Almanac of
The Institute of the Missions
-- 1931 --
YEAR X Superior - Msgr. J.De. Piro 9 St. Paul St.,
Undoubtedly the preparation and the bringing up of missionaries themselves who will go on the field of apostolate is a very effective means to help the missionary enterprise. So the Society of Saint Paul opened two Houses, one at Imdina and the other at B'kara to receive those youths who feel God's call and offer some hope of their becoming Missionaries. Like the Apostles, they would go out to deliver God's word and extend more and more Christ's kingdom.
But who does not know that the preparation of Missionaries is very expensive? For this reason, the Work of the Study Burses was founded. Anyone who has the possibility can help oneself and our Institute by giving some money for these Burses.
The Study Burse is a collection of money so that, by the interests accrued one of the above mentioned youths can be formed as a missionary. Many people have understood this enterprise very well; they themselves fetched us and gave some money for one of the burses we have started. Some body's donation even reached us through the will.
We thank everybody. Yet, we cannot say that the help was enough when compared to the needs of the two Houses we mentioned. So, we hoped that all the friends of the Institute heed with greater attention the voice coming from the pages of this Almanac; may they help others to hear it and so, the number of those who would have helped the Institute throughout this year increases, to the advantage of both.
All those who would like to donate, may consign the money either to the Superior of the Institute or to Mr. Ethelvold Busuttil No. 276 St.Paul St., Valletta or to Mr. George Peralta 13 Zaccary St., Valletta, or to Mr. Amante Marguerat, Pieta'
N.N.for Souls who have a right to our prayers 13s.4d- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar. s.s.p. £1.13.4- Through Parish Priest Fr. N. Aqulina Hal Ghaxaq. £1.- Through the Superior M. Fr. J.De. Piro £1.0.0.- From Mr. Paul Camilleri from S. Francis of California 15s- Mrs. Ursola De Piro for the solemn High Mass of Fr. F.X. Camilleri S.S.P. £1.0,0. Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £3- Through Bro. S. Attard S.S.P. 15s- Pension from the Servant of God Cleric Ignatius Falzon £15.0.0.- M.A.A. through a Priest £1.- From C.G. from S.F. of California £1.- Through Br. Carm Formosa S.S.P. 3s. Through Bro. F. Muscat S.S.P £1. - From the Charity box of the Chapel at the Bonnici Inst. 3s.5d.- From Mr. F. Pace Axiaq. Rabat of Imdina £1.- Through Bro. Santi Muscat S.S.P. 2s.- From Fr. Robert Calleja- Rabat of Imdina 10s- Collected through Mr. E. Busuttil, - E. Schembri 1s.- A C Frendo 1s.- S.M. Camilleri 1s.- L. Lanzon 1s- E. Apap 1s.- E Mifsud 1s.-St. John’s Accademy through T. Busuttil 6s. - I. Brincat 1s - C. Attard 1s.- A Galea 1s.- S. Fedele 1s.- M. Ciantar 1s.- A. Mercieca- 1s- L Cefai, 1s- I . and E. Busuttil £1.- and others 1s.- Through Bro. Santi Muscat S.S.P. 4s.- From the Collection Box of the Chapel at the Bonnici Inst. 1s.1d.
burse entrusted to the virgin mary assumed into heaven
N.N. for Souls who have a right to one’s prayers 3s.4d.- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagian S.S.P. £1.13s 4d.- Through Fr. Anton Galea Provost of St. Philip in Senglea £1.- Collected through Mr. E. Busuttil- M.A. Muscat 2s.- B.E. £1.- A. Busuttil 5s- M.A. Muscat 1s.3d- Through the Superior M. Fr. J. De Piro £1.- S.M.A. Vassallo 10s- N.N. 2s. 6d- N.N. B'kara 5s.6d- Legate of Civ. Eng. G. Meli £25.- Through Bro. J. Gatt S.S.P. 2s.6d- Collected through Barbara Schembri Siggiewi - G. Agius 5s- A. Delia 1s.-
burse entrusted to the patriarch saint joseph
N.N.3s- for souls who have a right to one’s prayer 13s.4d- Through B. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £1.13s.4d- Vincenza Azzopardi Hal Luqa £2.- Fr. Philip Muscat Chancellor of the Chapter 5s.- Through Bro. C. Formosa S.S.P. 3s- Msgri. C. Grima 10s.- Mrs. T. Levy Grech. Mosta £1.- C. Fr. Francis Said Floriana 12s- Fr. Gaetano Sammut Ap. Miss. and Parish Priest of The G. Shepherd £1.- Fr. M. Angelo Cauchi Parish Priest of Haz-Zebbug Gozo 10s- M. John Asphar. 10s Canon Dedomenico 4s.- Fr. Anton Cachia 10s.- Fr. Sav. Zammit Zurrieq 2s.6d.- S. F. Pace Axiaq. Rabat of Imdina 10s- S.Therese Mangani from Tunis £1.- Collected by a mother: Student Francis Xerri 4s.8d- Catherine Farrugia from Zurrieq 12s.6d- collected by means of Miss Antonia Bianchi - Naxxar- Family Zammit 2s.- Bianchi Brothers 10s- Fr. S. Bonavia 2s.6d.- M.A. Bonavia 2s.- V. Muscat 1s.- A. Zeraga 1s.- C. Caruana 1s.= M. Debono 2s.- M.Bonavia 2s.- From the fair at the Oratory, B'kara £ S.P, N.A. Vassallo 10s.- N.N. with gratitude to St. Joseph. 10s- As a vow, received through St.Joseph to Eleonora Apap (Villa Apap. Hamrun) £1.- Collected at the collection box of the parlour. £
burse entrusted to saint agatha v.m.
N.N. for souls who have a right to one’s prayers 13s.4d- Through Bro Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £1.13s.4d- Through the Parish Priest Fr. A. Buhagiar 6s.- N.N.2s.6d- N.N.1s.- Through the Superior M.Fr. J. De Piro £1.- From the same £1.- From the collection box hung at the entrance of the Institute of the Missions at Imdina £1.13s.
burse entrusted to st. chalcedonius m.
N.N. for the Souls who have a right to one’s prayers 13s,4d.- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £1.13.4- Legate of Mrs. Carmela V. Vella £1- Through Benefactors 10s- Through the superior M.Fr.J. De Piro 10s- Through the M.R. F. Ugo Callus O.P.£1. S.M.A. Yassallo 10s.- For the soul of A.Zammit. 15s.
burse entrusted to the souls of purgatory
N.N. for the Souls who have a right to one’s prayers 13s.4d.- Through Bro. Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. £1.13.4.- Through G. Wilson S.P. 5s- N.N. 1s.- Through Fr. J.M. Spiteri S.S.P.4s- Fr. E. Salamon 2s.- M. G.Xuereb from Bengasi for the soul of his wife 10s.8d 1/2. From the collection box hung at the Oratory B'kara 10s - Collected by F. Xerri's Mother 4s 7 1/2d From the collection box at the Oratory B’Kara 12s. Through the Superior M.Fr. J. De Piro 10s.- collected by F. Xerri’s mother 4s.- S.M.A. Vassallo 10s.- From a person devout of the Souls of Purgatory 1s.3d- Collected by F.Xerri's Mother 10s.- From the collection box of the Oratory, B'kara 5s.9d 1/4. For the Soul of F.G.S. Camilleri O.P. 10s- From a devout person 4s.0 1/2. Fr. S. Gatt, Parish Priest of Marsaxlokk 10s.- For the Souls of the tas-Samra Pilgrimage £1.- Through Fr. M. Callus S.S.P. 10s.- Mr. Joseph Xuereb Bengasi 11s.- Mrs. Ursola De Piro for the Souls of Purgatory and according to her intention £3.36.
burse entrusted to the holy family
N.N.£110.- N.N.£30 - N.N.£31.
of the Institute of the Mission
for the year 1931
Nihil Obstat die 20 Januarii 1931
Datum in Curia Ep, ali die 21 Januarii 1931
CAN P. GALEA Vic. Gen.
Scuola Tipografica della " Casa di San Giuseppe" Hamrun- Malta
The Glance, Thought and Word of Pius XI
Nil Actum si quid agendum. When ,about a year ago, the Pope glanced the work of the Missionaries, at the institutions which help the missionaries and saw them advancing like a ship sailing under the best of conditions, his heart was full of consolation and, full of joy; he said,"God is present here!" but when in the distance he saw the extent of the estate not yet tilled, when he saw the large number of souls yet without God, as if sobbing he said "When one thinks that behind this great development of the missionary work there is such a large part of the world in the deepest darkness, when one thinks that the good one succeeds in performing is but a drop gleaming on the surface of a vast untouched sea, it is very fit to say what the Romans used to say in past times... nil actum sid quid agendum," nothing has been done if there is still work to be done. Therefore let us take this Pope's though as our pass-word; let us engage ourselves completely either through prayer, or throught temporal help or through action and through the giving of self with renewed zeal, with renewed courage, for the pacific war to win souls, to enroll them all in the flock of the kingdom of Christ. " Nil actum si quid agendum".
let us count
......The earth houses 1800 million people. This is a very large family which, according to calculations, renews itself every 35 years. Therefore, every year, roughly, about 50 million people appear before God to receive what they deserve.
Out of these 1800 million, hardly 600 are christian, about 200 know and adore one God without being baptized; the rest are all pagans. Let as also say that, out of these 600 million baptized christians, slightly more than half belong to the Catholic Church. The rest are either heretics or scimatics.
Therefore 1500 million people are far away from the truth; they do not live the life of Jesus, they do not share in His graces; they are not on the way to heaven.
This number terrifies the christian's soul with fear: it breaks his heart. Oh! How right is Pope Pius XI, the Pope of the Missions, the Vicar of Jesus Christ among us, to worry, to be restless!.
Jesus Christ and Africa in Carthage
So many things are required for an International Eucharistic Congress to take place that, in the beginning of this event it is never ever thought that they should take part outside Europe where the Church has been established and developed for quite a time.Therefore we must thank God not a little because in our days one Congress took place in America and the other in Australia. This year we ourselves
could for the one which took place in Africa in the place where the ancient city of Carthage once stood. And it is no wonder that someone in the French Chamber was awed because a Eucharistic Congress took place where many religions are present. And no wonder that from among the Turks, somebody wished to obstruct it. But we who know that the hard work of Cardinal Lavigerie and of the bishops following him, especially Msgr. Lamaitre, were not surprised that this time the Eucharistic Congress could be held at Carthage from the 7th to the 11th May. Not only did the Congress take place; it was also really a success.
Since this Congress took place on french land, it was quite natural that the French were responsible for the principal part. The Clergy, especially was really visible for thousands and thousands of Priests and Seminarians came from France.
In fact, in those days the streets of Tunis resembled those of Rome, Paris or Bruxelles. A large camp full of military tents and all the other commodities was erected so that everybody
january 31 days
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The Sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes
Saint Paul is a heart set alight with the love of God, a heart full of strong love toward his devotees. Therefore let us pray to Saint Paul: for the conversion of the infidels, for the recovery of those who left the Church, for the perseverance in (doing) good, for the spreading of the Holy Gospel for all the missionary enterprises, for missionary vocation and for this institute of the missions which is under his patronage
@ |
1 |
Thursday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C.- (New Year's Day) |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Macharius abbot |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Genevieve |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
Full Moon at 2 and 12 minutes in the evening. |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Telephorus Pope martyr |
@ |
6 |
Tuesday |
The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Lucianus Martyr |
8 |
Thursday |
Saint Apollinaris Bishop |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Julian and companions Martyrs |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint William Bishop |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany - SACRED FAMILY |
Last Quarter at 5 and 56 minutes in the morning |
12 |
Monday |
Saint Alfred abbot |
13 |
Tuesday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Hilary conf. doctor of the Church |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Paul first hermit- Saint Maurus abbot |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Marcellus Pope martyr |
Beginning of the Novena to Saint Paul in the Chapel of the Institute |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Anthony Abbot |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany |
New Moon at 7 and 23 minutes in the evening. |
19 |
Monday |
Ss.Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abacum martyrs |
20 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Fabian and Sebastian martyrs |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Publius I Bishop of Malta and St. Agnes |
22 |
Thursday |
Ss.Vincent and Anastasius martyrs |
23 |
Friday |
The Virgin Mary betrothed to Saint Joseph. |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint Timothy bishop discip. of Saint Paul. |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
Conversion of Saint Paul Ap. |
26 |
Monday |
Saint Polycarp Bishop |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Chrysostom Doctor of the Church |
First quarter at 56 minutes after midnight. |
28 |
Wednesday |
The apparition of Saint Agnes virgin |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis from Sales Bishop |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
31 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter Nolasco |
@ Means Feast of Obligation
= Means Feast of devotion
Every christian heart must help the missions
Pius xi
would be housed at Carthage. In this way the army of the french Clergy which formed one of the characteristics of this Congress had complete facility to take part in all the ceremonies. For it was true that great means of communication were established between Tunis and Carthage; in fact the electric tram could carry towards Carthage and bring back about ten thousand people in one hour. But the fact remains that Carthage is always a bit for away and those who could be on the spot, were always in a better position. Therefore we thank Archbishop Msgr. Lamaitre who was good enough to warn us, and told us to warn others that on the last day we could not expect to return from Carthage to Tunis for it would then be impossible to be in time for the procession; so we were treated with the most gentle and generous hospitality together with the Cardinals, bishops and other Prelates at the large and interesting House of the White Friars, annexed to the Primitial Church.
All the general meetings were held at Carthage. Since the place was not large enough to hold everyone, they were held in the open, in a large open space at the shade of the beautiful primazial church. the crowd of Clergy and people was really numerous. The speeches surpassed one another in beauty; one was more interesting than the other, the orators were of the best quality. We mention only Msgr Pons and Mr. Bertrand of the French Academy.
There were many national meetings but three are worth special mention. These are the French, the Italian and we mention the third one with great joy in our heart for such a small country does not seem worthy to stand close to two such large nations.
Cathedral of Tunis
But this time the circumstances of Tunis and other nearby countries permitted little Malta to be placed near large nations; it was so also because of the great respect it has towards Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
In the Maltese section there were no Cardinals or Bishops as there were in the french and in the Italian sections. Circumstances did not permit neither the Bishop or Malta nor the Bishop of Gozo, to attend. In those days of the Congress Bishop Polomeni, may God give him eternal rest, was already very sick; he was not healthy enough to take part any function. But the Maltese of Tunis had the consolation to meet a large number of Maltese from Malta; three Canons of the Cathedral of Malta took part. The section was presided by Msgr Dean J. Depiro as a representative of the beloved Bishop M. Caruana. Msgr. Cantor Fr. Paul Gauci took charge of the section. He was already Secretary of the Committee which was held in Malta and attended so many other Congresses
because he is a member of the permanent Committee of the Eucharistic Congresses. Since he is such an expert in the matter and since he was helped by the generous and gentle Abbe' Patiniot, Curate of the Church of Beb el Khadra, he did whatever was possible for the success of this section. If we leave out the Congress which took place in Malta in 1913, this section is the only one up to the present, in the history of Congresses.
The morning functions and the afternoon meetings were held in the church of Beb il Khadra dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; it is much frequented by the maltese. The presbytery was always full of. maltese priests and in the church one could always mark them. Abbe' Patiniot, always on the go, and attending to everybody's needs, often showed his satisfaction when he saw the extent of
Children’s day. Palm offered at the Amphitheatre
Spread Your faith Help our cause
success of the Maltese section. He always strives for the good of souls, especially for the Maltese colony in Tunis In the morning the maltese priests used to go into the confessionals, surrounded by a large number of penitents. Therefore it is no wonder when we say that at the morning functions there were about a thousand people daily for communion. On Friday, the first day, Msgr Fr. Saviour Manduca, Archipriest of Saint Paul's said the mass for general communion and Msgr. Cantor Fr. Paul Prelate of the Pope said the Sung Mass. Msgr Fr. Paul Ganci said mass of general communion and Msgr. Dean De Piro said the Sung mass on saturday 10th of the month. It was also his turn to perform the last general communion preceded by an exortation ("fervorin")of the occasion on the next day, Sunday morning, which was the last day of the Congress.
The afternoon meetings took place with the greatest order. They could not but yield abundant fruit for the souls of all those who attended. Every time there were three speeches; Msgr Dean De Piro started speaking on the Mass, the Missionary Fr. Joseph Zammit continued on the Eucharist and the christian while Msgr. Can. Fr. Fortunato Debono continued on the Easter communion.
Msgr Archbishop. Manduca spoke on the Eucharist and children, Fr. Vincent Zammit who for quite a time before used to preach to the Maltese at Tunis and those areas preached about the Viaticum. Msgr Ganci delivered the last discourse on the Eucharist and workers. After each speech, Msgr. Ganci used to do those resolutions which best fitted the subject so that one could practice according to what one heard.
So these meetings of the Maltese section ended by the complimentary speeches of Msgr. Gauci, of the Abbe' Fr. Patiniot and of Msgr. Dean De Piro to everybody's greatest satisfaction.
Children's day was undoubtedly one of the functions of the Congress which shone above all others. There was neither boy nor girl in all the Tunis parishes who did not take part. On Thursday morning they gathered in the large and beautiful garden known as Belvedere, outside Tunis. On that day it was a really fitting name - for about six thousand boys and girls, all dressed in white with a red cross on their breast could be seen running here and there; heavenly joy was visible on their face for they had just received the Bread of Angels from Cardinal Hlond's hands. No less attractive and moving was the children’s part in the afternoon. It consisted in the offering of palm leaves at the amphitheatre where many martyrs, especially children, went up to heaven in the first centuries of the Church.
The children went in very slowly, singing and swinging the palm leaves every now and then until they filled the whole amphitheatre- Here in one voice and with one swing they left the most soave memory in everybody's mind. The Cardinal Legate attended for this ceremony; the other Cardinals and many bishops were present; around the amphitheatre forty thousand delegates were gathered.
Children dressed for the Occasion
The flame of love towards Jesus present and hidden under the host was lit not only during the day but also at night during these dear days of the Congress. Let us mention the holy hour which took place in the Cathedral of Tunis and in the First Church of Carthage. Canon Tiller of Poncherille delivered the Sermon. The attendance of the faithful was as large as these two churches for both of them could not hold any more. Another impressive meeting held from ten to eleven thirty at night was the meeting held for men at the amphitheatre. The well known Orator Msgr. Bishop Tissier preached to them. There were twenty thousand, all of them men; all of them singing together sacred hymns, everybody with a lit candle in his hand. They made the profession of faith most beautiful and most solemn, never to be forgotten.
The Pontifical Mass on the last day was said by the Cardinal Legate of
the Pope, the M. Eminent Lepicier in the open space and over the ruins of the ancient Basilica of Saint Cyprian the great Bishop martyr of Carthage.
february 28 days
Month dedicated to the Ap. Saint Paul Our Father.
The Sun rises at 7 and 2 min. It sets at 5 and 28 mins.
Let us pray Saint Paul to raise Missionaries, to give them the inclination in their souls for suffering, the euthusiasm for the good of souls, the love for the Divine Master, a love similar to the love he had kindled in his heart, which often compelled him to suffer for his brothers.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima |
Feast of Saint Paul held at the Chapel of the Institute |
= |
2 |
Monday |
Purification of the Virgin Mary (Candlemas) |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Blaise Bishop martyr |
Full Moon at 2 in the morning. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Andrew Corsini bishop |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Agatha virg. and mart. |
6 |
Friday |
Saint Titus Bishop |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Romuald abbot |
Beginning of St. Paul's triduum at the Chapel of the Institute |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Cyril bishop |
Last quarter at 5 in the evening. |
@ |
10 |
Tuesday |
The Ap. Saint Paul Our Father Shipwrecked on Malta. (National Feast) |
11 |
Wednesday |
The apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes in 1858 |
12 |
Thursday |
The Seven Founders of the Servites of Mary |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Catherine de Ricci |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Valentine priest martyr (Carnival) |
Three Days of Solemn Exposition of the Bl. Sac. |
15 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima " |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Onesimus bishop " |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Paul's Shipwreck Octave " |
New Moon at 2 and 58 m in the evening |
18 |
Wednesday |
Ash Wednesday (cel. of marriages prohibited) (Fasting includes abst.) |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Conrad hermit at Noto |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Nemisius and companions martyrs (fasting includes abst.) |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Severinus martyr |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
I of Lent. |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Peter Damiani bishop |
= |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Matthias Ap. |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint Margaret from Cortone (Emb. Days fasting and abst). |
First quarter at 1 and 36m in the evening. |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Prophyrius bishop |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Leander bishop (Emb. D. fasting with abst.) |
28 |
Saturday |
SS.Macarius and companions martyrs (Emb.D.fasting and abst) |
Love Christ and make him loved by the others.
The attendance for this mass was enormous. When Cardinal Lepicier was saying Mass the Cardinals were around the tribune; at slightly lower level there were two large stages, one on each side. They received on them the Bishops, Prelates and the members of the permanent committee. Between these and the tribune there were the distinct places for civil authorities. In fact, the Resident General Mr. Mancheron was attending, together with the Plenipotentiary Minister and their complete retinues. Quite naturally, everybody was dressed in the uniform of the highest rank. There were also many army and naval officers, together with the admiral who represented Marshall Foch. This part we mentioned was, so to say, the official section
of the crowd. It was surrounded by a large crown of priests; then there were the Sisters, all with their own congregation and boarders. There was
The Cardinal legate Lepicier before the Pontifical mass
The Blessed Sacrament at the closing Procession
an immense crowd as far as the eye could see, all perched, everybody seeking the highest place, everybody craning one's neck. Some looked through the binoculars to bring closer the beloved function; some had the photographic camera to keep a souvenir of the beautiful and edifying event. On the side of the epistle one could see that the hill of Sidi Bu Said was also crowded with people because, although it was slightly far away, it dominated the area where the Pontifical mass was being said. After the Gospel, the Cardinal delivered a short homily on Saint Paul's text," Christus heri et hodie, Ipse et in Saecula". He explained how Christ reigned in the past, how he is reigning today and how he will reign in the future over the ancient land of Carthage.
On Sunday afternoon the functions of the Congress came to an end by a really imposing procession; it left the Primazial Church of Cathage and descended behind it to the open countryside. It went around the amphitheatre which we have mentioned and ascended in front of the same Primazial. That was quite a distance but it was not unnecessary because of the thousand of french priests and seminarians and of priests from many other nations. There were also the delegations of all the parishes and of all the catholic societies in Tunis. There were the other delegations: for example German, American, Belgian, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Maltese, Czechoslovak. There was a large number of Prelates, Bishops, Archbishops and seven Cardinals. After the Sacrament under the Baldachin carried by the White Friars, they formed the gravest and most beautiful part. the monstrance which carried the Blessed Host in this procession was new; it was made for the occasion; it is all made of gold and adorned with precious stones. It is so heavy that neither Cardinal Lepicier who begun and ended the procession nor Msgr. Bishop of Namur Hejlen who continued the procession could lift it. So they used a small platform with poles - the assistant priests carried itFrom the gallery at the centre of the facade of the First church, the Cardinal Legate gave Sacramental Benediction to all those gathered around him on their knees. then, with a strong voice he told us that after such a great feast to Jesus Christ, we should at the same instant show our respect to hisbeloved Mother, the Virgin Mary. Therefore, he himself intoned the hymn " Ave Maris Stella." .
If this uplifting of everybody's eyes and heart towards the beloved Mother of Jesus Christ and our beloved Mother is reasonable at the end of the Congress everywhere and for everybody according to saint Bernard's words " Ad Jesum Per Mariam " we find its reason in the history of Carthage. Here, the image of Mary- and , together with the image, the devotion and love towards her-were present since the beginning of the Christian law. In the excavations of the ancient Basilica " Damous el-karita", among other things in fact a marble bas-relief pertaining to the third or second century of the Church was found. It represents Our Lady with the Child. The title " Notra Dame de Carthage was given to this Lady. It is really a new title; but the devotion towards Mary is not new in Carthage. The wise archaeologist Friar Delattre shows this very well in his book " Le culte de la Sainte Vierge en Afrique". Therefore the committee was right to have recourse to Mary under the title of " Notre Dame de Carthage" for the success of the Congress. Therefore it was quite reasonable that at the end of the Congress the last word of thanks of the Cardinal Legate of the Pope together with the representatives of all corners of the world had to be directed towards MARY.
Maltese of the Carmelite Confreternity erected at the
Tunis Cathedral; they took part in the Procession
The Missionary Vocation carries with it great dignity. But the sacrifices it calls for are also great. The missionary must be separated from the world, from his country and from his people. However, those called follow happily in the way of the cross; they perform this great sacrifice whole-heartily. They leave everything for Jesus and then they feel so happy. We must admire and help such a wonderful thing. We can help by speaking about the missions, by distributing missionary printed matter, by introducing young men of good will towards the Missionary Institute. We can also help by reminding fathers and mothers that they are guilty when they obstruct their children's vocation and deny God a worker in His estate. We can aid by helping a young man whom we know in his preparation for a missionary- it is so long and it costs so much. We can assist in some study burse so that with it a young man can always be helped to become a missionary. Such work attracts unequalled benefit for our souls during our lives, in our death and after our death also. How true it is that denial and prosperity in the Missionary Vocation go hand in hand.
march 31 days
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph.
The Sun rises at 6 and 30m. It sets at 5 and 56m.
"As the history of hundreds of years show us, the Catholic Church fits well with every nation and with every Government. She preached, and preaches respect and obedience towards civil authority erected according to the law. For her missionaries and faithful she asks nothing but liberty, security and common right".
pius xi Apost.Lett. Ab ipsis'According to Pope Leo XIII's order, every evening during this month the prayer to the Patriarch Saint Joseph is said.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
II of Lent |
2 |
Monday |
Saint Simplicius Pope |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cunegundes Empress |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Casimir Bishop |
Full Moon at 11 and 26 minutes in the morning. |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint John of the Cross. |
6 |
Friday |
SS.Perpetua and Felicity mm |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas Dominican (fasting & abst.) |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Frances of Rome, widow |
10 |
Tuesday |
The 40 Saints martyrs of Sebaste |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Eulogius martyr |
Last Quarter at 6 and 2 minutes in the morning. |
12 |
Thursday |
St. Gregory I Pope |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Euphresia virgin |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Mathildis Queen of Germany (fasting & abst.) |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent. |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Agabitus Bishop |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Patrick Bishop |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Cyril Bishop |
@ |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Joseph Spouse of the V.M. (Feast at Rabat) |
New Moon at 8 and 38 minutes in the morning. |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Otton hermit martyr |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Benedict abbot (fasting & abst). |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
Passion S. |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Victorian martyr |
= |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gabriel Archangel |
25 |
Wednesday |
Annunciation of the Bl. V. Mary. |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Ludger apostle |
27 |
Friday |
The Sorrows of the Virgin Mary. |
First quarter at 5 and 51 minutes in the morning |
28 |
Saturday |
Saint John from Capistrano (fasting & abst). |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
Palm S. |
30 |
Monday |
M. in Holy Week |
31 |
Tuesday |
T. in Holy Week. |
Te Deum sung to conclude the month of March
How many are the souls for whom the Blood of the Redeemer is shed in vain.
Joy in the Institute
May we thank the merciful God! Last year, our Society was lucky to count another new priest together with those it already has and who are working in the diverse Houses entrusted to it.
This new missionary is the Reverend Father Francis Xa.vrier Camilleri. He read philosophy and theology at the Gozo Seminary. Here we cannot but mention the love which both the Bishop of Gozo Msgr. Gonzi as well as the Rector, the Archdeacon of the Cathedral Msgr G. Pace, showed towards our Society. .They were pleased to accept this student of ours in their Seminary. They were much interested in his progress for they understand very well the value of a new priest for our Society which is still developing. Father Francis Xav. Camilleri was ordained a priest last year on the 26th of October, feast of Christ the King. He was ordained in the Chapel of Saint Joseph's Home in Gozo; Superior Msgr. J. De. Piro and the Parish Priest of Ghajnsielem ( the House mentioned is constructed there ) assisted the Bishop of the Diocese. The function was really beautiful. When those who were assisting the function saw the greatness and the seriousness which the Holy Church has at the priestly ordination, they remained very pleased and satisfied and felt that their respect and love towards the priest increased. During those beautiful and solemn moments, one has to recognize the power and the beauty of the catholic priesthood; one also understands that the catholic priest receives his lofty mission only from God. The Bishop showed that he was very pleased also; after the function he chatted with the Superior, with the newly-ordained Priest and with the other members of the Society who work in that House.
Some days after the ordination, on the 2nd of November the feast of the first solemn mass was celebrated at the Chapel of the Oratory, B'kara; there the boarders of the Society live. The feast could not succeed more. Everything was favourable: there was the family and the relatives of the New Priest; a large number of people was invited together with the children who frequent the Oratory; the benefactors of Our Institute were also present. Everybody was happy to the end. The Panegyric for the occasion wa preached by one of our friends Fr. George Borg of Hal Qormi. He proved how much he loves our small Institute while he showed that the call for the catholic priesthood is a great grace and that the call for a missionary is a greater grace.
Under the direction of maestro F. Camilleri, the music embellished the feast.
All those who were present wished many beautiful things to this new priest. Hoping strongly that these good wishes are realised in him for God's greater glory and for the good of souls, we recommend him to the fervid prayers all the readers of this almanac.
april 30 days
Month dedicated to the Resurrected Christ.
The Sun rises at 5 and 40m and Sets at 6 and 23m.
" It does not fit with the virtue of charity if those who belong to the fold of Christ do not think of the poor souls who are wondering away from it ".
Pius xi (rerum eclesiae)
1 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
2 |
Thursday |
Maundy T. |
Full Moon at 8 and 53 minutes in the evening. |
3 |
Friday |
Good Friday- Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
4 |
Saturday |
Holy S. (Fasting and abstinence end by noon) |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
Easter |
= |
6 |
Monday |
Easter M. (Celebration of marriages permitted) |
= |
7 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint Perpetuus Bishop |
Last Quarter at 11 and 6 minutes in the evening. |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint John the Almoner |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Bede |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Leo I Pope doctor of the Church |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
Low S- I After Easter |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Hermenegild king martyr |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Justin and SS. Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Basilissa and Anastasia |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Agratide martyr |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Anicetus Pope martyr |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Colger marty |
New Moon at 1 and 47 minutes in the morning. |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
II After Easter |
20 |
Monday |
SS. Sulpitius and Servilian |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anselm Bishop martyr |
22 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St. Joseph |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint George martyr (tit. Hal Qormi) |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmarengen |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Mark evangelist |
First Quarter at 2 and 27 minutes in the evening |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
III After Easter |
27 |
Monday |
Our Lady of the Good Counsel |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint Paul of the Cross and Saint Vitalis |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Peter from Verona martyr |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Catherine from Siena |
Beginning of the Month of May in the Chapel of the Institute in honour of Mary Our M. H. Mother.
Enroll and induce others to enroll in the Pontifical Work of the
Propagation of the Faith.
- Surrounded by distress and consolation -
(From the letters of Bro Joseph F'cis Caruana S.S.P.)
Four hours away from Gololcia there is a place called Ban. They sent me here to vaccinate the children against smallpox and to cure the sick. When I arrived, they all surrounded me - I found that I had no less than three hundred boys to vaccinate. I cannot describe to you
how much I was cared for by the head of this village; he took care of me so much that he himself prepared the food. Since he had a high temperature, I think that I became sick through him. On the morrow I started feeling slightly tired and after about four days I fainted while I was talking to Friar Irene'. I fell on the floor completely unconscious. He quickly carrie me to bed; I felt fever at once and started to rave. Fr. Irene' was confused when he saw me in this condition. He was confused and since our people were sick also, he wrote to Friar Angelo to send two nuns to nurse me: But Friar Angelo wrote back to send me to Djidjiga which is very modern now.
Bro.Joseph at the Ban vaccinating against smallpox.
Therefore two men and a mule arrived at Gololcia at once. The Friar prepared a camel with a folding seat; on that same day I left Gololcia. Until we passed the woods I rode the mule as best as I could because of the trees. When we left the woods, I lied on the camel and, to prevent me from falling, they tied me with ropes. Only God knows how much I suffered during this voyage. At midnight we arrived at Wald Michael's house, an Abyssinian Christian. We stabled at his house to rest a little; early in the morning we continued the voyage and at about ten thirty we arrived at the Djidjiga station where, thank God , I found that a room was prepared for me. The two Lay-Brothers living there and the Sisters, did all they could for me. Friar Angelo was at Harrar but he was all the time thinking of me; whenever he wrote there, he told them to take care of me and to check that I lacked nothing.
Since at Djidjiga there were other sick people, the Head sent for a German doctor who was in those areas. When Brother Cyprianheard that this doctor had arrived, he himself went at once and told him to pay me a visit. That same day he came to see me, he gave me some medicines and injected me and by God's help, by the help of this doctor and by the help of my brother missionaries I got better.
As soon as I was over this Lord's visit, I left again for Gololcia. I cannot describe the joy with which I was received here both by christians and by mohamedans alike for all of them counted me for dead. And although they asked the Friar for news about my daily, and although he told them daily that I was recovering, yet they never believed him. For them I was considered as dead and I was taken to Djidjiga to be buried there.
Among the other new things I found at Gololcia, my room was completely changed. The strong rain in those two weeks had ruined again all the work I had done. The earth used for the roofing to hold everything together got lost with the mixture because of the heavy rains; everything became one big mess. Had they not though of removing all they could into another room, I would have found nothing. Yet, you can imagine how even these things became. If only the Lord provides us with twenty pounds! We would build three rooms with Zinc metal sheets and in this way, when it rains we would be sheltered and remain at peace. Apart from the strong rain, all of a sudden, the wall which we built to dam the water gave way and fell. It was by a hair's breadth that the water did not also destroy completely the rooms.
Amidst this misfortune we also have the consolation that locusts are no longer a threat and, thank God we are even making bread made of wheat. And I have also to tell you that Fr. Irene' was amazed and very happy with the bell for he never imagined that he would receive such a great gift for the mission.
Friar Angelo is founding another station Finjambira. Therefore here, Gjigjiga we are without a priest. Every now and then, either he or Friar Irene' comes. Patience ! What can we do! Finally, Jesus will remember us and provide us with two priests so that we would progress; for this is what the Somali mission lacks.
Now , listen to this ! Fr. Angelo had to come to Djidjiga and he sent the Lay Brother he had with him to Harrar. He sent me to stay instead of them at the station of Finjam-bira so as not to leave it unattended. When I arrived, there, the people spread the rumour that I eat people. So they did not even venture near the station. When I had to go about, everybody would flee away when they saw me. The christians who know me and some arabs, friends of mine would laugh heartily when they explained the tales spread about me - that I eat people.
May I tell you that at first this confounded me. But then I thought of pretending that even I am afraid of them. In this way they would be afraid of me no longer. So,whenever I was out they would run to one side and I would run to the other side. Slowly, in this way I succeeded to convince them that I do not eat people. They started coming for medication and in a short time we became friends as if we already knew each other for a long time.
Saint Paul and his Society
SAINT PAUL. We can call him the first missionary. In fact, his call and his mission was to teach the holy Gospel to the nations. For this mission he prepared himself with a three year retreat in the solitude of the desert of Arabia. How successful was Saint Paul's big mission, or better his missions for the missionary work of this Apostle is divided into five parts, is a story which everybody knows. Therefore when his Institute was still in God's mind, before it appeared in the world, it asked for somebody to defend it in front of God's throne, someone of Christ's friends to help it and keep guiding it among the dangers of the world. The election fell on Saint Paul, on this genius of God's call, on this heavenly trumpet, on this bringing closer of the souls towards Christ.
The Society of Saint Paul the Apostle is a communion or society of Missionaries, priests and catechists gathered together in perfect common life.
Its aim is to strive to perfect its members in the love of God and of neighbour through the observance of the christian virtues and in a particular way those of perfect obedience, chastity and poverty and to save souls by helping those peoples who lack gospel workers and by taking care of those houses where orphans, old people and other poor people are sheltered.
After giving the necessary proof, all members of this Society profess the vows of obedience, chastity, poverty and mission.
The Society of Saint Paul is lucky because its beginning was encouraged and blessed by the Saintly Pope Pius X since the year 1910. By authorization of the Sacred Congregation of Religious it was then canonically erected by H.E. Msgr. Arch: bishop Dom. Maurus Caruana O.S.B. by a decree of the 14th of November 1921.
The number of workers is not enough
and the work lacks help
pius ximay 31 days
Month dedicated to Our Lady the Virgin Mary
The Sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 6 and 45m.
"By word and by writing try to introduce gradually the holy custom that one prays to the Lord of harvest, to send workers in his harvest".
pius xi. (Rer.Eccl)There will be special devotions toward Mary Our Lady
= |
1 |
Friday |
SS.Philip and James Ap. martyrs |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Athanasus bishop |
Full Moon at 6 and 5m in the morning. |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
IV After Easter - The Discovery of the Holy cross |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Monica mother of St. Augustine |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Pius Pope |
6 |
Wednesday |
Martyrdom of Saint John Evangelist |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Stanislas bishop |
8 |
Friday |
The apparition of St. Michael Arch. (Our Lady of Pompei) |
In the Chapel at noon there will be the supplika of Our Lady of Pompei
9 |
Saturday |
Saint Gregory Nazianzen bishop |
Last quarter at 1 and 35m in the evening. |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
V After Easter |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Catherine from Genoa (Rogation) |
12 |
Tuesday |
Ss. Nereus, Achialis and Domitilla mm (Rogation) |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint John the Silent. (Rogation) |
@ |
14 |
Thursday |
Jesus Christ asumded into Heaven |
15 |
Friday |
Saint John Baptist de La Salle |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Ubald bishop |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
VI After Easter |
New Moon at 5 and 15m in the evening |
18 |
Monday |
Saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Celestine pope and St. Pudentiana |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bernardine from Siena |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Julia slave |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Rita from Cascia |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint Simon Stoch carmelite (Vigil fasting and abst.) |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
First Quarter at 8 and 30m in the evening |
= |
25 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
= |
26 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
27 |
Wednesday |
St. Bede Ven. Dr. of the Church (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Augustine bishop of Canterbury |
29 |
Friday |
St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi ( Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Felix pope martyr (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
@ |
31 |
Sunday |
I After Pent. M. Bl. Trinity (tit. feast of Marsa) |
Full Moon at 3 and 20 m in the evening. |
There will be a function to end the month of May, before the Sacramental Benediction Te Deum will be sung. And the month of June will begin.
Choose a study Burse and keep on helping it.
they are gone
One would not have wondered if at the news of Mother Roses' fainting and the sadder one of her death and Sister Marianne's passing away, despondency and discouragement entered within the ranks of the Tertiary Franciscan Sisters. But, thank the merciful God for his goodness! The blow which hit this religious congregation served instead to strengthen the missionary spirit in it. Therefore at once, Mother Superior General found a large number of Sisters who, guided by God's grace, offered themselves, each with an ardour greater than the other’s, to replace those who fell bravely while combatting for such a beautiful cause, so dear and so holy, the extension of the kingdom of their Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
After corresponding to the grace of vocation, among really brave actions, this shows another grace in the soul: to leave everything behind and go and preach Jesus' kingdom to the whole world, to found it in souls who have not yet heard of it. This second grace lifts up the soul completely above the world and introduces it into heaven where it enjoys the approval of the Divine Master because one feels feels that amongst all actions, this is the most divine.
On Saturday 15th of November we had the honour and the pleasure to be visited by the sisters who on that same day were going to Abyssinia near their companions who, as we have already said, worked and strove there for some time. This is what was going on in our mind on that day!
After they received the Blessed Sacrament from our hands, after they heard our mass in the church at Saint Joseph's Home, we fulfilled our duty towards them. But they were so excited! Accepting and refuting a cup of coffee, searching their African destination on the geographical globe, halting to listen to our words about Abyssinia, telling Mother Vicaress that the time is up, for they had only two more hours left in Malta. They were like birds which, after feeling wings yearn for their first flight, like horses which long for the race when they feel the cord. So, these Sisters' eagerness to go to the Missions left them restless. They asked for our blessing; we gave them our priestly blessing in God's name. We wished them every good in the sacred heart of Jesus; we sent our greeting to our dear ones who are on the fore front of the Mission field. In a moment they were out of sight just like the most beautiful vision which disappears to saints.
The Sisters who left for the Somali Mission on the 15th of last November are: Sr. M. Gabrielle from B'Kara, Sr. M.Celesta from Rabat, Gozo, Sr. Alexandra from Haz-Zebbug, Sr. M. Giacomina from B'kara and Sr. Alberta from Hal-Luqa.
friar alphonsus at san francisco
Among all the colonies of the Maltese in America, the colony at San Francisco, California is one of the most established; it is well off there not only in the temporal but also in the spiritual. During these last seventeen years in fact, they have a franciscan friar who takes care of them. He prepared for them a place where they can fulfill their duties towards God. The Church of Saint Paul in San Francisco is one of the dearest mounments of maltese emigration for it shows everybody that the maltese knows also how to take his religion with him; this fact at San Francisco shows that it is not fair to say the maltese who leaves behind the religious comfort he usually finds in Malta will gradually lose the spiritual form he had acquired in his mother country.
The good will of the maltese at San Francisco was helped by Providence since its beginning in the person of Friar Andrew and Friar Theophilus of the Franciscan Minors. Since this year this colony has become bigger and work has increased, our friend Friar Alphonsus Attard of the same Order has left his country and went to strive there for the spiritual good of those Maltese.
The beautiful meeting those Maltese reserved for Friar Alphonsus at his arrival shows that the religious spirit is still strong in their heart. As soon as the rumour spread among them that another maltese priest would soon arrive for their temporal and spiritual benefit, they gathered in large numbers and together with Friar Teophilus went to the train station; everybody, in his motorcar to show him from the beginning how much they have at heart his coming.
It is not easy for us to describe the maltese' joy when they met Friar Alphonsus. But we know that where their words stopped, they continued to show their gratitude towards this new missionary through the most beautiful flowers and the most delicate refreshments they offered him.
Friar Alphonse is a new face to the Maltese of Claifornia. But for a long time we know him as a courageous priest of gentlemanly feelings towards all. He strives hard; he worked for the good of his Order especially during the years he was a provincial for the good of souls entrusted under his care, especially on the front during the great war and as an aviation chaplain until he was in Malta. Therefore we do not doubt that his work among the maltese of San Francisco will succeed for the good of all and above everything for God's greater glory, as we wish him heartily.
We tell mothers to accustom their children to perform sacrifices for the mission.
june 30 days
Month of the M. Sc. Heart of Jesus
The Sun rises at 4 and 44m. It sets at 7 and 23m.
"Through speech and through writing strive to introduce gradually the holy custom of praying to obtain the help of light and the heavenly grace for the infidels."
pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
During this month there will be the devotion of the month of June.
1 |
Monday |
Saint Pacificus martyr |
Beginning of the Novena of the Holy Spirit in the Chapel of the Institute.
2 |
Tuesday |
SS. Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus martyrs |
3 |
Wednesday |
St. Clotildis queen |
@ |
4 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Boniface Bishop martyr |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Norbert Bishop |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
II After Pentecost |
8 |
Monday |
Saint William Archbishop |
Last Quarter at 7 and 10m in the morning. |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Primus and Saint Felician martyrs |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint Margaret queen |
11 |
Thursday |
Saint Barnabas Apostle |
12 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
III After Pentecost |
15 |
Monday |
SS. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia martyrs |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Francis Regis |
New Moon at 4 in the morning |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Avitus abbot |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Ephrem doctor of the Church |
19 |
Friday |
St. Juliana Falconieri |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Silverius Pope martyr |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
IV After Pentecost |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ethelrede abbess |
@ |
24 |
Wednesday |
Birth of St. John Baptist |
25 |
Thursday |
St. William Abbot |
26 |
Friday |
SS. John and Paul brothers martyrs. |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Ladislas king of Hungary |
Beginning of triduum to Saint Paul at the Chapel of the Institute |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
V After Pentecost |
@ |
29 |
Monday |
St.Peter and St. Paul App.martyrs |
30 |
Tuesday |
Memorial of the martyrdom of St.Paul Ap. |
Feast of the Apostle Our Father. In the evening before benediction St.Paul's Kurunella is said and Te Deum is sung-as a conclusion of the month of June and for the 20th Anniversary of our Society A.D.1910.
Full Moon at 38m in the morning
- The Mothers' Prayers -
We have written more than once about the good luck and the dear grace that is the vocation or God's call to follow closely His only son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. May we also add that when God gives the gift of vocation to somebody, this gift would not be given only to the person concerned but also to his whole family for the whole family would be honoured. So, the parents who think that they should guide their children without considering what Providence disposes, are mistaken. In this way they would reject the honour that the grace of vocation brings with it. And if, in spite of family obstacles many times a vocation flourishes, is strengthened and succeeds , what would happen if everybody were to help, encourage and be careful so that vocations are not lost? What would ever happen if everybody, especially mothers, were to pray that God may send on the country, on his family, the gift of vocation? We know that in the country of Lu in Italy, out of 4000 more that 300 put on the religions habit. The reason behind this fact is the Congregation of Christian Mothers which is founded there for quite a time. This Congregation dedicates every first Sunday of the month for vocations; it asks God for them through special orations, through hearing mass, through communion, through learning catechism and through all its other spiritual actions. And God heard their prayers for from the parish registers we find that 55 became Brothers of Christian Schools; 38 joined the Salesians, 2 became secular priests, 15 joined the Olivetans; 11 entered the Camillians 5 became Marist Brothers, 1 Lazzarist, 1 Passionist, 118 became Sisters of Mary Auxiliatrix; 30 Sisters of the Cottolengo and 5 Sisters of Lourdes; this apart from the fact that at present there are many other young men either in the seminaries or else in the religious Congregations preparing to continue their vocation.
From this example of Lu, we learn what our country can do for vocations; what big part Malta can play in the army of Christ particularly in the Mission field; everything depends on our Prayer especially on the Mothers’ prayers.
We would like to ask anybody who is pleased to send us something to tell us the destination; in this way we avoid asking the sender further questions. Either for the needs of the Institute of the Missions; or for Study Burses or for the Missionary Laboratory Saint Agatha, or also whether we have to send it to some part of the Missions: among the Somalis in Abyssinia.
ad multos annos
Our Institute is honoured to count Msgr. George Caruana Archbishop of Sebaste among its friends and benefactors. Since the 28th of October 1930 was his first priestly jubilee we would like to join the large number of admirers he has and offer him our joy for this grace which God was pleased to give him. Together with our joy we would like to add our best and beautiful wishes in our heart to start afresh another twenty five years, which , like the past ones, will be full of untiring activity, strivings which do not know what is lack of courage, for the honour and glory of the Church of Christ.
In fact, as soon as Msgr. George Caruana finished his time of study a time which he spent together with us at the Capranica College of Rome and on the 28th of October 1905 he was ordained Presbyter; with that denial particular to the Catholic priest, he let go and went where God's voice was calling him.
Therefore, from the first days of his priesthood we find him in the Philippine Islands as Secretary of the first Apostolic Delegate, the Archbishop Msgr Fr. Ambrose Agius, who has common roots like us as a Maltese. In these few words of greetings it is no small thing for us to explain how he helped, what he did and what he strove for for the good of the Church of those Islands and at times even at the risk of his life. Still, everybody can understand this when one sees the esteem which his work gained for him in front of the Church's Superiors. In fact, when God was pleased to call Msgr. Agius near Him, we find that the Bishop, Msgr. Dougharty who knew very well about the zeal of the priest Caruana, kept him around as a missionary. When he was given charge of the important Archidiocese of Philadelphia, he took Msgr. Caruana with him as his secretary. When the Diocese of Porto-Rico had to be provided with a Bishop, the Pope cast his eyes on Msgr. George Caruana. He received the consecration in the beloved Chapel of Saint Agnes at the Capranica College. He governed the Diocese so well that he was also chosen at once for higher offices. And, while persecution against the Catholic Church was raging in the Republic of Mexico, Msgr Caruana was chosen as Apostolic Delegate. Here he showed all his courage when he managed to go inside that country in those days of confusion and could be a source of consolation to the Bishops who were very badly treated by the enemies of the Church.
From that time, Msgr. Caruana kept advancing in his work for the good of the Church. At one time we find him Apostolic Visitor in Guatemala; at another time Delegate of the Antilles and Internuncio of Haiti where he celebrated his twenty five years of Priesthood.
Our Institute had the honour of being visited by Msgr. George Caruana who soon after his consecration came to Malta before taking charge of the Diocese of Porto Rico. Although time has passed, his memory is still alive and strong in our minds. Everybody remembers the beautiful words of encouragement he had for us to continue working and to carry with us the many beautiful things which Malta possesses in the practice of its religion to the Mission field. May God strengthen his wish! In this jubiliar anniversary we demonstrate again our gratitude by associating with all those who admire him and love him;from these humble pages we send him our "Ad Multos Annos".
The Bell at Gololcia
We were not the least amazed when Friar Irene wrote to us that the bell we sent last year for the missionary station of Gololcia pleased and gladdened everybody. We know very well, from our own country that the faithful are extremely happy when some new bell arrives at the parish; the feast they celebrate until the bell is placed on the belfry and what a long time they spend relishing its new voice; quite a time must pass before they get used to it.
When Friar Irene' heard that the bell arrived, he left for Gigiga to see it. He was so really pleased that he told us that he does not know how to thank us and to explain to us how pleased he was. This bell was a real success; it is the work of the well known Master, Vincent Sammut of Birkirkara. All those who know his ability do not wonder at the words of the Missionary of Gololcia. He added that it is a really great and beautiful gift; he added, its sounds as if coming out of heaven, how happy will the souls of the Somalis be! By its voice it attracts and draws the heavenly angels near us. It disperses the devils and sends them far
july 31 days
Month dedicated to the Precious Blood of the Redeemer
The sun rises at 4 and 46m. It sets at 7 28m.
"We wish that in all the Houses where orphans are sheltered, in youth Colleges, and in Houses and Convents of Sisters, the prayer goes heavenwards everyday to send down God's mercy on so many poor people, on so many nations of countless pagans."
pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Wednesday |
The Precious Blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Thursday |
Visitation of the V.M. |
3 |
Friday |
St. Leo II Pope |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulderic. |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
VI After Pentecost |
6 |
Monday |
SS.Peter and Paul App. Octave |
7 |
Tuesday |
SS.Cyril and Methodius |
8 |
Wednesday |
St.Elisabeth queen of Portugal |
Last Quarter 1 and 39m after midnight |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Veronica Juliani Capuchine |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Felicity and her Seven children martyrs |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Pius I Pope martyr |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
VII After Pentecost. |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Anacletus Pope martyr |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bonaventure cardinal bishop and doct. |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Henry Emperor |
New Moon at 1 and 7m in the evening. |
16 |
Thursday |
Solemn. Comm. of O.L. of Carmel (Feast at Valletta) |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Alexius confessor |
18 |
Saturday |
St.Camillus de Lellis confessor |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pentecost |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Elijah Prophet |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Praxedes virgin |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Mary Magdalene penitent |
First Quarter at 6 and 7m. in the morning |
23 |
Thursday |
SS.Apollinaris bishop and St.Liborius bishop |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr |
= |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint James Ap. Martyr |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
IX After Pentecost |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Pantaleona bishop |
28 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Nazarius and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Martha virgin Sister of Mary Magdalen |
Full Moon at 1 and 35m in the evening. |
30 |
Thursday |
Ss.Abdon and Sennen martyrs |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Ignatius from Loyola |
Beginning of Assumption's Kurindicina at the Chapel
Get used to talk about the Missions.
Church of Gololcia
away from here. It has not yet arrived at Gololcia for where it is destined; and I do not yet know what am I to do to carry it for it is not easy to lift! But when the faithful of the place come to know about it, I am sure they will lift it on their own shoulders. The story is that the church of Gololcia still does not have roof; much less a belfry. But do not imagine that the missionary will be confused; a bough from some old tree will do for the present; it will serve. The ringing of the bell cannot but invite the workerswith their very own hands to continue the church to the end and so have a fitting place to adore God. They will be able to place the bell at a higher level so that it will succeed to call also those who are far away.
In your weekly, monthly and annual accounts,check if
you have remembered the missions.
God blesses the help you give us.
The Emperor Taffari. Haile-Sellasie I.
Anyone interested in the MalteseMission among the Somalis in Abyssiniais interested also in the history ofthat country. On the 2nd of last Novemberthere was a very important ceremony atthe capital Addis Abeba; Ras Taffari,the young 1916 Regent, finally, with great patience, hard work and mostlyby the use of his brains, arrived atbeing crowned King of Kings of Ethipia.
When Lij Jasu nephew of Menelik was deposed Menelik's daughtercalled Zauditu was placed on the throneand her cousin Taffari Makonnen was proclaimed Regent and heir to the throne. But not everybody was pleased with Ras Taffari although he was full of zeal to lead his country on the way to progress. Therefore in the first years he was hindered not a little. After ten years, in 1926, the death of the Minister of War Fitaurari Hapta Giorgis gave Taffari the opportunity to increase and strengthen his influence on the northern side; in 1928 he managed to control and to bring under his rule Dajazmach Balcha, Head of the rich province of Sidamo on the south.
The party of the Empress Zauditu or those who hid under Zauditu's banner to hinder Ras Taffari in his direction got more displeased and did not see in a good light the strengthening of Taffari's power.
Their move resulted in what became known as "The Uprising of the Palace". Its aim was to overthrow the Regent at one stroke and expel him from Addis Abeba. But at this point Ras Taffari used his brains and at one stroke and with great courage, suddenly and without any bloodshed forced the heads of the revolt to surrender. So, the result of this episode was that everybody came to like Taffari more; the empress Zauditu was forced to proclaim that, from that moment onwards Taffari was to be in charge of everything in the country; in other words Taffari was to be Regent in fact and not possess only the title. Therefore she gave Taffari the title and degree of Negus; in this way everybody got the message. On the 7th of October 1928 Ras Taffari was crowned Negus.
When we heard of this, we were therefore happy. We know how he yearns to improve his country and how he loves and helps our missionaries; so much so that more than once he gave them stretches of land to do good to the people of those areas. But Negus Taffair had a long way to go. Ras Gugsa, husband of the empress Zauditu kept troubling him and seemed to intend to rouse the northern part of Abyssinia against Taffari. The fact is that, all of a sudden Gugsa took arms against the soldiers of the central Government; he might have thought that the heads in the northern part would side with him; instead they helped Taffari and on the 31st of March, in a very small battle which lasted two hours, he met his end and his soldiers were hindered by Ras Taffari's aeroplanes. They were surrounded and caught by the Government's army, led by General Mulu Geta. Two days after the death of Gugsu, empress Zauditu died too. So, on the 3rd of April the Negus Taffari became emperor of Ethiopia. This chapter in the history of Ethiopia was closed on the 2nd of November 1930 by the incoronation of Ras Taffari as King of Kings in the Capital City of Addis Abeba.
Last year the Pope sent a complimentary Mission in front of the Courts of Ethiopia. It was composed of Msgr. Marchetti Selvaggini ( now Cardinal), Msgr. Tisserant, Friar Considine, and the Rev. D. Jupin (Chinese), a professor at the Propaganda college. This mission was very well received; the Negus Ras Taffari answered with beautiful words coming from within his heart and full of respect and veneration to the address read by Msgr. Selvaggini. Since the Pope was notified by Negus Taffari himself for this event, he appointed the Bishop Msgr Andrew Jarosseau Apostolic Vicar of the Galla to present his joy, together with the gifts, the most beautiful which Haile Sellasie received on this occasion, which were a success. The first consisted in a piece of mosaic placed on a marble column, finely worked. It represented ancient Rome, pagan Rome won over by the light of the new Rome, Catholic Rome. The second one was destined for the Empress. It was closed in box, also beautifully made. This was a shining gold frame; on it a sixteenth century painting representing the M.Bl. Trinity. These two gifts were received gladly and with complete joy; so much so that after showing his gratitude towards the Pope, the Father of all Christians, the Emperor said that he himself intends to write to the Pope to thank him directly.
Before the delegation left the imperial palace, Haile Sellasie was pleased to remind them his eternal gratitude towards Abba Samuel then a Seminarian in Harrar when on the 7th of June 1915 threw himself in the waters of Lake Hamaraja and saved him from drowning, at the danger of his own life.
England was one of the powers invited to take part at the crowing ceremony of Haile Sellasaie 1. Our king was pleased to send his third son, the Duke of Gloucester
Help our Institute
to represent him at the crowing of the Negus Ras Taffair as king of kings; it took place on the 2nd of last November.
We wish the new Emperor a long life full of God's best chosen blessing, for his glory and for the glory of the whole
they arrived
From Msgr. Bishop Iarosseau's very polite letter we have come to know that the five sisters who left for Abbyssinia on the 15th of last November arrived safe and sound. Since then they have already started to work. Msgr. Bishop said that on their face one could see great enthusiasm to start working for the Kingdom of Christ the King.
The Catechist Lay-Brothers of the Society of Saint Paul are chosen from those young men who want to give themselves to help the Missionary Priests of the Institute. They must be in good health, not less than sixteen years of age and neither more than thirty. They must be prepared to serve God and have the right intention. They must be of good conduct and know the rudiments of some trade.
imperial family and for the temporal and spiritual prosperity of the whole ethiopic nation. Taffari always showed himself a religious man and he always honoured our missionaries with his friendship and he always gave them every help.
Help the Missionary vocations.
august 31 days
The Month of Our lady Assumed into Heaven
The Sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 7 and 11m.
"You should not feel ashamed and you should not, so to say, hesitate to become beggars of Christ and for the welfare of souls"
pius xi. (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter Ap. in chairs |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
X After Pentecost - O.L. of the Angels |
3 |
Monday |
The finding of Saint Stephen's body, martyr (Portiuncula) |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dominic of Gusman conf . (Feast at Valleta) |
5 |
Wednesday |
Our Lady of the Snows |
6 |
Thursday |
The Transfiguration of O.L. Saviour (tit.of Hal-Lija) |
Last Quarter at 5 and 25m in the evening. |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Cajetan Thieni (tit. of Hamrun) |
8 |
Saturday |
Ss.Cyriacus, largus and Smaragdus and companions mm. |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
XI After Pentecost |
= |
10 |
Monday |
St.Laurenice Levite. Mar .(tit, and Patron of Vittoriosa) |
11 |
Tuesday |
SS.Tiburtius and Sussanna mar. |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Claire of Assisi virgin |
13 |
Thursday |
SS.Hipollitus, Cassianus and companions martyrs |
New moon at 9 and 24m in the evening. |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Eusebius Confessor (Vigil fasting and abstinence) |
@ |
15 |
Saturday |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (tit. H. Ghaxaq, Attard, Dingli, Guja, Qrendi, Mqabba, Mosta and Imgarr) |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
XII Saint Joachim Father of the Virgin Mary. |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Hyacinth conf. |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Agapitus m. |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Louis bishop of Toulouse |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Bernard bishop and doctor |
First quarter at 12 and 23m in the evening. |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Joan Fremoit de Chantal |
22 |
Saturday |
Assumption Octave. |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pentecost |
= |
24 |
Monday |
St.Bartholomew Ap. martyr. (tit. of Hal Gharghur) |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Louis king of France |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Zephyrinus pope martyr |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius confessor |
28 |
Friday |
Saint Augustine bishop and doctor |
Full moon at 4 in the morning. |
29 |
Saturday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist. |
@ |
30 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pentecost |
31 |
Monday |
Saint Raymond Nonnatus (O.L. of the Cincture) |
Give this almanac to someone else to read it.
the first ethiopic bishop
The Work of Saint Peter consists in prayer and collections so that, young people in the areas of the Missions would be able to be well led in the seminaries and promoted to holy orders. So, those who belong to the same race would be won over for Christ or strengthened in His faith in a shorter time. A look at those areas which have known the Gospel for some time but which still lag behind or are very backward in Gospel teaching because no one thought to set up the indigenous clergy is enough to show us the importance of such work. We also find that in some areas christian instruction brought with it every type of development in every field of civilization; able men in every trade and profession arose but we find neither bishops to head nor priests to strengthen the faith in Christ by their teaching and all the wealth it brings with it because no provisions were made for the indigenous clergy.
Therefore, what the gloriously reigning Pope, the Pope of the Missions, Pope Pius XI is saying is completely right. He says that it seems that we have not reflected enough how the Church of Christ spread in the beginning and what the Apostles did to those early gatherings of christians. Together with teaching and baptism they also made provisions for those who must keep kindled the light of faith. Let us take our own example. Our father Saint Paul left Publius, the Prince of our Island at the time, before departing. He could ordain priests and in that way he could not only keep the Faith of Christ but also confirm it more and more.
Abyssinia is one of the areas where the work of Saint Peter is set up successfully. At Harrar, under the leadership of the industrious Bishop Msgr Jarosseau there is a seminary where young people who feel God's call can be taught and led to become priests. Many a time, our Brother Joseph told us that he meets these indigenous priests.
This is a fact of consolation and also of admiration to us. Consolation because we feel new new courage when we think that in this Mission Field complete work is being performed which in fact gives us great hope for the future. In fact, since our just visible Institute started to get involved with this Mission at Friar Mizzi's hard work, we started to feel for it and to wish it every type of prosperity, A fact of admiration because we ourselves know the large sums of money one needs to raise up children to the priesthood and the enormous obstacles one meets even in a country where the Church is spread everywhere and so firmly erected.
The work in favour of theindigenous clergy was fruitfulnot only in the priesthood butalso in its fulfillment.
In fact, at the Chapel ofthe Pontifical Ethiopic Collegesituated in the Vatican City, thefirst indigenous. Bishop ofitalian Ethiopia or Eritrea, Msgr. Chidane Mariam Cassa was consecrated by Cardinal Sincerolast August.
Help Christ's army today; do not wait for tomorrow.
Msgr. Chidane Mariam wasborn in Hebo, the much belovedplace of the Missionary Bishop Msgr Justin De Jacobis: it wasthe very first place whichreceived generously the wordof the Missionary and kept firmlyto it. Bishop De Jacobis is also buried in Hebo. Up to the present day, his tomb is venerated not only by christians but also by those who live in heresy and by the muslim: for Abba De Jacobis as they call him, worked and toiled not only not only for the souls of Ethiopia but he also took care of them in matters temporal. As Brother Felix da Collepardo told us, they remember him up to the present day as a great benefactor for by his quick wit and by the persistent effort of his heart he saved them from the scourge of famine. The grandparents of Msgr.Chidane were the first people to receive the word of the Missionary De Jacobis. The managed to instil a great attraction towards the christian faith in their children. In fact, both
his mother as well as his father are known by all as two very religious souls. His father Cassa' Tammam died when he was six years old but his mother Hagosa' Tare' is still alive and was lucky to see her son a Bishop. And so, in Asmara we have the first indigenous Bishop, a Bishop of the christians of the Ethiopic rite in Eritrea.
Work without ceasing so that there will be
one fold and one shepherd.
september 30 days
The Month of the Angels
The Sun rises at 5 and 32m. It sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
Aim of the Holy Childhood is to invite children to save that little amount of money in hand and give it especially for the redemption and christian instruction of small children of the infidels wherever they are abandoned or else killed. pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Giles abbot |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Stephen king of Hungary |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Seraphina virgin and martyr |
4 |
Friday |
St. Rose from Viterbo and St.Rosalia virgin |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Laurence Jiustiniani |
Last Quarter at 8 and 12m in the morning. |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
XV After Pentecost |
7 |
Monday |
Rem. of the 1565 Victory -National Feast |
= |
8 |
Tuesday |
Birth of the virgin Mary - (Tit. and Patroness of Senglea, Naxxar, |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gorgonius martyr Mellieha) |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino mm. |
11 |
Friday |
SS.Protus and Hyacinth mm. |
12 |
Saturday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mar. |
New Moon at 5 and 13m, in the morning. |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pentecost |
14 |
Monday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
15 |
Tuesday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V.M. |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Cornelius and companions martyrs (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
17 |
Thursday |
The Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Joseph from Copertino (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Januarius bishop and companions mm. (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
First Quarter at 9 and 24m in the evening. |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pentecost |
= |
21 |
Monday |
Saint Matthew Ap. and Evangelist |
22 |
Tuesday |
Saint Thomas bishop of Villanova |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Linus Pope and martyr and Saint Thecla V. and M. |
24 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of Mercy. |
25 |
Friday |
Saint Firminus bishop martyr. |
26 |
Saturday |
Ded. of all the Consecrated Churches of Malta |
Full Moon at 8 and 28m in the evening. |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
XVIII AFter Pentecost |
28 |
Monday |
Saint Wencesals king of Bohemia |
= |
29 |
Tuesday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Jermoe confessor and doctor |
He who teaches children, reads a missionary episode
and commands them to write it.
Pray everyday for missionaries and for the souls they are to save.
The Notary Michael L. Casolani
The Notary Michael L. Casolani
Without any doubt, the NotaryMichael L. Casolani held the first place among those people whom the Society of the Missionaries of Saint Paul counted as her Benefactors. Last year He died after a few days' illness at Valletta on the 3rd of February. The Society holds a very dear memory of all those who help her in one way or another so that it would always be better able to fulfill its holy work to save souls. Therefore it cannot but remember in a special way this great benefactor of hers and fulfill its duty towards him. So, while informing the readers of this Almanac about his generous work, it would like to recommend him in their prayers.
The Notary Michael L. Casolani always had at heart the children's welfare. Exactly for this reason, out of his own wealth, he erected an ORATORY at Birkirkara on the road to St.Julians. It is a very large and beautiful place where children can gather every evening. After a time spent at recreation in many games, they are taught christian instruction. This is very beautiful work and very necessary especially in our times as all those who deal with children understand well.
For some time this Oratory was under the guidance of the Sammut brothers, two canons of Birkirkara. But its founder, Mr. Casolani, always wished that this work be entrusted to some religious community. In his great providence, God was pleased to reserve this work to the Society of the Missionaries. And so, in 1927, Mr. Casolani gave this Oratory to our Society with the greatest generosity. Our Society could not but accept this beautiful donation with joy. Apart from the possibility it now has to do good to so many children and to all those who frequent this Oratory, it could also erect a BOARDING HOUSE where those young people who feel called to join this Society of Missionaries can be sheltered. In this way their vocation can be kept alive. Therefore we felt deep sorrow at the news of the death of this great benefactor. After fulfilling our duty by accompanying him from his home to the Addolorata Cemetery where he is buried, on the 13th of the same month of his death at the Chapel of the same Oratory we had a solemn high mass sung for the repose of his soul as a sign of deep gratitude. The Superior Msgr.Depiro said the mass; he was assisted by two priests of the Society. The wife of the deceased and some other relatives were present for the function. The whole community of the Novitiate House at Imdina took part. There was also a representation of the community which is working at St.Joseph's Home of Hamrun. The large number of B'Kara children who gathered at the Government school of B'Kara and accompanied by the Head-master and their teachers to the Oratory increased the solemnity of the occasion. The headmaster, the teachers and the Oratory catechists watched over them during the function. The gregorian chant of the mass was lead by the Scola Cantorum of the children of St.Joseph's Home.
The function was held with great devotion and everybody felt a feeling of consolation in the mourning ceremony. But at the same time it produced a feeling
Rome 20.III.30
I thank you for the Almanac of the Maltese Missionary Institute. Iam very happy at the result it has gave up to the present. I pray God to bless your work more and more.
c.card. laurenti
of satisfaction in us; it originates in the great feeling of charity and gratitude.
May the Lord God receive the generous soul of the Notary Michael L. Casolani in his glory; the Notary was a great benefactor of all the children at B'Kara and of our Society.
october 31 days
The Month of the Rosary
The sun rises at 5.55m; it sets at 5 45m.
Multiplying the number of Catechists helps greatly to spread the Gospel. They are to be chosen both from the Europeans as well as, and better still, from among the indigenous, to help the Missionaries by teaching the catechumens and preparing them for baptism.
pius xi (Rer.Eccl.)
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Remigius bishop |
2 |
Friday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Gerard and Saint Candidus |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
XIX After Easter.- Saint Francis of Assisi |
Last Quarter at 9 and 2m in the evening. |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Placidus and companions martyrs. |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Brunone conf. |
7 |
Wednesday |
8 |
Thursday |
Consecration of the cathedral church of Malta. |
Beginning of Triduum to the Assumption at the Chapel of the Institute. |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Dionegese discip. of Saint Paul |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
XX After Easter - Consecration of the cathedral church of Gozo |
New moon at 1 and 56 m. in the evening |
12 |
Monday |
Commemoration of the V.M. of the Column |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Edward king and confessor |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Callistus I pope martyr |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Teresa of Jesus (foundress of theDiscalded Carmelitan Nuns) |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Luduig Bertrand |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Heduiges virg. and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
XXI After Easter - Saint Luke Evangelist. |
Mission day. From 11 to noon an hour of solemn Adoration; in the evening there will be a Sermon on the missions. Morning and evening collections for the mission.
First quarter at 10 and 20 m in the morning. |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Peter of Alcantara |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Cantius |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ursola and companions martyrs and Saint Jerome abb. |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Mary Salome disciple of Jesus Christ |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Thodoret martyr |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
XXII After Easter - Feast of Jesus Christ King |
From 11 to noon an hour of solemn Adoration, the Act of Consecration and Litany of the Heart of Jesus.
26 |
Monday |
Saint Evarist pope martyr |
Full Moon at 2 and 30m in the evening. |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dimitri martyr |
= |
28 |
Wednesday |
Ss.Simon and Jude Thaddeus App. martyrs |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Narcisius bishop |
30 |
Friday |
SS.Marcellus and Cassianus martyr. |
31 |
Saturday |
Saint Pelagia penitent. (Vigil fasting and abst.) |
The Missionary Laboratory
Through us the Missionary laboratory thanks all its benefactors for the help they were pleased to give it during the past year. It has succeeded to send about fourteen boxes. If we could send the letters we receive to everybody and inform everybody about the joy Missionaries feel, and how they feel helped every time we send them our dispatch, we are sure that everybody would feel encouraged and be more eager to help the Laboratory.
The Laboratory always had its ordinary meeting every third Monday of the Month. For everybody's convenience we will here publish the days of the months on which the meetings of the laboratory will be held throughout the year 1931 at the Parlour of St.Joseph's Home.
January 19
February 9
March 16
April 20
May 18
June 15
July 20
October 19
November 16
December 21
We inform those who would like to donate something to be sent on the Mission field, the following are the addresses of the Dames of the Laboratory:
Mrs.Ursola De Piro. 3 Bastions Street Notabile,-
Miss.Mary Asphar. 54 High St.Sliema.-
Miss.Louise Caruana. 31 Bakery St.Valletta.-
Miss. Agnes Asphar. Saint George's Birzebbuga,-
The Missess. Pace Axiaq. 91 Boschetto Road Rabat.-
Mrs.Emma De Piro. Villa Gourgion C.Lia.-
Marchionesse Apap Bologna. Villa Apap Bologna C.Attard.-
Miss Pina Caruana. 7 Saint Thomas St.Floriana.-
Miss Louise Borg Cardona. 51 High St. Sliema.-
Miss Carmela Gauci Maistre. 102 St.Mary St. Sliema.-
The main aim of the foreign Missionary
"Something which no one can deny is that the first seeds of Gospel preaching were always, we can say, by foreign Missionaries who, like the first Apostles elected the Lord's precept," Go throughout the world and preach the gospel to all creatures, "left their country and went to preach the Gospel.
So the city of Rome was evangelised by Peter of Galilee and Paul of Tarsus. Titus and Timothy, the faithful disciples of Paul, were the first Bishops of Candia and Ephesus although another country witnessed to their birth. Much later the glorious Saint Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland had left Scotland. Germany was won over for Christ by Saint Boniface who arrived from England.
It was necessary that things move in this form up to our day. But the church has never stopped warning strongly Missionaries to try to gather vocations from among the locals with great eagerness and everywhere. For only in this way can the Church be founded in all places."
Pius XI Apost. Lett. "Ap. Ipsis".
If you want to work according to the Pope's wish, help the work of Saint Peter for the indigenous clergy.
When it is time to divide property, do not forget our work.
The Churches of the Somalis
and things needed for this Mission
Interior of Gigiga Church
Pope Pius XI is kindled with unequalled eagerness for Missionary work. His greatest wish is that Jesus's Gospel be proclaimed quickly everywhere. Therefore he recommended all Missionaries not to worry about building large churches and cathedrals at present but to be satisfied with small chapels; enough if the news of the Gospel reaches to the least small place. This is what is happening to the Maltese mission among the somalis. In fact, just when we hear of a new station, we would hardly get used to the new name when, in the next letter some other new names crop up.
If we look at the church of Gololcia, we see that the Gospel news is really spreading among the Somalis. For, before making provisions to roof the Chapel, the missionary left at once to found a new station at Bursum (Finjambira). The group of five sisters which left lately for mission was destined for this station. But if we look at the Gigiga Church we cannot say the same. For although we cannot call this church a Cathedral, we can see that it was really a success. It was really fitting because, as it was called there, it is the first monument of the Maltese in the mission among the somalis. We are here reproducing it from the exterior and from the interior so that all might be able to see the fruit of one's help.
The Chapel is the first thought and .the first work of the Missionary. But soon after the spiritual he also starts to think about the temporal of his neighbour. Lately in fact, Friar Mizzi has written to us that in this Mission preparation were going on for a new trades-school.
Therefore we would like to
Exterior of Gigiga Church
inform everybody that he most willingly accepts any type of tool which is necessary for printing, for book-binding, shoe-making, carpentry, and blacksmithry. We would like to make matters easy for those who can and would like to help; after agreement we will take care to deliver everything to the mission field through the missionary laboratory.
And once we have started to talk about this matter, let us say again what things the Missionaries among the Somalis would like to receive: every type of clothes for children sheltered at Sofi, Gigiga, Bursum and Gololcia; sewing machines even if they are not new; it is enough if they can function; church vestments especially violet; green, red and black copes; large oliographs of saints with which to adorn schools and the houses of those families which accepted baptism; statues of saints at least a meter high. Those mostly in demand are statues of Saint Paul Apostle, of Saint Anthony of Padua, Statues of Saint Dominic, St. Clare, of Saint Michael Archangel and of Saint George Patron of Abyssinia.
november 30 days
All Souls' Month
The sun rises at 6 and 22m. Sets at 5 and 6m.
Pope Pius XI can never forget and He will never forget the Missionaries. Whenever the speaks about them, the figure of these Gospel labourers reigns above everything and gives his word the voice of the most beautiful music which touches the heart.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pentecost (All Saints' Day) |
2 |
Monday |
All Souls' |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hubert bishop |
Last quarter at 8 and 15m in the morning. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Charles Borromeo bishop and doctor |
5 |
Thursday |
The Holy Relics of this Diocese |
6 |
Friday |
Saint Emilianus bishop |
7 |
Saturday |
Ss. Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pentecost |
9 |
Monday |
Cons. of the Arcibasilica Pat. of Our Saviour, Rome |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint Andrew Avellino confessor |
New Moon at 11 and 42m. in the evening. |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Martin bishop of Tours |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Martin I Pope martyr |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Dedacus confessor |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Josaphat bishop |
In the evening at the Chapel of the Institute Te Deum Sung: IX anniversary of the Canonical Erection of the Society
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pentecost |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Edward bishop |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gregory Taumaturge bishop |
First Quarter at 3.45m in the morning. |
18 |
Wednesday |
Consecration of the Patriarchal Basilicas of St.Peter in the Vatican, of St.Paul outside Rome. |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Elisabeth Widow and Saint Fredian Bishop |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Felix from Valois confessor |
21 |
Saturday |
Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
XXVI After Pentecost |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Clement I Pope martyr |
Full Moon at 8 and 12m. in the morning. |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint John of the Cross |
25 |
Wednesday |
St.Catherine V. and M. (Tit.of Zejtun and Zurrieq) |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Sylvester abbot |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Maximus bishop |
28 |
Saturday |
Saint James della Marca |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
I of Advent Celebration of Marriages prohibited |
= |
30 |
Monday |
Saint Andrew PP. (Tit. of Hal-Luqa) |
Read and ask what the Somali Mission needs.
in favour of the elderly at corfu'
The Reverend Fr.Spiridione Cilia is thinking of the elderly people of Corfu' with the earnestness of a true Father. In fact he tells us that among the Maltese Colony living there many need help : wretched men, orphan children, poor widows and other sick people; but most stricken is the number of poor, old men and women. They must keep on working to the end because there is no place to shelter them. When they reach this state, they are most probably abandoned by everybody, even by their children. These abandon them not for lack of human and christian sentiment but because they too, are most probably poor; they have their own children to bring up and to feed. Therefore these unfortunate old people of Corfu' are forced to spend the remaining years of their life in every type of deprivation and of suffering, without hope of the least comfort, not until death comes to free them. The Rev.Cachia tells us that if these people could find some institute to shelter them, they would consider themselves the most fortunate of people on earth. So, the Rev. Cachia had this holy thought: to open or build the first institute for these old people. He hopes that by God's help he will succeed in achieving something. Since he cannot expect much help from the Maltese at Corfu', he is looking for it from external sources. We hope and heartily wish Rev. Cachia that many of those who have been favoured by luck, come foreward and help such a human and holy cause.
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary from the foundation of the Franciscan Sisters of Gozo; they were founded through the zeal of Qala Parish Priest, Fr. Joseph Diacono. Solemn feasts were held in Gozo and presided by the much loved Bishop Msgr. M. Gonzi. Apart from that, to commemorate this date in a fitting way, we were also invited by our beloved colleague Msgr. L. Farrugia and by Mother Superior General to thank God by singing the Te Deum. This took place at the Church of the Pillar where the delegations of all the houses assembled. For quite a long time we have been in touch with this new Religions Congregation through our work at Fra Diego institute. We have always admired the good spirit of true brides of Jesus Christ cultivated in it. In these last three years they have increased their merit abundantly by the complete partnership they share in the mission among the Somalis where our Institute is also driven by Providence to give its work. From these pages we would like once again to thank God together with the worthy Congregation; we wish it a long life until the end of the world, a greater power in every type of strength, a large number of vocations, a higher christian spirit, endless work in Christ's estate and a large number of entries in His net.
Read the cover of this almanac.
december 31 days
Christmas Month
The sun rises at 6 and m. It sets at 4 and 46m.
Whoever lays hand on this Almanac should try to pass it on to others. This printed matter is one of the best servants to proclaim the missionary thought, to form the mind and heart of youth, to raise up and to gather missionary vocations, and also to ask for temporal help.
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eligius bishop |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
Last Quarter at 6 in the evening |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Francis Xavier apostle of India |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Chrysologus and Saint Barbara v.and m. |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Saba abbot |
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6 |
Sunday |
II of Advent |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Ambrose bishop of Milan |
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8 |
Tuesday |
The Immaculate Conception of the V.M. (tit. of Cospicua) |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Leocadla virgin and martyr |
New Moon at 11 and 5m. in the morning. |
10 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Damasus I Pope |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Valerius abbot |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
III of Advent |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Vitalis bishop |
15 |
Tuesday |
Octave of the Conception of the V.M. |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Eusebius bishop martyr (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
Beginning of the Novena to the Child Jesus
17 |
Thursday |
Saint Ivo Lawyer |
First Quarter at 11 and 30m in the evening. |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Gratianus bishop of Tours ( Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Delphinus bishop martyr (Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
IV of Advent |
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21 |
Monday |
St.Thomas Ap. |
22 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ginesius martyr |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Servolus |
24 |
Thursday |
St.Tarsilla and Emiliana virg. (vigil fasting and abst.) |
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25 |
Friday |
Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Solemn feast of the Child Jesus in the Chapel at midnight procession with the Holy Child and Sung Mass and general Communion
Full Moon at 15m. over midnight. |
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26 |
Saturday |
St.Stephen first martyr (marriagesallowed) |
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27 |
Sunday |
St.John Ap. and Evangelist |
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28 |
Monday |
The M. Holy Innocents martyrs |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Trophimus bishop m. and companion of St.Paul Shipwrecked |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Vitalianus Pope and Saint Sabinus bishop |
= |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Sylvester Pope martyr |
Te Deum
Checked with regards to days of fasting and of precept 26th November 1930.
[trans. from Italian]Sac. Gius. Camilleri XUereb- Cerem. Diocese
We tell mothers to pray for vocations.
Operarii' autem pauci - The labourers are few. We understand that this was true for the Church its beginning. But now that two thousand years have elapsed we can still say these three words in all truth. It seems it cannot be so; however when we pause to think and consider what has been done, what remains to be done, we are forced to say how true that the labourers are few.
The twelve Apostles became thousands of priests dispersed everywhere today. But still they are few for they are required more than their number- Today they are hardly enough to keep alive the faith wherever it is already scattered; they hardly serve to fill wherever empty places arise due to old age, sickness and death. They hardly serve to ward off trouble sown by the enemies of the Church; to pluck trouble wherever it has sprouted and took root. Therefore can they manage to work in greater depth in matters of the soul? How can they ever give themselves to widen and extend more the kingdom of God?
At this moment in all parts of the Missions about 12000 priests are labouring for the benefit of souls. Out of this slightly more than a third are indigenous priests. 3200 lay brothers are helping the priests; out of these 500 are indigenous. There are 20,900 sisters and among them nearly a half are indigenous sisters. And there are at least 60,000 indigenous catechists who help quite a lot. All these figures without counting the 6000 students in the minor seminaries and 2500 who are in the major seminaries. Therefore if we leave out catechists and students, the number of Missionary personnel is 40,000 out of which two thirds are whites who came from Europe.
A greet army; we may add also amazing! Because Europe sends 30,000 of her children, priests and sisters after it also takes care of its needs. This is something to wonder at and to boast of. But what do 12,000 priests mean for a miliard of pagans? That is a priest for at least 70,000 pagans while in Europe we have a priest for every thousand. As we can see, about 1,000,000 missionary priests are needed; instead there is a mere 12,000. Is it not therefore true that the Gospel workers are really few?
What will we do therefore? Are we to lose heart? No!No | But we must increase and widen our work increase our toil, help the three pontifical Missionary Works, help Missionary vocations, help this Missionary Institute which is close at hand and, in its smallness, it works to increase the number of workers.
Oh! How many souls are still being lost.
oremus pro benefactoribus nostris.
retribuere dignare, domine, omnibus, obis
bona facientibus propter nomen tuum,
vitam aeternam. amen .
Miss Laferla a packet of used stamps- Rev. Fr. A Copperstone Stamps - Rev. Fr. Anthony Barbara 10s.- through Sr. M. Margaret Cassar of the Monastery of Saint Ursola pac.of devotional cloth and other things of devotion- Rev. Fr. Gaetan Zammit Apost. Miss. works of Fr. Pacciuchelli - Through Bro Augustine Greeh- S.S.P. a packet of Stamps- Parish priest Fr. Saviour Gatt. Marsaxlokk 10s.- "V. A. Cini" Institute - Hamrun Masses heard 9,000 communions 9,000 Spiritual Communions 10,000 Rosary 3,000 Via Crucis 8,000 Aspiration 9,000 Ejaculatory prayers 20,000 Sacrifices 18,000 Holy Hour 1,200 Hours of Study 900, Hours of Work 50000 Hours of Recreation 8,000- N.N. California £1- Msgr Prof. Carmel Zammit Cap. Can. 10s.- Rev. Fr. Paul Zammit C. Ghaxaq £1- "V.A. Cini" Institute Hamrun. For the month of March and April Masses heard 6000, Communions 6000, Spiritual Communions 12000, Rosary 12000, via Crucis 1000, Aspirations 12000, Ejaculatory prayers 18000, Sacrifices 24000, Holy Hour 800, Hours of Study 6300, Hours of Work 30,000 Hours of Recreation 6000, "V.A. Cini" Institute Hamrun- For the Month of January and February 1930 Masses heard 6000, Communions 6000, Spiritual Communions 12000 Via Crucis 1000, Aspirations 12000, Ejaculatory prayers 18000, Sacrifices 24000 Holy Hours 800, Hours of Study 6300, Hours of Work 30000, Hours of Recreation 6000- Pillar School Masses heard 350 ,Communions 120 ,Spiritual Communions 3936, Rosary 500, Via Crucis 212, Aspirations 3272 ,Ejaculatory prayers 3782, Sacrifices 210 ,Holy Hour 28 ,Hours of Study 247, Hours of Work 204, Hours of Recreation 83- Sister of the Pillar Masses heard 270 ,Communions 100 Spiritual Communion 3000, Rosary 100 ,Via Crucis 100, Aspirations 5000, Ejaculatory prayers 10000, Sacrifices 1000, Holy Hour 100, Hours of Study 50, Hours of Work 1500, Hours of Recreation 300- Saint Dorothy Institute Masses heard 800 Communions 750 , Spiritual Communions 450, Rosary 1000, Via Crucis 300, Holy Hour 30- Bro. Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Abyssinia. For the month of September and October Masses heard 4200, Communions 6209, Spiritual Communions 9318, Rosary 2030 ,Via Crucis 64 Aspirations 730, Ejaculatory prayers 40326, Sacrifices 876 , Holy Hour 466, Hour of Study 46896, Hours of Work 8966, Hours of Recreation 1000- Bro. Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Abyssinia. For the month of November and December Masses heard 4500, Communions 6347, Spiritual Communions 9318, Rosary 2030, Via Crucis 64, Aspiration 846, Ejaculatory prayers 40394, Sacrifices 876 , Holy Hour 466, Hours of Study 46896, Hours of Work 8966, Hours of Recreation 1000, St. Catherine V and martyr Monastery Valletta for the month of January and February 1930 Masses heard 406 Communions 243, Spiritual Communions 900, Rosary 450, Via Crucis 216, Visits to the M. Bl. Sacrement 1220, Ejaculatory prayers 3852 , Sacrifices 450, Holy Hour 300, Hours of Silence 990, Hours of Work 900, Hours of Recreation 860- Saint Joseph Home Infants' Section. Masses heard 360, Communions 118, Spiritual Communions 1600, Rosary 3680, Via Crucis 23, Aspiration 18,Ejaculatory prayers 2000, Sacrifices 14, Holy Hour 23 , Hours of Study 2880,Hours of Work 128, Hours of Recreation 2888- St. Catherine V. and martyr Monastery Valletta. For the month of March and April 1930- Masses heard 2200, Communions 1570, Spiritual Communions 6600, Rosary 3200, Via Crucis 1600, Aspirations 2860, Ejaculatory prayers 7800, Sacrifices 600, Hours of Silence 3900, Holy Hour 500, Hours of Study 70, Hours of Work 680, Hours of Recreation 260. Visits to the M. Bl. Sacrament 6480, Jesus of Nazareth Institute. Zejtun. Masses heard 212, Communions 250, Spiritual Communions 62934, Rosary 284, Via Crucis 185, Aspirations 360, Ejaculatory prayers 140447, Sacrifices 109, Holy Hour 160, Hours of Study 95, Hours of Work 160, Hours jof Recreation 228 - St. Catherine V and M Monastery Valletta. For the month of May and June 1930 Masses heard 2200, Communions 14570, Spiritual Communions 6600, Rosary 3200,Hours of Silence 3900, Via Crucis 1600, Aspirations 2060, Ejaculatory prayers 7800, Sacrifices 600, Holy Hour 500, Hours of Study 70, Hours of Work 6800, Hours of Recreation 2600- Visits to the M.Bl. Sacrament 6400, Bro. Joseph F. Caruana. S.S.P. Abyssinia- For the month of January and February Masses heard 5296, Communions 6416, Spiritual Communions 9518, Rosary 2040, Via Crucis 75, Aspirations 798, Ejaculatory prayers 4038, Sacrifices 876, Holy Hour 694, Hours of Study 463, Hours of Work 8730, Hours of Recreation 1438- Bro Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Abyssinia. For the month of March and April Masses heard 5300, Communions 5630, Spiritual Communions 8498, Rosary 3236, Via Crucis 73, Aspirations 836, Ejaculatory prayers 4043, Sacrifices 863, Holy Hour 734, Hours of Study 372, Hours of Work 8941, Hours of Recreation 1546- St.Catherine V and M Monastery Valletta. For the month of July, August and September Masses heard 4080, Communions 1220, Spiritual Communions 9900, Rosary, 4700, Via Crucis 20040, Aspirations 3900, Ejaculatory prayers 11700, Sacrifices 320, Hours of Silence 9920, Holy Hour 3040, Hours of Study 220, Hours of Work 9900, Hours of Recreation 1126, Visits to the M. Bl. Sacrament 9600, Rev. Fr. Angelo Copperstone. pac of used stamps- St. Ursola Monastery Valletta Masses heard 18980, Communions 9405, Spiritual Communions 23480, Rosary 5980, Via Crucis 9360, Aspiration 901920, Ejaculatory prayers 1123460, Sacrifices 187,200 , Holy Hour 576, Hours of Meditation 8385, Hours of Work 9415, Hours of Recreation 7300, Rev. an. Fr. Vincent Vella 5s- Miss Laferla pac. used stamps- Carmelites of the S. Maria Regina Coeli Monastery - Rome- Masses heard 50, Communions 50, Spiritual Communions 300, Rosary 50, Via Crucis 50, Aspirations 500, Ejaculatory prayers 500, Sacrifices 500- Through Bro. Louis Gatt S.S.P. pac. used stamps and Silver-paper- Franciscan Sisters of Victoria Gozo- Masses heard 195, Communions 156, Spiritual Communions 3162, Rosary 5271, Via Crucis 136, Aspirations 10000, Ejaculatory prayers 2738, Sacrifices 68, Holy Hour 170, Hours of Study 1754, Hours of Work 1054, Hours of Recreation 1054- The Community of the Benedictines- Notabile. Masses heard 2356, Communions 1494, Spiritual Communions 21895, Rosary 12627, Via Crucis 1853, Aspirations 9990, Ejaculatory prayers 45365, Sacrifices 23004, Holy Hour 283, Hours of Study 38, Hours of Work 3360, Hours of Recreation 262, Visits to Jesus in the Bl. Sacr. 4984 - We would like to thank also the ladies Mrs. Georgia Calleja, Mary Gatt, Helen Calleja, Josephine Xerri , Josephine Calleja Joan Calleja, Carmela Puli and Helen Galea who, between them collected and offered to the Oratory Chapel of B'kara a key of pure gold with the chain and tassels also made of gold for the tabernacle door .- Mr. Henry Grech used stamps. Ms. Rosina Xerri used stamps- M. Addolorata Orphanage. Troina Scicily -Masses heard 1142, Communions 1099, Spiritual Communions 4376, Rosary 6355, Via Crucis 851, Aspirations 25160, Ejaculatory prayers 41572, Sacrifices 1805, Holy Hour 127, Rev. Fr. Philip Muscat 5s- Through Bro.Louis Gatt S.S.P. used stamps - Sale of Mr. Alphonse M. Galea's books £0-7-8-1/2.
oremus pro defunctis nostris.
requiem aeternam dona eis domine, et lux
perpetua luceat eis. requiescant in
pace. - amen.
Sr. Ma. Domenica of Our Lady- Franciscian Tert. Donna M. Placida Dalmas. Benedictine of Saint Peter's Monastery Notabile- Civil Engineer Mr. Joseph Meli- Advocate Joseph Portelli Carbone- Concetta Xerri Sister of our beloved Bro. Joseph Caruana S.S.P. missionary in Somali in Abyssinia - Sr. Ma. Annunziata of Saint Giles Franciscan Tert. Sr. Ma. Emerenziana of Saint Joseph Fransiscan Tert. The Ill. Rev. Msgr. Can. Coad Fr. Joseph Adami- Sister Mary Lanzon of the Gerosolmitan Nuns of Saint Ursola at Valletta- Father Master Nicholas Farrugia O.S.A.