FOR 1930
Superior - Msgr. J. De Piro- 9, St. Paul Str., Notabile- Malta.
the study burses
To fulfil well and to improve always our duties as true christians, all of us and every day must remember and think of the many millions of people, our brothers who are still under the slavery of paganism, in the darkness of idolatry and of every Superstition.
As the father of everybody, the Pope is doing all his best so that the rays of the true faith shine everywhere and on all people. But does not everybody know that lots and lots of money are required to form Missionaries? The work of the Study Burses was erected so that everybody can and does take part in this work of the preparation of Missionaries. Through experience more than through hearsay, our small Institute knows about the needs for the long years of preparation. So it also started six study burses. And this year a kind person who understands how dear it is in God's sight to form a Missionary, handed us some money to begin another burse and entrust it under the care of the Sacred Family. This person told us that she will take care of its continuation; this encourages us. So this burse will be reserved.
The missionary burse, or the study burse, is a collection of money which makes possible the formation of a Missionary through the interests accrued. Many have understood this very good work. They have came and gave us their help ; they have given us some money out of their means for one of the burses we have started. But there are much more people who can give a helping hand. And so, if the friends of our Institute and all those who come across this Almanac want to increase their merits must not be satisfied only with their good deeds; they must also strive to inform others about this work. They can inform their relatives, friends, and all the persons they know so that, in turn they will also profit in God's sight from all the good work which the Missionary will one day perform through that burse in which they gave their help.
So, all those who out of their charity feel that they must give some money, can either consign it to the Superior of the Institute or to Mr. Ethelvold Busuttil of 276 St.Paul St; Valletta, or Mr.George Peralta of 13 Zacchary St., Valletta.
Mr.Francis Farrugia, It-Tunisian Hamrun, £2.0.0- From the Fair of the Oratory, B'kara £ 1.0.0- Through the Superior £1.0.0.- Money collected by Fr. G.Charles Muscat, C. Zebbug Catania 1s- Joseph Galea 1s- John Cardona Is. Mary Pace Is- Joseph Felici Is- Evangelista Spiteri Is. from other persons 4s.3d From the Helper of C. Qormi 65- Through the Proband Carmelo Gatt 3s,6d- From the heirs of the late Fr.George Bugia £3 - Collected from Barbara Schembri Siggiewi Joseph Agius 5s.6d.- John Ciantar Is- Josephine Schembri Is.-N.N.2s.6d- Alfred Delia 2s- N.N.Is.-Fr.N.Mifsud 2s-Fr.F.S.Bonanno Is.6d- Rose Vella is.- Joseph Vassallo £1.0.0.-A. Cachia 2s.6d- N.Pisani 2s.6d- N.N. 2s.6d- N.N.2s- Fr.F.S.Mangion 4s-A.Delia 4s.- N.N. Is-C.Farrugia. Is- From many Persons 2s- Collected through Mr. Ethelvold Busuttil- Mr. F. Mercieca- 2s. 6d- Frank Pace Asciolo & Sons. 5s-C.Stivala. 2s.6d- N.N.5s- Paul Bonavia 2s.6d- B.E.4s- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P.10s.
Mr.Paul Camilleri San. Fco. California 9s.8d- Fair at the Oratory, B'Kara £ 1.0.0- C.Fr. P. Farrugia £ 1.0.0.- Collected through Mrs. M.Montalto 10s- R. Grixti Is.- Mr. C. Stythe 2s - N.N. Is.- From other persons Is.6d- Through the Superior £ 1.0.0- From the collection box at the Oratory B'kara 6.- From a Benefactor £ 1.10s.0- Collected from Br. R. Buhagiar S.S.P. 5s- Through Fr. C. Azzopardi S.S.P. 10s.
Collected from Mr. P. Saliba, Hamrun 4s.6d- From Mrs. Emilia Miller, Floriana £1.0.0.- Mrs. Josephine Bugeja 6s- From the Fair at the Oratory, B'kara £1.0.0.- N.N. Is - Fr. Angelo Cooperstone 5s.-N.N.4s- Collected from Regina Vella 6s.6d- Fr. Saviour Grixti-10s- From the Rev. Sisters Cini Inst. 4s- Through Fr. Joseph M. Spiteri S.S.P.- 10s- Fr. Paul Zammit C. Ghaxaq £1.0.0.- C.G. San Fco California £1.0.0.- Bernarda De Lorenzo 7s.9d- From a Missionary 10s- Collected by Mr. Ethelvold Busuttil N.N.£1.0.0.- Mr. G. Ellul £1.0.0.- N.N. Through the Superior 10s- Collected at the collection box of the Inst. Notabila £1.0.0.- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P.10s.
Mr.Joseph Xiberras Marsa £5- Mary Borg £1.0.0.- N.N. 5s.6d- through Sister M. Cassar, Gerosolimtana 1s- Fr. Santino dei Marchesi de Piro 10s- Msgr. Can. Fr. Carmelo Zammit D.D. 5s- Baron Igino De Piro £1.0.0.- Collected by Mary Mifsud, Zejtun £1.0.0.- N.N.5s.6d1/2- From the Fair at the Oratory, B'kara £1.0.0.- N.N. 10s- Collected by G. Saliba Mr. P. Gassar 10s.- P. Muscat 1s.- from other Persons 2s- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P. 10s-.
N.N. 2s- Mr. Joseph Xiberras £ 5.0.0.- Fr. Santino dei Marchesi De Piro 7s.6d- From the Fair at the Oratory B'kara £ 1.0.0.- Collected from C. Qormi 7s- N.N.2s.6d- through the superior £1.0.0.- From Vincent Azzopardi C.Luqa £1.0.0.- N.N.2s.6d- Mary Mifsud 10s.- Collected from Zejtun through N.N. Catherine Zahra Is.- C.N.2s.- From Many persons 6s.8d.- Through Bro Jerome Gatt S.S.P. 18s.- Fr. Robert Calleja, Rabat 10s.- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P. 10s-
The Baroness Mrs. Mary Testaferrata Viani £2.0.0.- G.A.Portelli Carbone 2s.6d- Henriette Micallf Eynaud Illust. Wid. 2s.6d- Fr. Santino dei Marchesi De Prio 10s- Collected through Mrs. Dolores Bonnici Josephine Colerio Is- Rosina Coleiro Is.- Anthony Coleiro Is.- Vincenza Xerri Is- From the Fair at the Oratory, B'kara £ 1.0.0.- Through the Superior 7s.- Through the Superior £1.0.0.- Saviour Zammit Falzon Zurrieq 4s- N.N. from C. Qormi 5s- Memory of the Servant of God Cleric Ignatius Falzon, £ 15.0.0.- From the house of the Oratory, B'kara 12 - Through Fr. Michael Callus S.S.P. £1.4s.0- Through Fr. Carmel Azzopardi S.S.P.
Devout Person £15.0.0.- Same £30.0.0- N.N. £75.0.0.-
of the Institute of the Mission
for the year 1930
Nihil obstat Dei 9 Februarii MCMXXX
FR. ALOYSIUS ATTARD O.F.M. Censor. theol.
Tip.della " Casa di San Giuseppe "- Hamrun- Malta
We will continue to work until there
will be one fold and one shepherd.
In the beautiful and never to be forgotten homily especially from those who love the divine work of spreading the Faith, in that homily which the reigning Pontiff delivered at Saint Peter's in Rome on Pentecost 1922 when he asked God earnestly to give all his remaining life and all his work for the salvation of the infidels, he let everybody understand what he had in mind to fulfill his duty. From that day onwards everybody started to call Pius XI as the "Pope of the Mission" - and so will he be known in future.
At that time the Pope told us what he had in mind to do. Now, after seven years we can see what his activity was to continue the programme which he already had explained to all.He left no stone unturned to give a new appearance and a new life to the Missionary work And just as water departs from the top of the mountain to water, to sprout and to make green the plains which receive it, ius XI behaved in the same manner from the Vatican Hill. He strengthened the thought of the Missions in those souls which had already accepted it and conceived it anew in those who in some way put it aside because they had other things on their mind. He did all this with his teaching, with his example, with his wisdom and with his behaviour. With his activity he arrived on the Mission field; he saw it at close range; he informed others by the Missionary exposition which he held in his yards and gardens; he set it free from many obstacles, levelled the way so that it progresses with new vigour.
It is enough to read the famous Enclica Rerum Ecclesiae (February 1926) to see the beautiful teaching it contains and the nice and good things for the Missions which the Pope provided. As he explained well after all he wants all of us to be Missionaries in one way or other. Either through work, or through alms-giving, or through prayer, he did not leave anything out to explain that it is the duty of all of us christians to do something to spread the faith among those for whom the light of the Gospel has not yet shone.
This year, the rays of the Pope's striving have touched us at a distance and also very closely. We have said somewhat at a distance because this year the Pope thought in a very special way of the mission in Abyssina where a member of our Institute has been working for some time. Providence is showing us clearly that it wants our future activity to be there. Infact, on the 6th of November, a special extraordinary Mission left Marseille. It was sent from the Pope to the imperial court of Ethiopia. There was Msgr. Marchetti Salvaggiani, tit. Archbishop of Seluncia and Secretary of the Propaganda Congregation on this Mission.
Help Christ’s army. Remember the Institute of the Missions.
From right to left Frair Mizzi Vice-Prefect, Bro.Ciprian, Bro. Joseph Caruana, Bro. John Xuereb, Bro.Joseph Bugeja.
He was the special extraordinary envoy. Msgr. Tesserant was sent as Counsellor. The Rev. Considine of America was the Secretary of Mission and the Rev. Prof. P. Jubin served as the attache'. This mission arrived at Gibuti on the 17th of November; a delegation of the Negus Ras Taffari went to meet it there.On the 20th of the month (that is on the day Mother Rose died) the Pope's Mission entered Ethiopia and was received by the Minister of the Exterior, by Monsignor Jarosseau and by a crowd of Catholics of every nationality. For the reason mentioned above, our Maltese Mission could not take part in this meeting which was everybody's wish. But God who sees everything knows why this happened. The visit to the Negus Ras Taffari at Addis Abeba was a really beautiful and great event. All the Abyssinian Missions will benefit greatly from it. The Pope's striving touched us at close quarters through the autographed Blessing which he was pleased give our Institute as a pledge of progress and prosperity. Together with the autograph he sent us two beautiful and large images of the new saint, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus declared Patroness of the Missions, to show us that our small effort is very dear to him. We were very happy with these two gifts; we cherished them and decorated the walls of the two Missionary Institutes at Mdina and at Birkirkara. On both sides we are feeling the blessing of the Pope of the Missions together with the intercession of the little Saint Therese. From the depth of our heart we raise our humble prayer towards God's throne. We ask God to lend many more years to the Pope of the Missions as a gift of the fifty years' ordination anniversary; may he with great joy see Christ's Kingdom spreading and, with greater joy be able to say I have brought the belief of truth to all the infidels.
Give the Missionary spirit to others
january 31 days
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The Sun rises at 7 and 11 minutes. It sets at 4 and 57 minutes
pp.pius x
@ |
1 |
Wednesday |
Circumsicion of O.L.J.C (New Year's) |
2 |
Thursday |
Octave of St. Stephen Martyr |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Genevieve |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Gregory bishop of Langers |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
@ |
6 |
Monday |
The Epiphany of O.L. Jesus Christ |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Lucian martyr |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint Apollinaire bishop |
First Quarter at 2 and 15m in the morning. |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint William bishop of Bourges |
10 |
Friday |
Saint William and his companions martyrs |
11 |
Saturday |
Saint Hyginus Pope Martyr |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany- The Sacred Family of J.M. and J. |
13 |
Monday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hilary Conf. and doctor |
Full moon at 9 and 23m. in the evening. |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Paul first hermit- Saint Maurus abbot |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Marcel Pope martyr |
Beginning of Saint Paul's novena in the Chapel of the Institute
17 |
Friday |
Saint Anthony abbot |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter's Chair in Rome |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany |
20 |
Monday |
SS. Fabian and Sebastian martyrs |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Publis I Bishop of Malta (and its min. Pat.) |
Last Quarter at 3 and 9m in the evening. |
22 |
Wednesday |
SS. Vincent and Anastasius martyrs |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Raymond from Pennafort- Betrothal of the V.M. to St Joseph. |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Timothy Bishop |
@ |
25 |
Saturday |
Conversion of Saint Paul Ap. ( Main Patron of Malta and Gozo and tit. of the Cath. and H. Safi) |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
III After Epiphany |
Saint Paul's feast held i the Chapel of the Institute. |
27 |
Monday |
Saint John Chrysostom doctor |
28 |
Tuesday |
The Apparition of Saint Agnes virgin |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis from Sales bishop |
New moon at 6 and 9 m in the evening. |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Nolasco. |
The Need to Help the Missionary
This year there is no need to repeat about the great need to help the Missionary. Every person who has christian blood running in his veins feels the need to help his neighbour without the necessity to explain. Everybody knows that it is a need of the heart which tries to follow the Divine Teacher Jesus Christ. We well understand that, being a heart's need, we have to talk about it; we have to write about this need to console our heart. This time we will read together Friar Irenee's letter who, together with our Brother Joseph is at the Gololcia Station, that is the most advanced station of the Mission among the Somalis. So there won't be the necessity to seek other words to understand this need more and more. " I am very happy that I will also write a few words together with the letter which Brother Joseph will send you.
"First of all, as the Gospel teaches us by those words which sprang from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself, I feel obliged to thank you in my name personally and in the name of the Gololcia Mission for the beautiful and courageous donation which the dear Brother Joseph Francis received. In fact, this moved me because, up to the present, I was not used to feel such a generous action." Friar Irenee' was thanking us for the donation collected from among the Seminarians at Floriana. They gave it to us through the Rev. Fr. Joseph Formosa so that we will deliver it to the Mission field.- " Undoubtedly". Friar Irenee continues to write.
Construction of the new Church of Gigiga.
"Brother Joseph would already have written to you about our great need. This increases from day to day around us not only to keep alive our christian families but also to be able to give some help to the people who are dying around us. It is very hard to understand what has happened in this last year. The country is in complete disorder. First of all we were hit by animal disease. Cows and bulls died in very large numbers; we could not count them! After the cows, the disease spread among goats and sheep; next it spread among horses and finally it struck the donkeys. These started dying like flies. You can imagine that life became difficult even for those who lived among riches when they lacked milk and butter, when they could not eat flesh of dead animals for it was poisoned. Together with this misfortune, was scarce and therefore there no products. The locusts which had passed made matters worse by living among us. The price of corn rose from a dollar per sack twenty and even twenty five dollars. Some of the people fled to live better somewhere else. Many died. The rest ate, but not animal flesh for there were no animals left. They just scrounged bones." "When rain finally came sometimes it poured in floods. Therefore, it harmed the remaining people and animals. Some thought of sowing in fields. But the seeds cost alot and there were no cows plough. People were so weak that they could not hoe soil. Finally those who with great difficulty managed grow some crop were by locusts and in no short time all sprouts were devoured."
As soon as Brother Joseph arrived at Gololcia, he started constructing
"To strengthen my word and to show you that my words are close to the truth, let me tell you the story of the nine skeletons. This story has happened to us to-night. Nine people arrived here in ourMission. The whole lot- justskin and bones they belonged to one family and asked to be baptized. I accepted them at once and christened them : Joachim and Assumpta are the father and the mother; the children I christened: Hyacinth, Paula, Ludwig, Eusebius, Agapitus, Bernard and Chantal. This family was the owner of many fields; they possessed large herds of cows, oxen, horses, donkeys, goats,
sheep and camels. Out of all this , only one cow is left. That is , they experienced what I have already explained. Up to a few days ago, they possessed two camels. They could just survive because they milked one of them, during the day they ate wild grass. Once in a while they managed to catch a desert-turtle. To make matters worse, one of the camels, the one which produced milk for them, ate some grass which was not fit for it and it was dying. They killed it for they did not want to lose the whole lot. They agreed to leave their country and seek some other better place by the help of the flesh of this beast; it was their last help. They did not want to let anybody know of their intention and so be frustrated by their own people. The first thing they did was to go into hiding; then they started marching. They hid in the mountains throughout the day; at night they advanced as much as possible.
To make matters worse, listen to what happened to them: one morning some people, together with the soldiers were looking for their stolen camels; when they saw footprints on the surface of the land, they followed them until they overtook them. Since they found them with the camel and on possession of the other's flesh, they thought that they had found the thieves who had stole from them ; they took them at once in front of the judge. Thank God, the elders of the place knew them; they knew that they came from a very good family and they also recognized the camel's skin so they were set free.
"After this last obstacle, they walked for some more days strengthened by the small amount of meat left and wild grass. On the way they also succeeded to exchange the camel for a cow because the cow served them better. Today God led them up to our door. I wish you could see these nine people with your own eyes; seeing them slumped on the floor, eating grass, I am sure your heart would break. These are the miseries which through you the good people of Malta can help."
Friar Ire'ne'e ends here. but if the Missionary hardly has enough for himself, how can he help others? How true is it what Brother Joseph once wrote to us - that if they had the material means, the whole country would accept the christian faith.
What truth lies in the Pope's words when he tells us that Missionaries are in need; that they have to halt their endeavours for lack of help. After this reading we feel that we need not say more so that everybody understands the necessity to help the Missionary.
Blessing of Foundation stone of Church in Gigiga-Abyssina
Month dedicated to the Ap. Saint Paul Our Father.
The sun rises at 72min. It sets at 5 and 28min.
1 |
Saturday |
Octave of the Conv. of Saint Paul Ap. |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
IV After Epiphany- Purification of V.M. (Candlemas) |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Blaise Bishop |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Andrew Corsini Bishop |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Agatha virg. and martyr ( Min. Pat. of Malta) |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Titus Bishop |
First Quarter at 4 and 29m in the evening. |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Romualdus abbot |
First Day of Triduum to St. Paul in the Chapel of the Institute.
8 |
Saturday |
Saint John from Matha. |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
V After Epiphany |
@ |
10 |
Monday |
Our Father the Ap. St Paul shipwrecked in Malta (Tit. and Patron of Valletta and of the Diocese of Malta and Gozo- National Feast). |
11 |
Tuesday |
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes. |
12 |
Wednesday |
The Seven Founders of the Servites of Mary. |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Catherine of Ricci. |
Full Moon at 7 and 41m in the morning. |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Valentine priest martyr |
15 |
Saturday |
SS. Faustinus and Giovta martyrs |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Flaminius bishop |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Simon bishop of Jerusalem |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Conrad hermit at Noto |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Nemisius and companions martyrs |
Last Quarter at 7 and 74m in the morning. |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Eucherius bishop |
22 |
Saturday |
Chair of Saint Peter in Antioch |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima |
24 |
Monday |
Saint Matthias Ap. martyr |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Margaret from Cortona |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Poriphyrus bishop of Gaza |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Leander Bishop (Giovedi Grass) |
28 |
Friday |
SS. Romanus and Lupicianus brothers martyrs. |
The Catechist Lay-Brothers of the Society of Saint Paul are chosen from among those young people who want to give themselves to help the Missionary Priests of the Institute. They must be in good health; they must not be less than sixteen years of age and not older than thirty. They must be ready to serve God and must have the right intention. They must be of good conduct and know the rudiments of some trade.
The emigrant and his faith
There are many interesting things in the report of Captain Curmi, the Commissioner of Malta in Australia. They are interesting both for those who think of opening the way for maltese emigrants as well as for those who have to leave their country and seek other countries to earn their living. After he stressed that the emigrant must have that technical and so to call it material formation which sustains him in totally foreign land, he then continued to say, and quite fittingly that one must strengthen the emigrant's will to remain his own master without being buffetted by things which may wreck the principal aim for which he arrived in a country other than his own; in this way instruction and external education reach their fulfillment. To arrive at this point it is most necessary to generate in good condition his faith and to help it strike root more and more. It may be- and it probably is- this lack of ability to behave externally according to the teaching present in one's soul and one's faith, which drives the emigrant not only to moral but also to material loss. And so Captain Curmi goes into greater detail; he suggests also a course of religious instruction together with other teaching. In this way, one always strengthens more one's belief so that he finds the straight path illuminated for him although he finds himself, in difficulties, in mist and even in darkness when he is away from his people, relatives and friends.
The reason is clear because, as the King's image on a coin wears away through use, likewise can happen upon our souls to our faith. The worries and the vanity of this world, the errors and falsities which prowl around our souls like serpents, quite often blur the impression of the faith which we receive together with baptism.
And just as the King's image is subject to blurring more or less according to the hardness of the metal in which it is impressed, so faith and strength of character in the soul of man go together. Therefore it matters alot to strengthen, for his own benefit the will of the emigrant. In this way, he feels and accepts the responsibility of his character according to his faith; he does not become a slave of the spirit of the world; he is not fickle like the weather cock that veers with every change of wind.
Although the metal alloy is still very soft, the king's image is always very clear until coin is still in the mint; let alone until it is still under the press. But when the coin starts to be transferred from one bank to another, from one hand to another, the story is completely different. We can say the same for the Maltese emigrant's faith. There is no danger of losing his faith although he did not think of strengthening his faith until he is in his country. The external practice of religion as it is in Malta linked to the others’ good example are like a seal which often press on his soul and prevents the faith, so to say, to lose its features.
But when the emigrant leaves his country, his home, when he is separated from his relatives and friends, when after a few days he suddenly finds himself in areas totally foreign to him where religion is not so widespread and professed as it is in Malta, when he is surrounded by people whose customs are totally different from his own, he looks inwards upon his soul. We assume that everything goes right if there he finds something to stand surety on behalf of what he left in his country. But that danger mentioned in the Commissioner's report begins if he does not succeed to meet the roots of his faith when he seeks deep within his soul at the first somewhat strong wind let us therefore hold fast to Mr. Curmi's wise suggestion. Let us hope with our whole heart that he who is in power strives that these be implemented for Malta's honour and for the spiritual and temporal benefit of those have to leave their country to earn their living.
Our Brother Joseph and Brother Ciprian
(Capuchin) who worked for a long time before him among the Somalis.
Help Missionary vocations
march . 31 days
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph.
The Sun rises at 6 and 30m. It sets at 5 and 56m.
P.P. Pius xi
Pope Leo XIII's prayer of the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph is to be said every evening during this month.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Albinus bishop (Carnival) |
Three days of Solemn exposition with sermon and sacramental benediction in the afternoon.
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima " |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Cunegundis August empress " |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Casimer bishop of Hungary " |
5 |
Wednesday |
Ash W. (Celebration of marriages prohibited) |
Ash-Wednesday Function in the Chapel
6 |
Thursday |
Ss.Perpetua and Felicity mm. |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas doctor of the Church |
8 |
Saturday |
Saint John of God Confessor |
First Quarter at 3 and 3m in the morning. |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
I of Lent |
10 |
Monday |
The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste. |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eulogius martyr. |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory I Pope |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Euphresia Virgin ( Emb. Days fasting and abst.) |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Mathildis queen ( Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
Full Moon at 6 in the evening. |
15 |
Saturday |
Saint Zechariah pope ( Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
II of Lent |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Patrick bishop of Ireland |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cyril bishop of Jerusalem. |
@ |
19 |
Wednesday |
S. Joseph Spouse of the Virgin Mary |
High Mass in the morning; sung compline in the evening, We say the Curnella sing the Hymn and Litany of St. Joseph. Sacramental benediction follows.
20 |
Thursday |
Blessed Nicholes de la Fine. |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Benedict abbot |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Lea, Roman matron |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
24 |
Monday |
Saint Gabrial Archangel |
@ |
25 |
Tuesday |
The Annunciation of the Bl. V. Mary. |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ludger apostle of Frisia |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint John Damascene doctor of the Church. |
28 |
Friday |
Saint John from Capistrano |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Catherine from Bologna |
30 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
New Moon at 4 and 50m in the morning |
31 |
Monday |
Saint Balbina virgin and martyr |
Te Deum of the conclusion of the Month of March, sung.
do not forget the study burses.
The new Gololcia Mission
God associates with the Missionary
As soon as the second group of Sisters arrived in A.byssinia, the zealous Friar Mizzi thought of founding the New Gololcia Mission, at Msgr Garosseau's permission. And although he had already gone there to prepare as best as he could, we can imagine how much still had to be done in a new place in those areas. So the brave Friar Irene` was chosen; as companion he was given our Brother Joseph. Brother Joseph is the type of man who does not lose heart; when need be, he rolls up his sleeves to work. Although he never worked the fields, he did not think twice to take the plough in hand. It is true that all his work gave no result because grasshoppers came. When grasshoppers arrive, they come in such large numbers that land does not contain them; they climb trees, eat all leaves and even gnaw away at trunks. But inspite of this, Brother Joseph did not give up. If he did not gather crops, he succeeded in other enterprises. In fact, as you can see he works as a shoe-maker in a shoe making shop; at another moment he works at a carpenter's shop; at another moment he nurses lepers' blisters or vaccinates against smallpox; at one moment he takes the line and the spirit level in hand and starts erecting a room. So, after the fire in the Gigiga Church, when Friar Mizzi started to build a new one with God given help, we find that Brother Joseph was called to be one of the masons.
In his letters, Brother Joseph often writes of his Superior,Friar Irene` who, on arrival at Gololcia left no stone unturned to provide this place with water. After much work, worries and strivings, with his special ability to look for water, he saw his work being crowned.
Crowned not only materially but also spiritually. In those areas of the Galla, the Somalis and the Donkoli, there is a superstition in that people that every water spring has its spectre which harms and kills everyone who tinkers with it. So, when they saw that Friar Irene` not only did not die but he was not harmed even in the smallest way although he sought, meddled and guided the water wherever he wanted, they approached him with so much respect that we find its resemblance in what happened to Our Father the Apostle Saint Paul with our brothers, the maltese of those times when they saw that he remained alive and nothing happened to him after he was bit by an adder. In fact, this event caused large numbers of families to receive instruction for baptism. This shows us clearly that God still associates through his grace with today's Missionary, just as he used to accompany the first Apostles in the beginning of the Church.
Brother Joseph Vaccinates against smallpox.
april - 30 days
Month dedicated to the Risen Christ
The sun rises at 5 and 40m and sets at 6 and 23m
1 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hugh bishop |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis from Paula |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Richard bishop |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Isidora bishop |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Vincent Ferreri dominican |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
Passion S. |
First Quarter at 10 and 27m in the morning. |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Hegisippas doctor |
8 |
Tuesday |
Saint Perpetnus bishop |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint John the Almoner |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Bede Friar |
11 |
Friday |
The Seven Sorrows of the V.M. |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint Julius I pope |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
Palm S. |
Full Moon at 4 and 50m in the evening |
14 |
Monday |
M. in Holy week |
15 |
Tuesday |
T. in Holy week |
16 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
17 |
Thursday |
Maundy Th.- |
18 |
Friday |
Good Fr.- Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
19 |
Saturday |
Holy S.- (Fasting and abstinence and at noon.) |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
Easter |
Last Quarter at 9 and 10m in the evening |
= |
21 |
Monday |
Easter M. (Marriages allowed) |
= |
22 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint George martyr ( tit. Hal Qormi) |
24 |
Thursday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmarengen capuchin |
25 |
Friday |
Saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Saturday |
Ss. Cletus and Marcellinus |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
I After Easter (H. Balzan and Tarxien Feast) |
28 |
Monday |
Saint Paul of the Cross and St Vitalis (tit. of the Annunciation) |
New moon at 6 and 11m in the evening. |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter from Verona dominican martyr |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Catherina from Siena dominican |
Beginning of the month of May in honour of Mary Our M. H. Mother, in the Chapel of the Institute
Give this Almanac to others to read it .
mother rose
The news of Mother Rose's death reached us like a flash of lightning in a clear sky. We were used to the news that everybody is well. From the Maltese mission at Abbysinia we were used to receiving news of zeal, progress, and spiritual profit of the people of those areas. So we never expected such a news. Mother Rose was a very courageous woman; she worked as if she never tired. We know her very well because we could calculate her worth as a Mother-Superior at Fra Diego Institute at Hamrun. We saw her striving, never getting annoyed when we tell her something for the children's benefit and for the progress of the Institute. She would just start working like a boat which ploughs the seas and moves forward. It seemed that there were no obstacles in her way; she was always ready to side-step them and advance, without a word , on her duty. Therefore, when Mother General threw an open invitation for the first group of sisters who were to leave for Abyssinia, we were not the least surprised that Mother Rose was one of the first to offer themselves and that she was chosen to take care of the others and lead them in a voyage which none of them ever performed to areas of which they had only a faint idea. Friar Mizzi had already been working hard there; our Brother Joseph had been there for some months. As soon as she arrived at the blessed Mission land, she increased her persistent effort for God's glory and for the benefit of those souls. She was so helpful to the Missionaries, she directed the Sofi orphanage so quickly, she gave herself so much to teach catechism, she cured the sick with so much love, she was at everybody's service for works of God's love so much that some called her the Queen of Sofi. To make a long story short to speak only about the essence of her work in guiding and instructing her "dear little negro girls " as Mother Rose used to call them in her letters ( they were the object of her effort and love), we will only mention the beautiful feast which she managed to organize in a short time to receive one from the visitors of the Mission, the Friar Provincial of the Capuchins with due respect. There was singing and acting in French; these lasses also offered some articrafts of their own- some of them had not been there but for a short time. It seems to us that words of praise and approval by the Provincial on that same day during the feast and the report which Msgr Bishop Jarosseau delivered on the Progress of the Orphanage on this occasion were destined by Providence to be Mother Rose's crown for her work on earth. This was but a figure and an image of the other crown being already woven for her by the angels in heaven. In fact there was but a brief space of days for on the ninth of November she received one of her Superiors with due respect and love and on the twentieth of the same month her soul was accepted by Jesus her divine spouse.
Mother Rose was born at Hal Lija on the 14th of August 1871. At fifteen years of age she left the world and was accepted in the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Gozo. She was Superior, Mistress of Novices, Advisor of the Mother General; always and everywhere she was the fragrance of Christian life. Lately, as Mother Superior of the Somali Mission in Abyssinia she played a great part in the foundation of the Sofi and Gigiga Orphanage.
The funeral was a really great success; beautiful and devout. The Missionary stations of Harrar, that pertaining to the Bishop Msgr Jarosseau, that pertaining to the abbey of the nuns of Calais and the other station of the Leprosary took part. All the Friars and Priests of the place, major and minor seminarians, the whole european Colony, all were present. And many christians of the area did all in their possibility to honour this first victim of the Maltese Mission among the Somalis. They showed everybody the respect they had towards her; they showed how the sense of gratitude is deeply ingrained in their soul.
Friar Mizzi tells us that the name of Mother Rose will be blessed among the simple and gentle people of those areas for a very long time. We will not forget her quickly too; both as Mother Superior at the Fra Diego Institute as well as Missionary among the Somalis. Many times we received her words of thanks for whatever the Saint Agatha Laboratory sent to the sisters. Among her last words she wrote to us, we find the following; we may keep them as her testament, "Pray for us; compel others to pray alot for our Mission among the Somalis".
The Missionary Laboratory
continued its work and sent many boxes towards Djigjiga in Abbysinia to Friar Mizzi, even this year. Friar Mizzi on his part was responsible to distribute the contents among the others as requested. Some other clothes are being sewn to be sent. The laboratory is also to send a bell to the Gololcia church as a suffrage for the soul of Fr.Santino, our brother. They will also send a small statue of Malta stone, donated by Fr. Nicholas Aquilina the parish Priest of Hal-Ghaxaq- Therefore we would like to inform those who want to donate something for the Maltese Mission among the Somalis or who want to help the Missionary Laboratory in some other way, that the following ladies belong to it: Mrs. Ursola De Piro who lives at Imdina; Miss Mary Asphar High Street Sliema, Miss Luisa Caruana Old Bakery Str. Valletta- Miss Agnes Asphar Saint George's of Birzebbuga- Mrs. Mary and the misses Pace Axiaq Boschetto Road Rabat- Mrs. Emma De Piro Hal Lija- Marchionesse Apap Bologna H'Attard- Miss Pina Caruana, Floriana.
may 31 days
Month dedicated to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary.
The Sun rises at 5 and 8m. It sets at 6 and 45m.
Do not forget the Holy Childhood work.
There will be special devotions towards Mary Our Blessed Lady.
= |
1 |
Thursday |
SS. Philip and James Ap. Martyrs |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Athanasius bishop |
= |
3 |
Saturday |
The discovery of the Holy Cross |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
II After Easter |
5 |
Monday |
Saint Pius Pope and Saint Angel Carmelite |
First Quarter at 3 and 55m in the evening. |
6 |
Tuesday |
Martyrdom of saint John Evangelist |
= |
7 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of Saint Joseph (Patron of the Universal Church) |
Beginning of Triduum in honour of saint Joseph Patriarch in the Chapel. In the evening, after the rosary kurunella said and litany, hymn and antiphon sung. Then Sacramental benediction is given.
8 |
Thursday |
Apparition of Saint Michael Arch. (Our Lady of Pompei) |
Supplica of Our Lady of Pompei held in the Chapel at noon. |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Gregory of Nazianzen bishop |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Antoninus Archbishop |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
III After Easter (Tit. of saint Philip Haz-Zebbug) |
12 |
Monday |
SS. Nereus and Achilleus and Domitilla martyrs |
Full Moon at 4 and 32m in the evening. |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint John the Silent |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Boniface martyr |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint John Baptist de la Salle |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Ubaldus bishop of Gubbio |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Paschal Baylon |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
V After Easter |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Peter Celestinus pope and St. Pudentiana |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bernardino from Siena |
Last Quarter at 3 and 2m in the evening. |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Julia Slave |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Rita from Cascia |
23 |
Friday |
Saint John Baptist De Rossi |
24 |
Saturday |
SS. Domitianus and Rogatianus martyrs |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
V After Easter |
26 |
Monday |
Saint Philip Neri Ap. of Rome (Rogation) |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bede the Venerable, doctor of the Church " |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint Augustine bishop of Canterbury " |
New Moon at 4 and 40m in the evening. |
@ |
29 |
Thursday |
Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Felix pope martyr |
31 |
Saturday |
Saint Angela merici virg. and St. Petronilla virg. |
Function of the end of the month of May is held. Singing of the Te Deum before Sacramental Benediction. Beginning of Month of June.
a good wish
"Oh how I long to see the work of Msgr. De Piro advancing and developing more and more as befits the strong christian spirit which the great Apostle, Saint Paul Our Father, left in Malta. I intend to continue doing my part to develop it and to attract a large number of vocations and charities towards it."
Fr.Mizzi O.M.C.
Vice Prefect of the Somali Mission
FROM FRIAR MIZZI'S APPEAL : "There are about four hundred missions dispersed throughout the world; however they hardly supply half the need. Therefore, according this counting, a thousand Missions are necessary. We do not ever think that this is impossible because if every diocese takes a Mission upon it, this will be fulfilled in a short time. In Malta we already have a Missionary Institute, under the name of Society of Saint Paul. Therefore we will be doing our duty towards our pagan brothers if we help this Apostolic work which has been in our country for some years. Let all of us therefore help it to advance and remember these words of St. John Chrysostom: "I can never understand how someone can be really a christian without possessing a zeal for souls," that is without giving himself as much as possible for their salvation.
"The above mentioned work of Saint Paul has already bore its first fruit in the person of Brother Joseph Francis Caruana who has been working with us for some time in the missions of Sofi, Gigiga and Golocia in Abbysinia. With his work he is a living proof; we can therefore encourage others to help this Institute of the Missions."
The Society of Saint Paul the Apostle is a communion or society of missionaries, priests and catechists gathered together in perfect common life.
Its aim is to strive to perfect its members in the love of God and neighbour through the observance of the christian virtues and in a particular way those of perfect obedience, chastity and poverty and to save souls by helping those peoples which lack gospel workers and by taking care of those houses where orphans, old people and other poor people are sheltered.
After giving the necessary proof all members of this society are asked to profess the vows of obedience, chastity, poverty and mission.
The Society of Saint Paul is lucky because its beginning was encouraged and blessed by the Saintly Pope Pius X since the year 1910. By authorization of the Sacred Cogregation of Religious it was then cononically erected by H.E. Msgr Archbishop Dom Maurus Caruana O.S.B. by a decree of the 14th of November 1921.
june - 30 days
Month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The sun rises at 4 and 44m. It sets at 7 and 23m.
During this month there will be the devotion of the month of June
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Between Ascension Octave- Our Lady of Charity |
Beginning of the novena of the Holy Spirit in the Chapel of the Institute
2 |
Monday |
SS. Marcellinus, Peter and Erasmus martyrs |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Clotilda queen of France |
First Quarter at 8 and 58m in the evening. |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis Caracciolo conf. |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Boniface bishop martyr |
6 |
Friday |
Saint Norbert bishop |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Claude bishop (vigil fasting and abst). |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
= |
9 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
= |
10 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Barnabas Apostle martyr (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
Full Moon at 5 and 14m. in the morning |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint John from Saint Facandus |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Anthony of Padua (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Basil the Great Bishop (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
I After Pent. - M. H. Trinity (tit.feast of Marsa) |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Regis |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Avitus Abbo |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ephrem doctor of the Church |
@ |
19 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
Last Quarter at 8 and 3m. in the morning |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Silverius pope martyr |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
II After Pent- between C.C. oct. (Feast at Rabat) |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Ethelreda abbess |
@ |
24 |
Tuesday |
Nativity of Saint John Baptist (tit. Cath.-Valletta, and Xewkija Gozo) |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint William abbot |
26 |
Thursday |
SS. John and Paul brothers martyrs ( Corpus Christi Octave) |
New Moon at 50m. after noon. |
27 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Beginning of Saint Paul's Triduum in the Chapel of the Institute
28 |
Saturday |
Saint Irineus M. |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
Martyrdom of St. Peter and St.Paul (tit. Nadur Gozo) |
30 |
Monday |
Remembrance of the Mart. of St. Paul Ap. (feast at Rabat) |
Feast of the Apostle, Our Father. In the evening before Benediction.St.Paul's Kurunella will be said. " Te Deum sung to conclude June and as the Anniversary of Our Company A.D. 1910.
The Negus Ras Taffari visits the Mission of Harrar
As soon as Ras Taffari was proclaimed and crowned king of Ethiopia, he decided to examine his kingdom. One of the first places he chose to visit was precisely the place where our Missionaries work in Somalia. Even before coronation, the new Negus showed that he was attracted alot towards the Missionaries. For he who has at heart and yearns for the progress of his country, could not but see the good that our missionary performed to his subjects. And as we have already said some other time, amongst the aid he was pleased to give, he also gave a large stretch of land so that the Missionary uses it for the benefit of the Mission and divides it among the new christian families. The understanding and respect that there always were between the Negus Ras Taffair and Msgr. Bishop Andrew Jarosseau were visible to everybody on the occasion of the Visit which he was pleased to pay at Harrar and especially in the answer he gave for the beautiful address read to him in front of Msgr. Bishop Jarosseau and the other heads of the nation. The Negus was very pleased by the meeting which our missionaries prepared for him. The visit left a great hope of other future benefit in everybody's heart.
The Visit by Msgr. Robinson O.F.M.
Before leaving Malta, Msgr. Robinson, the Pope' Delegate in our country was pleased to pay a visit to St. Joseph's Home in Hamrun. This home is under the care of the Missionaries of the Society of Saint Paul.
Last year on the 4th of May at about 10.30 in the morning, Msgr Robinson was entering the Chapel of the Institute; he was accompanied by his secretary. The Superior, the other members of the House, together with those members who live in the Novitiate House at Imdina and the boarders at the Oratory of Birkirkara were expecting him.
After a visit in the Chapel, the Delegate together with the Superior went around the main places of the Institute; he appeared very pleased with what he was seeing. As soon as he emerged in the yard of the Institute, the children's band greeted him by playing the Pope's hymn. The scene there was very beautiful and moving. Meanwhile all the members of the Society present, gathered near the door of the Oratory of the Community at the upper corridor. They awaited the Delegate to hear his word. After about a quarter of an hour, the Delegate appeared in the corridor and passed between the kneeling missionaries. When he entered the Oratory, after greeting St. Paul's image, (the titular picture), he set on the chair prepared for him on the altar. The Superior then started to present all the members while these, one by one, kissed his hands. At the end of this ceremony everybody sat down and the Superior stood up and started to speak about the beginning of the Society of the Missions, about its progress and about the work entrusted to it. While the Superior was giving his report on the Society, the Delegate appeared pleased as he himself in fact confessed in the speech he delivered later. When the Superior finished his speech, Msgr Robinson delivered a speech in the gentlest way. His word feel like balm which consoles and strengthens and encourages the heart of his hearers. He said many beautiful words; above all he confessed that although pope Pius XI must take care of the whole Church of Jesus Christ, he has, above all, a special love for the Missions. He was pleased to reveal his consoling intention of mentioning this maltese Institute for the missions when he would be lucky to speak to the Pope. "I am sure "he said, " that He will be very pleased." Then he encouraged everybody to work unceasingly for God's glory and for the benefit of souls. In aid of all this, he gave Apostolic Blessing in the name of the Pope. As a cherished memory of this visit, he accepted to sit for a photograph together with the Superior and the other Missionaries. While he was leaving he Institute he blessed everybody again; he left the sweetest memory of his coming among the members of the Society of Missionaries in the heart of each one.
july 31 days
Month of the Precious Blood of the Redeemer.
The Sun rises at 4 and 46m. It sets at 7 28m.
"Every christian heart must help the Missions"
P.P.Pius xi
1 |
Tuesday |
The Precious Blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Wednesday |
Visitation of the V.M. (tit. Porto Salvo Valletta and at Gharb, Gozo) |
3 |
Thursday |
Saint Leo II Pope |
First Quarter at 3 and 5m in the morning. |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulderic |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
IV After Pentecost |
7 |
Monday |
SS. Cyril and Methodius brothers, Bishops |
8 |
Tuesday |
Saint Elisabeth Queen of Portugal |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Veronica Giuliani Capuchine |
10 |
Thursday |
The Seven brothers m.- SS. Rufina and Secunda V.M. |
Full Moon at 7 and 3m- in the evening. |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Pius I Pope martyr |
12 |
Saturday |
Saint John Gualbert abb. |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
V After Pentecost (St. Joseph's feast at Kalkara) |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Bonaventure Cardinal bishop and doctor |
15 |
Tuesday |
Saint Henry Emperor |
16 |
Wednesday |
Solemn Comm. of O.L. of Carmel (Feast at Valletta) |
17 |
Thursday |
Saint Alexius confessor |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Camillus de Lellis |
Last quarter at 10 and 31m in the evening. |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Vincent de Paul |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
VI After Pentecost (Saint Joseph's Feast at Msida) |
21 |
Monday |
Saint Praxedes virgin |
22 |
Tuesday |
Saint Mary Magdalen penitent |
23 |
Wednesday |
SS. Apollinaris bishop and Saint Liborius bishop |
24 |
Thursday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr |
= |
25 |
Friday |
Saint James Ap. martyr |
New Moon at 7 and 45m in the evening. |
= |
26 |
Saturday |
Saint Anne Mother of the V.M. |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
VII After Pentecost- Feast of St. Venera |
28 |
Monday |
SS. Nazarius and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Tuesday |
Saint Martha virgin sister of Mary Magdalen |
30 |
Wednesday |
SS. Abdon and Sennen martyrs |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Ignatius from Loyola founder of the Jesuits |
Beginning of the quindicina of the Assumption in the Chapel of the Institute.
Take part in our Study Burses and you will be partaking in the Missionary's merit.
v The Sisters at Gigiga v
For the second time, the bishopof Gozo, Msgr. Mich. Gonzi had the consolation of gathering around himanother group of Franciscan Sistersto give them the Crucifix and bless them before departing to the land ofthe Missions. They have got theirMotherhouse there, in Gozo itself.Soon after Mass the Veni Creator was intoned; then Msgr. Bishop spoke from the bottom of his heart. He explained the greatness and the beauty of the work which they were to continue in Abyssinia, in the Mission among the Somalis; how they were to spread the fragrance of Jesus Christ their King and Bridegroom among those pagans. How they were to take with them the light of the Gospel to dissolve the darkness of superstition, and of guilt and cause faith
and love of Christ to shine.
The lucky sisters were Sr. Alphonsine from Valletta, Sr. Mansueta and Sr. Coronata from Nadur and Sr. Marianna from Kercem. They left their friends of the community, they left their native land, they left their relatives with that courage which the betrothal to Christ can give. They left for Abbysinia, accompanied by their guardian angel; Msgr Bishop Garosseau, Friar A. Mizzi and five other sisters who opened the way and preceded them were expecting them. After the lovely meeting they had at the Bishop's at Harrar, they stayed with the others at Sofi for some time. The new ones recounted what happened to them throughout the voyage, and explained all the news they have from Malta and about Malta. The others on their part, explained their way of behaviour in that new land which has little or nothing to do with theirs. Then, the new family destined for Gigiga was chosen.
The sisters arrived at Gigiga under the leadership of Sr. Mansueta. Here they were heartily received not only by the civil authorities but also by all the people. Through the Sisters of Sofi, the people already knew the value of their work among them. In fact they started to work at once. Teaching, taking care of the orphans, curing of the sick; they worked with that ardour which the love of Jesus Christ can give.
The new arrivals together with the other Sisters in the Sofi Mission
before the opening of the Gigiga house.
august 31 days
The Month of Our Lady Assumed into heaven.
The Sun rises at 5 and 8m. it sets at 7 and 11m.
1 |
Friday |
Saint Peter Ap. in Chains and the Macchabeen Saints |
First Quarter at 11 and 28m. in the morning |
2 |
Saturday |
Saint Alph. M. de Liguori and O.L.of the Angels |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pentecost (Portiuncula) |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Dominic of Gusman- Feast at Valletta |
5 |
Tuesday |
Our Lady of the Snows. |
6 |
Wednesday |
The Transfiguration of the Saviour (tit. of Hal-Lija). |
7 |
Thursday |
Saint Cajetan Thieni (tit. of Hamrun). |
8 |
Friday |
SS. Cyriacus, Largus, Smaragdus and companions mm. |
9 |
Saturday |
Saint Aristarcus bishop companion of Saint Paul Shipwrecked. |
Full moon at 10 in the morning. |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
Saint Laurence Levitem - tit of Vittoriosa and Gozo |
11 |
Monday |
SS. Tiburtius and Susanna and Saint Philomena |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint Clare of Assisi virgin |
13 |
Wednesday |
SS. Hipollitus, Cassianus and companions martyrs |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Eusebuis confessor. Vigil fasting and abstinence |
@ |
15 |
Friday |
Our Lady Assumed into Heaven (tit. H. Ghaxaq, Attard, Dingli, Gudja, Qrendi, Mqabba, Mosta and Imgarr (Gozo) Cathedral and Zebbug) (today meat is allowed) |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Joachim Father of the Virgin Mary. |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
X After Pentecost |
Last Quarter at 10 and 34m in the morning. |
18 |
Monday |
Saint Agapitus martyr- B'kara tit feast Saint Helen |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Louis bishop |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bernard bishop and doctor |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Joan Frances Fremoit de Chantal |
22 |
Friday |
Assumption Octave- Saint Timothy and companions |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint Philip Benizi confessor |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
XI Saint Bartolomew Ap.m- tit. of Hal Gharghur |
New Moon at 2 and 40m in the morning. |
25 |
Monday |
Saint Louis king of France |
26 |
Tuesday |
Saint Zephyrinus Pope martyr |
27 |
Wednesday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius confessor |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Augustine bishop and doctor (Found. of the Hermit) |
29 |
Friday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist |
30 |
Saturday |
Saint Rose from Lima dominican |
First Quarter at 11 in the evening. |
@ |
31 |
Sunday |
XII After Pentecost- O.L. of the Cincture |
Frair Rispolis OP
Or Missionary Action in 1532.
The help we give to the missionary work or to Missionaries is not optional because this action cannot be separated from the other, ordered by God in the precept of Charity. Through charity in fact, we must also give others a part of our wealth; therefore if we possess the Faith of Jesus Christ, we have also the duty to pass it on to other who does not yet possess this gem, the dearest amongst all.
Prof. Daniel M. Callus reminded us of one such action by the words he wrote about one of his companions in the dominican order who lived in one thousand six hundred, the Friar John Matthew Rispolis born at Senglea and famous for his ability, goodness and unceasing charity which always touched everybody especially, as friar Callus tells us, the missionaries. These would be going to far off regions to preach the Gospel to those peoples who lived yet in the darkness of paganism and for whom the rays of the christian faith had not yet shone. And we are pleased to know that in those days the possibilities we not lacking. In fact we know that once three dominican Missionaries were passing from Malta. They were Friar Pyromalli, Friar Lector A. De Madolene and Brother A. Peta, a student reading theology. They were going to the missions in Armenia and in Persia; they had to stay in Malta for quite a long time probably either because of bad weather or because their were no ships to carry them to those parts. From Friar Pyromalli's letter as Superior of the Mission to Msgr. Ingalli then Secretary of the Propaganda Congregation, we know that they stayed in Malta for five months. If this long time was time lost by those souls who were expecting their consolation from these Missionaries on one part, it was not so for Friar Rispolis' charity. He did whatever was possible for him so that these three servants of God lack nothing. From the same letter we know that apart from accepting them wholeheartedly, he fed them and provided them with clothes and paid for their voyage, too. These missionaries were so edified by Friar Rispolis' charity that their Superior wrote that, according to him, God will not refrain from passing him the merit of the fruit of their mission.
This small missionary story confirms what Friar Mizzi told us about two years ago that is, in Malta the Missionary spirit was always present; then Friar Rispoli's example encourages us to help the Missionary and the Mission works more and more, without ceasing.
It is true that nowadays Missionaries need not stop in Malta for months; we will not have the luck Friar Rispolis had and also we will not feed them. But here among us there is an institute which is raising children who one day will be able to take part in the great good that is being performed on the Mission field. Therefore the joccasion is not far away; but one can add that the possibility that our Missionary activity resembles Friar Rispolis’.
september 30 days
The Month of the Angels
The sun rises at 5 and 32m. It sets at 7 and 39 minutes.
1 |
Monday |
Saint Giles abbot- The XII brothers |
2 |
Tuesday |
Saint Stephen King of Hungary |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Seraphina virgin and martyr |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Rosalia virgin and Saint Rose from Viterbo |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Laurence Justiniani |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Theoclista martyr |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pentecost-1565 Victory Remembrance National Feast |
= |
8 |
Monday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary- Tit. and Patron of Senglea, Naxxar, Mellieha and Xaghra Gozo |
Full Moon at 1 and 50m in the morning. |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gorgonius martyr |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
11 |
Thursday |
SS. Protus and Hyacinth mm. |
12 |
Friday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pentecost - Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
15 |
Monday |
The Seven Sorrows of the virgin Mary. |
Last Quarter at 8 and 15m. in the evening. |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cornelius Pope and Saint Cyprian bishop martyrs |
17 |
Wednesday |
The Stigmata of Saint Francis of Assisi -Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Joseph from Copertino |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Januarius bishop and companions m. " " |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Eustachius and Companions martyrs " " |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pentecost - S. Matthew Ap. and Evangelist |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Thomas bishop of Villanova |
New Moon at 10 and 45m in the morning. |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Linus Pope martyr and Saint Thecla v. and m. |
24 |
Wednesday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Thursday |
Saint Firminus bishop martyr |
26 |
Friday |
Ded. of the Consecrated Churches of Malta. |
Feast with Vespers; Sung Mass and II Vespers etc as fitting. |
27 |
Saturday |
SS. Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pentecost |
29 |
Monday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel. |
First Quarter at 2 and in the evening. |
30 |
Tuesday |
Saint Jerome confessor and doctor. |
The Study Burse is a sum of money (invested) so that the interests accrued help to defray expense to raise up and keep at school one of our young men who wishe to give himself for the Missions.
Malta and God's call for the Missions.
Entes ergo docete omnes gentes.
Mt. c. xxviii v.i.
Brother Joseph prepared for the voyage
Reads this Almanac; pass it Do you want to donate twice at
on to others to read it. one go? Help Quickly
Before going up into Heaven, Our Lord Jesus Christ ordered his Apostles and disciples gathered around him, and in their person all those who were to come instead of them, to go throughout the world and preach the Gospel. Since that day nearly twenty centuries have passed.Although all this time has passed, yet the word of Jesus is still full of life in the heart of his ministers. So we see how the present Pope makes his the words of Christ and often encourages and invites his children to give themselves to preach the Gospel in the Mission lands.
For the Pope’s ferid call, the true interpreter of Christ's wishes, the Catholic world corresponded and answered. Every Catholic nation sent some of its people in foreign countries where they would give the faith to so many peoples who are still in the darkness of death.
Brother Joseph at the Carpenter's Shop.
Among the nations which can count some missionaries on the Mission Field we find that there is also Malta. It did not lag behind and like other large nations, can count some of its children who with a great courage left everything and departed wherever God called them and where they are doing great good for souls, thank the merciful God.
We must be really happy that Malta, our small country, did not lag behind to perform Jesus’ strong wish to save souls. Not only that; but also that like other large countries we see an Institute erected in our own country to accept young men who have the call for the Missions. There they are taught the spiritual wisdom to sanctify themselves with it first and then to sanctify the souls of others. They try to follow the footsteps of the great Apostle Paul who is their protector. God has already deigned to console this Institute by calling one of its members to serve him in the Abyssinia Mission where some other maltese missionaries, Franciscan Friars and Sisters, are also working. May this Institute continue to advance and may its toil be for God's honour and for the salvation of a large number of souls.
Malta has also shown itself Missionary not only in the priests, sisters and other people it sent in the Missions but also in the material and financial helps it gave. For its small size in fact, Malta has always been one of the best to help both financially as well as in the other objects sent for the Missions.
Let us unite our prayers together with so many generous people who sacrifice themselves in many things and who give their work for the missions. In this way may their number increase and so, the much necessary aid to the mission field, increases together with them.
Brother Joseph at the Shoemarker's shop.
Venice 15th January 1929
Dear Monsignor,
I was very happy to see your Missionary at work. I asked God to send labourers in His fields. I am very grateful for your prayers. I have also included you and Missionary in my daily "Memento". May God give you the consolation of saving many souls.
I give you my best wishes and I bless you.
Yours Dev. ly
= P. Card. La Fontaine.
october 31 days
The month of the Rosary
The Sun rises at 5.55m; it sets at 5.45m.
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Remigius bishop |
2 |
Thursday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis of Assisi - Found. of the Franciscans |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pentecost |
6 |
Monday |
Saint Brunone Conf. |
7 |
Tuesday |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
Full Moon at 5 and 85m in the evening. |
8 |
Wednesday |
Consecration of the Cathedral Church of Malta |
Beginning of Triduum to Mary Assumed in the Chapel of the Institute.
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Dionegese discip. of Saint Paul |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Saturday |
Consecration of the Cathedral Church of Gozo. |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
XVIII After Pentecost |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Edward King and Confessor |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Calixtus I Pope martyr |
15 |
Wednesday |
Saint Teresa of Jesus - Foundress of the Discalded Carmelities |
Last Quarter at 4 and 15m in the morning. |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Gerard Majela |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Heduiges virg. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Luke Evang. |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
XIX After Pentecost- Mission Day |
On Mission Day there will be an hour of Solemn adoration from 11 to noon. In the evening, a Sermon on the missions. Morning and evening collections for the missions.
20 |
Monday |
Saint John Cantius |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Hilarion abbot and Saint Ursola and companions v.m. |
New moon at 8 and 50m , in the evening |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Mary Salome |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Theodoret martyr |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Saturday |
Ss. Chrysanthus and Darias his wife martyrs |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
XX. Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ King |
From 11 to noon, there will be an hour of Solemn adoration, act of Consecration and Litany of the Sacred Heart etc.
27 |
Monday |
Saint Frumentius bishop |
= |
28 |
Tuesday |
Ss. Simon and Jude Thaddeus App. Martyrs |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Narcisius bishop |
First quarter at 8 and 25m in the morning. |
30 |
Thursday |
SS. Marcellus and Cassianus martyrs |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Quintin martyr - Vigil fasting and abst. |
november -30 days
All souls' month
The Sun rises at 6 and 22m; it sets at 5 and 6m
@ |
1 |
Saturday |
All Saints |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pentecost |
3 |
Monday |
All Souls |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Charles Borromeo bishop and doctor |
5 |
Wednesday |
The Holy Relics of this Diocese |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Emilianus bishop - Hal Kirkop titular feast of Saint Leonard. |
Full Moon at 9 and 30m in the morning |
7 |
Friday |
Ss. Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
8 |
Saturday |
All Saint's Octave |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
XXII After Pentecost - Consecration of the Arcibasilica of Saint John Lateran |
10 |
Monday |
Saint Andrew Avellino confessor |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint Martin bishop and martyr |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Martin I pope martyr |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Dedacus confessor |
Last quarter at 11 and 10m in the morning |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Josaphat bishop martyr |
At the Chapel of the Institute Te Deum Sung to Commemorate the anniversary of the cononical Erection AD 1921.
15 |
Saturday |
Saint Gertrude benedictive virgin |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pentecost |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Gregory taumaturge bishop |
18 |
Tuesday |
Consecration of the Patriarchal Basilicas of St. Peter in the Vatican and of Saint Paul outside Rome |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Elisabeth widow and Saint Fredianus bishop |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint Felix from Valois confessor |
New moon at 9 and 23m in the morning. |
21 |
Friday |
Presentation of the virgin Mary in the Temple |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Cecily virgin and martyr |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pentecost |
24 |
Monday |
Saint John of the Cross and Saint Grisogonus |
25 |
Tuesday |
St. Catherine v. and m. - tit. of Zejtun and Zurrieq |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Sylvester abbot and St. Peter Alexandrine |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint Maximus bishop |
28 |
Friday |
Saint James della Marca |
First Quarter at 5 and 21 m in the morning. |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Saturninus bishop of Toulouse martyr |
@ |
30 |
Sunday |
I of Advent Celebration of marriage is prohibited |
also to the back-cover of this almanac.
Msgr.Debuorg and the Church
for the Maltese of Marseille
This is not the first time we spoke about this Mission especially since the Maltese of Marseille are gathered around their shepherd, the Rev. Fr. Angelo Camilleri; he is the man who leaves nothing out to help his flock wherever possible and as much as possible. But this year was a year of great consolation for the Maltese colony in Marseille; the Bishop Msgr. Dubuorg showed great ardour for the benefit of the souls of the Maltese who are under his care. He gave them a church where they would be able to fulfil their religious duties according to the custom of their country.
The ceremony of the consignment of the Church to the Maltese, so to say, was celebrated with the greatest solemnity. Msgr. Bishop himself was accompanied by the Vicar General and by his own chaplain. When he arrived in this church, it was already fully packed with people who were there very early to find a seat. Msgr. Bishop was greeted by Fr. A. Camilleri, by the Brittanic Consul, and by other distinct personages of the Anglo- Maltese colony. Sung Mass was begun after Msgr. Bishop was accompanied to the throne among the joy of the Maltese who could not but show it externally by clapping their hands. After the Gospel, the Rev. Fr. A. Camilleri read a very moving address to the Bishop. He thanked him for the kindness of his generous heart towards the Anglo Maltese community; he assured him that the Maltese will always remember Msgr. Dubuorg with feelings of joy, happiness gratitude and consolation. Msgr. Bishop was moved by Fr. Angelo's words. After saying how happy he was at that moment to be surrounded by the Maltese, this is what he said to them: "Always be true Maltese; Do honour to your country and your fore-fathers. With great generosity and courage they shed their blood for the faith of Christ which reached your shores by the great Apostle Saint Paul. Yes! Do be proud of your small island! Do be proud of your traditions. Do be loyal to your king and country! Do be faithful to your faith!"Although I am a French Bishop, I am also Bishop of all catholic foreigners living in Marseille; therefore I am your father and you are my beloved children. As from today, this Chapel will be your place of worship and I am very happy to give it to you, Maltese. " With such delicate words Msgr. Bishop finished his speech and the ceremony ended with the pastoral blessing among great joy of all those present.
The Church is known as the Church of the Cross of Malta; it is a beautiful building adorned with sculpture and paintings. It is quite big- it can hold five hundred people easily. It was erected by the Knights of Malta in 1621.
December -31 days
Christmas Month
The Sun rises at 6 and 21m. It sets at 4 and 46m.
" How many souls are being lost!"
p.p.pius xi
= |
1 |
Monday |
Saint Andrew Ap. Martyr- Tit. of H. Luqa |
2 |
Tuesday |
Saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis Xarier, Apostle of India |
4 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter Chrysologus and Saint Barbara v. and m. |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Sabas abbot |
Full Moon at 11 and 42m in the evening |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Nicholas of Bari bishop of Myra- tit. of Siggiewi |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
II of Advent |
@ |
8 |
Monday |
The Immaculate Conception of the V.M. -(Tit. and Patroness of Cospicua and Qala, Gozo) |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Leocadia virgin |
10 |
Wednesday |
Translation of the Holy House in Loreto (Tit. Ghajnsielem- Gozo) |
11 |
Thursday |
Saint Damasus I Pope |
12 |
Friday |
Saint Valerius Abbot |
Last Quarter at 7 and 9m in th evening. |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Lucy virgin and martyr |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
III of Advent |
15 |
Monday |
Imm. Conception of V.M. Octave |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eusebius bishop |
Beginning of the novean to the Child Jesus in the Chapel of the Institute |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Olympias widow Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Gratiana bishop |
19 |
Friday |
Blessed Mary of the Angels. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Joan Marianone Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
New Moon at 26m. after midnight |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
IV of Advent |
= |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Thomas Apostle Martyr |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Servulus example of the poor |
24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Tharsilla and Emiliane virg. vigil fasting and abst. |
@ |
25 |
Thursday |
The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Christmas Function at mid-night in the Chapel of the Institute. |
= |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Stephen First Martyr. Celebration of Marriage allowed. |
= |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint John Ap. and Evangelist |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
The Holy Innocents martyrs |
First Quarter at 3 and 1m. in the morning. |
29 |
Monday |
Saint Trophimus bishop martyr |
30 |
Tuesday |
Saint Vitalianus pope and Saint Sabinus bishop |
= |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Sylvester Pope martyr |
Te Deum Sung as thanksgiving and Sac. Ben.
Speak about the Maltese Mission in Abyssinia
oremus pro benefactoribu nostris.
retribuire dignare, domine omnibus nobis
bona facientibus propter nomen tuum,
vitam aeternam. amen.
Can. P. Butligieg- a packet of used stamps - N.N. 10s- through Doctor E. Mizzi, Director of MALTA (10s). Msgr Alphonse M. Agius £1- Fr. Anthony Cachia 10s- Mr. Alphonse M. Galea through selling books 11s- Mr. Anthony Delia through selling books-6s.6d.- Miss Orazia Barbara £2- Fr. Anthony Barbara 10s.-
"Ven. A. Cin " Institute HAMRUN For the Month of December 1928 Masses heard 3600, Communions 3580, Spiritual Communions 3600 ,Rosary 3400, Via Crucis 3500, Aspirations 3660 , Ejaculatory prayers 4000 Sacrifices 7000, Holy Hour 480, Hour of Study 2000, Hours of work 1900, Hours of Recreation 3600 " Ven A. Cini. " Institute HAMRUN for the month of November 1928- Masses heard 3600, Communions 3500, Spiritual Communions 2800, Rosary 3800, Via Crucis 3600, Aspirations 4000, Ejaculatory prayers 5000, Sacrifices 2500, Holy Hour 480 , Hours of Study 1000, Hours of work 18000, Hours of Recreation 3600 -Fr. Vincent P. Vassallo for the building of Saint Agatha's .£2- Rev. Msgr Robert Caruana Gatto £1.- Miss Vincenza Bonnici of Bni. Azzopardi, a packet of Stamps- Miss Mary Bonello a packet of Stamps- student Carmel Borda Stamps- St. Ursola Monastery Valletta. Visits to the Sacrament, 2,380. Masses heard 1,240 -Communions 588, Spiritual Communion 1238, Rosary 975, Via Crucis 563, Aspirations 31000- Ejaculatory prayers 8,482,575 - Sacrifices 1,577 Holy Hour 23.- Hours of Meditation 1,116 - Hours of work 1811- Recreation Hours 1,116- through Bro Rosario Buhagiar S.S.P. for the building of Saint Agatha's 5s- From the Most Rev. Fr. Angelo Copperstone stamps Fr. Augustine Grech S.S.P. - used stamps. Miss An. Maymass. Used stamps. "Ven. A. Cini" Institute HAMRUN. For the month of January and February 1929. Masses heard 7200, Communions, 6000, Spiritual Communions 7000, Rosary 7000, Via Crucis 7100 Aspirations 5000, Ejaculatory prayers 8000, Sacrifices 14,400 Holy Hour 960, Hours of Study 2700, Hours of work 36,000, - Hours of Recreation 7200- Ms. Rev. Fr. Joe Zammit Falzon £1- Djijiga Mission SOMALIA. Bro. Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. - Masses heard 956, Communions 160, Spiritual Communions 127, Rosary 3306, Via Crucis 30, Aspiration 643- Ejaculatory prayers 70,000, Sacrifices 300, Holy Hour 86, Hours of Study 2000, Hours of Work 2320 -hours of Recreation 4000- Masses heard 948, Communions 156, Spiritual Communions 114 -Rosary 3049- Rosary 3049, Via Crucis 26, Aspiration 632, Ejaculatory prayers 8000, Sacrifices 436, Holy Hour 70, Hours of Study 2000, Hours of work 2460 -Hours of Recreation 4000- Mr. Edward Anastasti for the Missions to pray for me. 4s- Through Mr. Lupi for the bed of Bro Joseph S.S.P.- 10s- Mr. G. Wilson for Brother Joseph S.S.P. N.N. 1s- Mr. John Ellul. C.Luqa for the Mission Field £1. " V.A. Cini. " Institute HAMRUN. For the month April May 1929 Masses heard 6000, Communions 5000,Spiritual Communion 6000, Rosary 4000, Via Crucis 2980, Aspirations 6000, Ejaculatory prayers 7000 , Sacrifices 5000, Holy Hour 800, Hours of Study 2200, Hours of work 48000, Hours of Recreation 6000, Can Vincent Vella 5/s- Miss Olga Pace 10/s- Brother Joseph F. Caruana GOLOLCIA. For the month of May and June Masses heard 608- C ommunions 470, Spiritual Communion 436, Rosary 6344, Via Crucis 66, Aspiration 300, Ejaculatory prayers 60000 , Sacrifices 10000 ora Santa 130 , Hours of Study 3600 ,Hours of work 86000, Hours of Recreation 10000. For the month of July and August - Masses heard 700 ,Communions 448, Spiritual Communion 450 , Rosary 6336, Via Crucis 70, Aspiration 336, Ejaculatory prayers 60000, Sacrifices 10,000, Holy Hour 140 , Hours of Study 3600, Hours of Work 86000, Hours of Recreation 10000.- St. Ursola Monastery VALLETTA in 9 months 1929- Masses heard 19.360,Communions 9,343, Spiritual Communions 119.344, Rosary 20.313, Aspiration 1,420.000, Ejaculatory prayers 8,408.520, Sacrifices 17.254, Holy Hour 432, Hours of Meditation 7,279, Hours of work 19.872, Hours of Recreation 12,834, Visits to the Bl. Sacrament 25,940- Brother Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. SOMALI. M. for the month of March 1929 -Masses heard 1390, Communions 236, Spiritual Communion 230, Rosary 3729, Via Crucis 33, Aspiration 103, Ejaculatory prayers 30.000, Sacrifices 50.000, Holy Hours 70 , Hours of Study 24,32, Hours of work 4632, Hours of Recreation 5000- For the month of April 1929- Masses heard 1560 Communions 346, Spiritual Communion 323, Rosary 3933, Via Crucis 55, Aspirations 233, Ejaculatory prayers 40,000. Sacrifices 50,00, Holy Hour 70, Hours of Study 24,32 , Hours of work 5,7510, Hours of Recreation 1328. The Community of the Benedictive Nuns at Notabile Masses heard 1,106, Communions 979 , Spiritual Communions 7,180, Rosary 5,932, Via Crucis 502, Aspirations 3,910, Ejaculatory prayers 87,375, Sacrifices 4,724, Holy Hour 70 , Hours of Study 140 ,Hours of work 1,372, Hours of Recreation 538. Little House of St. Paul NOTABILE Masses heard 1630, communions 1860, Spiritual Communions 1480 , Rosary 1335, Via Crucis 200, Aspirations 780, Ejaculatory prayers 34420,Sacrifices 163, Holy Hour 26- Hours of Study 3,516, Hours of Work 1849, Hours of Recreation 400- Brother Joseph F. Caruana S.S.P. Somali Miss. n. For the month of January 1929 -Masses heard 1395 Communions 196- Spiritual Communions 100- Rosary 3600- Via Crucis 30- Aspirations 700- Ejaculatory prayers 20,000, Sacrifices 45.672- Holy Hour 70, Hours of study 2432, Hours of work 4632, Hours of Recreation 5000. For the month of February 1929- Masses heard 1395- Communions 230- Spiritual Communions 86- Rosary 3680- Via Crucis 31- Aspiration 758- Ejaculatory prayers 20344- Sacrifices 34324- Holy Hour 70- Hour of Study 2432- Hours of work 4632- Hours of Recreation 5000. Fr. Gaetano Sammut Apost. Miss. £1- " Elderly " Franciscan Sisters VICTORIA Gozo- Masses heard 3600- Communions 900- Spiritual Communions 300000- Rosary 20000- Via crucis 900- Aspirations 200000- Ejaculatory prayers 1,280,000- Sacrifices 40,500- Holy Hour 1000- Hours of Study - Hours of work 6300 - Hours of Recreation 900- Mr. Hec. of S. Saliba a box of hydrogen peroxide for the Mission of the Somalis -Female Orphanage M. Addolorata Troina- Masses heard 296- communions 275- Spiritual Communions 956- Rosary 1879- Via Crucis 110- Aspiration 594- Ejaculatory prayers 9186- Sacrifices 531- Holy Hour 44- Fra Diego Institute " Piccole " and " Mezzanette"- Masses heard 100- Communions 96- Spiritual Communions 23,684- Rosary 998,375- Via crucis 400- Aspiration 29 - Ejaculatory prayers 875,700- Sacrifices 20- Holy Hour 300- Hours of study 600- Hours of work 9872- Fra Diego Institute " Grandi " and "Mezzane" Masses heard 198- Communions 98- Spiritual Communions 126,793- Rosary 665,885- Via Crucis 964- Aspiration 21- Ejaculatory prayers 499,764- Holy Hour 760- Hours of work 190- Jesus of Nazareth Institute Zejtun Masses heard 295- Communions 217- Spiritual Communions 8,122- Rosary 344- Via crucis 108- Aspirations 276- Ejaculatory prayers 33,918- Sacrifices 129- Holy Hour 92- Hours of Study 101- Hours of work 154- Hours of Recreation 51.- Fra Diego Institute Sisters Communions 380- Masses 330- Rosary 400- Visits 600 Sacrifices 700- Ejaculatory prayers 1000 -Saint Joseph Home Infants Section Masses heard 288- Communions 92- Spiritual Communions 3285- Rosary 4964- Via crucis 18- Aspirations 44- Ejaculatory prayers 62,968- Sacrifices 73- Holy Hour 19- Hours of study 469- Hours of work 288- Hours of Recreation 178- Fortunato Cachia Seminarian. Vice President of the St.Paul Missionary Crusade of the Seminary of Malta sends £1-10. as a present for the Abbysinia mission. Mrs. Ursola dei Marchesi De Piro to Brother Joseph Caruana S.S.P. for the baptism of two boys; one Emmanuel, and the other Saviour 5s. From book sales of Mr. Alphonse M. Galea 6s.6d- Book sales offered by Mr. Anthony Delia 5s.6d.- N.N. for jubilee satisfaction £1.
oremus pro defunctis nostris
requiem aeternam dona eis domine et lux
perpetua luceat eis, requiescant in
pace- amen.
Fr. Robert Fenech of Floriana- Illust. Rev. Msgr. Louis Attard Canon Theologian- we will always honour him because, when he was the Vicar of Msgr. Administrator Bishop Portelli, he strove so that the children at the Institute could wear publicly the habit of the Society. Mr. Joseph Darmanin grandfather of our beloved Student Br. Louis Gatt.- Mr. Joseph Caruana, beloved father of our Catechist Brother Jos. Francis who works as a missionary at the advanced station of Gololcia in Abyssinia- Fr. Santino De Piro, brother of the Superior Msgr. Fr. Joseph. He always helped us in whatever way he could and was prepared to help us to build the novitiate of Saint Agatha's- Mother Rose Superior of the first Sisters who left for the Somali Mission in Abyssinia- Sister Marianne of the Franciscans, a Missionary among the Somalis in Abyssinia- Mr. Carm Xerri- beloved father of our student proband Francis Xerri- Monsignor Fr. Emmanuel Vassallo J.C.D. a devout friend of our Institute. He helped it wholeheartedly wherever he could.