Tipografia Casa San Giuseppe- Hamrun-Malta.
oremus pro
benefactoribu nostrisretribuere dignare, domine, omnibos, nobis
bona facientibus propter nomen tuum, vitam
- amen
DONATIONS- His Excellency Rev. Msgr MAURO CARUANA, O.S.B., Archbishop of Malta £14 for the rent of the increase of the new house- Rev Fr.FORTUNATO DEBONO, Ap. Miss £1. Rev Fr. MICHAEL BORG, Parish priest of St.Paul's Maltese parish of Detroit Michigan U.S.A.$2 - His Excellency Rev Msgr GEORGE CARUANA, bishop of Porto Rico $50 - Rev & Hon Fr.CARMELO BUGELLI Senator of Malta £1- Mr. GIO BATTA ATTARD £1 - Through Friar L.GRECH S.J.£2- Legate of Miss MARY ZAMMIT £100- Mr.GAETANO AQUILINA - with the obligation of a mass for the soul of Mr.VINCENZO AQUILINA £5 - Rev. Fr.GEORGE BUGEJA £3 - Rev. Fr. ANG. COPERSTONE £3-2-6.
Almanac for the year 1923
--------------- @ ----------------
Moveable Feasts
1. Settuagesima Sunday- 28th January
2. Ash Wednesday - 14th February
3. Easter Sunday- 1st April
4. Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven- 10th May
5. Pentecost- 20th May
6. Corpus Christi -31st May
7. The Sacred Sacred Heart of Jesus- 8th June
8. First Sunday of Advent -2nd December
Feasts of Oblidation
1. All Sundays 8. Corpus Christi -31st May
2. The Circumcision-1st January 9. S.John Bap.-24th June
3. Epiphany- 6th January 10.S.Peter and Paul-29th June
*4. Conv.of St.Paul-25th Jan 11. Assumption of Our Lady-15th August
*5. St.Paul's Shipwreck-19th February 12.All Saints-1st NOv.
6. St.Joseph-19th March 13.Imm.Conception-8th December
7. Ascension of Jesus into heaven-10th May 14.Christmas-25th December
Ember Days
1. Spring 21st,23rd,24th February 3. Autumm 19th,21st,22nd September
2. Summer 23rd,25th,26th May 4. Winter 19th,21st,22nd December
Days of Fasting
Lent and Ember Days Assumption of Our Lady Vigil-14th August
Pentecost Vigil -19th May All Saints Vigil-31st October
Christmas Vigil 24th December.
Days of Abstinence
Meat is prohibited on the vigils referred to above, on Ember Days, on Ash Wednesday, on all Fridays during the year and on Saturdays during Lent. On all other days during lent one may eat meat only once although there is the obligation to fast. Fasting and Abstinence, however, end on Easter Saturday at noon.
On Feasts of obligation(which do not follow lent) which occur on days of Fast or on Fridays, there is no obligation to fast or to abstain from meat.
When the solemn celebration of marriage is prohibited
From the first Sunday of Advent, 2nd December to Christmas, 25th December; and from Ash Wednesday, 14th February to easter 1st April, both days inclusive.
* These are feasts of Obligation only in Malta
Words of introduction
By nature man is religious. In fact, there is no country, city or people, where religion is not present also. We read in history that sacrifices were offerred God from the beginning: So we find about Abel and Cain and many others. This religious sentiment was no less present in the maltese nation. It was a very strong feeling and it is still visible to day.
Religion was that which always adorned and elevated this nation Religion was this nations special mark St. John Chris. infact in an Homily on advent of St.Paul in Malta, says that the people on the island had a strong idea of God that God's everywhere and that his providence extends on everybody and is visible in everything.
When in fact this people saw St.Paul bitten by an adder, which sprang out of the fire they said to each other that that man was a sinner and after being saved from drowning, the gods wanted to kill him because of his sins. From these words we realize what idea this people had about God, how right they were in their thoughts about his justice. When St.Paul spoke to them to give them the light of faith, then that nation accepted with great joy the christian faith which took roots so well on our island that up to our days it has always been strong; so it will remain in the future by St.Paul's help.
As we can see, the maltese nation is so much imbued with this spirit that it carries this same spirit wherever it goes. In truth, in which ever part of the world there are the maltese people, there you find in them the religions spirit which is outstanding all their works. A case in point is the feast which the Maltese held with great solemnity in April 1922, in honour of their father Saint Paul. There they demonstrated that they are true children of this Great Apostle and that, like him they are able to acknowledge their faith in front of everybody. We can also mention the maltese of Detroit. Although they have not been there for a long time, they are preparing to build a nice church which will be a living witness of their love for holy religion.
We can also mention the religions spirit of the maltese in Egypt. In his speech as a representative of the Maltese colony in Egypt, Mr.Ugo Abela Hyzler, first showed his love and the others love towards Malta and things related. Then he added,"...far from our country we also retain immaculate our holy Religion, the true, the great Religion of God given us by Paul..." This was in October last year.
Let us now ask God to keep lighted in our minds this light of our holy Religion amidst so many difficulties in which we find ourselves. Let us ask him to raise always new soldiers in this institute. By his help, these soldiers dedicate themselves for the work of the Gospel not only to keep this Spirit in their brothers but also to increase this spirit of the holy religion of the Nazarene in their brothers.
"From this Apostolic centre of the fold of Christ we extend our look and our heart on those many souls who either because they do not recognise Christ and his redemption, or because they do not follow his teaching in everything, or because they do not hold completely the unity necessary, are still outside the fold although they are called and destined for it by God.The Vicar of the Divine Shepherd cannot but repeat and make his own the word that with zealous simplicity demonstrates the eagerness of the divine wish, "et illias portet me adducere" ( and it is necessary that I gather them). And he cannot but rejoice by the sweet prohecy by which the Divine Heart was so happy, "et vocem meeam audiant et fiat unum ovile et unus pastor"( and they will listen my voice and there will be one fold and one shepherd".)
(Taken from the first Encyclical of Pope Pius XI "Ubi Arcano Dei")
Month dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus
" Seek first the Kingdom of God"
MATT.VI. 33,
NO. |
@ 1 |
Monday |
2 |
Tuesday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
3 |
Wednesday |
Saint Auterius pope m. |
Full Moon at 4 33a.m. |
4 |
Thursday |
saint Rigobertus confessor |
5 |
Friday |
saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
@ 6 |
Saturday |
@ 7 |
Sunday |
I after Epiphany- The Holy Family J.M.J. |
8 |
Monday |
saint Severinus bishop |
9 |
Tuesday |
saint Vitalis martyr |
10 |
Wednesday |
saint William arch. of Bourges |
(last Quarter 2.45 p.m) |
11 |
Thursday |
saint Iginus pope martyr |
12 |
Friday |
saint Probus bishop |
13 |
Saturday |
saint Flavius bishop |
@ 14 |
Sunday |
II after Epiphany- Saint Hilary bishop and doctor |
15 |
Monday |
saint Paul first hermit |
16 |
Tuesday |
saint Marcel pope martyr |
17 |
Wednesday |
saint Anthony abbot |
(New Moon at 4 and 11 a.m) |
18 |
Thursday |
The Chair of St.Peter in Rome |
19 |
Friday |
saint Marius and his companions martyrs |
20 |
Saturday |
saints Fabian and Sebastian bishops |
@ 21 |
Sunday |
III after Epiphany- St. Publius M. first bishop of Malta. |
22 |
Monday |
saints Vincent and Anastasius martyrs |
First day of Triduum of S. Paul in the chapel of the institute |
23 |
Tuesday |
saint Raymond of Pennafort confessor |
24 |
Wednesday |
saint Timothy bishop martyr |
= 25 |
Thursday |
(First Quarter at 5.59 in the morning) |
Feast in the chapel of Institute |
26 |
Friday |
saint Polycarp bishop martyr |
27 |
Saturday |
saint John Chrysostom bishop and doctor |
@ 28 |
Sunday |
settuagesima -saint Anges Virgin and martyr |
29 |
Monday |
saint Francis of Sales |
30 |
Tuesday |
saint Martina Virg. martyr |
31 |
Wednesday |
saint Peter Nolasco confessor |
"Pope Pius XI and the Missions "
______ @ ______
The immortal pope Benedict XV was alight with a great love towards holy mission. In fact he was called the Pope of the missions. If love in this pope was great, we can say no less for his successor to the chair of St.Peter, Pope Pius XI. Although we are still in the beginning of his reign, we are however seeing his love extending on the works of the missions. To prove this we can mention something of what he did on the feast of the third centenary of the Propaganda congregation, held in Rome last year the month of June.
The Pope was graceful enough to solemnize this circumstance by means of a pontifical. The homily he delivered about the mission will long be remembered; it will remain like a document of great importance and it renews in us the missionary spirit. This is in fact the way he spoke,"... the splendid mission of christian apostolate now makes us feel more unworthy the Vicar of Jesus Christ who shed his blood for souls, we now feel more profoundly within our heats, the call to be everybody's's father. So by God's help, whatever is left for work and for life, we give to strengthen so many souls who are still waiting him.
May the world thus listen to our call, may everybody come to help souls redeemed by Christ; souls which are now still being lost in errors and in barbarism... if even one soul is lost because of our procrastination, for our lack of generosity, if even one missionary must stop because he lacks those aids which in the past we might have denied him, then that is another responsibility about which we did not think enough during our life.... For the faith which we received from God, let us enlist to give faith to other souls. For the treasures of grace by which God filled us, let us join with all our strengths to carry these treasures as far away as possible, for the greatest number of God's creatures. This is what the Vicar of Jesus Christ asks from you today from all his children. That is why from this height He does not lose heart to ask everybody to help himself".
As a further proof we can mention the speech the Pope delivered to the Delegates of the Missionary Union in the same circumstance of the third centenary we mentioned. The Pope started speaking about the magnitude of the missions and showed how beautiful is the work of those who dedicate themselves for this work. He mentioned the harsh and continuous fight between life and death, present in the mission. He said that in many countries where so much good can be done, death is winning and error goes in instead of truth. There are the Pope's own words: What a misfortune it was and it still is to see of many countries ready for the harvest and so much good can be done and at times with so much ease, yet one must cease working; there one sees death being sown and error walks over truth... so many millions of souls are lost! how sad it is to see the calculations of the whole matter which showsus that after so many centuries after Redemption, so many souls have not yet recognised the Gospel's light. During all these centuries there was so much work, there were so many lives, so much sweat and blood were shed on a land where truth is at war against error."
The Pope continued speaking and expressed his great wish that we help missionaries as much as possible. He then showered praises on all the members of the Missionary Union and wished that this would be erected in every discese and even in every parish so that zeal and missionary work always increase.
Finally the Pope gave Apostolic Benediction to all those who were present. This was intended as a seal of the work which they had begun and as a starting point for greater graces from God.
It was said that during this speech the Pope stopped twice; he was so moved. His voice trembled and there were tears in his eyes. Is this not a big sign of that love with which his heart is kindled? Oh! yes. The Pope's heart could not but be hurt deeply when he saw in front of him, the Father of the whole world, so many peoples who unto this day are still walking in the way of death. Yes, the Pope had to cry! He, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of all the souls. May his tears be a sign of love and a pledge of never ending progress for us and for all the missions.
Month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul Ap.
"He who has faith is the lord of the world"
st. joseph from copertino
NO. |
1 |
Thursday |
saint Ignatius bishop and conf. (Full moon at 5.33 m.p.m) |
2 |
Friday |
Purification of the Virgin Mary |
(Feast in the Chapel of the Institute) |
3 |
Saturday |
saint Blaise bishop martyr |
@ 4 |
Sunday |
Sexagesima- Saint Andrew Corsini bishop martyr |
5 |
Monday |
saint Agatha V.M. (sec. patron of Malta) |
6 |
Tuesday |
saint Titus bishop |
7 |
Wednesday |
saint Romaldus abbot |
8 |
Thursday |
saint John of Matha (Last quarter at 11.15 at night) |
9 |
Friday |
saint Cyrill bishop of Alexandria |
10 |
Saturday |
saint Scholastica virgin |
@ 11 |
Sunday |
Qunquagesima- The apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes |
12 |
Monday |
The 7 Founders servants of the V.M. Carnival |
13 |
Tuesday |
saint Catherine of Ricci virgin |
14 |
Wednesday |
Ash Wednesday (Marriage prohibited) Latt |
15 |
Thursday |
ss. Faustinus and Jiovita m. (New Moon at 9.7 p.m) |
16 |
Friday |
saint Quesimus bishop |
(First day of Triduum of St.Paul in the chapel of the Institute) |
17 |
Saturday |
saint Flavianus bishop of Constantinople |
@ 18 |
Sunday |
I of lent- saint Simon bishop of Jerusalem. |
@ 19 |
Monday |
20 |
Tuesday |
saint Nemesius and his companions martyrs |
21 |
Wednesday |
saint Eucherius bishop Orleans (Ember days Latt) |
22 |
Thursday |
Chair of S.Peter Ap. in Antioch |
23 |
Friday |
saint Peter Damiani bishop of Ostia (Ember days Latt) |
24 |
Saturday |
saint Matthias ap. (Ember days) (First quarter at2.6.a.m) |
@ 25 |
Sunday |
II of Lent -saint Margaret from Cortona |
26 |
Monday |
saint Alexander Conf. |
27 |
Tuesday |
saint Leonard bishop Seville |
28 |
Wednesday |
saints Romanus and Lupicianus martyrs |
This year the feast of the shipwreck of S.Paul Ap will be held on the 19th of this month.
"The Bishops encourage us "
The great unity which exists in the church instituted by Jesus Christ is undoubtedly a really wonderful thing. In fact if we look at the whole world, what do we see? We see all the christians united together with their priests in adoration and love. We see also the priests of every diocese who are one thing with their bishop. Finally we see all the bishops who with great respect fulfill whatever continue the bishop of Rome, the Pope, says. In fact Pope Benedict XV. had not yet promulgated his really wonderful encyclical letter on the missions to the world, that we had already satisfied our sentiments of catholics when we saw 11b bishops stand as if they were one man. They started to help the missionary works by that zeal conceived in them by the Holy Spirit. The letter sprang from the Pope's heart of a real father.
From all this distinguished greatness let us now mention our Institute. It was hardly being born that again we must show our gratitude toward our beloved bishop Msgr D. Mauro Caruana. He wanted to adorn so well our work by new proofs of love and courage. We must also show our gratitude toward that man who was his companion in the missionary work in the islands of the Philippines, Msgr Bishop of Porto Rico. He was not happy with his donation to the Institute , he also showed us his great wish to work more for the advancement of this Institute. In fact word reached us that in his speeches to the seminarians of America he never lost occasion to mention Malta and its small Institute for foreign missions. From the depth of our heart we would like to show him that we will remember always the great love he showed us. Since last year we had the possibility of speaking about this prelate who often distinguishes himself, we are sure that this year it would be a pleasure to our reader's to reproduce here his image.
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
" Go to Joseph"
Gen.xii 55.
NO. |
1 |
Thursday |
saint Albinus bishop and confessor |
2 |
Friday |
saint Simplicius pope |
3 |
Saturday |
saint Cunegundes empress |
Full Moon at 5.23am Partial eclipse of the moon |
@ 4 |
Sunday |
III of Lent- saint Adrian martyr |
5 |
Monday |
saint John Joseph of the cross |
6 |
Tuesday |
saint Coleta |
7 |
Wednesday |
saint Thomas Aquinas doctor |
8 |
Thursday |
saint John of God |
9 |
Friday |
saint Frances of Rome Last Quarter at 8.31p.m |
10 |
Saturday |
The forty saints martyrs of Sebaste |
11 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent- Saint Benedict bishop |
@ 12 |
Monday |
saint Gregory the Great I pope |
13 |
Tuesday |
saints Hilary and Antonius martyrs |
14 |
Wednesday |
saint Matildis queen |
15 |
Thursday |
saint Zechariah pope |
16 |
Friday |
saint Cyriacus martyr |
(First day of Triduum of S.Joseph in the Chapel of the Institute) |
17 |
Saturday |
saint Patrick bishop of Ireland |
New Moon at 2.51 in the after noon Eclipse of the Moon |
@ 18 |
Sunday |
Passion- St. Cyrill bishop of Jerusalem |
@ 19 |
Monday |
The great Patriarch Saint Joseph Spouse of the |
B.V.M. and Patron of the Universal Church |
20 |
Tuesday |
St. Pelagius martyr |
21 |
Wednesday |
saint Benedict abbot |
22 |
Thursday |
saint Catherine widow |
23 |
Friday |
The seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary |
24 |
Saturday |
saint Gabriel Archangel |
@ 25 |
Sunday |
Palm Sunday First Quarter at 6.41pm |
26 |
Monday | Holy Week |
27 |
Tuesday | Holy Week |
28 |
Wednesday |
29 |
Thursday |
30 |
Friday |
31 |
Saturday |
HOLY SATURDAY (Fasting ends at noon) |
The Pope and the Bishop
help the Corfu' mission
A Church will be built for the Maltese in Corfu'. There they will perform better their duties as true christians. For that reason, our Archbishop had ordered a collection to be held in all the churches of Malta for the building of this Church. Since the time of Bishop Pietro Pace, the Maltese colony in Corfu' received help. Now, a short time ago, they received other help from their Maltese companions so that they will be able to erect their church in Corfu'.
The Pope showed great joy when he heard about the help the Maltese on the Island gave to their comrades in Corfu' for such a beautiful aim. In fact he went also to have his share in the building of this church. For this reason he donated 4000 Italian Lire to the bishop of that place as we can see in the letter here printed in our maltese tongue. It was sent to the Bishop of Malta by Mons. Brindisi Archbishop of Corfu'
Catholic Archbishopric of
Corfu', Zante and Cefalonia
NO.116/922 Corfu',27th June 1922
Your Reverend Excellency
I had hardly arrived in my diocese yesterday that I had the joy of finding there your ven. letter of the 6th instant. Enclosed there was the cheque worth 25-9-8 pounds sterling, the yield of the collection which your Excellency held for the church which will be built for the new maltese parish. I would like to thank again your Rev. Excellency. for all your future help. We ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to whom the new church will be dedicated, to translate himself our gratitude toward all and each one of our benefactors in spiritual and temporal favours.
Lately, while in Rome I showed the Pope my small work and the fruits we gathered from it and what we hope for the future. I did not refrain from saying how much the Archidiocse of Malta did from the time of Msgr. Pace of of Sacred memory for this maltese colony and the solicitude your Excellency showed for our needs. The Pope was very pleased by what I was telling him and he wanted to give some money voluntarily for the building of our small church. For this aim he gave me 4000 Italian Lire. The Sacred Congr. of Propaganda promised us also that it wanted to help us. Thus we can hope that it won't be long when we see our wished fulfilled. Meanwhile we are sure that the generous hearted benefactors will continue to think of us and so God will be glorified, the souls will benefit and the abundance of merits foreternity increases.
While renewing my sense of deepest gratitude toward you, I ask you to thank your kind hearted diocese and I am pleased to avow myself with great veneration of
Your Rev E.
Your Humble and devouted
Brother in Christ
To H. E. Rev.
Msgr. Mauro Caruana O.S.B.
Archbishop bishop of Malta
The maltese parliament
Consecrated to the Heart of Jesus
on the 10th of February 1922.
Month dedicated to the risen Christ.
To him who loves God with a strong
love nothing is impossible
st. theresa
NO. |
+1 |
Sunday |
EASTER (Full Moon at 3.9 m in the afternoon) |
2 |
Monday |
Easter M.(solemn celebration of marriages permitted) |
3 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
4 |
Wednesday |
saint Isodorus bishop and doctor |
5 |
Thursday |
saint Eileen martyr |
6 |
Friday |
saint Perpetua mar |
7 |
Saturday |
saint Elvira virg. |
+8 |
Sunday |
I after Easter (Last Quarter at 7.22 in the morning) |
9 |
Monday |
Annunciation of Our Lady |
10 |
Tuesday |
saint Ezechiel prophet |
11 |
Wednesday |
saint Leo I pope |
12 |
Thursday |
st. Julius pope |
13 |
Friday |
saint Hermenigild martyr |
14 |
Saturday |
saints Tiburtius and saint Palerianus martyrs |
+15 |
Sunday |
II after Easter |
16 |
Monday |
saint Callistus and Carcius m. (New Moon at 8.28 a.m.) |
17 |
Tuesday |
saint Julia virgin |
18 |
Wednesday |
Solemnity of the feast of St. Joseph |
19 |
Thursday |
saint Leo IX pope |
(First day of triduum to St. Joseph in the chapel of the Institute) |
20 |
Friday |
saint Marcianus confessor |
21 |
Saturday |
saint Anselm bishop and doctor |
+22 |
Sunday |
III after Easter-saints Soterius and Caius popes martyrs |
(Feast of Saint Joseph petron of the Universal Church in the Chapel of the Institute) |
First Quarter at 7.20m in the morning |
23 |
Monday |
saint George martyr |
24 |
Tuesday |
saint Fideles from Sigmaringen |
25 |
Wednesday |
saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Thursday |
Ss. Cletus and Marcellinus popes martyrs |
27 |
Friday |
B.V.M. of the Good Council - X Anniv. of Euch. Cong. in Malta |
28 |
Saturday |
saint Paul of the Cross |
+29 |
Sunday |
IV after Easter- saint Peter martyr |
30 |
Monday |
St.Catherine of Siena |
(In the Chapel of the Institute, beginning of the month of May in honour of Mary Our lessed Mother) |
When it is fitting to make the sign of the cross
---------- o ----------
1. When we wake up in the morning, so as to consecrate ourselves completely to God, together with our actions during the day
2. In the evening before we go to bed, to rest in peace, protected by this extremely powerful weapon.
3. Before and after our prayer, so that it would be better accepted by God, and therefore it will be answered more surely.
4. Before and after a meal, so that the food would be a help for us without doing us any harm.
5. During temptation, so that we will have the strength to overcome them.
6. Amidst dangers, so that we may be delivered.
7. When we come across a crucifix or a church, so as to show that we love Jesus Christ , that we accept him as Our Lord.
8. In the beginning of any important action, so that it would be blessed by God.
It is said that a painter had this nice habit to cross himself before beginning his work. One day he made the sign of the cross before starting to draw a painting he had to do; a painting which represented something objectionable. As he started to paint, he felt at once that it is ugly to do bad things and start performing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . So at this though his hand could not do that bad thing and he left the scandalous work he had to do.
From this we learn that it is such a wonderful thing to make the sign of the cross as we have said. Who knows how many mishaps and faults we avoid every time we cross ourselves.
Good works
------------ @ ------------
Holy DOCTRINE teaches us that there are works of mercy and that these are fourteen. We find such a wonderful teaching in them; and on the day of judgement Jesus Christ will judge us on it.
Among these acts of mercy there is one which is most beautiful and it surpasses them all, that is, " teaching those who do not know". Many are those in this world who perform this office and among these we find also those who teach the gospel of Christ to those who have not yet recognised him, that is the Missionaries.
Undoubtedly this work of mercy is much more esteemed than all the others, because the gospel brings in them the salvation of the soul. The soul is the nicest and the most precious possession that man has-you certainly feel your heart fill with joy when, as true christians, children of Our Holy Mother Church when you see men of so great bravery who go to far away countries without bothering about suffering. In far away countries they spend their life proclaiming the Gospel and giving God so many souls- Inside you, you feel sprouting like a wish to partake in the expansion of the christian teaching. But this grace comes from God and he does not give it to everybody. So, although maybe this grace was not given to you, you may still fulfill your wish very well- How? The method is very simple and it does not involve great sufferings, that is by helping, according to one's means these generous people who sacrifice so much for the love of others.
Although the work of these followers of Jesus Christ is wonderful, yours is no less beautiful. I dare say that in a way yours surpasses the acts of the missionary because how can he do good in the souls without your help?
All the time and everywhere the missionary needs your help. Although he is still in his country during formation, he already needs your generous help.
Remember that the good the missionary does might also depend on this. Therefore if you help the missionary always and everywhere, he will also do good in souls always and everywhere; but if, on the contrary you halt your aids, he will have to stop from his work.
Finally remember that if you partake with the missionary during this life, you will also one day hear with him those sweet words of Jesus," Come, blessed by my father for I lacked teaching and you taught me."
Month dedicated to Mary Our Blessed Lady
" Bear each other's defects and so you will
be performing the law of Jesus Christ".
NO |
1 |
Tuesday |
ss.Philip and James ap. martyrs |
2 |
Wednesday |
saint Anastasius bishop and doctor |
3 |
Thursday |
The Feast of the Holy Cross. |
4 |
Friday |
saint Monica widow |
5 |
Saturday |
saint Pius I dominican pope |
+6 |
Sunday |
V after Easter. st.John Damascene conf. and doct. |
7 |
Monday |
St.Stanislaus bishop- (Last Quarter at 8.18 in the evening) |
8 |
Tuesday |
The Apparition of S. Michael Archang.Our Lady of Pompei |
(The Supplica of Our Lady of Pompei will held at noon in the chapel of the institute) |
9 |
Wednesday |
saint Gregory of Nazianzen pope |
+10 |
Thursday |
11 |
Friday |
saint Memertus bishop of Vienna |
12 |
Saturday |
saint Philip of Aggira |
13 |
Sunday |
Between the Ascension Octave |
14 |
Monday |
saint Boniface martyr |
15 |
Tuesday |
st.John Bapt. de la Salle - New moon at midnight and 38 min. |
16 |
Wednesday |
saint John Nepomicenus martyr |
17 |
Thursday |
saint Paschal Baylon confessor |
18 |
Friday |
saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Saturday |
saint Peter Celestinus pope martyr |
+20 |
Sunday |
21 |
Monday |
Pentecost. |
22 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost. |
23 |
Wednesday |
s. Simon stock Carm - First Quarter at 4.24 m in the afternoon |
24 |
Thursday |
B.V. Auxilium Christianorum |
25 |
Friday |
saint Gregory VII pope |
26 |
Saturday |
saint Philip Neri confessor |
+27 |
Sunday |
I after Pentecost- Holy Trinity |
28 |
Monday |
saint Oiskof bishop of Canterbury |
29 |
Tuesday |
saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi |
30 |
Wednesday |
S.Fleix pope m - Full Moon at 7.7m in the morning |
+31 |
Thursday |
(Beginning of the month of the sacred Heart of Jesus in the chapel of the institute) |
The Mellieha Sanctuary
From the first days when our father Saint Paul taught us Maltese the Christian faith, they have venerated and respected Mary most blessed. The Parishes which we have and which we had under her title prove this. But since the Lord wanted His Mother to be more exalted by graces related both to the soul and to the body to those who call her help in certain places, he wanted also that there be in Malta certain places where she is more exalted. These special places are the Sanctuaries. One amongst these is certainly the Mellieha Sanctuary. Under the title " Madonna tal- Mellieha" ("Our Lady of Mellieha") it has been adorned with so many great graces given by the Lord through his mother; this renders the mentioned Sanctuary no less than the others.
It is said that this Madonna was depicted by Saint Luke in a cave, around the year 58 after Christ. then Saint Paul changed this grotto into a small oratory where the Maltese who lived at that time shared their troubles with her. This Oratory expanded gradually until we see the sanctuary there is today. This Madonna must have wiped away many tears, although she is in such a distant village. However who knows how many people went and are still visiting her to receive a grace or go to fulfil some vow they made? From her throne the Madonna looks at us gently and full of mercy; She invites us with these words. " the more you visit me, the more I will give you graces".
So, dear reader, when you are sad or troubled, do not ever forget that on your native soil you have an image of the Madonna at the Mellieha Sanctuary; this image is precious and miraculous . Go and behave like our forefathers, kneel down in front of this image so dear to us; open your heart to her. As surely as a kind Mother she will continue fulfilling her promise," the more you visit me, the more graces I will grant you".
There are some devotees of the Madonna tal-Mellieha who wanted to honour her by distributing her Image, story and also some prayeror a beautiful kurunella and the like. One amongst these devotees is surely the present parish priest Don Carlo Cortis M.A., D.D. He deigned show his love towards this Madonna no less than the others by composing among existing prayers this really nice kurunella, apart from writing the beautiful book entitled " Il Santuario e la Madonna tal Mellieha".
praises and prayers
madonna tal-mellieha
Venerated in Her Sanctuary
Written by the Parish Priest CARLO CORTIS, D.D.M.A.
Dear Lady venerated at Mellieha You are the consolation of good people,
Mother of Christ most kind, You are the light of the doubtful
Look at us from your Grotto You move sinners to repentance
Prostrate on the ground,infront of you. You are the life of human beings
God's hand has adorned You Malta and Gozo have venerated
Here with power and greatest Rich and poor; adults and children.
honour/ So that He who ever Even the foreigner has praised you
calls on you - You help at once. in this holy Cave.
O rich door of Heaven, Here kings have knelt,
He who merely looks at your face Priests with their Bishops;
Feels great joy welling in his heart They have prayed and You listened
And a new hope is conccived in him. Oh Queen of heaven
The walls of this holy Church From heaven You bring us freedom.
Are covered with silver and gold. In every calamity, in every slavery.
They show at once how kind you are. May you help us
You distribute graces to people. that the cross shines always on Malta.
You are the victorious Mother of We honour and glorify You
the King from whom mercy came Oh great God, now and for ever.
through your prayers from him You who wanted us to honour.
All bounty came, from time, immemorial. Our Lady with Her Child.
He who asks you finds relief Deliver us from the deception of
In danger,in sickness, in sadness Our enemy, protect us always
From every peril You have always so that, together with your mother
Delivered your children and brought joy. We come to heaven, near you.
His Excellency Rev.Msgr Dom Mauro Caruana O.S.B. Bishop of Malta, gives 100 days of indulgence to the person who says this prayer. By a decree of the 1st of October 1919.
Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Come to me all of you who are troubled
and burdened and I will give you rest"
matt. xi.28
NO. |
1 |
Friday |
saint Gioventius martyr |
2 |
Saturday |
saint Marcellinus and his companions, martyrs |
3 |
Sunday |
II after Pentecost |
@ 4 |
Monday |
saint Francis Caracciolo |
5 |
Tuesday |
saint Boniface bishop martyr |
6 |
Wednesday |
St. Robert bishop |
Last quarter at 6.50m in the evening |
7 |
Thursday |
saint Prospero martyr |
8 |
Friday |
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |
9 |
Saturday |
saints Primus and Felicianus martyrs |
10 |
Sunday |
III after Pentecost. |
@ 11 |
Monday |
saint Barnabas apostle |
12 |
Tuesday |
saint John of saint Facondus |
13 |
Wednesday |
saint Anthony from Padua |
14 |
Thursday |
saint Basil bishop |
New Moon at 3.57 m in the morning |
@ 15 |
Friday |
saint Votus and his companions martyrs |
16 |
Saturday |
saint Luigarde virgin |
17 |
Sunday |
IV after pentecost |
@ 18 |
Monday |
saint Ephrem deacon |
19 |
Tuesday |
saint Juliana Falconieri |
20 |
Wednesday |
saint Silverius pope martyr |
21 |
Thursday |
s.Aloysius Gonzaga |
First Quarter at 1.15 m in the evening |
22 |
Friday |
saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Saturday |
The Vigil of Saint John |
@ 24 |
Sunday |
V after Pentecost- The Birth of S. John Bapt. |
25 |
Monday |
saint William abbot |
26 |
Tuesday |
saints John and Paul martyrs |
27 |
Wednesday |
saint Ladislaus king of Hungary |
28 |
Thursday |
S. Leo II pope |
Full Moon at 10.21 in the evening |
@ 29 |
Friday |
30 |
Saturday |
Memorial of the Martyrdom of Saint Paul apostle |
ricordo della festa di san paolo a tunisi
casa san giuseppe malta
14 maggio 1922
Saint Paul's Feast in Tunis
Since the aim of Our Institute is the foreign missions and they will probably try to serve the maltese living abroad, we think that our readers will be pleased if we give some brief information about the feast of Saint Paul held in tunis by the maltese who live there. In this way they can see how dear to them is this native feast and how profound is their love towards this Apostle, their father.
The Feast which our brothers in Tunis held will remain memorable for ever. They treated the matter in the most serious manner. For this feast the best people in the colony formeda committee. Their zeal and work for this occasion resutted in a wise invitation to Msgr Bishop Portelli, Vic. Gen. of the diocese of Malta, five Monsignors of the Cathedral who were G. Dean De Piro, L. Attard, L. Farrigia L. Camilleri and G. Ganci. The learned and renown preacher Padre Clemente Portelli O.P., and Rev. Joseph Camilleri Xuereb second master of ceremonies were invited also.
The Bishop and his companions arrived safe and sound in the beautiful port of Tunis abroad the ship TAURUS. The cordial greeting awaiting them cancelled all memories of rough weather, which troubled them especially during the night. In fact, they saw on the quy the Msgr. Raul ,Vic Gen of Msgr Lemaitre, Archbishop Primete of Africa, came to greet them, together with many other members of the clergy and committee of the feast. In the name of all the people gathered there, Fr. Joseph Buhagiar on the same ship read a beautiful address. Then Msgr Portelli returned the greetings with words expressing no less love. Moments later in Mister Licari's motors, Msgr Portelli and his companions passed though the throngs of Maltese who were on the quay and found themselves on the " Hotel do France". There, cared for an in comfort, they spent their days in Tunis.
This feast was prepared for by a triduum of sermons and other devotions in the four churches that are there. In this way everybody could hear the word of God. P.Clement Portelli O.P. preached in the Cathedral, Msgr Farrugia preached in the church of the Holy Cross, Msgr Farrugia preached in the church of the Rosary and Msgr Ganie preached in the church of the sacred Heart. These preachers did their best to do their duty during these three days and in the two days following they travelled to the Institutes of the Fieres and Sisters and in other Parishes where they said Mass, preached, confessed people and distributed Holy Communion. The word of God gave fruit abundantly in those souls strong in faith, so they prepared themselves in a befitting way this memorable feast.
All the maltese took part in the functions on the eve of the feast and on the feast day. We can start by mentioning its entry at six in the evening. Here the people gathered early to enjoy the function. So much so that at the beginning of the translation it was a pleasure to see the beautiful Tunis Cathedral full of people most of them Maltese. A greater pleasure was to see Msgr Portelli performing the Translation with the Archbishop Primate in front of him , monsigneurs and fretermties Everything increased everybody's pleasure that all went well: the ceremony, the multitude of people, the embellishment of the Cathedral, the beauty of the Music.
Here it is worth mentioning the participation in the Holy Eucharist. Archbishop Lemaitre said the mass of the general communion. So many received from the angel's table that the archbishop become tired distributing Holy Communion. Two curate Canons of the Cathedral above mentioned had to help him. The Pontifical mass was really solemn. Everybody was pleased especially for the sweet music and the Gregorian Chant of the Missa Regia. As soon as the Pontifical Mass ended, they went processionally from the main door of the Cathedral to the chapel of the Archbishop's palace, traversed the main street of Tunis Jules Ferry, and returned to the Palace where the Pontifical function had started.
The afternoon function was no less of a success. As usual, people gathered early in the church. The crowd was so numerous that at the beginning of the function the Bishops together with the fraternities,cledrgy and chapter could hardly pass to begin the solemn vespers: There were thousands of maltese, men, women, young and old alike, all gathered in that large Cathedral. AT the end of vespers, P. Clemeate Portelli O.P. delivered the Panegiyric in honour of S.Paul our father with all oratoric elegance.
After this, the function continued by singing the 'Te Deum' and the "Tantum Ergo". Msgr Portelli's words addressed to the Congregation were really beautiful and on fire with charity towards God and neighbour. The people gathered there were adorned with the most beautiful feelings of Jesus christ's Religion. There is no doubt that Msgr Portelli's words strengthened and confirmed greatly the faithon Jesus Christ and his teaching and devotion towards the Apostle St. Paul. Its salutary effects will remain in the souls for many years to comes so the ceremony came to an end with Trine sacramental Benediction. After the sweet singing of St.Paul's Hymn, Archbishop Msgr Lemaitre and Msgr Bishop Ortelli reciprocated publicly each other's respects, thanks and homages in front of the committee and many other notable persons of the colony, among everybody's applauses and tears, which such an occasion could inspere now that the moment of separation was very close. Even this was a moment to be remembered.
We do not expect that what we have written exhausts what happened during this mission although before finishing we cannot but praise all the maltese of this colony for this wonderful act of faith and respect toward Religion and especially the Committee Members who worked hard and strove for this feast. As a souvenir we are, publishing the photographic group in this almanac. This photograph was taken inthose days remembered by everybody's souls.
Month dedicated to the Precious Blood of O.L.J.C.
If the Lord is served, every
suffering will be small
NO. |
@ 1 |
Sunday |
VI after Pentecost- The Holy Blood of O.L.J.C. |
2 |
Monday |
Visitation of the Y.M. to saint Elisabeth |
3 |
Tuesday |
saint Leone II pope |
4 |
Wednesday |
saint Ulderic bishop |
5 |
Thursday |
saint Anthony, Maria Zaccharia |
6 |
Friday |
Oct. of the App St.Peter and St.Paul - Last quarter at 7.30 in the Evening |
7 |
Saturday |
saints Cyrill and Methodius bishops |
@ 8 |
Sunday |
VII after Pentecost |
9 |
Monday |
saint Veronica Juliana coppuchine |
10 |
Tuesday |
The Seven brothers martyrs |
11 |
Wednesday |
saint Pius I pope |
12 |
Thursday |
saint John Gvalbert abbot |
13 |
Friday |
S. Anacletus pope m. - New Moon at in the morning |
14 |
Saturday |
saint Bonaventure cardinal and doctor |
@ 15 |
Sunday |
VIII after Pentecost |
16 |
Monday |
Our lady of Mount Carmel |
17 |
Tuesday |
saint Alex confessor |
18 |
Wednesday |
saint Camillus de Lellis |
19 |
Thursday |
saint Vincent de Paul conf. |
20 |
Friday |
st.Jerome Emiliani conf. |
21 |
Saturday |
saint Prassede V. - First Quarter at 1.54m in the morning |
@ 22 |
Sunday |
IX after Pentecost |
23 |
Monday |
saint Apollinaires bishop |
24 |
Tuesday |
saint Calcedonius martyr |
25 |
Wednesday |
saint James apostle martyr |
26 |
Thursday |
saint Anne mother of the Virgin Mary |
27 |
Friday |
saint Pantaleone martyr |
28 |
Saturday |
ss.Nazarus and Celsus m - Full Moon at 11.15 m in the morning. |
@ 29 |
Sunday |
X after pentecost |
30 |
Monday |
ss. Abdon and Sennen martyrs |
31 |
Tuesday |
saint Ignatius from Loyola. |
The death of pope benedict xv
Last year in January we sadly received the news of the death of the beloved Shepherd of the Catholic Church, Pope BENEDICT XV Everybody felt and cried the loss of this father of all christians and benefactor of Humanity.
The seven years which Pope Benedict XV Spent on St.Peter's chair were years of toil and turmoil. In this sea of woe he behaved as a true father towards everybody. So much so that eh was praised by the enemies of religion for his love and charity.
If everybody felt pity and cried for the loss of athis Head of the Catholic Church, the missions cried for him and pitied him no less and with very good reason especially when everybody lost courage for the loss of so many missionaries, for the deficiency of so many necessary means for their existence. Listen to the words with which he encouraged and comforted the missionaries in their sorrows " Never lose heart", he told them, " be sure to overcome always; the church is with you! You need help? Do not bother, the Bishops will send you other missionaries. And for the missionary they send, God will send them others too, to work with them in their fields. You lack money?... do not be afraid! I will remind christians of their duty to help you: and the christians will not leave you to combat poverty while you consume your strength to proclaim truth to the souls asleep in the darkness of death. You need God's help?... the Apostolate of prayer, grants you from God the strength of soul to manage the work-load for which you presented yourselves for God's love".
Are not these probably the most beautiful and the best words which the Pope could pour on the hearts of the Gospel workers to comfort them in their sorrow during such trying times, for the terrible consequences left on them by the great war.
The love this Pope has for the missions forced him to erect so many works in their favour. Apostolic Delegation, about twenty new dioceses, twenty nine Vicariates, eight Prefecture; He sent a visitor to visit China and Siberia. He greeted Bishops who visited him from the missions with great love and with words of consolation. He helped them as much as he could by his own money and by other means. He also sought first-hand information from them and asked them how they did in their work.
Therefore, for so many works and for so much love for the Mission of this Pope Benedict XV, everybody should recognise Him as the Pope of Mercy and of the Missions!
The Month of Mary Assumed into Heaven
Remember the last things in
your acts and you will never sin.
NO. |
1 |
Wednesday |
saint Peter Ap. in Chains |
2 |
Thursday |
saint Alphonsus Maria de Lignori |
3 |
Friday |
When the Corpse of Saint Stephen the first martyr, was found |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Dominic - Last Quarter at 7.16 in the evening |
@ 5 |
Sunday |
XI after Pentecost |
6 |
Monday |
The Transfiguration |
7 |
Tuesday |
saint Cajetan conf. from Thieni and S.Albert |
8 |
Wednesday |
ss.Cyriacus, Largus and Smaragdus |
9 |
Thursday |
saint Aristarcus bishop |
10 |
Friday |
saint Laurence Levite |
11 |
Saturday |
saint Tiburtius and Susanna martyr |
@ 12 |
Sunday |
XI after Pentecost - New Moon at 5.25m a.m. |
13 |
Monday |
saint Hippollitus and Cassianus martyrs |
14 |
Tuesday |
saint Eusebius confessor |
@ 15 |
Wednesday |
(First day of the triduum in the Chapel of the Institute in honour of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven) |
16 |
Thursday |
saint Joachim Father of the B.V.M. |
17 |
Friday |
saint Giacintus |
18 |
Saturday |
saint Helen Empress |
@ 19 |
Sunday |
XII after Pentecost - First Quarter at 2.40 .m.p.m. |
Feast of Our Lady Assumed in the Chapel of the Institute |
20 |
Monday |
saint Bernard conf. and doctor |
21 |
Tuesday |
saint Frances Fremoit de Chantal widow |
22 |
Wednesday |
Octave of Our Lady Assumed- Saint Timothy martyr |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Philip Benizi confessor |
24 |
Friday |
saint Bartolomew apostle martyr |
25 |
Saturday |
saint Ludouig kind of France |
@ 26 |
Sunday |
XIII after Pentecost - Full Moon at 11.49m in the evening |
27 |
Monday |
saint Joseph Calassanctius |
28 |
Tuesday |
saint Augustine bishop and doctor |
29 |
Wednesday |
Beheading of Saint John Baptist |
30 |
Thursday |
saint Rose from Lima |
31 |
Friday |
saint Raymond Nonnatus Confessor. |
the detroit mission
IN THE INTRODUCTION of this Almanac we had already mentioned passingly about the maltese living in Detroit. Here now we would like to say something in greater detail and see how these are really to be praised for their love toward God and all things related to Him.
It is well worth remembering the second mission which took place there on the 7th May of last year by the maltese missionary cappuchins, Friars Fulgentius and Fortunato. The maltese were very eager for this mission and it was very fruitful in them. It also increased greatly the holy zeal toward the religion so dear to them. This mission strengthened their parish and made them more one heart and one mind in Jesus Christ.
It is an honour to the maltese of Detoit that their first parish priest was chosen as a Bishop of Porto Rico as an acknowledgement of his works of zeal which he performed as a true minister of the Sanctuary. We can say no less for the parish priest who followed him in taking care of this parish. Father Michael Borg. Under his care the maltese parish advanced greatly not only in the sanctity of soul but also in the external works; here we must mention the really beautiful work to be started, that is the building of a new church where the obligations imposed by our holy religion can be fulfilled with greeter ease. This church will be the pride not only of the Maltese living in Detroit, but also the pride of their native country where they had their first instruction on the faith and took the good habit of performing so well their duty as true christians.
We thank heartily the already mentioned Fr. Michael Borg for his letter he sent us together with some temporal help: this letter encouraged us to continue to strive in the vineyard of God for the good of others. We also hope that his so beautiful wishes-which are also our wishes-will be fulfilled in the future; we wish this whole-heartdly in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Month dedicated to the birth of Mary Our Bl. Mother
God gives himself totally to those
who leave everything for his love
NO. |
1 |
Saturday |
saint Giles abbot |
2 |
Sunday |
XV after Pentecost- Our Lady of the Cincture |
3 |
Monday |
saint Seraphia V. and m. - Last quarter at 9 in the morning |
4 |
Tuesday |
saint Rose from Viterbo |
5 |
Wednesday |
saint Laurence Jiustiniani |
6 |
Thursday |
saint Theoclistus martyr |
7 |
Friday |
saint Regina virgin and martyr |
8 |
Saturday |
The Birth of the Virgin Mary |
@ 9 |
Sunday |
XVI after Pentecost |
10 |
Monday |
st.Nicholas of Tolentino - New moon at 6.12m in the evening |
11 |
Tuesday |
saints Protus and Saint Hyacinthus martyrs |
12 |
Wednesday |
The Holy name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Thursday |
saint Eulogius patriarch of Alxendria |
14 |
Friday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
15 |
Saturday |
The Seven sorrows of Mary Our Blessed Mother. |
@ 16 |
Sunday |
XVII after Pentecost |
17 |
Monday |
The Stigmata of St.Francis |
18 |
Tuesday |
st. Joseph from Copertino - First Quarter at 3.22m in the morning |
19 |
Wednesday |
saint Jannuarus bishop of Benevento |
20 |
Thursday |
saint Eustachius and his companions martyrs |
21 |
Friday |
saint Matthew ap and evangelist |
22 |
Saturday |
saint Thomas bishop of Villanova |
@ 23 |
Sunday |
XVIII after Pentecost |
24 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Tuesday |
st. Firminus bishop m. - Full Moon at 30m in the afternoon |
26 |
Wednesday |
Consecration of the Churches of Malta |
27 |
Thursday |
saints Cosma and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Friday |
saint Wenceslaus duke of Bohemia |
29 |
Saturday |
saint Michael Archangel |
@ 30 |
Sunday |
XIX after Pentecost |
"Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar".
(Matt xxii.26)
------------ @ -------------
WE READ in Saint Matthew's Gospel that once the Pharisees went to ask Jesus whether they should pay taxes to Caesar or not, thinking that they had put him in a tight corner from which there was no exit. In fact they said: If he answers yes, He loses the respect of his home people people who considered Roman rule as foreign to them and, thus he would pronounce himself a traitor of his country. If on the other hand he answered no, he would declare himself enemy of the Romans. So, however he answered , he would have to make enemies either the Jews or the King. What did Jesus do therefore?. Did he avoid answering so as not to make enemies? Oh, no! However, without bolhering how people would feel about his words, He pronounced these words which are very salutary to peoples and nations: Reddite quae snnt Caesaris Caesari, et quae sunt Dei Deo", meaning render Caesar what is Caesar's and render God what belongs to God( Matt.XII 21).
These are truly beautiful words; they teach us to respect and remain under the power that rules us.
This is sublime doctrine which, while it forces man to respect and submit to the power of this world, it also raises him because it teach than in them he is honouring God himself. We can see this from the words of Our Father Saint Paul, " Nulla potestas nisi a Deo". By these words he wanted to teach us that every power comes from God. In fact, the earthly King is nothing but an ambassador of the king of heaven , So in the letter he sent to Timothy, (I.TimII.1-2-3) Our Father S. Paul tells us that we must pray for them, because they are sent by God to lead us and to care for us not only in temporal things but also in things which lead us to eternal life.
However, Jesus was not content to teach us only by word. He wanted also to teach us by examples to respect authority. See him in fact being born in a manger to obey the vain command of the emperor. He died suspended on the cross without protesting against such a false sentence. Remember how he performed a miracle to teach us that we must be very, very careful to avoid whatever can be a bad example in this matter. In fact, after he showed that he is not obliged to pay taxes, He said these words to the Apostle Peter:" So as not to scandalise them; go to the sea, and cast the hook. Take the first fish that comes up and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel (Jewish money). Take it and give it them, for me and for you".( Matt.XVII.26).
This is the way to behave toward these who govern us: that is we should always follow the teaching and the examples of Our Divine Master. So our words and our actions should always be guided by the great principle of respect and honour towards authority. It seems that in our times this principle is put aside and forgotten, by most, if not by all.
Christian Teaching.
Prayer is the lifting up of the soul towards God to know him well, to adore him and thank him and to ask him what you need.As good children of God we must pray that in all the world his name be known and adored, his Kingdom, the Church, spreads, and that everybody fulfils has scared will; all this we ask in the first three prayers of the Our Father.
The Month of the Rosary
What does it profit a man to conquer
the whole world and then loses his soul.
NO. |
1 |
Monday |
saint Remigius bishop |
2 |
Tuesday |
The Guardian Angels - Last Quarter at 9.44 min in the evening |
3 |
Wednesday |
saint Gerard Abbot |
4 |
Thursday |
saint Francis of Assisi |
5 |
Friday |
saint Placidus and his companions martyrs |
6 |
Saturday |
saint Brunone confessor |
(First day of the novena of S.Paul in the chapel of the institute) |
@ 7 |
Sunday |
XX after Pentecost- Our Lady of the Rosary |
Feast in the chapel of the Institute |
8 |
Monday |
Consecration of the Cathedral of Malta. |
9 |
Tuesday |
saint Dionegese and his companions martyrs |
10 |
Wednesday |
st. Francis Borgia - New moon at 6.55m in the morning |
11 |
Thursday |
Consecration of the Cathedral of Gozo |
12 |
Friday |
Our Lady of the Pillar. |
13 |
Saturday |
saint Edward king and conf. |
@ 14 |
Sunday |
XXI after Pentecost- |
(Feast of Saint Paul held in the Chapel of the Institute) |
15 |
Monday |
saint Teresa of Jesus |
16 |
Tuesday |
saint Gallus abbot, app. of Switzerland |
17 |
Wednesday |
saint Hedwiges virgin - First quarter at 4.6m in the morning |
18 |
Thursday |
saint Luke evangelist |
19 |
Friday |
saint Peter of Alcantra |
20 |
Saturday |
saint John Cantius |
@ 21 |
Sunday |
XXII after Pentecost |
22 |
Monday |
saint Mellone bishop |
23 |
Tuesday |
saint Theodoretus martyr |
24 |
Wednesday |
saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Thursday |
ss. Chrysanthus and Darias m.-Full moon at 1.20m in the morning. |
26 |
Friday |
saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Saturday |
saint Frumentius bishop |
@ 28 |
Sunday |
XXIII after Pentecost |
29 |
Monday |
saint Narcisus bishop of Jerusalem |
30 |
Tuesday |
saints Marcel and Cassianus martyrs |
31 |
Wednesday |
saint Justin martyr (Vigil latt.) |
The maltese parliament
Consecrated to the Heart of Jesus
On the 10th of February 1922
The Consecration of the Maltese Parliament
to the
most sacred heart of jesus
AMONG the events in Malta, the consecration to the Sacred heart of Jesus of the Maltese Parliament on the feast of St.Paul's Shipwreck on the 10th of February last year , is a fact well worth remembering. This was a really fitting day for this solemn ceremony. It showed the whole world that the faith which that great Apostle gave us by means of his Shipwreck on our land is still existing. Not only that; but it was also confirmed and strengthened in our country.
For this ceremony which took place in St.John's Church in valletta, the members of parliament were present. They assisted the mass said there by the Bishop served by two monsignors of the Cathedral.- After mass, the most reverend Prof. Fr. Michael Gonzi, one of the Senators delivered a speech. He said that this Consecration of the parliament to the Heart of Jesus will show how deeply the Catholic Religion is embedded in the heart of the maltese people. It will also be a proof of Malta's unity with that doctrine which our first fore fathers embraced from she Apostle Paul.
In his speech he showed also how this consecration is a public witness that the Maltese parliament does not ever want to behave in a way against that Heart to which it gave itself.
After this discourse the Prime Minister, together with the others kneeling down, read , in front of the main altar the act of Consecration which the deputy Can. Bugelli wrote for this solemnity.
In this really beautiful act of consecration it was said how from its first meeting it confirmed the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Religion as the religion of Malta. Now in front of the maltese nation this same Government wants to give itself to the M.S. Heart of Jesus. This act of Consecration called upon Mary Our Bl. Mother, the Guardian Angels of Malta and Our Father the Apostle St. Paul to hand Jesus their offering. They also sought Heaven's help so that each one of them would be able to cope with his duties. And so this ceremony ended by sacramental benediction given by the bishop.
This consecration will therefore honour our country and it will be a proof to the enemies of our religion that it still holds what it has received from the Apostles of all the gentiles.
This Consecration serves also a s confirmation of our whole history. There we find that our fore fathers always strove to keep the christian religion as the only religion of their country. If we search in the pages of this history we find that they had continually many combats against the enemies of the cross of Christ. For no other reason did they shed their blood except to hold always triumphant the christian religion obove all.
This consecration to the Heart of Jesus reminds us of many other beautiful happenings which we leave out to avoid a lengthy discourse. May therefore this circumstance be written with letters of gold in our history. May it always increase the merits and glory of Malta.
Christian Teaching.
Apart from God, we also summon Our lady, the Angels and Saints because they are very dear to God and love us also and they can help us in our prayer by their powerful intercession. The angels and the saints are very powerful intercessors in front of God because they are his faithful servants. Moreover they are his most beloved friends. Our Lady is most powerful because she is the mother of God and full of grace. For this reason we often invoke her, so much more because Jesus Christ himself left her as a mother for us.
the maltese parliament
consecrated to the heart of jesus
On the 10th February 1922.
All Souls' Month
Watch, because you do not
know when your Lord comes.
NO. |
@ 1 |
Thursday |
All Saints - Last quarter at 10.30m in the evening |
2 |
Friday |
All Souls' Day |
3 |
Saturday |
saint Hubert and St. Silva |
@ 4 |
Sunday |
XXIV after Pentecost |
5 |
Monday |
Holy relics of Malta |
6 |
Tuesday |
saint Leonard Abbot |
7 |
Wednesday |
ss.Vital and Agricola |
8 |
Thursday |
All Saints' Oct - New moon at 7.40m in the evening |
9 |
Friday |
Cons.of the Basilica of the Lateran |
10 |
Saturday |
saint Andrew Avellino |
@ 11 |
Sunday |
XXV after Pentecost- Saint Martin bishop |
12 |
Monday |
saint Martin pope |
13 |
Tuesday |
saint Didacus confessor |
14 |
Wednesday |
saint Josaphat bishop martyr |
15 |
Thursday |
saint Gertrude virgin |
16 |
Friday |
saint Edmund bishop Taumaturge - First quarter at 4.50m in the morning. |
17 |
Saturday |
saint Gregory bishop |
@ 18 |
Sunday |
XXVI after Pentecost |
19 |
Monday |
saint Elisabeth widow and saint Pantaleone pope |
20 |
Tuesday |
saint Felix of Valois |
21 |
Wednesday |
Presentation of the B.V.M. in the temple |
22 |
Thursday |
saint Cecilia virgin mar. |
23 |
Friday |
st.Clement pope m. - Full moon at 2. in the evening |
24 |
Saturday |
saint John of the Cross |
@ 25 |
Sunday |
XXVI after Pentecost |
26 |
Monday |
saint Silvester abbot |
27 |
Tuesday |
saint Maximus bishop of Riegi |
28 |
Wednesday |
saint James martyr |
29 |
Thursday |
saint Saturninus bishop of Tolouse |
30 |
Friday |
S.Andrew Ap.m - Last quarter at 11.12m in the evening. |
Observe Sundays and days of obligation
----------o ----------
WE HAVE received from Friar Vittorio DeBarro of the Friars Minors in Tripoli. In May last year he sent us a card thanking us for the almanac we sent him. Together with this card he sent us a pastoral letter by Msgr: Tonizza, Apostolic Vicar in Libia. It deals with the method the christian should sanctify feast days.
This letter is very beautiful for the teaching it contains. it is very salutary for all those who know how to profit from it. So we are very pleased to repeat the contents of this letter in few words, hoping that it yields fruit in those who would like to read it.
In this letter the Bishop speaks to his children on how they are to honour Sundays. It is a really natural thing for man to have a day destined to adore and honour his God. Here he mentioned the feasts which the Jewish people celebrated on the Sabbath's day. He also mentioned the feasts which many idolator nations and without faith, for example the Indians, the Chinese, the people Japan and others, perform to their gods on some days during the year.
After finishing to talk about this very grave duty man has to sanctify the lord's day, he than started giving the reasons for which mainly the holy church changed the Sabbath of the Old Testament to Sunday from the very first days of the christian faith. These are the strongest among all the reasons: because Our lord Jesus Christ rose from death to life, he overcome death and hell and completed the redemption of the world on a Sunday. It was also a Sunday when the apostles were filled by grace and adorned in a special way by the descent of the Holy spirit on them. Finally, it was fitting that there would be some difference between the old and the new testaments, because this was not but a figure of the other.
From these reasons he goes on the speak on how Sunday is to be sanctified by showing what the christian must do and what he must not do on this day.
On the Lord's Day the christian must leave every work in which the body toils more while the mind does little or no work. However, the work which is most necessary for his life or work which causes harm if stopped, such work is not to be left out. For, as the Apostle Paul says, our adoration towards God must be according to reason.
For the christian this is not enough. On Sundays he is obliged to perform some good acts to sanctify this day. Amongst all acts, there is mentioned the principal one which is that of attending mass. The Holy Church imposed this duty on us because that first fervour which animated the early christians diminshed. So the church had to command all christians to assist at the sacrifice of the mass on Sundays and on all days of obligation.
The Bishop reminds his children that when they assist this sacrifice simply by this, they would offer the blood of jesus who overcome death and hell, Jesus who is like a source of life and resurrection to the Eternal Father. He says this so that this grace is more esteemed.
He then continued explaining how the christian is to behave during mass. That is not only physically but also with reverence. It is therefore necessary to be careful: to behave well and to be dressed fittingly. He used harsh words to admonish those men who hear mass near the church door to on all those who enter or be inquisitive leave. He spoke in the same manner of those women and young ladies who enter God's house to assist the most pure mysteries of our holy Religion dressed in away which is not fitting even for a walk or for some other worldly feast.
We will here publish the last extract of this very beautiful letter so that the christians always realize more how they should conduct themselves during this Great sacrifice " Apart from assisting mass with devotion and fittingly, one must also assist everything. This means that the good Catholic must not arrive in Church when a great part of the mass is over; and he must not go out before it has ended. Assisting mass is valid when you reach church before the Offertory (meaning when the priest uncovers the Chalice) and you stay there until after communion. But he who through negligence wants to remain only for these very important moments, not only can he not excuse himself from some fault; he would be moreover depriving himself from that spiritual good which our soul receives from all those prayers said before and after the principal parts of the mass. These prayers are also most pleasing to God because they are said by all in unity .
However, someone may say: is it always a grave sin to miss mass on feast day? No, my children; because, as I have told you many times, God asks from us worship according to reason. (The following) will therefore be free from this obligation: the sick and those who stay with them; those mothers who do not have anybody to nanny their small children, those persons who perform public duties during all morning hours, in short all those who cannot manage to go to mass, or who cannot attend without grave private or public inconvenience.
The rest of this letter is all teaching on the listening of sermons on Sundays. Here we find how necessary it is for the christian to be a good christian the listening of God's word. On this day God awaits his children to pour on them his graces, as a merciful Father.
He then ended by encouraging his children to observe always the law of God by observing the days which God chose for himself with true love.
Christian Teaching
To live according to God's heart we are to believe the truths He showed us. We have to observe the ten commandments by the help of his grace which we receive through the Sacraments and through Prayer. The truths God showed us are those assembled mainly in the Creed or Symbol of the Apostles. They are called truths of faith because we must believe them wholeheartedly as (truths) taught us by God who can neither be deceived nor can he deceive.
Man's life is but a few days.
NO. |
1 |
Saturday |
saint Eligius bishop of Noyon |
@ 2 |
Sunday |
I of Advent (Cel. of marriages prohibited) |
3 |
Monday |
saint Francis Xavier ap of the Indies |
4 |
Tuesday |
saint Peter Chrysologus and saint Barbara virgin |
5 |
Wednesday |
saint Saba Abbot |
6 |
Thursday |
saint Nicholas of Bari bishop of Myra |
@ 7 |
Friday |
saint Ambrose doctor and bishop of Milan |
8 |
Saturday |
THE IMMACULATE CONC. OF THE V.M. New moon at 8.24m in the morning |
@ 9 |
Sunday |
II of Advent |
10 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Tuesday |
saint damasus I pope |
12 |
Wednesday |
saint Valerius abbot |
13 |
Thursday |
saint Lucy virgin martyr |
14 |
Friday |
saint Viatore bishop |
15 |
Saturday |
Oct of the Conception of the V.M. |
First quarter at 5.30m in the evening. |
@ 16 |
Sunday |
III of Advent |
(First day of the Novena to the Child Jesus in the chapel of the Institute) |
17 |
Monday |
saint Olympias widow |
18 |
Tuesday |
saint Gratianus bishop of Tours |
19 |
Wednesday |
saint Delfino bishop martyr |
20 |
Thursday |
saint John Marinone |
21 |
Friday |
saint Thomas ap. martyr |
22 |
Saturday |
saint Flavianus martyr |
@ 23 |
Sunday |
IV of Advent - Full moon at 2.42m in the morning |
@ 24 |
Monday |
saint Tarsilla and Emiliane martyrs |
25 |
Tuesday |
BIRTH OF O.L.J.C. (Celebration of Marriages is allowed) |
26 |
Wednesday |
saint Stephen first martyr |
27 |
Thursday |
saint John apostle and evangelist |
28 |
Friday |
The Holy Innocents martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
saint Trophimus bishop martyr |
@ 30 |
Sunday |
st. Vitalianus pope - Last quarter at 11.50min, a.m. |
31 |
Monday |
saint Sylvester pope martyr |
Prayer to spread the Faith
Pope Benedict xv.
---------- @ ---------
Oh Jesus, still heard is the echo of the word by which you presented the lack of workers near the magnitude of the harvest. "The harvest is really great but the workers are few". Three centuries have already passed since the Apostolic see provided for the evangelisation of the infideles in a distributed and stable manner. The enthusiasm of the missionaries sent by the holy Propaganda Congregation has gathered much fruit. The blood shed by that powerful and generous man who three centuries ago was the beginning of martyrs of the same Congregation was a seed of christians. But in spite of this how many nations are still in the darkness of ignorance! How many nations are still in the darkness of death! Oh how sad it is to compare the number of those who believe to the much greater number of infideles.
While such a comparison drives us to appreciate better the wonderful light of faith which guides us in our pilgrimage on earth, it awakens in our souls the memory of those divine words: "Ask therefore the Lord of the harvest to send more workers in his harvest". Rogate ergo dominum messis ut mittat operaios in messem suam.
Lord, You are the master of the harvest in which the multitude of men is compared. We therefore ask you to increase the number of missionaries, to intensify their fervour and to bless their work so that the good seed of the divine word renders fruit abundantly , fruit which is gathered in the heavenly stores.
Receive, oh Lord this prayer! It springs from our wish to see your holy kingdom spread. Since in Our hearts more than by our lips we sigh daily," your kingdom come", give us the strength and the perseverance in intention that we offer you, that we also give ourselves in the best manner and according to the measure of our forces, to help the work of the expansion of Faith.
From the Vatican, 17th November 1921
Benedict pp. xv.
Nihil obstat Die 30 Januarii 1923 ALOIS. CAN FARRUGIA, Cens Theol
oremus pro defunctis nostris
requiem aeternam dona eis domine et lux
perpetua luceat eis requiescant in
pace.- amen.
Fr.Alf.Fsadni- Miss. Am. Anna Carmana- Mr. Carmelo Speteri The Noble Mr. Guido De Piro, M.D.,- Fr. John Vella.- M.R. Fr. Vin. Filiti, S.J. - The Noble Rev. Msgr Grazio Grima, Mr. Vincenzo Aquilina- Miss Mary Zammit Rev. Fr. George Bugeja
This Almanac is distributed free of charge but any donation to the Institute will be gladly accepted. Whoever wants to send one to his relatives or friends who are abroad, may inform us. We will do our best to serve him.
Strada San Paolo, 10-Notabile - Malta.