Saint Paul
FOR 1928
Superior - Msgr. J.De Piro - St.Paul Str, 9, Notabile- Malta
oremus pro benefactoribus nostris
retribuire dignare domine omnibus nobis
bona facientibus propter nomen tuum vitam
aeternam. amen.
Mrs.Mary Cumbo £1 Mister Etelvold Busuttil £1. Msgr Alphonse M Agius. Shillings 10 Rev. Fr.Angelo Coperstone 5s. Can D. Francis Said 5s., Baron Mister Igno Depiro £1., Mr. Louis Sammut. 10s., Rev. Philip Muscat 10s., C.C.C. £1., Senator Alphonse M.Galea and family £5. Miss Mary Asphar £20., Masses heard 297, Communions 337, Spiritual Communions 2364, Rosary 1154, Via Crucis 101, Aspirations 7024, Ejaculatory prayers 90977, Sacrifices 713, Holy Hour 171, Hours of Study 35, Hours of Work 683, Hours of Recreation 249, Hours of Silence 31, Can. Peter Farrugia £2., C.C.C. £1., Rev. Fr. Paul Zammit C. Axiag £1., C.C.C. £1., Can. Fr. Vincent Vella 4s.6d, Can.Fr. F.Said 5s. St.Doroth's school Notabile- Malta . Masses 730, Communions 120, Rosaries 200, Via Crucis 80, Ejaculatory prayers 700, Sacrifices 580, Sisters and Girl Boarders Fra Diego Institute Hamrun Camerata delle Grandi Masses heard 81, Communions 48, Spiritual Communions 400, Rosary 160, Via Crucis 71, Aspirations 820, Ejaculatory prayers 360 Sacrifices 63, Holy Hour 20, Hours of Silence 8, Camerato delle Mezzane Masses heard 70, Communions 60, Spiritual Communions 60, Rosary 154, Via Crucis 13, Aspirations 73, Ejaculatory prayers 190, Sacrifices 49, Holy Hour 8, Hours of Study 50, Hours of Fasting 49, Masses heard 93, Communions 120, Spiritual Communions 110, Rosary 110, Via Crucis 62, Aspirations 433, Ejaculatory prayers 893, Sacrifices 16, Holy Hour 17, Hours of Study 90, Hours of Silence 42, Hours of Recreation 50, Camerata dell Piccole Masses heard 108, Communions 100, Spiritual communions 209, Rosary 216, Via Crucis 76, Aspirations 400, Ejaculatory prayers 50, Sacrifices 40, Holy hour 90, Hours of Study 100, C.C.C. £1., Ven. Adelaide Gini Institute Hamrun Masses Heard 1.310., Communions 1.200, Spiritual Communions 10.620, Rosary 460, Via Crucis 1.048, Aspiration 1,512, Ejaculatory prayers 00, Sacrifices 4,597, Holy Hour 140, Hours of Study 8.400, Hours of Work 5.100, Hours of Recreation 1.248. S.Dorothy Institute masses heard 240, Communions 200, Spiritual Communion 1.100, Rosary 320, Via Crucis 40, Aspirations 1.424, Ejaculatory prayers 2.171, Sacrifices 1.271, Holy Hour 20, Hours of Study 240, Hours of Work 245, Hours of Recreation 309, Catech. Inst. B.V. of the Providence erected in the Church of the Pillar ( Vall.) Masses heard 850, Communions 459, Spiritual Communions 664, Rosary 769, Via Crucis 241, Aspirations 1.267, Ejaculatory prayers 6.257, Sacrifices 467, Holy Hour 66, Hours of Study 242, Hours of Work 272, Hours of Recreation 453, Diverse Pious Works 507, C.C.C. £1., Fra Diego Institute Hamrun Camerata delle Grandi Masses heard 49, Communions 36, Spiritual Communions 30, Rosary 590, Via Crucis 91, Aspirations 91, Ejaculatory prayers 1.896, Sacrifices 83, Holy Hour 72, Camerate delle Mezzane. Masses Heard 160, Communions 50, Spiritual Communions 201, Rosary 167, Via Crucis 400, Aspirations 97, Ejaculatory prayers 341, Sacrifices 29, Holy Hour 40, Hours of Study 38, Hours of Work 59, Hours of Recreation 490, Camerata delle Mezzanelle Masses Heard 94, Communions 128, Spiritual Communions 245, Rosary 366, Via Crucis 103, Aspirations 71, Ejaculatory prayers 300, Sacrifices 157, Holy Hour 300, Hours of Study 185, Hours of Work 127, Hours of Recreation 22, Camerate delle Piccole. Masses heard 998, Communions 718, Spiritual Communions 2.672, Rosary 3.614, Via Crucis 184, Aspiration 16.310 Ejaculatory prayers 24.741 Sacrifices 4.985 , Holy Hour 348, Hours of Study 1.427, Hours of work 673, Hours of Recreation 195, Franciscan Tertiary Sisters Masses 1154, Communions 577, Visits to the Bl. Sacrament 1154, Via Crucis 577, Rosaries 1157, Spiritual Communions 1154, S. Dorothy Institute Masses Heard 200, Communions 196, Spiritual Communions 1037, Rosary 326, Via Crucis 45, Aspiration 1220, Ejaculatory prayers 2300, Sacrifices 1206, Holy Hour 14, Hours of Study 305, Hours of Work 234, Hours of Recreation 330, Ven. Adelaide Cini Institute Hamrun Masses heard 5.550 Communions 4.494, Spiritual Communions 13.394, Rosary 6.468, Via crucis 3.124, Aspirations 1.512, ?Ejaculatory prayers 3.254, Sacrifices 4.591, Holy Hour 148, Hours of Study 9.116, Hours of Work 23.880, Hours of REcreation 10.080, House of Adoration, Valletta. Masses heard 1366, Communions 1454, Spiritual Communions 2348, Rosary 782, Via Crucis 751, Aspiration 2754, Ejaculatory prayers 2650, Sacrifices 1500, Holy Hour 975, Hours of Study 1005, Hours of Work 1647, Hours of Recreation 1031, Sister Marie Ousnoir indigenous. Ouagh' Zen Michelet (Alger) Masses heard 42,Ejaculatory prayers 460, Hours of Study 16, Hours of Work 102, Hours of Recreation 48, The Superior of the Cons. V. Bugeja. Masses heard 3.535, Communions 3.500, Spiritual Communions 12.237, Rosary 4.890, Via Crucis 1.930, Aspiration 14.576, Ejaculatory prayers 64.394, Sacrifices 7.079, Holy Hour 38, Hours of Study 6.860, Hours of Work 30, Can. Francis Said 5s., C.C.C. £1., Orphelinat ste, Claire Harar Abyssinie Masses heard 34, Communions 31, Spiritual Communions 28, Rosary 34, Via Crucis 14, Aspirations 34, Ejaculatory prayers 36, Sacrifices 18, Hours of Study 12, Holy Hour 15, Hours of Work 18, Hours of Recreation 10, Mr. Etelvold Busuttil £5. Missions of Sofi Brother J.F.. Caruana Masses heard 25, Communions 25, Rosary 75, Via Crucis 19, Aspirations 50, Ejaculatory prayers 950, Sacrifices 300, Holy Hour 18, Hours of Study 54, Hour of Work 49, Hours of Recreation30, Fra Diego Institute Grande a Mezzane Masses heard 90, Communions 81, Spiritual Communions 2.959, Rosary 19.690, Via crucis 187, Aspirations 964, Ejaculatory prayers 118.300, Sacrifices 900, Holy Hour 89, Hours of Work 950, Hours of Recreation 90, Fra Diego Institute Ragazze Piccole masses heard 390, Communions 86, Spiritual Communions 495, Rosary 1.000, Via Crucis 90, Aspirations 894, Ejaculatory prayers 1.496, Sacrifices 369, Holy Hour 120, Hours of Study 260, Hours of work 296, Hours of REcreation 100, Small House of St.Paul Masses heard 1206, Communions 1.224, Spiritual Communions 496, Rosary 1.336, Via Crucis 181, Aspiration 400, Ejaculatory prayers 15.854 Sacrifices 135, Holy Hour 9, Hours of Study 632, Hours of Work 410 Hours of Recreation 725. Brother J.F. Caruana S.S.P. Missions of Sofi Masses heard 50, Communions 29, spiritual communions 1, Rosary 95, Via Crucis 30, Aspirations 130, Ejaculatory prayers 3.500, Sacrifices 386, Holy Hour 36, Hours of Study 90, Hours of Work 96, Hours of Recreation 70, Brother Joseph F. Caranaa S.S.P. Missions of Sofi Masses heard 50, Communions 30, Rosary 98, Via Curcis 45, Aspiration 140, Ejaculatory prayers 3700, Sacrifices 480, Holy Hour 36, Hours of Study 106, Hours of Work 85, Hours of Recreation 90, Brother J.F. Caranan SSP. Missions of Sofi , Masses Heard 30, Communions 30, Rosary 107, Via Crucis 28, Aspiration 130, Ejaculatory prayers 3.668, Sacrifices 386, Holy Hour 36, Hours of Study 8, Hours of WORK 270, Hours of Recreation 90, Ejaculatory prayers through Children 6000, Rev. Fr. Santino De Piro 10 Shil, By means of Father F. Debono 10 Shil., The Orphanage of Troina, Masses heard 909, Communions 905, Spiritual communions 2918, Rosary 6229, Via Crucis 266, Aspirations 11688, Ejaculatory prayers 18665, Sacrifices 1802, Holy Hour 121, Hours of Study 3824, Hours of Work 1197, Hours of Recreation 1250.
The Bishop's Blessing
Dear Monsignor De Piro,
I was very much pleased to see the Society of St.Paul for foreign missions which you founded and are directing is progressing under your care. I hope it will not be long to start performing its work for those who are still in the darkness of death and deceit. I said I hope it won't take long to start. I would have better said it would not take long to increase what it has started because one of your sons is already working in Abbysinia.
Every beginning has an end. I am very anxious to give the missionary cross to those brave ones who wander across the world like the Apostle Our Father St. Paul. People who wander where Faith leads them, where the love to spread the kingdom of God with the name of Jesus leads them.
Won't you be well paid for the work you have performed, beloved Monsignor, if this year in which you have celebrated the 25th anniversary of your ordination and service for God, you see this result? Still I augur you more than that. I wish that what you planted and has sprouted, what you have watered by your sweat , what grew and is bearing fruit, on your 50th anniversary of priesthood will be a large tree; and a large one at that. I hope that you will also see many plants taken from this tree and planted elsewhere. I hope that these plants will have become trees and that on them birds of every kind will fly to seek shelter. I hope that on that day you will listen to these birds singing without rest, as if thanking God for finding shelter, light and life through you.
That this wish may be fulfilled I wholeheartedly bless you, the missionaries your sons and all those who help in your work and share it with you.
From my Valletta Palace on the 8th of December of the year 1927.
+ maurus o.s.b. archbishop bishop of malta
of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1928
Tip. della " Casa di San Giuseppe "- Hamrun - Malta
Soon, this Almanac of the Institute of the Missions will be seven years old. Therefore we are sure that you will also be happy with it more than usual because it has reached an age where it can recognize its friends and talk to them with confidence and trust and encourage them to help it more and more.
Now that, so to say it is on the threshold of the year 1928, before letting you in, before showing you its days, it wishes you a year full of every prosperity and also good works especially with merit of the work towards the Missions Field.
Up to now you have given it small help; but now that it is growing, it is expecting something more because its needs are also greater. And to encourage you, and that you may not think that all you did for it is in vain,with the greatest pleasure it informs you that although the Institute it presents to you every year is still small, God has lately threw on it a ray of special love and gave it grace to stretch its hand on the Abyssinian mountains through the work of one of its lay-brother catechists. Abyssinia is that country which recognizes the Great Evangelist St. Matthew as its Apostle. He has been there for some months but through our own experience we could say how true it is that on the Mission Field God helps his beloved servants in a special way. In a short time Brother Joseph learnt the catechism in the local language; he taught it to three other boys and on the feast of the birth of Mary Our Blessed Lady, they could receive Baptism, through the Zeal of his Superior, Friar Ang. Mizzi, Vice Prefect of the Somalis.
May this Almanac serve to encourage new readers to start helping this work. It serves to strengthen the work of our old friends in favour of the Institute of the Missions. It serves to increase the fervour of those children who prayed so much. May they understand that from their workshop, from their school desk, they can behave as Missionaries through prayer. For this reason, one day like them they will receive their payment from the Lord of the Field in which and for whom they addressed their good actions.
Malta and the Mission
A number of Maltese, by proportion not a small one, is dispersed on the Mission Field- 20 secular priests - 36 Religions Priests, - 7 Brothers - and 107 Sisters.
study burses
Now that the Institute is growing, it is feeling that the help it has, is not enough. We think that the time to start the work of Study Burses has arrived.
Before they become Missionaries, before it is time for them to leave for the Mission Field, they must be prepared for a long time in study. Everybody understands that enormous sums are required for them. So it is fitting that those who want to see the Institute prospering and to take part in its Missionary work start helping today and throw in their penny in some Study burse. Let them remember that when they give some new apostle to the Mission Field, they will do enormous good to themselves and to their neighbour. So, we will start three burses, for your generosity. We will trust one to the M.Sac. Heart of Jesus; the other to Mary Our Blessed Lady Assumed into Heaven, and the third to Saint Joseph. Those who want to be first (in helping us) may send (their donation) either to us or to Mister Etelwald Busuttil, of Saint Paul Street No.267, Valletta.
The maltese somali mission
The budding Maltese Mission to the Somalis.
Very Reverend Monsignore and Friend,
A long time ago I promised you a short letter for your Almanac. To avoid being very late I send you the most interesting part of the annual Report which I will present to His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Andrew Jarosseau our venerated Ordinary.
The Apostolic Ministry
Principal Stations: 3
Gibuti - Sofi - Gigia
Churches 3 - Cemeteries 3- Schools ( all of them primary) 4- Pupils ( residents) 76- Pupils ( residents, girls) 57- all are nourished, dressed and lodged gratis)- Professional School 1 ( at Dirre Dawa) Pupils 20- Dispensaries 4- Cures given 10,855- Hospital 1 ( not ours but our Franciscan Sisters give daily cures there)- Third Order Confraternites 2- Professed 1- Aspirants 19 - Catholics : Europeans 347 - Natives 193 (without counting those of Dirre Dawa who form part of that Parish). Catechumens 27 - Baptisms : a) of catholic parents 21, b) infidels, 14 c) of heretics 3; in articulo mortis 6 (without those of D. Dawa) [Total 44].- Confirmations : 16- Communions : a) Easter, 117; b) Devotional 14,167 ; Marriages : 7- Extreme Unctions :2 - Burials, a) of Adults 6; of Children : 7.
Personnel .
Capuchin Fathers 3- Franciscan Sisters of Calais 7 plus 2 Indigenous Novices- Maltese Personnel at present: 2 Capuchin Fathers and 2 Tertiaries and 1 Religious of the Society of Saint Paul of Monsignor J. De Piro.
Expected in a few weeks' time: A Capuchin Father, a Seminarian and Four Tertiary Franciscan Sisters all Maltese.
Since the Gallic and the Somali mission belong to the same capuchin Province, all the maltese Priests cannot be detached from their respective places but it will be done when circumstances permit it.
The People to Evangelise.
There are no statistics; neither official reviews and therefore we must maintain certain personal calculations worthy of note, more or less. Some believe that the Somali population subdued by the Abyssinians reaches the 250,000, others much more; however it is necessary to add the Abyssiniane and the Gallic populations because here they are very much mixed.
It is therefore about quite a small fold " pusillus grex " but how much smaller is the number of the recovered sheep?
Ap. Vice Pref. of the Somalis
(N.B. The Original is in Italian; there is no maltese translation).
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Circumcision of O.L.J.C. (New Year's Day) |
2 |
Monday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
3 |
Tuesday |
Saint Genevieve |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory bishop |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
@ |
6 |
Friday |
The Epiphany of O.L.J.C. |
7 |
Saturday |
Saint Lucianus martyr |
Full Moon at 3 and 28m in the evening. |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
I After Epiphany - The Holy Family |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Julianus |
10 |
Tuesday |
Saint William bishop |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Hyginus pope martyr |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Alfred abbot |
13 |
Friday |
Epiphany Octave |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Hilary |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
II After Epiphany |
Last Quarter at 39m after mid-night |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Marcellus Pope martyr |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Anthony abbot |
18 |
Wednesday |
Chair of Saint Peter in Rome |
19 |
Thursday |
SS. Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abacus mm. |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint Publius I Bishop of Malta. |
Beginning of the Novena to S.Paul in the Chapel of the Institute |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
III After Epiphany |
New Moon at 9 and 50m in the morning |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Raymond from Pennaford |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Timothy Bishop |
@ |
25 |
Wednesday |
Conversion of Our Father the Ap. Saint Paul. |
Feast in the Chapel of the Institute |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Polycarp bishop |
27 |
Friday |
Saint John Chrysostom |
28 |
Saturday |
The apparition of saint Agnes virgin |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
IV After Epiphany |
Feast of the Apost. Saint Paul Our Father in the Chapel of the Institute |
First Quarter at 7 and 1 m in the evening. |
30 |
Monday |
Saint Martina virgin and martyr |
31 |
Tuesday |
Saint Peter Nolasco. |
The Infirmary Is Necessary
Since Brother Joseph left for Abyssinia we always had news about him. What is more for us, thank God that news from him and from his Superiors were always good news. Since he knows how to do any work that comes his way we have already sent him tools for carpentry and also for shoemaking. We sent him cotton, gauze, old linen to medicate... because he really loves the infirmary. Here we publish an extract from his last October letter.
"The infirmary is doing quite well. From month to month, the number of sick people is increasing. During the first fourteen days in the month of July when I arrived in Sofi we performed 41 medications. In the month of August we performed 85, and in the month of September 193. See what a difference. You cannot imagine how necessary is the infirmary. Friar Ang. Mizzi wished he could satisfy me to build one but at the moment it is not possible because of the heavy expenses he has. Because here, after baptizing them you have to keep on helping them in their needs. They often come for 15 or 20 tallers. Only money troubles us because unfortunately to do some good, one needs a lot of money; and one does good to others in proportion to money one has. If some kind person were to provide me with £15 for the roof of the infirmary, I would not take long to build one myself, not to increase the expenditure", and it is no great matter for it would not be the first time that Bro Joseph set himself to the task of building a wall.
Help the Missions today; do not leave for tomorrow.
Month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul the Ap.
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ignatius bishop |
= |
2 |
Thursday |
Purification of M.V. (Candlemas) |
Feast in the Chapel of the Institute |
3 |
Friday |
Saint Blaise bishop |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Andrew Corsini bishop |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
Settuagesima Saint Agatha virg. mart. |
6 |
Monday |
Saint Titus Bishop |
Full Moon at 4 and 12m in the morning |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Romuald abbot |
Beginning of Triduum to Saint Paul in the Chapel of Institute |
8 |
Wednesday |
Saint John from Matha. |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Cyril bishop of Alexandria |
@ |
10 |
Friday |
Shipwreck in Malta of the Apostle Our Father Saint Paul (Titular and Patron of Valletta and of the Dioceses of Malta and Gozo)- NATIONAL FEAST. |
11 |
Saturday |
The apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
Sessagesima |
13 |
Monday |
Saint Martinianus Bishop |
Last quarter at 1 and 23m in the evening. |
14 |
Tuesday |
Saint Valentine priest martyr |
15 |
Wednesday |
SS. Faustina and Jiovita martyrs |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Onesimus bishop (Thursday preceeding Carnival) |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Flavianus bishop |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Simon bishop (Carnival) |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima " |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Nemesius and his companions martyrs " |
New Moon at 10 and 50m in the evening. |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Eucherius bishop (Carnival) |
22 |
Wednesday |
Ash Wednesday (Marriages prohibited) |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Peter Damiani card. |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Praetestatus bishop |
= |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Matthias Ap. martyr |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
1 of Lent |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Leander Bishop |
28 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Romanus and Lupicianus brothers martyrs |
First Quarter at 7 and 45m in the morning. |
29 |
Wednesday |
Saint Serapion (Ember Days fasting and abstin) |
Brother Joseph once wrote to us that it is not enough to baptize the pagans and abandon them. Some times you have to sustain them and help them in their needs. The same thing happens with the missionary. It is not enough to send the Missionary and leave him on his own. You must support him and give him that help which he requires. Otherwise when he finds himself among many people who do not know him, and maybe even against him, and certainly they expect much from him, if he does not find the means he needs, his eagerness for action slowly withers away. For this reason, more than anybody else the Pope feels the missionaries' needs on the field to always enlarge God's Kingdom like a kind Father. He is always speaking and writing, admonishing his sons who are already in the Church not to forget their brothers the pagans because Our Lord Jesus Christ shed his most precious blood also for them. And always, daily so to say, he tries to find new ways strengthen more the three Great works: that of the Propaganda, that of the Holy Childhood and that of Saint Peter. For he knows very well that the better administered these works, the more can the Missionaries who are on the front advance. This work performed by the Holy see for all the Missionaries is also complemented by the particular Missions. Therefore we can say that all the missions have some help for them. One type of this work consists in what is called the Missionary Laboratory, meaning that some good souls, moved by God's grace, meet together every now and then and offer their work to help some field in the large Estate of the Missions. And therefore we too who are just touching the Missionary field, we have though about and erected a small Missionary laboratory with the blessing of our beloved Bishop. The presidente is Mrs. Ursola De Piro, the Secretary is Miss Louise Caruana and the Cashier is Miss Mary Asphar. Let us never forget that the help we give to the Missions attracts many new graces on our own country, as the Pope says. Therefore we would not be subtracting from our wealth but increasing it. Because many are the ways of providence to Provide for everybody and to pay each according to one's deeds.
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph.
1 |
Thursday |
Saint Albinus bishop |
2 |
Friday |
Saint Simplicius pope (Ember Days fasting and abst) |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Cunegundes (Ember days fasting and abst) |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
II of Lent |
5 |
Monday |
Saint John of the Cross |
6 |
Tuesday |
Ss.Perpetua and Felicity mm. |
Full Moon at 4 and 56m in the evening |
7 |
Wednesday |
Saint Thomas of Aquinas |
8 |
Thursday |
Saint John of God |
9 |
Friday |
Saint Frances of Rome widow |
10 |
Saturday |
The 40 Martyrs of Sebeste |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
12 |
Monday |
St. Gregory I pope |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Euphresia virgin |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Magtilde queen |
Last Quarter at 2 and 6m in the morning |
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Zachary pope |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Abraham priest |
Beginning of the triduum to St.Joseph in the Chapel of the Institute. |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Patrick bishop |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
@ |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Joseph spouse of V.M. (Feast in Imdina) |
20 |
Tuesday |
Blessed Nicholas de la Fine |
New Moon at 11 and 18m in the morning. |
21 |
Wednesday |
Saint Benedict abbot |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Lea Marton. |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Victorian |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint Simon martyr |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
Passion S. |
= |
26 |
Monday |
The Annunciation - Saint Ludger Ap. of Frisia |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Damascene |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint John from Capistrano |
First Quarter at 8 and 29m in the evening |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Catherine from Bologna |
30 |
Friday |
The Seven Sorrows of V.M. |
31 |
Saturday |
Saint Balbina virgin and martyr |
On the 24th of last September, the Lay-Brother Catechist Popme Nasuelli of the Institute of Milan died in Oriental Birmania. We read about him that in his life he always followed the footprints of Our Redeemer, Our Lord Jesus Christ. He always sought to do good to everybody; he died the death of the just man and died as the ancient patriarchs blessing everyone. He was a man of wonderful piety. When he was free from his duty he spent long hours in the Church. He was exact in performing his religious duties; no obstacle hindered him from it. When his office did not permit him to perform his religious duties, he would perform them at another time.
Have you performed
much good in your life?
You can also continue to do it after your death; when you found a study burse you would continue to do good in the person of the missionaries which your charity gave to the Church.
Have you performed little good in your life?
You can make up by founding a study burse for the instruction and upbringing of aspirant Missionaries. The Missionaries who are formed by the help of your generosity, work also for you and pay for you the debt you have with Divine Justice.
He was the last to go to bed and the first to wake up. At 4 thirty he would get out of bed and do his meditation- He was a man of great action and he did not appear to feel the load of so much work he always did. In his Mission he built the first house for the Missionaries and the first church too. He was remembered for the skill he had to provide the Missionary Friars his companions dispersed throughout the mountains with whatever they needed. He arrived at the mission in 1873 and he never saw again his country- 54 years a Missionary.
Month dedicated to the Risen Christ
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
Palm S. |
2 |
Monday |
In Holy week |
3 |
Tuesday |
In Holy Week |
4 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae w. |
5 |
Thursday |
Maundy Th. Last Supper of O.L.J.C. |
Full Moon at 5 and 40m in the morning. |
6 |
Friday |
Good F.- Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
7 |
Saturday |
Holy (Fasting and Abst. end by noon) |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
Easter (Solemn cel. of marriages permitted) |
= |
9 |
Monday |
Easter M. |
= |
10 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Leo pope and doctor |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint Julius I pope |
Last Quarter at 2 and 50m in the evening |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Hermelegild m. |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Justin m. |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
Low S. and I after Easter |
16 |
Monday |
Saint Basilissa |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Agradite martyr. |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Marcellus Bishop |
19 |
Thursday |
SS.Sulpizius and Servillianus mm. |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Anselm bishop |
New Moon at 2m after midnight. |
21 |
Saturday |
SS.Sotirus and Caius popes martyrs |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
II After Easter |
23 |
Monday |
Saint George marty (Tit. of Hal-Qormi) |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Fidelis from Sigmaringen capuchin |
25 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of St.Joseph |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Mark Evangelist |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Zita virgin |
First Quarter at 9 and 15m in the morning. |
28 |
Saturday |
Saint Paul of the Cross |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
III After Easter |
30 |
Monday |
Saint Catherine from Siena dominican |
(Beginning of the month of May in honour of Our Mother Mary most holy in the Chapel of the Institute)
The first Mission Day
According to the order of Monsignor Bishop, on Sunday 23rd October we also gathered, those of us who could, in the church at saint Joseph's Home and tried to celebrate as best as we could the first Mission Day.
In the morning the Bl. Sacrament was solemnly exposed and we began an hour of Adoration in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament , the Lord of the vast estate of the Missions. Through our insignificance we asked him as much as is possible for us to help those poor missionaries, who for him left their country, their people, and went far, far away to enlarge and extend more and more the Kingdom of His beloved Hearth and to set on fire the hearts of the pagans with His love. The guest for the sermon in the afternoon was the Rev. Prof H. Dandria. With his powerful word and full of zeal he moved us and everybody. He managed to help us conjure the majestic figure of the Nazarene, Jesus, while we felt His voice wandering throughout the world, " Volo omens salvos fieri". I want that every man finds the salvation of his soul.
From this point , therefore he began explaining how it is our grave duty, we who had this great luck to be among the first to embrace the christian faith, to think also of our brothers who are still in darkness so much that they adore stone and wood.
Everybody must help. Everybody should do something. One is called to donate his work. Another is called to donate something of his wealth. Yet another is called to offer his prayers at least. And to fulfil the bishop's order, at that same instant we held a collection in favour of the missions. Although the temporal collection did not amount a lot, the other (collection) of Spiritual oblations was very abundant. Many were the institutes which came and many were the children ready to throw their paper in the collection bag. Some of the Sisters brought with them also other collections which they made at home. Therefore this spiritual harvest bore its fruit and the good God won't abstain from pouring his grace on these institutes which strove with so much eagerness for it. When all was counted, we found that there were 26,933 Masses heard- 5,140 Communions - 59,619 Spiritual communions - 9,793 Rosary- 5,968 Via Sacra - 122,488 small prayers- 254,200 Ejaculatory prayers - 13,913 sacrifices- 2,977 holy hour- 7,933 school hours - 33,463 work hours- 8,693 recreation hours.
This first Mission Day then ended by the recital of the prayers for the propagation of the Faith and Sacramental blessing. This day has left us a sweet memory and the wish that not before long we will have some other one.
The Church in Africa.
In Africa there are no less than 80 governments. In 1800 it had nothing but One Bishop and 1500 christians. Today in Africa there are 50 Bishops, 30 Apostolic Perfects, 2000 European Missionaries and more than 300 indigenous priests. And the number of the Faithful reaches 1,200,000.
The Importance of the Missionaries
can be understood much more quickly through these two lines we met in the Missionary history of Japan. In the year 1577, the Jesuit Friar Organtino wrote to the Assistant Friar ofPortugal. In about ten years, the whole of Japan will be totally christian if we have enough Missionaries. In that year, there were already 100,000 christians. Therefore according to Father Rogantino, if the number of Missionaries were equal to the need, Japan should have been Christian since the year 1587.may
Month dedicated to Mary Our Blessed Lady.
= |
1 |
Tuesday |
SS.Philip and James Ap. Mm. |
2 |
Wednesday |
Saint Athanasius bishop |
= |
3 |
Thursday |
The Discovery of the Holy Cross |
4 |
Friday |
Saint Monica mother of Saint Augustine |
Full Moon at 8 and 25m in the evening. |
5 |
Saturday |
Saint Pius V Pope |
@ |
6 |
Sunday |
IV After Easter |
7 |
Monday |
Saint Stanislaus bishop |
8 |
Tuesday |
The Apparition of Saint Michael ARchangel |
Supplica of Our Lady of Pompei at noon in the Chapel |
9 |
Wednesday |
Saint Gregory Nazianzen |
10 |
Thursday |
Saint Anthony bishop |
11 |
Friday |
Saint Memmertus bishop |
12 |
Saturday |
S. Philip of Agira (Tit. of C. Zebbug) |
Last Quarter at 3 and 30m in the morning. |
@ |
13 |
Sunday |
V After Easter |
14 |
Monday |
Saint Boniface martyr (Rogation) |
15 |
Tuesday |
Saint John Baptist de la Salle " |
16 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ubald bishop " |
@ |
17 |
Thursday |
Ascension of Jesus Christ |
18 |
Friday |
Saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Saturday |
Saint Peter Celestinus pope |
New Moon at 40m after noon |
@ |
20 |
Sunday |
Between Ascension Octave Our Lady of Charity |
21 |
Monday |
Saint Julia slave |
22 |
Tuesday |
Saint Marcianus bishop |
23 |
Wednesday |
Saint Rita from Cascia |
24 |
Thursday |
SS. Domitian and Rogatian mm. |
25 |
Friday |
Saint Gregory VII pope |
26 |
Saturday |
Saint Philip Neri (Vigil Fasting and abst.) |
First quarter at 10 and 56m in the evening. |
@ |
27 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
= |
28 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
= |
29 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
30 |
Wednesday |
Saint Felix pope martyr(Ember Days fasting and abst.) |
31 |
Thursday |
Saint Angela Merici v and St. Petronilla v. |
Beginning of the month of the Heart of Jesus at the Chapel of the Institute.
Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
1 |
Friday |
Saint Panphlius marty (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
2 |
Saturday |
St Marcellinus and Companions m " |
@ |
3 |
Sunday |
I After Pent- M.H. Trinity (Tit. of Marsa) |
Full moon at 7 and 7m in the morning |
4 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Caracciolo |
5 |
Tuesday |
Saint Boniface Bishop martyr |
6 |
Wednesday |
Saint Norbert bishop |
@ |
7 |
Thursday |
Corpus Domini |
8 |
Friday |
Saint Medard bishop |
9 |
Saturday |
SS. Primus and Felicianus martyrs |
@ |
10 |
Sunday |
II after Pent. between Corp. Ch. Oct. (feast at Rabat) |
Last quarter at 4 and 20m in the afternoon |
11 |
Monday |
Saint Barnabas apostle martyr |
12 |
Tuesday |
Saint John from Saint Facondus |
13 |
Wednesday |
Saint Anthony of Padua |
14 |
Thursday |
Saint Basil bishop |
15 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
16 |
Saturday |
Saint Francis Regis |
@ |
17 |
Sunday |
III After Pentecost |
18 |
Monday |
SS. Mark and Marcellinus martyrs |
New Moon at 1 and 30m in the morning. |
19 |
Tuesday |
Saint Juliana Falconieri |
20 |
Wednesday |
Saint Silverius pope martyr |
21 |
Thursday |
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga |
22 |
Friday |
Saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Saturday |
Saint Ethelreda Abbess |
@ |
24 |
Sunday |
IV After Pent.- Birth of St. John Bapt. |
25 |
Monday |
Saint William abbot |
First Quarter at 10 and 40m in the morning |
26 |
Tuesday |
SS. John and Paul martyrs |
27 |
Wednesday |
Saint Ladislas king of Hungary |
Beginning of triduum to Saint Paul in the Chapel of the Institute |
28 |
Thursday |
Saint Irineus bishop |
@ |
29 |
Friday |
The Martyrdom of the App. St. Peter and St. Paul |
30 |
Saturday |
Mem. of the mart. of St. Paul Ap (Feast at Rabat) |
a Miva a
We are sure that the curiosity of our readers will be moved, if for no other reason, at least for the name of Miva; they would like to know what this Miva ever happens to be. We tell them, so that they won't be anxious to know for a long time, that Miva is a new providential work. Its aim is to place motorcars, motor-boats and also aeroplanes at the disposition of the Missionaries.
The seat of this society is in Cologne; the best Catholic Missionary organizations are already associated with it.
This society knows it beginning in the death of one of its own founder's companions, Friar Schulte, Religious Missionary of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Friar Otto Fuhrmann was a Missionary in Africa. One day while he was in the middle of the desert, far away from everything and from everybody, he became gravely sick. He was carried towards the coast on the shoulders of black men so that he could get the necessary cure. But in this manner, the journey had to take a long number of days. The sick man died because he could not bear the suffering of the journey. When this news reached his brother in religion in Europe, he made a vow that he would give himself with all his power for the work to overcome obstacles on the Mission Field caused by the distance which separates Missionaries from each other.
After his hard and tenacious work, in front of a meeting of Catholic Bishops, Abbots and Missionaries, Father Paul Schulte ( who served as a pilot during the war) put on the leather suit over the soutane. On the 8th of last May, with the helm of the aeroplane in his hand, he flew twice over the sea of houses of the city of Berlin from the field of Tempelhofer.
As we have already said, this new work has the support and sympathy of the Propagation of Faith, of the Holy Childhood, of the Missionary union of the Clergy, of the Conference of Superiors of the Order and Religions Congregations of the Association of Catholic women, of the Association of the Holy Land, of the Medico Missionary Association of Germany. Even most of the Catholic german societies which are not missionary are on the side of this work, amongst them the Norddeutsche Llyod. But Father Schulte's thought is that the work becomes international and that it will help all the Missions.
Some time ago, while Father G.B.Tragella Ap. Miss. was praising the new and beautiful work of saint Peter in favour of the indigenous clergy and of its necessity, he said that if the Catholic Missions must overcome the world with the pace and method used up to the present we must wait for about a hundred centuries after the final judgment for the conversion of the infidels. But now together with the internal strength which the new pontifical work gives to the missions, we have this other enterprise, Miva, which multiplies Missionaries- not in number but in their activity and by the unity which it can cause among them. It would also give them that external power which is so helpful to win souls.
The time when we would be able to see " Our Shepherd, and one fold" does not seem far-it seems close at hand.
Let us therefore adapt ourselves also to the times. Let us fly, at least by our thoughts if not on an aeroplane, on the mission field and give it the help we can. All of us can join in this Spiritual Miva.
The London " Telegraph" informs us that Mustapha' Kemal has moved another pace forward for the emancipation of Turkey. The Government has issued a decree where all those who have reached maturity, are left in liberty to choose any religion they like. So in the future in Turkey there will be religions freedom for all. This act by Mustapha' Kemal was very well received by the people of Constantinople
Month dedicated to the Precious Blood of O.L.J.C.
@ |
1 |
Sunday |
V After Pent. The Precious Blood of O.L.J.C. |
= |
2 |
Monday |
Visitation of the Bl.V. |
Full Moon at 7 and 52m in the evening. |
3 |
Tuesday |
S. Eliodor bishop |
4 |
Wednesday |
Saint Bertha and Saint Ulderic |
5 |
Thursday |
Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
6 |
Friday |
Octave of SS. Peter and Paul app. |
7 |
Saturday |
SS. Cyril and Methodius Bishops mm. |
@ |
8 |
Sunday |
VI after Pent Feast (of O.L.} of Lourdes at Qrendi |
9 |
Monday |
Saint Veronica Julian cappuchine |
10 |
Tuesday |
The Seven Brothers m. and SS. Rufina and Secunda |
Last quarter at 5 and 3m in the morning |
11 |
Wednesday |
Saint Pius I Pope |
12 |
Thursday |
Saint John Gualbert abb. |
13 |
Friday |
Saint Anacletus pope |
14 |
Saturday |
Saint Bonaventure bishop and doctor |
@ |
15 |
Sunday |
VII After Pentecost |
16 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Carmel (Feast at Valletta) |
17 |
Tuesday |
Saint Alxius Confessor |
New Moon at 2 and 15m in the evening |
18 |
Wednesday |
Saint Camillus de Lellis |
19 |
Thursday |
Saint Vincent de Paul |
20 |
Friday |
Saint Elijah (Found. of Carmelites) |
21 |
Saturday |
Saint Praxedes virgin |
@ |
22 |
Sunday |
VIII After Pentecost |
23 |
Monday |
Saint Liborius bishop |
First Quarter at 11 and 25m in the evening. |
24 |
Tuesday |
Saint Chalcedonius martyr |
= |
25 |
Wednesday |
Saint James Apostle Mart. |
= |
26 |
Thursday |
Saint Anne Mother of the Virgin Mary |
27 |
Friday |
Saint Pantaleone martyr |
28 |
Saturday |
SS. Nazarus and Celsus mm. |
@ |
29 |
Sunday |
IX After Pentecost |
30 |
Monday |
SS. Abdon and Senen martyrs |
31 |
Tuesday |
Saint Ignatius of Loyola {Found of the Jesuits} |
Beginning of the quindicina of Our Lady in the Chapel of the Institute
Month of Our Lady Assumed into heaven.
1 |
Wednesday |
Saint Peter Ap. in Chains |
Full moon at 8 and 36m in the morning. |
2 |
Thursday |
St. Aph. M. de Liguori and O.L. of the Angels (Porziuncula) |
3 |
Friday |
The Discovery of the body of Saint Stephen |
4 |
Saturday |
Saint Dominic of Guzman conf. |
@ |
5 |
Sunday |
X After Pentecost - Our Lady of the Snows |
6 |
Monday |
The Transfig of Our Lord (Tit. of Hal-Lija) |
7 |
Tuesday |
Saint Cajetan Thieni (Tit. of Hamrun) |
8 |
Wednesday |
SS. Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus |
Last quarter at 5 and 47m in the evening. |
9 |
Thursday |
Saint Aristarcus bishop |
= |
10 |
Friday |
Saint Laurence Levite martyr (Tit. of Birgu) |
11 |
Saturday |
SS. Tiburtius and Susanna |
@ |
12 |
Sunday |
XI After Pentecost |
13 |
Monday |
SS. Hypollitus and Cassianus martyrs |
14 |
Tuesday |
SS. Eusebius Confessor |
@ |
15 |
Wednesday |
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tit. H. Ghaxaq, Dingli, Gudja, Qrendi, Mqabba, Mosta and Imgarr) |
16 |
Thursday |
Saint Joachim, Father of the virgin Mary |
New Moon at 2 and 58m in the morning |
17 |
Friday |
Saint Hyacinth confessor |
18 |
Saturday |
Saint Helen August Emp. tit of B'kara |
@ |
19 |
Sunday |
XII After Pentecost |
20 |
Monday |
Saint Bernard bishop and doctor |
21 |
Tuesday |
Saint Jane Fremoit de Chantal |
22 |
Wednesday |
Saint Timothy and his companions |
23 |
Thursday |
Saint Philip Bennizi conf. |
First Quarter at 0 and 9m after noon |
= |
24 |
Friday |
Saint Bartholomew Ap. martyr (tit. of Hal-Gharghur) |
25 |
Saturday |
Saint Ludwig king conf. |
@ |
26 |
Sunday |
XIII After Pentecost |
27 |
Monday |
Saint Joseph Calasanctius confessor |
28 |
Tuesday |
Saint Augustine bishop and doctor |
29 |
Wednesday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist. |
30 |
Thursday |
Saint Rose of Lima dominican |
Full moon at 9 and 20m in the evening |
31 |
Friday |
Saint Raymond Nonnatus |
Through Fr. Ang. Mizzi we have known for a long time about the striving of the Catholic Mission in Abyssinia to cure and to heal it from the wound of serfdom. But we have been informed through the official Gazzette of the League of Nations that after Ethiopia joined (through the work of the same Mission) no less than 100,000 slaves have been freed. This is how the review " Antischiavismo " writes on this fact: " After what was forced to happen, the Apostolic See and the Governments of England, of Italy and of France, united with the strong will of the regent Ras Taffari, antislavery is triumphing in Ethiopia. The regulation for the freedom of slaves and for the conditions of their lives which came into effect on the 31st of March 1924 produced satisfactory results. It confirmed the promise present in the first report sent to the secretary of the League of Nations on the 12th of April 1924 by Ras Taffari. He promised that he would lead according to the antislavery law. Through the new regulations of the 31st of March 1924- Ras Taffari wrote on the 12th of April following- a great part of slaves will be set free, others will be assured of a humane treatment and finally it won't be possible to have any new slave. Is this the road which will lead to the termination of salvery? This is what Faith does. It introduces civilization and liberty. For that feeling of humanity which is present in our hearts, how can we not feel greatly that we must help the Missionaries and the Institutes which take care of the formation of Missionaries?
Month dedicated to the birth of Mary Our Bl. Mother.
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Giles abbot |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
XIV After Pent. (Our Lady of the Cinture) |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Seraphina virgin and martyr |
4 |
Tuesday |
St. Rosalia virg. |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Laurence Giustiniani |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Theoclistus |
7 |
Friday |
Remembrance of the 1565 Victory (National feast) |
Last quarter at 6 and 31m in the morning |
= |
8 |
Saturday |
Nativity of the Virgin Mary (tit. of Senglea, Naxxar, Melleha) |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
XV After Pent. (Haz-Zabbar, tit. feast of O.L. of Graces) |
10 |
Monday |
Saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
11 |
Tuesday |
SS. Protus and Hyacinth mm. |
12 |
Wednesday |
The Holy Name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria |
14 |
Friday |
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
New Moon at 3 and 40m in the evening |
15 |
Saturday |
The Sorrows of the Virgin Mary |
@ |
16 |
Sunday |
XVI After Pentecost |
17 |
Monday |
The Stigmata of Saint Francis of Assisi |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Joseph from Copertino |
19 |
Wednesday |
Saint Januarius bishop (Ember Days and fasting abst). |
20 |
Thursday |
SS. Eustachius and Companions martyrs |
= |
21 |
Friday |
Saint Matthew Ap. and Evang. (Emb. D.and fasting abst.) |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Thomas from Villanova (Emb. D. and fasting abst.) |
First quarter at 53m after midnight. |
@ |
23 |
Sunday |
XVII After Pentecost |
24 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Tuesday |
Saint Firminius bishop martyr |
26 |
Wednesday |
Cons. of all the cons. Churches of Malta. |
27 |
Thursday |
SS. Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Friday |
Saint Wenceslas duke of Bohemia |
= |
29 |
Saturday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel |
Full moon at 10 and 5m in the morning . |
+30 |
Sunday |
XVIII after Pentecost. |
Solemn Consecration of the First
Japanese Bishop
A year has just passed since the consecration of the first Five Chinese Bishops. With all the grandeur which the liturgy permits, on the 30th of last October on the Solemn feast of Jesus Christ the king in Saint Peter's Church in Rome, Pius XI the great pope of the Missions consecrated Msgr Januarius Hayasaka. who had just arrived at the Eternal City after a pleasant voyage from Japan.
This first japanese Bishop, Msgr. Hayasaka, small in stature but endowed with that bearing of face and person which attracts souls, knows Rome quite well. It was precisely there that he performed his ecclesiastical studies. He was born 42 years ago at Shandai in the diocese of Nagasaki. He was a student at the Propaganda College from 1904 to 1910 and he also studied literature at the Imperial University of Tokyo. For some time he was the Secretary of Msgr. Giardini, the Apostolic Delegate in Japan and lately he was helping the Parish Priest at his birth place.
If by the consecration of this first japanese bishop a new epoch is starting for this land of the eastern sun, a glorious epoch after the great blood bath of so many martyrs, it is all due to the Saint Peter the Apostle institution in favour of the indigenous clergy. It was in fact the worthy person of the foundress herself of this work who elected the youth Hayasaka as the first indigenous seminarian. This fact of the consecration of the first bishop could not but echo throughout the whole of Japan. We know in fact that the Japanese Government showed its approval and the Emperor himself was highly satisfied. And this occurrence was commemorated by favourable words on the columns of the whole local press.
A circumstance really worth mentioning is the fact that the enormous expenses incurred for the voyage from Japan to Rome and back of Bishop Hayasaka, were paid by a japanese family belonging to the bhuddist religion. This family wished it so to show the personal esteem it has towards this new prelate and its respect towards the Catholic Religion. This serves the families of christians who can and are helping the work of the propagation of the Faith to be more fervent in this good work of their. Then it serves more and more those families who lag behind in this matter to remember that they have the duty to think for the salvation of the souls of their brothers the pagans.
Rosary Month
1 |
Monday |
Saint Remigius bishop |
2 |
Tuesday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus |
4 |
Thursday |
S. Francis of Assisi ( Found of the Friars. & Minors) |
5 |
Friday |
Saint Placidus and Companions martyrs |
6 |
Saturday |
Saint Bruno confessor |
Last Quarter at 7 and 15m in evening. |
@ |
7 |
Sunday |
XIX After Pentecost |
8 |
Monday |
Consecration of the Cath. Church of Malta |
9 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dionegese |
10 |
Wednesday |
Saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Thursday |
Consecration of the Gozo Cathedral |
12 |
Friday |
Saint Wilfred bishop |
13 |
Saturday |
Saint Edward king confessor |
@ |
14 |
Sunday |
XX After Pentecost |
Feast of Mary the most holy in the Chapel of the Institute |
New Moon at 4 and 27m in the morning |
15 |
Monday |
Saint Teresa of Avila |
16 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gall abbot |
17 |
Wednesday |
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque |
18 |
Thursday |
Saint Luke Evang. |
19 |
Friday |
Saint Peter of Alcantra |
20 |
Saturday |
Saint John Cantius |
@ |
21 |
Sunday |
XXI After Pent.- Saint Ursola and companions m. |
First quarter at 1 and 38m in the evening. |
22 |
Monday |
Saint Mary Salome |
23 |
Tuesday |
Saint Theodoret martyr |
24 |
Wednesday |
Saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Thursday |
SS. Chrysanthus and Darias his wife martyrs |
26 |
Friday |
Saint Evaristus pope martyr |
27 |
Saturday |
Saint Frumentius bishop |
@ |
28 |
Sunday |
XXII After Pent.- Our Lord Jesus Christ, King |
Full Moon at 10 and 50m in the evening. |
= |
29 |
Monday |
SS. Simon and Jude Thaddaeus Ap. martyrs |
30 |
Tuesday |
SS.Marcellus and Cassianus martyrs |
31 |
Wednesday |
Saint Quntin martyr Vigil fasting and abst. |
This year a new story was written in the Missionary chronicle of Malta. Up to the present, it happened many times that groups of religious Priests left for the Mission field. We also find that there are about a hundred sisters in these countries where the Church of Jesus Christ is being extended. But a group of Missionary sisters has never gone. So for this reason this glory has been reserved for the year which will be ending. Five Tertiary Franciscan sisters of the House of Charity of Gozo left, last October, for that part of Abyssinia where the industrious Friar Ang. Mizzi is succeeding to erect a Maltese Mission. The departure ceremony was first held in Gozo at the Mother House, it was not the least touching more and more because it is the first one. Msgr Caruana the Bishop of Malta wanted also to honour these five generous souls by being pleased to perform another function for them at the Church of (O.L.) of the Pillar at Valletta. This succeeded no less than the one at Gozo and the multitude of people which took part was so large that the Church did not hold them.
And, since the superior of the Mission, Mother Rose, was superior of the Institute of Fra Diego before, the Mother General, M. Nazarena felt that it was a very fitting thing that, together with the four sisters accompanying her to Abyssinia, she would pay a visit to that community and to all the young women who still remembered her so well. This last greeting was also beautiful and salutary for the children sheltered at Fra Diego Institute when they saw what the love of Jesus can do- that is how it gives souls that detachment from their relatives and from their country and how it fills them with that eagerness to arrive as soon as possible and to give themselves to the christian instruction of those children, with all the zeal which only God's grace is able to give. About two days ago we received a letter from Sofi. They explained how well received were the sisters- not only from the Bishop and the other Missionaries but also from the local children. When the children heard that the sisters are coming, they left the village in one crowd as if led by God, to receive them. When they met them there was so much joy, so much jumping even to kiss their hands. For there they not only lack the motorcar or karrozzin- but even horses and the voyage must be performed on donkeys.
In short, as they described it we imagined a repetition of Jesus'solemn entry into Jerusalem. And indeed, did not they elect Abyssinia as their second country to continue His Mission?
All Souls' Month
@ |
1 |
Thursday |
All Saints' Day |
2 |
Friday |
All Souls' Day |
3 |
Saturday |
Saint Hubert |
@ |
4 |
Sunday |
XXIII After Pent. |
5 |
Monday |
The Holy Relics of the Diocese of Malta |
Last Quarter at 8 and 10m in the morning. |
6 |
Tuesday |
Saint Leonard |
7 |
Wednesday |
SS. Vitalis and Agricola martyrs |
8 |
Thursday |
All Saints' Octave |
9 |
Friday |
Consecration of the Archibasilica of St. John at Later. |
10 |
Saturday |
Saint Andrew Avellino |
@ |
11 |
Sunday |
XXIV After Pentecost |
12 |
Monday |
Saint Martin pope martyr |
New Moon at 5 and 11m in the evening. |
13 |
Tuesday |
Saint Dedacus confessor |
14 |
Wednesday |
Saint Josaphat bishop |
Te Deum Singing at the chapel of the Institute ( to commemorate) the seventh anniversary of the canonical erection
15 |
Thursday |
Saint Gertrude virgin |
16 |
Friday |
Saint Edmund bishop |
17 |
Saturday |
Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus bishop |
@ |
18 |
Sunday |
XXV After Pent. |
19 |
Monday |
Saint Elisabeth queen of Hungary |
20 |
Tuesday |
Saint Felix of Valois confessor |
First Quarter at 2 and 21m in the morning. |
21 |
Wednesday |
The Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple |
22 |
Thursday |
Saint Cecily virgin and martyr |
23 |
Friday |
Saint Clement I pope and Saint Felicity |
24 |
Saturday |
Saint John of the Cross |
@ |
25 |
Sunday |
XXVI After Pentecost- St. Catherine V. and M (tit. of Zejtun and Zurrieq) |
26 |
Monday |
Saint Sylvester benedictine abbot |
27 |
Tuesday |
Saint Maximus bishop |
Full Moon at 11 and 30m in the morning. |
28 |
Wednesday |
Saint James of La Marca. |
29 |
Thursday |
Saint Saturninus martyr |
= |
30 |
Friday |
Saint Andrew Ap. martyr (Tit. of Hal-Luqa). |
On the 21st of June last year, at about 5 in the evening at Saint Joseph's Institute and at other houses related to the Society of Saint Paul grief and joy reigned together at the departure of a catechist of the said society, Brother Joseph Caruna. Here I imagine you to ask me how can sorrow and joy reign; either joy or grief. Sadness reigned because I am sure that all those who knew him know enough how useful could this brave and enterprising young man be towards the institute and especially towards his beloved Society which since childhood he loved with a love similar to a boy's love for his mother.
Joy reigned also because they knew how much good would this young man do; the large number of infidel souls he would attract towards God's bosom. Well you should have seen this catechist! (He was ) full of courage and Go's grace, leaving his superiors and his brothers of the same company; leaving his poor mother and father and finally leaving his dear motherland to go to such a far off place- a place of which he did not have even the least idea, among pagans and above everything alone and seemingly abandoned by everybody. What human bravery! Such real missionary courage! when you see this type of man, men full of love and God's zeal to go to the missions to attract innumerable souls in His bosom, won't you feel joy welling up in your heart?
Then how much more full of joy would his superior and brothers be when they see that this Institute is already bearing beautiful fruit although it has been erected for but a few years! It wants to be dispersed not only in our islands but also in other countries; it wants to be beneficial in foreign countries, too. What a great consolation! How do these missionaries encourage us so that even we are induced to go to proclaim the gospel of Christ without fearing anything, so to say, so that their heart overcomes anything that is fearful in this world.
Let us return to what we were (saying). what luck and great grace had this catechist to be the first missionary of this company. In truth, from the first day he joined this Institute he was always praying God to send him to the mission. See how really God does hear us. His wish was accepted after seventeen years and he gave him the graced has asked him. For, since he joined the Company until he left for the mission land he always asked him and he never lost heart. Like him we should also pray that Christ sends many missionaries in his vineyard and especially in this Maltese Company of Saint Paul whose founder is also Maltese. Let us pray that one day it would do great good in souls and honour Malta and the Church of Jesus Christ. This is something which encourages us a lot.
The Catechist Lay-Brothers
of the Society of Saint Paul are chosen from those young men who want to give themselves to help Missionary Priests of the same institute. They must be in good health, not less than sixteen years of age and neither more than thirty. They must be prepared to serve God and have a right intention. They must be of good conduct and know the rudiments of some trade.THEY ARRIVED SAFELY
We are happy to publish these few words of Brother Andrew Jarosseau, Gallic Apostolic Vicar, "Lately, the Island of Malta reminded us of its beautiful chivalrous and Apostolic past. With its name it honoured greatly the ethiopic Africa of ours through the arrival of five Tertiary Franciscan Sisters who disembarked at Gibuti amongst the compliments of a very agreeable people. They arrived at Harrar, greeted as the angels of Our Lord, sent from heaven." This generous offer of these five sisters cannot but attract the most beautiful Blessing on their Congregation. In our country it would not but strengthen courageous people and strengthen the ability of others so that always, in our country throughout the whole world and (until) the end we keep high the flag of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.
We should never let a day pass without doing something for God's greatest enterprise, that is the Missions. At least we should say an " Our Father " or a " Hail Mary ".
Nihil Obstat.
Die 13 Decembris 1927
Cens. Theol.
Christmas Month
1 |
Saturday |
Saint Eligius, bishop |
@ |
2 |
Sunday |
First of Advent [The sol. cel. of Marriages prohibited] |
3 |
Monday |
Saint Francis Xavier Apostle of India |
4 |
Tuesday |
Saint Barbar v. and m. |
Last Quarter at 8 and 44m in the evening. |
5 |
Wednesday |
Saint Saba Abbot |
6 |
Thursday |
Saint Nichola of Bari (Tit. of Siggieir) |
7 |
Friday |
Saint Ambrose bishop |
@ |
8 |
Saturday |
Imm. Conception of the B. V.M. (Titular of Cospicua) |
@ |
9 |
Sunday |
Second of Advent |
10 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Tuesday |
Saint Damasus I pope |
12 |
Wednesday |
Saint Valerius abbot |
New moon at 5 and 50m in the morning |
13 |
Thursday |
Saint Lucy virgin and martyr |
14 |
Friday |
Saint Viatore bishop |
15 |
Saturday |
Octave of the Imm. Conception |
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16 |
Sunday |
Third of Advent |
Beginning of the Novena to the Child Jesus in the Chapel of the Institute |
17 |
Monday |
Saint Olympias widow |
18 |
Tuesday |
Saint Gratian bishop |
19 |
Wednesday |
Bl.Mary of the Angels (Emb. D. fasting and abst) |
First Quarter at 3 and 6m in the evening |
20 |
Thursday |
Saint John Marinone |
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21 |
Friday |
St. Thomas Ap. Mar. ( Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
22 |
Saturday |
Saint Ginesius martyr (Emb. D. fasting and abst.) |
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23 |
Sunday |
Fourth of Advent |
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24 |
Monday |
S.Tarisilla virg (Vigil Fasting and abst) |
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25 |
Tuesday |
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Christmas |
Christmas function at midnight in the Chapel of the Institute. |
26 |
Wednesday |
Saint Stephen first M. (Marriages allowed) |
27 |
Thursday |
Saint John Ap and Evangelist |
Full Moon at 0 and 13m after midnight |
+28 |
Friday |
The Holy Innocents, Children , Martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
Saint Trophimus bishop |
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30 |
Sunday |
Sunday amidst the Octave- Saint Vitalian pope |
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31 |
Monday |
Saint Sylvester pope martyr |
Singing of Te Deum as thanksgiving at the end of the Year in the Chapel of Institute