Saint Paul
of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1926
Tip. della " Casa di San Giuseppe" -Hamrum - Malta
Die 14 Februarii 1926
Cens Theol
Almanac for the year 1926
----------@ ----------
Moveable Feasts
1. Settuagesima Sunday - 31st January
2. Ash Wednesday - 17th February
3. Easter Sunday - 4th April
4. Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven - 13th May
5. Pentecost - 23rd May
6. Corpus Christi - 3rd June
7. The Sacred heart of Jesus - 11th June
8. First Sunday of Advent - 28th November
Feasts of Obligation
Ember Days
1.Spring -24,26,27 February
3.Autumn- 15,17,18 Sept.
4.Winter- 15,17,18 December.
Fast Days
Lent and Ember Days
Pentecost vigil -22nd May
Assumption of Our Lady Vigil
-14th Aug.Christmas vigil- 24th December
Days of Abstinence
Meat is prohibited on the vigils referred to above, on Ember Days, on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays during the year and on Saturday during Lent. On all the other days during Lent one may eat meat only once although there is the obligation to fast. Fasting and Abstinence, however, end on Easter Saturday at noon.
When the solemn celebration of marriage is prohibited.
From the first Sunday of Advent, 28th November to Christmas 25th December; and from Ash Wednesday 17th February to Easter 4th April, day by day.
*These feasts are Days of Obligation only in Malta.
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
The harvest is large,
but the workers are few
1 | Friday | Circumcision of O.L.J.C. New Year's Day | ||
2 | Saturday | saint Macarius Abbot | ||
3 | Sunday | The Holy Name of Jesus | ||
4 | Monday | Blessed Angela from Foligno | ||
5 | Tuesday | saint Telesphorus pope Mart | ||
6 | Wednesday | Epiphany | ||
7 | Thursday | Saint Lucianus martyr | ||
Last Quarter at 9 and 22m in the evening | ||||
8 | Friday | saint Saverinus bishop-saint Theophilus martyr | ||
9 | Saturday | Saint Vitale martyr | ||
10 | Sunday | First after Epiphany- The Holy Family | ||
11 | Monday | saint Igino pope martyr | ||
12 | Tuesday | saint Probo bishop of Verona | ||
13 | Wednesday | Epiphany Octave. | ||
14 | Thursday | saint Hilary bishop and doctor | ||
New Moon at 8 and 35m in the evening | ||||
15 | Friday | saint Paul first hermit | ||
16 | Saturday | saint Marcollus I pope martyr | ||
17 | Sunday | Second After Epiphany | ||
18 | Monday | Chair of St.Peter in Rome | ||
19 | Tuesday | ss.Mario and his companions martyrs | ||
20 | Wednesday | saint Fabian and saint Sebastian martyrs | ||
First Quarter at one and thirty at night | ||||
21 | Thursday | s.Publius bishop of Malta- Its Min. Pat. | ||
22 | Friday | saint Vincent and saint Anastasi martyrs | ||
First Day of St.Paul's Triduum in the Chapel of the Institute. | ||||
23 | Saturday | saint Raymond from Pennafort | ||
24 | Sunday | Third After Epiphany | ||
25 | Monday | Conv. of St.Paul. Ap- Main pat. of Malta | ||
Feast in the Chapel of the Institute | ||||
26 | Tuesday | saint Polycarp bishop of Smirna | ||
27 | Wednesday | st.John Chrysostom bishop and doct (patron of preachers) | ||
28 | Thursday | saint Valerius bishop | ||
Full Moon at 11 and 35m at night. | ||||
29 | Friday | saint Francis of Sales bishop and doctor | ||
30 | Saturday | saint Martina virgin and martyr | ||
31 | Sunday | Settuagesima |
Month dedicated to the Ap. Saint Paul Our Father
"Dear brothers, if you want to be rich,
love true wealth. True wealth is only
that which adorns us with virtue.
S.Gregory Pope
1 | Monday | saint Ignatius bishop martyr | |
2 | Tuesday | Purification of the V.M. (Candlemas) | |
Feast in the chapel of the Institute | |||
3 | Wednesday | saint Blaise bishop martyr | |
4 | Thursday | saint Andrew Corsini bishop of Fiesole | |
5 | Friday | s.Agatha V. and m. Min. pat. of malta | |
6 | Saturday | saint Titus bishop disciple of St.Paul | |
Last Quarter at 1 and 25m at night. | |||
7 | Sunday | Sessagesima | |
(First Day of St.Paul's Triduum in the Chapel of the Institute) | |||
8 | Monday | saint John of Matha | |
9 | Tuesday | saint Apollonia virgin and martyr | |
10 | Wednesday | st.Paul Ap.'s Shipwreck | |
11 | Thursday | First apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes in the year 1858 | |
12 | Friday | saint Eulalia virgin and martyr | |
New Moon at 7 and 20m in the evening | |||
13 | Saturday | saint Beninius martyr Carnival | |
14 | Sunday | Quinquagesima Do | |
15 | Monday | ss.Faustina and Jiovita martyrs Do | |
16 | Tuesday | saint Jiuliana Virgin Do | |
17 | Wednesday | Ash Wednesday-Marriage prohibit - fast and abst. | |
18 | Thursday | saint Simon bishop of Jerusalem mart. | |
19 | Friday | saint Conrad hermit | |
First quarter at 2 and 36m at night | |||
20 | Saturday | Consecration of the Concathedral Church of st.John’s | |
21 | Sunday | First of Lent | |
22 | Monday | Chair of Saint Peter in Antioch | |
23 | Tuesday | saint Peter Domiani cardinal and doctor | |
24 | Wednesday | saint Matthias ap and ev.- Emb D. fast and abst. | |
25 | Thursday | saint Margaret from Cortona | |
26 | Friday | saint Victor hermit Emb. D. fast and abst | |
27 | Saturday | saint Leonard bishop Emb. D. fast and abst | |
Full moon at 6 and 51m in the evening. | |||
28 | Sunday | second of Lent. |
Some of the things which
the Vatican Missionary Exposition taught us.
All those who were lucky to visit Rome this year and therefore they could visit the Missionary Exposition, were not the least struck by that zeal and work involving thousands upon thousands of Missionaries and Sisters to spread the Kingdom of Jesus Christ throughout the world. No less than the others, we ourselves were not only amazed but also filled with new strength to work and to strive for such a wonderful and holy end which is so dear to the Vicar of Jesus Christ and to all those faithful who feel the christian spirit alive inside them.
In fact at the Section of Statistics of the Vatican Missionary Exposition, a large painting divided into three (parts)attracted our attention; it is placed at the end of the exhibition of the Subsidiary Works of the Missions.
The drawing at the centre represents the Heart of Jesus faced by two kneeling youths. They symbolize American students: pen in hand and gown on their shoulders on this scene an inscription in english arouses one's curiosity:" The world for the Heart of Jesus; the Heart of Jesus for the world."
This display of the "Grusade of Catholic Students started not long ago in the United States of America to help the Catholic missions by both spiritual and material means. The statistics which we will be mentioning shows how abundant was this help. The statistics are the following:-
-Masses attended 8,636766- Reception of the Eucharist 2,464,690
-Visits to the M. Bl. Sacrament 8,428,676 -Rosaries 6,850,940
-Way of the Cross 835,690 -Aspirations 22,013,145,255 Acts of Mortification 6,968,750 - Hours of Study 35,838,225
-Hours of work 7,055,960 -Hours of recreation 8,638,655
-Prayers, devotions and spiritual exercises 359,435,240
-Charity Dollars 572,162,90
Looking at this sum, we clearly see that the amount of money gathered was enormous. However the sum of spiritual offerings is much greater and of inestimable value. It amounted to no less than twenty and a half milliards of exercises of piety; amongst them two and a half million communion.
The History of this Crusade is short because it is only seven years old. From the fruit it yields we can see how great and beautiful it is; the good it works among souls and the blessing for the mission it attracts from heaven.
We have already invited the well-wishers of our small Institute for this practice. We have already been answered by some spiritual oblations. And we have also already felt the effect of prayer; so much so that we had confirmed again the truth in the words of the Gospel, "Petite et accipietis- ask and you will receive.
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
"Pray the Lord of harvest that he
sends he workers in His harvest"t
1 | Monday | saint Albinus bishop of Angers | ||
2 | Tuesday | saint Simplicius pope | ||
3 | Wednesday | saint Conegonda empress | ||
4 | Thursday | saint Casimir confessor | ||
5 | Friday | saint John of the cross | ||
6 | Saturday | saint Perpetua and saint Felicity martyrs | ||
7 | Sunday | third of Lent | ||
Last quarter at 1 and 50m in the after noon | ||||
8 | Monday | saint John of God confessor | ||
9 | Tuesday | saint Frances of Rome widow | ||
10 | Wednesday | saints martyrs of Sebaste | ||
11 | Thursday | saint Benedict bishop of Milan founder of the Benedictines | ||
12 | Friday | saint Gregory pope martyr | ||
13 | Saturday | saint Marcianus bishop of Tortona | ||
14 | Sunday | Fourth of Lent | ||
New moon at 5 and 20m in the morning | ||||
15 | Monday | saint Longinus martyr | ||
16 | Tuesday | saint Cyriacus deacon | ||
First day of Triduum in honour of St.Joseph in the chapel of the Institute | ||||
17 | Wednesday | saint Patrick bishop of Ireland | ||
18 | Thursday | saint Cyril of Jerusalem | ||
19 | Friday | Transit of St.Joseph spouse of V.M. | ||
20 | Saturday | saint Ottone hermit martyr | ||
21 | Sunday | Passion | ||
First quarter at 7 and 12m in the morning | ||||
22 | Monday | saint Catherine of Genoa widow | ||
23 | Tuesday | saint Victorianus martyr | ||
24 | Wednesday | saint Timothy martyr | ||
25 | Thursday | Annunciation of the B.M.V. | ||
26 | Friday | The 7 Sorrows of the Virgin Mary | ||
27 | Saturday | saint John Damascene conf. and doctor | ||
28 | Sunday | Palms | ||
29 | Monday | M. in Holy Week | ||
Full Moon at Noon | ||||
30 | Tuesday | T. in Holy Week | ||
31 | Wednesday | Tenebrae Wednesday |
Month dedicated to the Risen Christ
Dear brothers, if you seek true honour,
walk toward the kingdom of heaven.
S.Gregory Pope
1 | Thursday | Maundy Th.-The Last supper of O.L.J.C. | |
2 | Friday | Good F-Death of O.L.J.C. | |
3 | Saturday | Holy S.-The Glory - Fasting ends at noon | |
4 | Sunday | Easter Solemn celebration of marriages permitted. | |
5 | Monday | Easter M. | |
Last quarter at 10 and 50m in the evening | |||
6 | Tuesday | Easter T. | |
7 | Wednesday | saint Juiliana (Procession of st.Gregory) | |
8 | Thursday | saint Dionigese | |
9 | Friday | saint Mary Cleophas | |
10 | Saturday | saint Ezechiel prophet | |
11 | Sunday | Low Sunday - first after Easter | |
12 | Monday | saint Julius pope | |
New Moon at 2 and 56m in the afternoon | |||
13 | Tuesday | saint Emenigild king martyr | |
14 | Wednesday | saint Justin martyr | |
15 | Thursday | saint Basilissa and Anastasia | |
16 | Friday | s.Benedict Joseph Labre' - st.Calistus | |
17 | Saturday | saint Anicetus pope martyr | |
18 | Sunday | second after Easter | |
19 | Monday | saint Leo IX pope | |
20 | Tuesday | saint Agnes from Montepulciano virgin | |
First quarter at 1 and 23m in the afternoon | |||
21 | Wednesday | solemnity of Saint Joseph | |
22 | Thursday | ss.Soterus and Caius popes martyrs- S.Virginia | |
23 | Friday | saint George martyr | |
24 | Saturday | saint Fidelis Sigmaringen martyr | |
+25 | Sunday | third after Easter- saint Mark Ev. | |
26 | Monday | s.Cletus and Marcellus popes | |
27 | Tuesday | B.V.M. of the Good Counsel | |
28 | Wednesday | saint Paul of the Cross. Found of the passionists | |
Full Moon at 2 and 17m in the afternoon. | |||
29 | Thursday | saint Peter from Verona dominican martyr | |
30 | Friday | saint Catherine from Siena dominican | |
(In the Chapel of the institute we start the month of May in honour of Mary our Most Holy Mother) |
(Read this Almanac; pass it on to those whom you think would enjoy reading it. Read its cover and say with Saint Augustine: " If these and those, why not me to?".
Saint Joseph's home in Gozo
and the Institute of the Missions
BY GOD'S HELP and the favour of the Bishops Msgr Carnana and Msgr Gonzi, last year the Institute of the Missions could have the consolation of seeing itself grow slightly. It can now count on another house also in the Docese of Gozo.
Nearly everybody knows now how even in Gozo Saint Joseph's Home of Hamrun was opened so that it would also be able to receive there orphans and poor children and raise them up in fear and in the love of God.
It was always a wish that there would be some institute to gather in it poor orphans. Just for this reason, all the parish priests of Gozo together with the Bishop thought of erecting this institute. For a firmer enterprise, they wished the new Institute to be united to the one in Malta and so they would be one house. The bonding of these two houses has been achieved and today the Institute of Gozo is one with St.Joseph's Home in Malta. This new House has been left in the hands of the Missionaries of Saint Paul who work also for the good of children in Saint Joseph's Home in Malta, thank God. For all those who belong to the Institute of the Missions, it is a great consolation to see a larger field of work and appreciate very much this favour which God deigned send them from heaven.
For the opening of the Home, some preparation of the necessary things started taking place in advance. AT first, the inauguration was to be private, but on the contrary Divine Providence wanted this to be as solemn as possible and infront of everybody's eyes. So on the 21st of May, exactly the day of the ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven, (the Home) was inaugurated with great solemnity. The ecclesiastic and civil authorities of Malta and Gozo were invited for this ceremony. The Bishop of Gozo Msgr Gonzi, the governor Sir Walter Noris Congreve together with his wife and some others who were also invited for this ceremony were also present. Present also were some ministers together with others accompanying them.
The Bishop and the Governor arrived in the same car; at the door of the new Home they were greeted by the Superior. After they sat down in their respective places and everybody was assembled in the yard the Superior read his speech addressed to the Governor. He ended by asking ( The Governor) to declare open the Home. The Governor answered by a short beautiful speech and with all solemnity declared open the new branch of Saint Joseph's Home, as he was asked. So the Superior read another speech addressing the Bishop of Gozo, thanking him and all those who toiled for the opening the Home. Before ending he asked him to bless it. Therefore the Bishop sang the formula of Blessing. Assisted by two Rev. Canons of the Cathedral and accompanied by the Governor and his wife, by the Ministers and all those present , he entered the home and after blessing everywhere, in the chapel where the antiphone of Saint Joseph was being sung, he intoned the Te Deum to thank God for accepting many people’s wish and a Home for orphans be erected in Gozo.
At the end of the ceremony, drinks were served to the guests while the children’s band played outside near the front door, surrounded by a large number of people who came from all over Gozo. When the guests started leaving the place, the door was opened so that everybody could satisfy his wish and go around the House. Slowly by sunset everybody left to go home. But all who were present were very happy and satisfied and wished all the best for this new enterprise. The Missionaries of St.Paul, were also imbued with new courage to strive and to work harder in the future for God's glory and for the good of souls.
Month dedicated to Mary Our Blessed Mother
You oh Lord we ask, to increase
the number of Missionaries.
Pope Benedict XV
1 |
Saturday |
saint Philip and saint James apostles martyrs |
2 |
Sunday |
fourth after Easter |
3 |
Monday |
Feast of the discovery of the Holy Cross |
4 |
Tuesday |
saint Monica mother of saint Augustine |
5 |
Wednesday |
saint Pius V pope |
Last Quarter at 5 and 13m in the morning |
6 |
Thursday |
martyrdom of st.John ap. and ev. |
7 |
Friday |
saint Stenislaus bishop martyr |
8 |
Saturday |
Apparition of saint Michael Archangel-Our Lady of Pompei |
Supplica of Our Lady of Pompei at noon in the Chapel of the Institute. |
9 |
Sunday |
fifth after Easter |
10 |
Monday |
saint Anthony bishop (Rogation) |
11 |
Tuesday |
saint Mamertus bishop do |
New Moon at 55m. after noon |
12 |
Wednesday |
saint Philip of Aggira do |
13 |
Thursday |
Jesus Christs ascended into Heaven |
14 |
Friday |
saint Boniface martyr |
15 |
Saturday |
st.John Baptist de la Salle Founder of the Freres |
16 |
Sunday |
sixth after Easter |
17 |
Monday |
saint Paschal Baylon conf. Patron of Eucharisti works |
18 |
Tuesday |
saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Wednesday |
saint Peter Celestinus pope |
First quarter at 7. and 48 m in the morning |
20 |
Thursday |
saint Bernardine of siena (Propagator of the Name of Jesus) |
21 |
Friday |
saint Felix from Cantalice |
22 |
Saturday |
saint Rita from Cascia Saint of the Impossible |
23 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
24 |
Monday |
Pentecost M. |
25 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost T. |
26 |
Wednesday |
s.Philip Neri confessor - Emb. D. Fasting and abst. |
27 |
Thursday |
saint mary Magdalena de Pazzi |
Full Moon at 1 and 49 m in the afternoon |
28 |
Friday |
st.Augustine bishop. of Canterbury Emb.D. fasting and abst. |
29 |
Saturday |
saint Felix pope martyr Emb. D. fasting and abst |
30 |
Sunday |
I After Pentecost-M.H. Trinity |
31 |
Monday |
saint Angela Merici |
In the Chapel of the Institute, beginning of month of Heart of Jesus |
Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
My dear brothers, if you love
the glory of dignity, just hurry up
to be written in the highest courts of the Angels
S.Gregory Pope
1 |
Tuesday |
saint Eleuterius pope martyr |
2 |
Wednesday |
saint Eugenius pope confessor |
3 |
Thursday |
Corpus Christi |
Last Quarter at 10 and 9m in the morning |
4 |
Friday |
saint Francis Caracciolo |
5 |
Saturday |
saint Boniface bishop martyr |
6 |
Sunday |
second amongst the Octave of Corpus Christi |
7 |
Monday |
saint Robert abbot |
8 |
Tuesday |
saint Merardus bishop |
9 |
Wednesday |
saint Primus and saint Felicianus martyrs |
10 |
Thursday |
Corpus (Christi) Octave |
New Moon 8 minutes after mid day |
11 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
12 |
Saturday |
saint John of saint Facondus |
13 |
Sunday |
third after Pentecost- st.Anthony of Padua |
14 |
Monday |
saint Basil bishop and doctor |
15 |
Tuesday |
saint Vitus and companions martyrs |
16 |
Wednesday |
saint Ludgarda virgin |
17 |
Thursday |
saint Ranier confessor |
18 |
Friday |
saint Mark and saint Marcellinus martyrs |
First Quarter at 1 and 14 m in the afternoon |
19 |
Saturday |
saint Jiuliana Falconieri martyr |
20 |
Sunday |
fourth after Pentecost |
21 |
Monday |
saint Aloysius Gonzaga Patron of Youth |
22 |
Tuesday |
saint Paulinus bishop of Nola |
23 |
Wednesday |
saint Edeltrude |
24 |
Thursday |
Birth of st.John Baptist |
25 |
Friday |
saint Eligius |
Full Moon at 11 and 13m at night |
26 |
Saturday |
ss.John and Paul brothers martyrs |
27 |
Sunday |
fifth after Pentecost |
28 |
Monday |
saint Leone II pope |
29 |
Tuesday |
ss.Peter and Paul ap. martyrs. |
30 |
Wednesday |
Memorial of the martyrdom of st. Paul ap. |
In your prayers and beneficence
remember this Institute of the Missions
From Pius X up to Pius XI
Moved by the Holy Spirit, these last three Popes did their best to advance always the evangelisation of the infidels. Although they are pressed by the troubles of the whole world, they put this matter of the missions at the top of their apostolic ministry.
Infact while Pius X was talking to a missionary Bishop towards the end of his pontificate, he confided and showed him his opinion that he was thinking to care more for the missions in the future. He could not fulfill this holy wish himself for God pleased to take him with him. But as we know and as we can see the opinion of the holy Pius X was fulfilled and is being fulfilled by the Popes who came after him.
Benedict XV set clearly the state of the whole question by that famous encyclical letter of the 30th November 1919 " Maximum illud" which rightly earned him the title Pope of the Missions. He extracted and liberated ( the question) from the spirit of nationalism and gave it the proper slant of the spirit of the holy church: a universal spirit, a catholic spirit, according to the law of charity which Jesus Christ came to teach all men. In fact we see how he left written in the letter we mentioned.
"The precept to help our neighbour binds us in a stronger manner when the need of this neighbour is also greater. Now which type of people is it fitting to help as brothers if not these infidels who have not yet recognized God? People chained by their strong passions which remove the light of reason and keep them in the harsh bondage of the devil!
"So all those who do their best to save these poor souls by helping the work of the Missionaries, would be fulfilling a duty of the greatest importance and declaring their gratitude to God for the faith they received in that manner which pleases Him most."
And later he continues to say," The Law of charity deserves much more holy obedience when we should succour not only hunger or some other misery befalling the multitude of men but much more and above all else we should think to liberate such a great number of souls from the proud slavery of the devil to give them the liberty of the children of God!".
The holy understanding which Pius X received from the Holy Spirit passed to Benedict XV. There is no one who does not know that not only it is so but that this holy understanding passed on to this Pope who is today governing the church of Jesus Christ. To understand the work of this Pope in favour of the missions it is enough to mention the vatican missionary exposition in the gardens of his palace. It placed our generous brothers who toil for the faith of Jesus Christ and give their life for a most holy Apostolate under the gaze of the whole world. At the same time it lit the flame of zeal, of fervour, of enthusiasm in everybody's heart especially the pilgrims of the Holy Year to work and endeavour for the redemption of their idolatrous brothers.
Therefore this is where Pius X's idea arrived at Pius XI He moved the whole world of believers in favour of the whole world infidels. This thought conceived in the mind of Pius X by the Holy spirit is already bearing abundant fruit. We always feel more grateful towards God because amid the other graces, it received also this grace: that of being born under the influence of Pius X's benediction. This Pope who worked miracles both during his life-time as well as at his death, makes up hope that one day his benediction will also lead it to the field of evangelic harvest.
Month dedicated to the Precious Blood of O.L.J.C.
"O Lord increase the favour and
bless the work of the missionaries
Pope Benedict XV
1 |
Thursday |
The Holy Blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Friday |
Visitation of the V.M. to Saint Elisabeth |
Last quarter at 3 and 2 m in the afternoon |
3 |
Saturday |
saint Eleoborius bishop |
4 |
Sunday |
sixth after Pentecost |
5 |
Monday |
st.Anthony Mary Zaccharia |
6 |
Tuesday |
saint Isaiah prophet |
7 |
Wednesday |
s.Cyril and Methodius bishops martyrs |
8 |
Thursday |
saint Elisabeth queen of Portugal |
9 |
Friday |
saint Veronica Jiuliana cappuchine |
10 |
Saturday |
saint Felicity and her seven children martyrs |
New moon at 1 and 6 m at night. |
11 |
Sunday |
seventh after Pentecost |
12 |
Monday |
saint John Gualbert abbot |
13 |
Tuesday |
saint Anacletus pope martyr |
14 |
Wednesday |
saint Bonaventure doctor of the church |
15 |
Thursday |
saint Henry I emperor |
16 |
Friday |
Comm. Blessed V. Mary of Carmel |
17 |
Saturday |
saint Alex confessor |
18 |
Sunday |
eighth after Pentecost |
First quarter at 4 and 55m in the morning |
19 |
Monday |
saint Vincent de Paule confessor |
20 |
Tuesday |
saint Jerome Emiliani |
21 |
Wednesday |
saint Daniel prophet |
22 |
Thursday |
saint Mary Magdalene |
23 |
Friday |
saint Apollinaire bishop martyr |
24 |
Saturday |
saint Chalcedonius martyr |
25 |
Sunday |
ninth- saint James apostle martyr |
Full Moon at 4 and 55m in the morning |
26 |
Monday |
saint Anne mother of the Virgin Mary |
27 |
Tuesday |
saint Pantaleone bishop |
28 |
Wednesday |
ss.Nazzarus and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Thursday |
saint Mary virgin sister of Mary Magdalene |
30 |
Friday |
saint Liborius bishop and confessor |
31 |
Saturday |
saint Ignatius from Loyola Founder of the Jesuits |
Last Quarter at 9 and 25m at night |
First day of Our Lady's Quindicina at the Chapel of the Institute
Month of the Assumption
"Keep in your mind the
words of God you hear by your ears
S.Gregory Pope
1 |
Sunday |
Tenth after Pentecost |
2 |
Monday |
st.Alphonsus M. de Liguori bishop and doctor - (Our Lady of the Angels- Portiucula |
3 |
Tuesday |
Finding of the body of s.Stephen first martyr |
4 |
Wednesday |
st.Dominic patriarch (Found of Preachers) |
5 |
Thursday |
B.V.M. of the Snows |
6 |
Friday |
The Transfiguration |
7 |
Saturday |
st.Cajetan conf. from Tieni. Found. of Teatines |
8 |
Sunday |
eleventh after Pentecost |
New Moon at 3 and 49m in the afternoon |
9 |
Monday |
saint Aristarcus bishop disciple of st.Paul |
10 |
Tuesday |
saint Laurence levite mart. |
11 |
Wednesday |
saint Tiburtius and saint Susanna martyrs |
12 |
Thursday |
s.Clare from Assisi Found.of the Clares |
13 |
Friday |
saint Hipollitus and Cassianus martyrs |
First Day of Triduum to Our Blessed Mother, Mary Assumed into Heaven in the Chapel of the Institute. |
14 |
Saturday |
s.Eusebius c.- st.Alfred vigil fasting and abst |
15 |
Sunday |
twelfth - Assumption of O.L. into Heaven |
Feast of the Assumption in the chapel of the Institute |
16 |
Monday |
s.Joachim father of the V.M. |
First Quarter at 6 and 39m in the evening |
17 |
Tuesday |
saint Hyacinths confessor |
18 |
Wednesday |
saint Helen empress |
19 |
Thursday |
saint Ludwig bishop martyr |
20 |
Friday |
s.Filibert abbot- st.Bernard doctor |
21 |
Saturday |
saint Joan Frances widow |
22 |
Sunday |
thirteenth after Pentecost |
23 |
Monday |
saint Philip Benizi confessor |
Full Moon at 2 and 38m in the afternoon. |
24 |
Tuesday |
st.Bartolomeo ap. mart. |
25 |
Wednesday |
saint Lugvig king of France |
26 |
Thursday |
saint Zephyrinus pope martyr |
27 |
Friday |
saint Joseph Calasanctius |
28 |
Saturday |
saint Augustine Found. of Frairs Hermits |
29 |
Sunday |
fourteenth after Pentecost |
30 |
Monday |
saint Rose from Lima virgin |
Last Quarter at 6 and 40 m in the morning. |
31 |
Tuesday |
saint Raymond Nonnatus confessor. |
The Guardian Angel
The existence of the guardian angel is a christian belief dispersed throughout the church; even the fathers admit this. There is no christian who does not learn this doctrine at his mother's feet. Therefore here we will not speak about the existence of this angel but we will say something about the graces and favours we receive from him.
From the guardian angel we receive an infinite number of favours. In the first place the guardian angel protects us from many a danger, both spiritual and corporal, from birth to death. During our life he keeps us away from sin and from the evil attractions of this deceptive world which allures us towards wrong doing. He defends us from the assaults of the devil when he wants us to commit sin. Then, if by mishap we fall, he does whatever is possible to compel us to convert and perform penance for our sins. He carries our good works and prayers in front of God's throne. Finally the last favour he does for is to assist us at the moment of death against the enemy. In this way we die in God's grace and would be able to partake of the heavenly bliss which he enjoys in heaven. At such a terrible moment he does all in his power so that he won't let us be condemned; so that we won't despair, he gives us light and strengthens us in faith and induces us to repent and obtain for us true contrition for our sins. Many events which happened prove this. Here we will mention one which occurred to an irish parish priest.
One cold wintry night this parish priest was saying to himself, " Thank God I have been ordained a priest for twenty years and up to this point I have fulfilled the vow I made to God, that is I won't voluntarily leave a soul placed under my care die without the sacraments. I am very happy to remember that one cold night I had to walk nine miles although I had a terrible cold; then I found that the sick woman for whom I was called had nothing but a tooth-ache, warming herself by the fireside.
"At first I nearly lost my patience; then I calmed down my anger by the beautiful though which passed through my mind; I told her that once I came from such a distance she should profit by my visit and confess. Suddenly on the morrow this sick woman went to God. What a grace she received that she managed to confess before dying? Yes I do rejoice that up to now not one of my sheep appeared before the Divine judge without being prepared."
While the parish priest was thinking this, he heard three gentle knocks on the window-pane. At the same time he heard a voice saying." Father you are called for in the countryside; three miles away there is a woman, dying". The parish-priest runs towards the window and opens it and says Wait! and goes to open the door. But, to his astonishment he saw no one; he looks around and finds the garden door closed and no sign of people on the snow. He thought that it was his fantasy and therefore he went again in the room. He heard again the same voice saying the same words as before.
No doubt someone is calling me said the parish-priest. But who can she be, this woman dying three miles away in the countryside. The zealous parish-priest knew all nooks and crannies; in that place there was nothing but a small house occupied by a protestant woman. But the call was sure and urgent; so he took with him the Holy Viaticum and the Oil of (Extreme) Unction and went to where he was called.
Really on a poor bed in this room there was a lass dying, assisted by an old woman.
This lady came from a noble protestant family but since she became christian, her father ill treated her and sent her away. The poor girl came to this place of the Parish priest to look for work. But as she was prudent girl and she did not want to expose herself to the dangers of the city, she went to live with this old woman who lived in this countryside. She earned some money from the firewood she sold in the city.
That night the poor girl had a grave attack; she had no strength except to say," My guardian angel, send me a priest." The old woman could not understand and though she was delterious; she saw the parish priest going in and at the same time the sick girl told him full of joy," Oh father I know that my guardian Angel brought you here because I have been praying to him for a long time.
Since the ill woman was in a very grave condition, the parish priest was quick to give her God's instruments and just as he finished the last prayers of the dying, the sick woman looked heaven wards and gave her soul to God. The parish priest returned home thinking of those words of the psalms," He placed you under his angel's care so that they protect you in all your ways." Angelis suis mandavit da te, ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis."
Now, while we saw how many favours we receive from this angel, it is also fitting to say something how we can in some way be grateful towards this angel for the favours we receive from him.
To be thankful towards this angel we should always behave ourselves modestly, certain that we are in the presence of this angel. We should respect him alot whereever were are and everywhere. We should not do in front of him what we do not do in front of others. But, as Saint Bernard tells us, we should respect him and be obedient towards this angel; we should pay great attention to our internal inspirations and actuate the good thoughts he gives us.
Month dedicated to Mary Our M.H. Mother
" All men are sons of God and heirs of heaven".
1 |
Wednesday |
saint Giles abbot |
2 |
Thursday |
saint Stephen king of Hungary |
3 |
Friday |
saint Serapia virgin and martyr |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Rose of Lima Carmelite virgin |
5 |
Sunday |
fifteenth after Pentecost |
6 |
Monday |
Blessed Catherine from Racconigi dom. tertiary |
7 |
Tuesday |
Remembrance of the 1565 Victory National F. |
New Moon at 7 and 45m in the morning. |
8 |
Wednesday |
birth of the V.M. |
9 |
Thursday |
saint Leonzius martyr |
10 |
Friday |
saint Nicholas from Tolentino |
11 |
Saturday |
saint Pratus and saint Hyacintus martyrs |
12 |
Sunday |
sixteenth- Our Lady of Graces |
13 |
Monday |
st.Eulogius Patriarch of Antioch |
14 |
Tuesday |
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. |
15 |
Wednesday |
The 7 Sorrows of V.M. Emb. D. fasting and abst |
First quarter at 6 and 27m in the morning |
16 |
Thursday |
st.Cornelius pope- st.Ciprian bishop |
17 |
Friday |
The Stigmata of St.Francis of Assisi Emb. D. fast and abst. |
18 |
Saturday |
st.Joseph from Copertino Emb. D. fast and abst. |
19 |
Sunday |
17 After Pentecost |
20 |
Monday |
saint Eustace martyr |
21 |
Tuesday |
saint Matthew ap and evangelist |
Full moon at 9 and 10 m in the evening. |
22 |
Wednesday |
saint Thomas from Villanova bishop |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Linus pope martyr. |
24 |
Friday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Saturday |
saint Mary from Gervellione |
26 |
Sunday |
Dedication of the Churches of Malta |
27 |
Monday |
ss.Gosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Tuesday |
saint Wenceslaus duke of Bohemia |
Last quarter at 7 and 48m in the evening. |
29 |
Wednesday |
Dedication of Saint Michael Archangel. |
30 |
Thursday |
saint Jerome conf. and doct. |
Read the prayer of Pope Benedict XV on the cover. Pray fervently for Missionary vocation according the teaching of our Lord," Pray the Lord of harvest to send workers in his field". Therefore make an intention that your daily prayer includes also Missionary Vocations.
The Month of the Rosary.
" The word of God is food for the mind"
St.Gregory Pope
1 |
Friday |
saint Remigius bishop of Reims |
First Day of Novena to St.Paul in the Chapel of the Institute. |
2 |
Saturday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Sunday |
nineteenth after Pentecost |
4 |
Monday |
saint Francis of Assisi Found. of the Fran |
5 |
Tuesday |
saint Placidus martyr |
6 |
Wednesday |
saint Brunone confessor |
New Moon at thirteen twelve at night |
7 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of the Rosary. |
8 |
Friday |
Consecration of the Cath. Church in Malta |
9 |
Saturday |
saint Dennis. |
10 |
Sunday |
twentieth after Pentecost |
Feast of the Ap. Saint Paul O. Fath in the Chapel of the institute |
11 |
Monday |
Consecration of the Cath. in Gozo |
12 |
Tuesday |
Our Lady of the Pillar |
13 |
Wednesday |
saint Edward king of England |
14 |
Thursday |
saint Callistus pope martyr |
First Quarter at 4 and 28m in the afternoon. |
15 |
Friday |
st.Teresa of Jesus Found. of the Teresians |
16 |
Saturday |
saint Ludwig Bertrand |
17 |
Sunday |
twenty first after Pentecost |
18 |
Monday |
saint Luke evangelist |
19 |
Tuesday |
saint Peter of Alcantara confessor |
20 |
Wednesday |
saint John Canctius confessor. |
21 |
Thursday |
saint Ursola and her companions m. Min. Pat of Gozo. |
Full Moon at 7 and 15m in the morning. |
22 |
Friday |
saint Mary Salome |
23 |
Saturday |
The Holy Redeemer |
24 |
Sunday |
twenty Second-st.Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Monday |
ss. Crispinus and Crispinaianus Pat. of Shoemakers |
26 |
Tuesday |
saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Wednesday |
saint Sabina virgin martyr |
28 |
Thursday |
saint Simon and Jude Thaddeus apostles mart. |
Last Quarter at 3 minutes to One in the evening. |
29 |
Friday |
saint Ermelinda virgin |
30 |
Saturday |
saint Germanus bishop |
31 |
Sunday |
twenty Third after Pentecost |
The Missionary Field
---v ---
In this year which is just over, everybody's eyes and attention were attracted towards the City of Rome, the Seat of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Pope. Nearly one and a half million christians left their homes to go to the Eternal City and furnish their soul with the spiritual wealth resulting from the Indulgence of the Jubilee. But not only this because they all paid a visit, without exception, to the Missionary Exposition in the gardens of the Pope's Palace. So everybody's look and attention were attracted towards the missionary Field where the faith of Jesus Christ is being disseminated among those millions upon millions of people who are still in the darkness of idolatry.
Since Our Lord Jesus Christ the Divine missionary founded the Church before his ascension into Heaven and sent the first twelve Missionaries, the holy Apostles and told them " go teach all people," the conversion of pagans has never been in such large numbers as in this century of ours.
Always faithful to the command of the Divine Master, The Vicar of Christ, the Pope is in fact continually sending everywhere, from one end of the world to the other, Bishops and priests, with the help of so many new means of communication. And the Missionaries are working everywhere: planting and gathering, praying and suffering and dying. Some die without being known by anybody. Others under the instruments of torture. But all of them at their place of combat and the Blessed Host of Sacrifice is offered from one end of the world to the other.
But sadly we must say how few in number and how really few are helped. If we start counting, we think at first that the numbers are large. We find in fact that in the mission field there are 382 seats of bishops, Vicariates, prefectures and missions. 32,500 missionaries: priests, religious and sisters of every type of Congregation. But what is all this ? What is this deprivation of all these thousands of followers of the Jesus of Nazareth? The state of things on the mission field always saddens the heart of the christian who considers it. Above all this state of things saddens the heart of the Priest, minister and ambassador of Jesus Christ. He must continue his divine mission of understanding and teaching others the meaning of words of the Pater noster, " Adveniat Regnum Tuum", your kingdom come.
From the numbers which we will mention, everybody will be able to see the Truth we mentioned. On the earth's surface there are 1700 million people. 304 millions are Catholics. 157 million are Scismatics. 212 million are Protestants. 15 million are Jews . In all 688 million people who to some degree or other know and adore the true God.
On the other side there are 227 million mohamedans, 510 million bhuddists and confucians, 205 million brahmin and 70 million fetishists. In all they count 1012 million people who, poor creatures do not know, do not adore, do not love the true God.
Now when we set side by side the number of those who received the faith by the strivings and suffering of so many missionaries for 1900 years against the large number of idolators, we find that very little has been done compared to what could have been done up to now, compared to what remains to be done. And if we ask ourselves why has not the faith been disseminated more, probably we would have to answer and say that those who had the gift of faith probably did not think enough for their idolatrous brothers. Let us therefore, all of us, look today at the Mission Field . There the majority of men is still entombed in the darkness of death; it is awaiting help from us, the light of God, the gift of faith. If we cannot give our work because we have not been called for it, if we cannot give temporal wealth because we lack it, let us at least not leave undone what we can do, that is, pray. Let us therefore pray for the Missionaries. Let us pray for the Institutes of the Missions. God sends down His blessing on us and he won't not pay us also. And we, on our part we will have the Satisfaction of fulfilling our duty also on the mission Field.
The Missionary affair is everybody's business.
A little youth who was a chimney sweeper was full of enthusiasm after he heard a conference on the the missions. Although in his pocket he only had enough money to buy some food, he put four pence in the bag. A day later, one of his friends saw him well washed and clean, well dressed and hurrying with a certain unusual graveness. Where are you going- he asked him.
- I am going to a Missions’ meeting. You?.. why are you going there?
- What do you mean?! Why are you saying that? I am going because now I have joined the missionary enterprise and I want to see how things are going. And truly the little chimney sweeper was right. Because to interest oneself in the matter one need not but pray, or give something, pray and give, compels others to give and compels others to pray. Because the matter of the missions concerns everybody. In fact Our Lord Jesus Christ was addressing all of us when he said the following words, " I have other sheep which are not of this fold and it is necessary that I gather these also to hear my voice and so there will be one shepherd" St. John. 10.16, he was recommending and entrusting us with the souls of those who are still in the darkness of paganism.
Let us reflect well on these words and if we have not joined the affair of the Missions, Let us join quickly. At least we will walk with the little chimney sweeper; otherwise we shall lag behind him.
- your kingdom come -
catholics 304 million
scismatics - 157 million
Protestants - 212 million
jews 15 million
mohamedans- 227 million
pagans -785 million
There are 1,700,000,000 people
Everysquare represents a million souls
We find our duty towards our idolatrous brothers taught us by divine authority itself" Love one another". How are we to love one another? Jesus himself teaches us with his own words," As I have loved you, so you must love one another". Jesus' love for us is a model of that love which we must have for others. When we say " the others" we do not understand to say only our relatives, our subjects, and neither ( do we mean) all the baptised of the world. But we also mean and understand also all the pagans, all the idolators. For Jesus loved them as much as he loved us and he suffered and died that terrible death on the Holy Rood for all of us.
All Souls' Month
"The love Our lord Jesus Christ
taught us, embraces the whole world
1 |
Monday |
All Saints |
2 |
Tuesday |
All Souls' Day |
3 |
Wednesday |
saint Hubert bishop |
4 |
Thursday |
saint Charles Borromeo archbishop of Milan |
5 |
Friday |
The Holy Relics of the Diocese of Malta. |
New moon at 4 and 34m. in the afternoon. |
6 |
Saturday |
saint Leonard abbot |
7 |
Sunday |
Twentyfourth after Pentecost |
8 |
Monday |
saint Gattifred |
9 |
Tuesday |
Consec. of st. John in the Lateran. |
10 |
Wednesday |
saint Andrew Avellino |
11 |
Thursday |
saint Martin bishop of Tours |
12 |
Friday |
saint Martin I pope martyr |
13 |
Saturday |
saint Dedacus confessor |
First quarter at 1 and 1m at night. |
14 |
Sunday |
twentyfifth after Pentecost |
Te Deum of the canonical erection in the chapel of the Institute |
15 |
Monday |
saint Gertrude virgin |
16 |
Tuesday |
saint Edmund bishop of Canterbury |
17 |
Wednesday |
saint Gregory Taumaturge, bishop |
18 |
Thursday |
Consec. of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul in Rome. |
19 |
Friday |
saint Elisabeth queen of Hungary. |
Full Moon at 9 and 21m in the evening. |
20 |
Saturday |
saint Felix de Valois |
21 |
Sunday |
twentysixth after Pentecost |
22 |
Monday |
saint Cecilia v. and m. Patroness of Bandplayers |
23 |
Tuesday |
saint Clement I pope martyr |
24 |
Wednesday |
saint John of the cross |
25 |
Thursday |
s.Catherine virgin and martyr |
26 |
Friday |
saint Silvester abbot |
27 |
Saturday |
saint Basil |
Last Quarter at 9 and 15.m in the morning |
28 |
Sunday |
First of Advent Sol. Cel of marriage Prohibited |
29 |
Monday |
saint Saturinunus bishop of Toulouse |
30 |
Tuesday |
saint Andrew apostle martyr |
What is the work of the Propagation of the Faith? It is the Pope's handitself, open before all the faithful to collect everybody's prayer and penny. Then it will distribute wisely and with a father's heart on the infinite field of the Missions, according to the need of every one of them.
1 |
Wednesday |
saint Eligius bishop |
2 |
Thursday |
saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
3 |
Friday |
st.Francis Xavier ap. of the Indies |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Barbara virgin and martyr |
5 |
Sunday |
second of Advent |
New moon at 8 and 12m in the morning. |
6 |
Monday |
saint Nicholas of Bari bishop |
7 |
Tuesday |
saint Ambrose bishop |
8 |
Wednesday |
The Imm. Conception of the V.M. |
9 |
Thursday |
saint Leocadia virgin |
10 |
Friday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Saturday |
saint Damasus I pope |
12 |
Sunday |
third of Advent |
First Quarter at 8 and 47m in the morning. |
13 |
Monday |
saint Lucy Syracusan virgin and martyr |
14 |
Tuesday |
saint Spiridione bishop of Cyprus |
15 |
Wednesday |
saint Catherine Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
16 |
Thursday |
saint Eusebius bishop martyr |
(Beginning of the novena to the Child Jesus in the Chapel of the Institute) |
17 |
Friday |
saint Ivo advocate Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
18 |
Saturday |
The expectation of the V.M. Emb. D. fasting and abst. |
19 |
Sunday |
fourth of Advent |
Full Moon at 8 and 8m in the morning. |
20 |
Monday |
saint Tolomeus martyr |
21 |
Tuesday |
saint Thomas apostle martyr |
22 |
Wednesday |
st.Ginesius martyr |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Victoria virgin and martyr |
24 |
Friday |
saint Adele abbess Fasting and abstinence |
25 |
Saturday |
Birth of O.L.J.C. Christmas |
Christmas Function at mid-night in the Chapel of the Institute |
26 |
Sunday |
saint Stephen first m.- Celebration of marriages permissible |
27 |
Monday |
saint John ap. and evangelist |
Last quarter at 6 and 59m in the morning. |
28 |
Tuesday |
The holy innocents martyrs |
29 |
Wednesday |
s.Mrophimus bishop disc.and companions of st.Paul |
30 |
Thursday |
saint Eugenius bishop |
31 |
Friday |
saint Sylvester pope martyr |
Te Deum sung as thanksgiving at the end of Year in the Chapel of the Institute.
For Missionary Vocations
The Ascribed in the missionary Union of the Clergy "Held the religious Missionary week in Rome. Among the most important matters they treated the necessity and the duty to stand by Missionary vocations.
Here follows what was deliberated upon
1. Once it is God who calls for the Priestly state and for the religious state;
2. Once God most probably uses human means to reveal his will, and among the most ordinary means is that of the living word and the guidance which the priest gives;
It is proposed:
a) The clergy especially those responsible for the care of souls are to be informed about possibilities open for the good of the Apostolate.
b) One is to talk about the life of the missionary as the most beautiful vocation.
c) One is to favour and cultivate the beginnings of vocation which start appearing in children;
d) Aspirants for the life of the Apostolate are to be encouraged by levelling the way so that they can achieve their aim. They should be helped to overcome the obstructions of the family and placed in communication with some missionary institute.
The work of the propagation of the Faith is a very catholic work, meaning universal. It is under the immediate direction of the Pope who instituted it again under a new mould. Its seat is in Rome and is united to the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith. It serves the same Apostolic see by gathering the donations of the Faithful throughout the world and distributing them among all the Catholic Missions.
oremus pro defunctis nostris
requiem aeternam dona eis, domine. et lux
perpetua luceat eis. requiescant in
pace- amen.
In our Almanac we had to announce with great sadness the death of BISHOP FRA GIOVANNI M. CAMILLERI of the Order of Saint Augustine. After an eighty two year long life spent totally working for God's glory and for the benefit of souls, he rests in peace in the convent of the friars of Saint Augustine at Rabat, Imdina, on the 7th December, at 10.45 at night last year.
We , cannot not talk about this illustrious prelate without failing in a grave duty of gratitude towards Him.
Bishop Camilleri can be counted among our greatest benefactors Our missionary enterprise was so dear to him and he enjoyed taking towards our small work. He never lost an occasion to help us whenever it was possible for him and to show his attraction towards us. A few years ago some of us were in Gozo for their holidays. They were very lucky to talk to him at Saint Augustine's Convent. There is no need to say that he received them gently. His words were words of edification and instruction at the same time. He encouraged them greatly to advance in their wonderful vocation and expressed his wish to see developing this Congregation erected solely to attract always more souls towards Jesus’ bosom.
Rightly therefore our heart feels the loss of Bishop Camilleri who is no longer with us. Still in our mind his image remains ever sweet. The respect of the whole Congregation goes down together with him to the grave while we ask the prize of the just for Him from God.