |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius confessor |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
XV After Pent. [ St. Julian's- tit of St. Julian’s] |
29 |
Monday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist |
30 |
Tuesday |
Saint Rose from Lima dominican |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Raymond nonnatus conf. |
New Moon at 7 and 45m in the evening. |
msgr. louis farrugia
On Sunday 14th of last June at Saint John's in Valletta, Msgr. Louis Farrugia celebrated a very beautiful function on the fiftieth anniversary of his priestly ordination with a low and solemn mass together. He celebrated the remembrance of that very precious day for the Priest when for the first time he ascended the altar to offer the divine host and through it, obtain peace for his brothers, delivers them from eternal perdition and introduces them to the fold of the chosen. At the altar and in the choir Msgr. Farrugia was assisted by his companions, the canons. The church was full of friends and admirers, together with a large number of his disciples for Msgr. Farrugia consumed his life in teaching. He taught both at the Bishop's seminary as well as in public secular schools. We imagine that among the men of profession it is easier to count those who were not taught by Msgr. Farrugia than those who were.
Msgr. Farrugia was born at the city of Valletta in 1858. He studied and graduated at the University of Malta. In 1895 he was raised to the dignity of canon of the Cathedral and in 1902 the Pope chose him as his Domestic Prelate.
Many are the merits of Msgr. Farrugia. In the field of ecclesiastical activity we say only that lately he has been chosen by the Bishop as his Vicar for sisters. This means that he is to take care of those souls chosen by Jesus Christ to be His Brides; Souls who by denying the world through sacrifices, suffering and penances attract God's graces and blessing on everybody. We said we will mention only this office because, once Msgr. Farrugia was chosen for it , that means that all the good qualities of the Catholic priest meet all together in him.
Msgr.Farrugia possesses other merits in the fields of oratory and literature- these are not insignificant. The sermons he published are a proof of this, together with his latin compositions which earned him so much admiration from distinct personages not only in Malta but also abroad , for their position, ability and wisdom.
With these words we sought not only to praise Msgr. Farrugia but on this event of his jubilee we felt it gave us the occasion to show him that we appreciate his esteem and love for our small Missionary Institute. In fact, last year, as soon as he received this Almanac, this is what he wrote to us. "I enclose a small donation for the Missionary Burse of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is very small but it comes from a heart which appreciates and admires the work..., since I cannot give as much as I would like for such a holy end, for which it is directed. I requite by promising a special daily prayer during holy mass so that Our Lord raises many brave souls who help abundantly." May God continue to favour Msgr Farrugia and lengthen his life for His glory and for the benefit of the Church and for the love of his friends. Together with many other wishes, this is our wish which we would like to add.
the beginning of the maltese mission
among the somalis in abyssinia.
Up to the middle of the last century, oriental and central Africa managed to remain closed and separated from the outside world. In fact it always hindered and obstructed those who sometimes tried to enter and explore. So much so that on maps of those days there was written "unexplored areas"- For the same reason that it spurned others, it always hindered and obstructed the good work of the missionaries which some time or other the Church sent so that the light of the Gospel would shine on it. So, the Capuchin Friars' work in 1637 and in 1645 as well as the Reformed Friars' work in 1706 were all useless efforts. They strove as hard as they could, but never could they penetrate those areas.
In fact, the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda reached the conclusion to send a mission to those areas of Oriental Africa because of the beautiful letters full of zeal of Mr. Anthony D'Abbadie, a french traveller in Abyssina. Therefore we find that on the 30th April 1846, with the approval of the then Pope Gregory XVI, the Vicariate among the Gauls was erected. The Vicar Apostolic chosen and named was Friar William Massaia, because it was given to order of the Capuchins by the Pope. Therefore at the Concistoy before Easter, Friar Massaia was preconsied Bishop of Cassia " in partibus " and on he 24th of May 1964 he was consecrated.
As soon as the function of consecration ended, Friar Massaia who was very eager, was not patient enough to wait. Although Rome was still celebrating the novendials of Pope Gregory XVI who by that time had fainted and died, he left for Alexandria. We find that while he was on voyage, he stopped in Malta for one day and visited the Bishop, he spoke to the Vicar and to some Canons of the Cathedral we wanted to have some news about the death of the Pope. Although he had been dead for some days, the news of his death was announced by the ringing of bells about an hour after Bishop Massaia's arrival.
Msgr. Massaia left for Egypt on that same day; there he had to meet all his companions and after much hard work, danger and suffering, he finally arrived for his Mission among the Gauls.
Many, many years passed. A Maltese Missionary, a certain Friar Angelo Mizzi, showed his zeal there, after he arrived in the Mission among the Gauls through the French Capuchins of the province of Toulouse. He was chosen Apostolic Vice Prefect for the new Mission among the Somalis who are under the rule of Abyssina; he was named by Msgr. Andrew Jarosseau. Friar Mizzi looked at once towards Malta where he hoped that he could have some help in this Apostolic work. and therefore, with the permission of Msgr. Jarosseau who is the second successor of the great Cardinal Massaia, he came to Malta twice these last four years. By God's help, every time he attracted many for the Mission in Abyssinia; he carried off with him groups of young men, a priest and also sisters.
Friar Mizzi invited us also to send someone from our Missionary Institute. Since the Society has no priests to send, it slaked the wish and eagerness of the Vice Prefect of the Maltese Mission among the Somalis by putting itself in the hands of Providence and with the blessing of our Msgr. Bishop, it sent one of its catechist lay-brothers. And as you can see, from the little we could, we gave our work for the good of the souls of our neighbour. We hope that this instils new vigour into our benefactors to continue helping us as this Almanac guides them. And so, by their activity also we soon see realized this beginning of our Mission among the Somalis of Abyssinia.
help ! help without ceasing!
One night there was a storm; as soon as I knelt down infront of the Crucifix, before going to rest, the thought of the Missionaries, the thought about the Mission field started nagging at me. Oh ! I said to myself Not all people are as happy as I am, not everybody can rest on one's own bed! who knows! The Missionaries after all their denial, after so much suffering and want in which they live, they are in their poor huts, afraid of the sounds of the animals in the wild, like lions and hyenas.
Oh poor Missionaries! How much do they suffer to draw souls towards Christ. Their work, to deliver souls to God's Kingdom is so hard! This thought disturbed me until it expressed itself in these words: help! without ceasing! It all happened like the sparks produced when flint strikes steel. This was God's call which rallied me to the Institute of the Missions.
Oh my Lord! Oh my God ! Let my poor little soul bless you and praise you always! Yes, I will always sing your mercy and kindness. But you who see the deprivation of your Missionaries, you who know how much others can do for them by giving something out of the wealth you gave them, or by their devout prayers, may your voice echo in everybody's mind. Help ! Help without ceasing!.
september 31 days
The month of the Angels.
The sun rises at 5 and 23m and sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Giles abbot. The XII brothers martyrs |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Stephen King of Hungary |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Seraphine virgin and martyr |
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4 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pent.- Our Lady of the Cincture |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Laurence Jiustinian |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Thechlistos Pilot martyr |
7 |
Wednesday |
Remembrance of the 1565 Victory -National Feast |
First Quarter at noon and 39 minutes. |
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8 |
Thursday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary- Tit. and Patron of Senglea, Naxxar, Mellieha and Xaghra Gozo. |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Gorgonius martyr |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
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11 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pent.- Haz.Zabbar Tit. feast of O.L. of the Graces. |
12 |
Monday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria |
14 |
Wednesday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
Full Moon at 8 and 56m. in the evening. |
15 |
Thursday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V.M. |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Cornelius and companions martyrs |
17 |
Saturday |
The Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi |
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18 |
Sunday |
XVIII After Pent.- Birzebbuga. Tit. feast of O.L. of Sorrows |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Januarius bishop and companions mm. |
20 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Eustachius and companions mm. |
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21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Mathew Ap. and Evang. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Thomas bishop |
23 |
Friday |
St. Linus Pope and St. Thecla v. and m. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
Last Quarter at 35m. after midnight. |
24 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of Mercy Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
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25 |
Sunday |
XIX After Pent. |
26 |
Monday |
Ded. of the consecrated Churches of Malta |
27 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint Wenceslas king of Bohemia |
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29 |
Thursday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Jerome confessor and doctor |
New Moon at 7 and 45m. in the evening. |
- the angelus domini -
The holy custom of praying three times a day when the bells ring, that is at eight, at noon and at sunset is very beautiful.
It is not fitting to lose such a holy custom; apart from the indulgences one gains, it can also be of great benefit to our soul. In fact, we find in history that through this holy custom even great conversions were wrought.
Since the year 1096, Pope Urbanus 11 had made three Hail Maries to be said to the Virgin Mary morning and evening, in aid of the Crusades. In the year 1221, Pope Gregory IX recommended these three Hail Maries to be said at noon also. St.Bonaventure added the Angelus Domini and the rest to these three Hail Maries.
Pope Benedict XIII, a dominican, gave a 100 day indulgence and the planary indulgence once a month. Apart from these indulgences, Pope Pius VII gave also a 100 day indulgence to those who added three "Glory Be To the Father" in honour of the M. Bl. Trinity. While strengthening the indulgences given before, with a 3rd April 1884 decree, Pope Leo XIII was pleased to make it possible that those who could not kneel down gained the same indulgences; those who do not know how to say the Angelus could say Five Hail Maries, gaining the same indulgences.
On the 11th of August of the Year 1136, Pope Clement XII gave the same indulgence to all those who in an hour (after the Ave Maria) at night said either the De Profundis or a Pater, an Ave and a Requiem for the Souls of the Departed.
they arrived
We have good news about the group of Missionaries who last November had left Malta, together with Friar Mizzi, the Apostolic Vice Prefect of the Mission among the Somalis in Abyssinia; the news comforted us. We know not only that they had a very good voyage throughout and that on board they could hear not only one mass but two and receive the sacred Host; but we know that they arrived at the first Missionary station which is the school at Dirre Dawa. They were preparing themselves to pay the first visit to the Bishop Msgr. Jarosseau who is at Harrar. They have all remained in good health; they cannot be happier when they see themselves at the divine harvest for which they yearned so much. Their consolation increased immensely when they saw that the reception at Dirre-Dawava was no less enthused than their departure from Malta. May God always help them to prosper for His Glory, for the benefit of the souls of their pagan brothers and to honour their country.
october 31 days
The month of the Rosary
The sun rises at 5 and 55m. It sets at 45m.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Remigius Bishop |
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2 |
Sunday |
XX After Pent- proc. of O.L. of the Rosary |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Gerard and Saint Canditus |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Francis of Assisi Found of the (F.) Minors. |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Placidus and companions martyrs |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Brunone conf. |
First quarter at 7 and 55m. int he evening. |
7 |
Friday |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
8 |
Saturday |
Consecration of the Cathedral Church of Malta. |
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9 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pent. |
10 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Tuesday |
Consecration of the Cathedral Church of Gozo |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Wilfred bishop |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Edward King and Confessor |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Callistus I pope martyr |
Full Moon at 1 and 3m in the evening. |
15 |
Saturday |
Saint Teresa of Jesus |
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16 |
Sunday |
XXII After Pent. |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Margaret M. Alacoque |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Luke Evangelist disc. and companion of Saint Paul during the Shipwreck. |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Peter of Alcantara |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint John Cantius |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Hilarion abbot- Saint Ursola and companions martyrs |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Mary Salome disciple of Jesus Christ |
Last Quarter at 5 and 4m in the evening. |
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23 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pent. |
Mission Day. There will be an hour's solemn adoration from 11 to noon and in the evening there will be a Sermon on the missions. Morning and evening collections go for the mission.
24 |
Monday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Chrysanthus and Daria his wife martyrs |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Furmentius bishop |
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28 |
Friday |
Ss.Simon and Jude Thaddeus App. martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Narcissus bishop |
New Moon at 2 and 16m. in the evening |
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30 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pent.- Feast of Jesus Christ, King |
An hour of Solemn Adoration from 11 to noon; the Act of Consecration and litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
31 |
Monday |
Saint Quintinus martyr vigil fasting and abst. |
Should we encourage Vocations ?
Although some men possessing wisdom and kindness of heart do not discourage those young people who possess the wish to embrace the ecclesiastical state both religious as well as that of a secular priest, however they get confused to help them to continue this their most cherished wish. Such people behave in this manner because they say that vocation is completely the work of the Holy Spirit only. They describe the difficulties and obstacles one may meet in religious life in the most obscure of colours, although with a good intention. In this way, without realizing they would be putting out that enthusiasm for ecclesiastical state present in the heart of these young men. Others even go to the extent of shouldering such a terrible responsibility and shy away some souls from that way for which the Divine Master would be calling them. In this way, without taking any notice of it, they would be ruining God's work.
It is true that vocation, from beginning to end, comes from God; but God makes use of creatures' works to fulfil his holy thoughts. Parents and those in charge of children, among all people, can continue this work. Many a time in fact we meet religious and priests who often thank God for giving them such a good mother who, perhaps she was the first to sow or to nurture the seeds of vocation in their heart. In the life of Cardinal Vaughan we read that for twenty years, every evening, his mother used to spend an hour in prayer so that her children would receive the grace for the ecclesiastical state. In fact all the six girls she bore became sisters and six boys, out of eight embraced the ecclesiastical state.
In the same way as parents and others who take care of children put before them the diverse professions of life, it is also fitting that they speak to them about vocation, that is, serving the King of kings and working to save others and to enlarge more and more the kingdom of Christ. This is what the saints used to do; among them we mention St. Jerome who, since he knew what God wanted from Eleodoro, wrote to him in this way :"I have invited you; come quickly. But you have not heeded my invitation; maybe you now heed my scolding. Oh! You soldier lacking courage ! What are you doing under your father's roof? Be quick ! Enlist under the flag of Christ."
St.Bernard spoke so well of the advantages of the religions state that he attracted all his brothers and other noble youths to the solitude of Citeaux.
If we continue to move foreward , we find also that the first two apostles of Jesus, Andrew and John, were sent after Jesus by Saint John Baptist himself. On the morrow, this same Apostle found Philip and this one brought Nathanael with him. The Apostles were called mostly in this manner; always however under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
From all this we can rightly say that we should encourage vocations as much as possible and embolden those who have been called by God to follow him in the ecclesiastical state, more so especially when the call is missionary.
Prayer for the choice of state of life.
Oh my God, You who are a God of Wisdom and counsel, You who read in my heart the sincere wish that I have to please only You, to protect myself with all prudence in my choice of state in life, while I obey completely Your most holy will, at the intercession of the Virgin most blessed Mother and of my protector saints especially St. Joseph and St.Louis, give me , I ask you, Your grace to recognize which state I must choose and when am I to embrace it, so that, in this state I would be able to fulfil and increase Your glory, work for the salvation of my soul and deserve the reward of Heaven which you promised to those who fulfil Your holy will.
(300 days indulgence, once a day ).
Pope Pius X - 6 May 1905.
Youths who wish to become Missionaries
november 30 days
All Souls' Month
The sun rises at 6 and 22m. It sets at 5 and 6m.
@ |
1 |
Tuesday |
All Saints |
2 |
Wednesday |
All Souls |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Hubert bishop |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Charles Borromeo bishop and doctor |
5 |
Saturday |
The Holy Relics of this diocese |
First Quarter at 6 and 40m. in the morning. |
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6 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pent.- Tit. feast of Saint Leonard at Hal Chircop |
7 |
Monday |
SS. Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
8 |
Tuesday |
All Saints Octave |
9 |
Wednesday |
Cons. of the Arcibasilica pat. of The M.H. Saviour Rome. |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Andrew Avellino confessor |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Martin bishop |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Martin I pope martyr |
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13 |
Sunday |
XXVI After pent. |
Full Moon at 7 and 15m. in the morning |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Gertrude benedictine virgin |
Te Deum to thank for the Canonical Erection of the Society of Saint Paul sung at the Chapel of the evening.
15 |
Tuesday |
Saint Edmund bishop |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory taumaturge bishop |
17 |
Thursday |
Consecration of the Patriarchal Basilicas of Saint Peter in the Vatican and of Saint Paul outside Rome |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Elisabeth queen |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Felix from Valois confessor |
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20 |
Sunday |
XXVII After Pent. |
21 |
Monday |
Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple |
Last quarter at 7 and 48m. int he morning. |
22 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cecilia virgin and martyr |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Clement I pope martyr |
24 |
Thursday |
Saint John of the Cross and Saint Crisoganus |
25 |
Friday |
St. Catherine v. and m. - Tit. of Zejtun and Zurrieq |
26 |
Saturday |
Saint Sylvester benedictine abbot |
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27 |
Sunday |
First of Advent |
28 |
Monday |
Saint James della Marca. Marriages prohibited |
New Moon at 33m. after midnight. |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Saturninus martyr |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Andrew Ap. martyr ( tit. of Hal-Luqa) |
the reward of the missionaries
The beautiful ceremony of the departure of five missionaries was taking place at the chapel of the Seminary of Foreign Missions of Paris.
As soon as the choir intoned " Quam speciosi pedes evangelizantium pacem, evangelizantium bona!" all the people who were present, assisting for that function fled one after the other to kiss the feet of those five young missionaries.
When suddenly, a very old man who could hardly walk, knelt down, crying in front of one of these young men. He kissed the young man tenderly, a kiss mixed with tears which sprang from his eyes while his heart was rent with joy. He stood there without moving.
The young man was rapt in thought, thinking about those far away countries where he was going to announce the good news of the Divine Master. At this touching scene, he was broken hearted and two tears, nearly blood, sprang from his eyes and rolled down on the head of the poor old man kneeling infront of him. None of those present could hold back tears. But the young man plucked courage, he overcame himself and the old man, like a new Abraham offered generously the sacrifice of his son Isaac to go to a far away country and revealing the true God.
Many, many years of great sacrifices passed; the young man was overcome by suffering... he walked and walked... he worked hard... he suffered much... and he fell exhausted on the ground. but being short of breath this is what he said: if here I rest, up there my brothers die, yes may brothers die without light, without love of Jesus the Redeemer, at the peril of losing their soul!.. I will die, he said, within himself and my brothers will be saved; I will die but Jesus will be called; he will be known and loved by at least one other soul.
He used his remaining energy to continue his voyage. Up there he found his brothers and taught them love. However they prepared death for him. This is what this missionary earns in this world. He was removed by those he loved so much; more than a father. But, when he set foot on God's kingdom, he found Jesus Christ himself to receive him and to embrace him with the flame of his love.
Let us ask St.Paul to raise Missionaries, to give them an inclination for suffering, zeal for the good of souls, love for the Divine Master, in their souls; a love like that which he had burning in his heart, a love which often drove him to suffer for his brothers.
december 31 days
Christmas month
The sun rises at 6 and 62m. It sets at 4 and 46m.
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Eligius bishop |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis Xavier, apostle of India |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
The Second of Advent |
First Quarter at 9 and 35m. in the evening. |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Saba abbot |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Nicholas of Bari Tit. of Siggiewi |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ambrose bishop |
@ |
8 |
Thursday |
Imm. Conception of the V.M. tit. and Pat. of Cospicua |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Leocadia virgin |
10 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
The Third of Advent |
12 |
Monday |
Saint Valerius abbot |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Lucy virgin and martyr |
Full Moon at 2 and 11m. in the morning. |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Viatalis bishop Emb. D. fasting with abst. |
15 |
Thursday |
Octave of the Conception of the V.M. |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Eusebius bishop martyr do |
Beginning of the Novena to the Child Jesus
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Olympia widow Embers do |
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18 |
Sunday |
The Fourth of Advent |
19 |
Monday |
Blessed Mary of the Angels Carmelite |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Marione |
Last Quarter at 8 and 12m. in the evening. |
= |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Thomas Ap. martyr |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Ginesius martyr |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Servolus |
24 |
Saturday |
St.Tarsilla and Emiliana virg. Vigil fasting and abst. |
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25 |
Sunday |
Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Solemn feast of the Child Jesus; at midnight Procession with Baby Jesus; sung Mass and General communion at the Chapel.
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26 |
Monday |
Saint Stephen first martyr cel. of arriagesallowed |
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27 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Ap. and Evangelist |
= |
28 |
Wednesday |
The Holy Innocents Martyrs. |
New Moon at 11 and 12m. int he morning. |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Trophimus bishop m. and St. Paul's companion at Shipwreck. |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Vitalianus pope and Saint Sabinus bishop |
= |
31 |
Saturday |
Saint Sylvester pope martyr. |
te deum
missionary wish
Why do you cry...
You have to leave your mother behind;
Why is it useless
To try to hold you back ?
Why do you want
To go far away from home;
Leaving your father
and your smaller brothers behind?
Why do you want to shun
The fountain of love...
Have youfound, may be
That it does not satisfy?...
Why do you want
To choose a new sky....
Another, far away country,
Poverty instead of wealth?
What are you attracted to
To leave this Island,
And in your heart
Keep only a memory of it ?
THE MOTOR CYCLE. Last January, some of our benefactor friends told us that that we should receive something for the missions; that it is no small object. But, although they hinted at what this thing could be, we did not succeed to fancy what it was. Some time passed after this exchange of words; while we were at Fra Diego Institute, we received the news that a Gentleman riding the motor-cycle had just arrived and he wanted to speak to us. We found out that he was our friend, Mr. Fred Cachia Zammit. We welcomed him and realized at once that he was offering us his motor-cycle for our Brother Joseph who is in the Missions. That evening we thanked him for such a beautiful and large gift and started planning at once to send it to Bro. Joseph. We asked the Dames of the Missionary Laboratory and they accepted happily the burden. Finally with our help also, the Motor-cycle, packed in two boxes, left for the Mission. After some time we received the news that it had reached Berbera. Lately we received from Brother Joseph; he told us that while he opened the box, all the children of the area gathered around him; when he rode it for the first time, they were so happy that they accompanied him triumphantly up to the Missionaries' station. Brother Joseph has asked us to deliver his thanks to this generous benefactor and tell him that the Motor-cycle will be very useful to him and to all the Mission.
burse entrusted to the heart of jesus
The Baron Mr.Igino De Piro £1.,- Msgr. Louis Farrugia 10s.- Through the Parish Priest of Hal Ghaxaq, 5s.- Can. Fr. Saviour Tartaghia £10.- Mr. Saviour Zammit Zurrieq 4s.- Collected by Mr. Etewald Busuttil:- Marianne Muscat. 1s.- Alfred Borg, Camenzuli, Floriana 1s.- J. Baptist Delia, 1s.- Francis Gambin 1s.- Carmel Delia 1s.- Andrew Bonnici 1s.- Premier Bonaci 1s.- Palmarium G. Zarb 1s.- Paul Xikluna 1s.- Spiridione Navarro Sliema 10s.- Lewis Muscat 1s.- and others 3s.7d- (in all £1.3s 7d) Through Miss Zahra 5s- Through the Chemist A. Margurat 5s.- Through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P. 17s.2d.- The Chemist G. Serge 2s.- Fr. E. Salamone Parish Priest of Imgarr 1s.- Through Fr. Enes 5s.- Through Fr. Anthony Cachia 10s.- Through Paul Grech. from Detroit U.S.A. 8s.4d.- Money left over at a fair , through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P.8s.- Can. Fr. Francis Said 5s.- Through the Blacksmith Sant 2s.- From the collection Box at Hamrun 1s-10 1/2d.- N.N. From Siggiewi £4- From the Collection Box at Hamrun 2s.101/2d. Through the Archpriest of Zurrieq Fr. John Baptist Ghigo 7c.- Through Bro. Felix Muscat S.S.P. £1.- Through Carmel Callus 4s.- Collected by Mr. Jos. Emmanuele Busuttil £13.
Burse entrusted to our lady assumed into heaven
Through Can. Fr. Peter Farrugia (Gudja) £1.10s.- N.N. £15.- Through Miss Angela Pace 10s.- Through Msgr. Fr. Alphonse Agius 10s.- From the Collection box at Hamrun 15s.9d.1/2- From the fair at the Oratory B'kara £33.- Through Miss Angela Pace £1.- Through Bro Jermoe Gatt S.S.P. 2s-6d. Through Mr. Carm. Stivala £1.- Through Miss Maria Mifsud 10s.- Through Nazzareno Attard 9s.- Through Mr. Sav. Agius. 1s.- Through Can. Fr. Vincent Vella (Rabat) 5s.- Through Bro. Jermoe Gatt S.S.P. 3s.- Through the Superior Msgr. J.De. Piro 7s-11d. - Through Nazzareno Attard 12s.- Through Fr. Sav. Grixti Apostolic Missionary from (H'Attard) 10s.- Through Bro Felix Muscat S.S.P. £2- Through Mr. C. Wilson.
burse entrusted to the patriarch saint joseph
Through Bro. Santi Muscat S.S.P. 2s.6d- Through the Collection Box at Hamrun 5s-1d,3/4- Through the Superior Msgr. J.De.Piro 6s.- Through Mr. Francis Camilleri from St. Francis Calif. £1.- N.N. £1.- Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Busuttil 2s,6d.- Msgr. prof. Fr.Carm Zammit D.D. 15s.- E.B. £1.- Mr. Joseph E. Busuttil £1.- Miss Eleonora Apap thanks wholeheartedly the Patriarch St. Joseph for a grace she received and offers 5s for the study Burse- From the Collection Box at Hamrun 5s-6d 1/2, Msgr. Fr. Joseph Cassar, Vittoriosa £1.- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P. £1- Through Mr. Francis PaceAxiaq 10s.- Money Collected by Mr. Lewis George Vassallo Azzopardi's Store 5s.- Through Fr. Joseph Mary Spiteri S.S.P. £2- 10s- Through M. Pace Axiaq 4s.- From the Collection Box at Hamrun £1.-17s-5d 1/2- Collected by Mr. Etelwald Busuttil- G.C.2s.- N.N. 1s.6d- M. Muscat 1s- E.B. as a suffrage for the soul of Joseph Emmanuel Busuttil £5.
burse entrusted to st. paul apostle
Through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P. 3s.6d- N.N. 10s.- Through Mr. Francis Pace Axiaq £1.- Through Nazzareno Attard. £1.- Through Mr. Fred Cachia Zammit 10s.- Through Bro Jermoe Gatt S.S.P. 3s.6d- Through C. Wilson 5s.- Through Mr. Anibbale Mamo 2s.6d.- From the Collection box at the Oratory 5s.- N.N. £1.0s.7d., - Through Mrs. T. Leny Grech £2- Through Mrs. R. Mifsue Bonici G.E.F 10s.- Through the Archpriest Fr. Sav. Milanese Zebbug, 5s- Through the Zammit brothers 2s.- Through Paul Vella 2s.6d- Stamps sales 4s.4d- Through Mr. Joseph Thos Bonnet from Detroit 10s- Through Nazzareno Attard £1.- Through Mrs. F. Calleja Gera. 10s- Through Fr. Robert Calleja 10s.- From the collection box at the Oratory 8s.3d 1/2.
burse entrusted to st. challedonios m.
Through the Superior Msgr. J. De Piro 6s6d.- Through Fr. Jos. Calleja Greeh 10s.- N.N.- 1s.-Through the Superior Msgr. J.De. Piro 10s.- Through a Parish Priest N.N. 5s.- Through Bro Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £2.5s- Through Bro Saviour Attard S.S.P. £1.- Through the Superior Msgr. J.De Piro 10s.- Through Bro Jermoe Gatt S.S.P. 3s.- Pension from the Ven Chleric Ignazio Falzon De Bono Fund £15.- F.H. from Marsaxlokk 10s- N.N. from St. Francis Calif. £1.- Through Saviour Gafa' 2s.6d.- Through Bro. Jermoe Gatt S.S.P. 12s.- Through the Superior Msgr. J. De Piro 2s.6d.- Through Fr. Carm Zammit 5s.- Through Bro Jermoe Gatt S.S.P.2s-6d.- Through Miss Maria Mifsud Zejtun 5s.6d.
burse entrusted to saint agatha v. and m.
Through the Superior Msgr. J.De Piro 12s.- 6d.- Through the Archpriest Fr. John Baptist Ghigo, Zurrieq 10s- Through Miss Mary Mifsud £1.- Through Fr. Saviour Grixit Apostolic Missionary from H'Attard 5s.- Through Can. G. Dedomenico 4s.- Through Miss Teresa Mangani from Tunis 10s- Through Fr. Cajetan Sammut Apostolic Missionary from H'Attard £1.- Through Msgr. Carmel Grima 10s.- Through Fr. Anton Barbara 10s.- Through Bro John Xuereb £1.- Through Ms. Rachele Mifsue Bonnici G.E.F. 10s.- A Devout Person 10s.- Through Fr. Joseph M. Spiteri S.S.P. 3s- Through the Superior Msgr.J. De Piro 2s.6d.- Through Bro. Louis Gatt S.S.P. 2s.- Through Bro Sav. Attard S.S.P. £1.- Through Mr. Philip Testaferrata Bonnici 10s.-
Burse entrusted to saint therese of the child jesus.
Through Mrs. Vincenza Xerri 11s.- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. 15s.- Through Msgr.P. Cavendish 2s.6d.- Through the Adv. Mr. Philip De Bono £1.- Through Fr. Anthony Cachia 10.- Through Mrs. Manmo Mifsud 16.- Through Fr. Joseph M. Spiteri S.S.P. 15s.- Through sales of Maltese books given by Alphonse M. Galea £1.3s.6d.-
burse entrusted to the souls of purgatory
Through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P. 10s- Through the Superior Msgr. J. De Piro 6s.6d.- Through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P. 11s- In Suffrage of the Notary M.L. Casolani 10s.- From the Collection Box at the Oratory 16s- N.N. £15.- From the Collection Box at the Oratory 11s.3d.- From the Fair at the Oratory B'kara £ 33.10d.- Through Mrs. Dolores Bonnici C. Curmi 10s.- From the Collection Box at the Oratory 10s.- Through Bro. Felix Muscat S.S.P. £1.- Through Mrs. Levy Grech [Musta] £1.10s- From a Devout Person £1.- From the Collection Box at Hamrun (in November ) 8s.- Collected by Mr. Carmelo Borda: John Bartoli 2s.- C.C.2s.- S.A.2s.- John Apap.2s-O.Mifsud Speranza 2s.6d.- Carlo Mallia 2s.6d.- A. Bartlo 2s.-E.L.2s.6d.- C. Borda 2s.6d. (in all) £1.- Through the Superior Msgr. J. De Piro £1.
burse entrusted to the holy family
N.n.£20.- N.N. £50-N.N. £33.-
oremus pro defunctis nostris,
requiem aeternam dona eis, domine, et lux
perpetua luceat eis.reqiuescant in
pace- amen.
Sister M. Liberata Franciscan Tertiary Sister M. Celestine of the S. Heart Franciscan Tert. Missionary in Abyssinia- Sister Lina of Buonagiunta Franciscan Tert.- M. Rev. Fr. Mro. L. Muscat O.S.A.- Fr. Paul Cremona- M. Rev. Fr. A. Philip Cascun O.S.A.- Mr. Saviour Gafa' Grandfather of our brother Manuel - Miss Olga Galea. Miss Josephine Curmi to whose generous heart the Institute of Jesus of Nazareth of Zejtun owes its beginning: because of her kindness the new Congregation of Missionary Sisters was created - Fr. Paul Zammit