of the Institute of the Missions
for the year 1922
Tip. Casa San Giuseppe - Hamrun - Malta
Almanac for the year 1922
Moveable Feasts
Feasts of Obligation
1. All Sundays 8. Corpus Christi - 3rd June
2. The Circumcision 1st January 9. St.John Baptist- 24th June
3. Epiphany 6th January 10. Ss.Peter & Paul- 29th June
4. Conv. of St.Paul 25th January 11. Assumption of Our Lady-15th August
5. St.Paul's shipwreck 10th February 12. All Saints - 1st November
6. St.Joseph 19th March 13. Imm. Conception - 8th December
7. Ascension 25th May 14. Christmas - 25th December
Days of Fasting
Lent and Ember days Assumption of Our Lady -Vigil -14th August
Pentecost Vigil -3rd June All Saints' Vigil 31st October
Ember Days
1. Spring 8th,10th,11th March 3. Autumn 20th,22nd,23rd September
2. Summer 7th, 9th, 10th June 4. Winter 20th,22nd,23rd December
Days of abstinence
Meat is prohibited on the vigils referred to above, on Ember Days, on Ash Wednesday, on all Fridays during the year, and on Saterdays during lent. On all other days during lent one may eat meat only once although there is the obligation to fast. Fasting and Abstinence, however, end on Easter Saturday at noon.
On Feasts of obligation (which do not fall during lent) which occur on days of fast or on Fridays, there is no obligation to fast or to abstain from meat. So, this year there is no obligation to fast on the Christmas vigil because it falls on a Sunday.
When the Solemn celebration of marriage is prohibited
From the first Sunday of Advent, 3rd December to Christmas ,25th December, and from Ash Wednesday, 1st March to Easter, 16th April, both days inclusive.
Although MALTA is a small country, however it resembles larger countries in several things.
This holy country, the faithful daughter of her father the Apostle of the gentiles is proud of its history, courage and the heroism of its people. Yet it must be prouder still for its faith in religion which it has upheld for twenty centuries.
Last year Malta proved the power of its faith in Religion when in its first step through the new of constitution it declared that its Religion is the Catholic Apostolic Roman Religion. Apart from these, we can speak of several other stories which verify the faith of this country.
Among these it is worth mentioning the power, ability and courage of many who, as true Maltese, children of the great Apostle Paul, left their country to lead a missionary life.
Many are and were such people who performed immeasurable good in far away lands, in America, in Australia, in Asia and in Africa.
So, the erection of an Institute where missionaries are formed, missionaries who will one day be able to care for souls in other countries was a wonderful thought which compared MALTA to other larger countries.
This almanac is being published for the first time by those who are taking care of this holy work. We are publishing it not without fear, but with the hope of a warm reception from those who understand the need of this Institute and the good it can do by God's help.
We hope too that this small ALMANAC helps all its readers and the same Institute through the spiritual and temporal help they would like to give it.
Month Dedicated to The Holy Name of Jesus.
"Behold I am with you
until the end of time"
NO. |
@ 1 |
Sunday |
2 |
Monday |
The Holy Name of Jesus |
3 |
Tuesday |
saint Auterius pope confessor. |
4 |
Wednesday |
saint Rigobertus confessor. |
5 |
Thursday |
saint Telesphorus pope martyr |
@ 6 |
Friday |
7 |
Saturday |
saint Lucian martyr |
@ 8 |
Sunday |
I after Epiphany- Saint Severinus bishop |
9 |
Monday |
saint Vitale martyr |
10 |
Tuesday |
saint William archbishop of Bourges |
11 |
Wednesday |
saint Hygionus pope martyr |
12 |
Thursday |
saint Proba bishop |
13 |
Friday |
saint Flavius bishop |
14 |
Saturday |
saint Hilary bishop and doctor |
@15 |
Sunday |
II after Epiphany- St. Paul first hermit. |
16 |
Monday |
saint Marcel pope martyr |
17 |
Tuesday |
saint Anthony Abbot |
18 |
Wednesday |
The chair of St.Peter in Rome |
19 |
Thursday |
saint Canuto king of Denmark martyr |
20 |
Friday |
saints Fabian and Sebastian martyrs |
21 |
Saturday |
saint Publius martyr, first bishop of Malta. |
@22 |
Sunday |
III After Epiphany- Ss. Vincent and Anastasius Martyrs |
First day of Triduum of Saint Paul in the Chapel of the institute |
23 |
Monday |
Betrothal of the B.V.M. to St.Joseph |
24 |
Tuesday |
saint Timothy bishop martyr |
@25 |
Wednesday |
26 |
Thursday |
saint Polycarp bishop martyr |
27 |
Friday |
saint John Chrysostom bishop and doctor |
28 |
Saturday |
saint Agnes Virgin and martyr |
@ 29 |
Sunday |
IV after Epiphany- Saint Francis of Sales |
30 |
Monday |
saint Martina Virg. martyr |
31 |
Tuesday |
saint Peter Nolasco confessor |
The Letter of Pope Benedict XV
on the missions
--------- @ :: @ ---------
WITH THIS LETTER the Pope gave the Church of Jesus Christ the means to further the spreading of the Gospel. He should how all Christians can help to fulfill Christ's will expressed in the Gospel of St. Mark:" Go preach the Gospel to the people of every lineage".
Here the Pope is handing a programme. He calls, first of all, bishops and all superiors of the mission and shows them their duty and how to perform it.
In the second place he speaks to missionary priests about the method to overcome so many obstacles and perform excellent good work in the missionary field.
In the third place, he showed also how all christians can help the missionaries not only materially and through personal work, but above all through prayer. These are in fact the words of Pope Benedict XV: "The first means", with which one can help the missionary", is possible to all - it is prayer which attracts God's favour on them . We have already noted that the work of the missionary would be fruitless and in vain if not helped by God's grace. This is what St.Paul used to say about this matter: 'I planted, Apollo ewatered, but is God who gave growth"- (1.Cor 111 6). We can obtain this grace in one way only. That is the perseverance of prayer in humility and earnestness because the lord said," Anything they ask will be given them by my father".(Matt XVII 19).
There can be no doubt about this prayer being heard because the thing in hand is such a noble matter, pleasing to God.
One day Moses was on the mountain top, hands uplifted to heaven and receiving God's help for the people of Israel, while at war with Amalec. In the same way all christians should help by their prayers all those who proclaim the Gospel and sweat in the field of holy ministry. The apostolate of prayer was instituted just for this reason. We recommend it wholeheartedly to all good christians. We augur ourselves that there will be no one who does not enlist. Moreover, we hope everybody wishes to have a share in the holy apostolic work by one's zeal, if not by one's work".
This is then the way in which all christians can be missionaries. Yes, everybody, because no christian can excuse himself because he cannot pray.
We know the importance of praying God humbly, as described by the Pope. We know how easy it is to fulfill the will of our universal Father, which is the same will of God. Let us try to be true sons by being obedient. Sure of what he told us in his letter, let us promise to pray as much as possible for such a necessary venture.
Month dedicated to Our Father Saint Paul the Ap.
How wonderful are the feet
of those who proclaim peace.
NO. |
1 |
Wednesday |
saint Ignatius bishop martyr |
2 |
Thursday |
Purification of Mary,Virgin |
(Feast in the Chapel of the Institute) |
3 |
Friday |
saint Blaise bishop martyr |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Andrew Corsini bishop martyr |
@ 5 |
Sunday |
V after Epiphany- Saint Agatha V.M.Sec. Pat. of Malta |
6 |
Monday |
saint Victorius martyr |
7 |
Monday |
saint Romuald abbot |
(Beginning of Triduum of St.Paul in the Chapel of the Institute) |
8 |
Wednesday |
Ssint John of Matha |
9 |
Thursday |
saint Apollonia virgin martyr |
@0 |
Friday |
11 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of Lourdes- Saint Scholastica- virg. |
@12 |
Sunday |
settuagesima - the 7 founders of the servants of the B.V.M. |
13 |
Monday |
saint Beninius martyr |
14 |
Tuesday |
saint Valentine pope martyr |
15 |
Wednesday |
saint Faustinus martyr- Saint Raymond bishop |
16 |
Thursday |
saint Juliana virgin |
17 |
Friday |
saint Flavian bishop |
18 |
Saturday |
saint Simon bishop martyr |
@ 19 |
Sunday |
Sexagesima Sunday- S.Conrad conf. |
20 |
Monday |
saint Eulesterius bishop |
21 |
Tuesday |
saint Eleanor virgin. |
22 |
Wednesday |
Chair of St.Peter in Antioch. |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Peter Damiani bishop |
24 |
Friday |
saint Matthias ap. martyr. |
25 |
Saturday |
saint Dorothea virgin. |
@26 |
Sunday |
Quinquagesima Sunday- Saint Alexander. Carnival |
27 |
Monday |
saint Leonard bishop of Seville do. |
28 |
Tuesday |
saint Macari bishop. do. |
In the world you meet some noble-minded people who cannot bear to be thought of as being faint-hearted.
There is no need to encourage such people; for the love of suffering and great suffering for Jesus and for souls which are so precious to him forces them to long for the mission field.
But not all people are like this. You meet people who can never decide. People who like Jonah flee God's face when he calls them for an apostolic life. They defend themselves by silly excuses which reveal their fear and foolishness. These poor people are really cgood- for nothing people.
While others feel courage and enthusiasm by reading stories about the missions, these poor creatures lose heart by such reading and they make a mountain out of a molehill.
What can we say to encourage such people? We cannot tell them that the life of those who follow Jesus is an easy life full of pleasures similar to those provided by the world. Because Jesus did not say such words when he met that man lacking courage. Instead he told him, Foxes has their holes and the birds of the air have got their nests, but the son of man does not have anywhere where to lay his head".
To follow Jesus, to follow Jesus closely and to be able to continue the Mission of this Divine Master, One must prepare oneself for hard work, sacrificing oneself from many things; one must be prepared for suffering and sweat.
But courage, my brothers: My faint-hearted brothers, courage! This is not something which one cannot do , especially when we understand the strength and power we receive through prayer in any difficulty and obstacle.
Prayer gives us all we need from God; it opens the great God's infinite treasures of grace.
So we ask these people to pray and courage will not be lacking.
Month dedicated to the Patriarch Saint Joseph
He who loses his life for
love of me, finds it.
Matt XVI 25
No. |
Days |
1 |
Wednesday |
Ash Wednesday (marriage prohibited) Latt. |
2 |
Thursday |
saint Simplicius pope |
3 |
Friday |
saint Cunegundes empress Latt. |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Adrian martyr do. |
@ 5 |
Sunday |
I of Lent- Saint John Joseph of the cross. |
6 |
Monday |
saint Coleta |
7 |
Tuesday |
saint Thomas of Aquinas, doctor |
8 |
Wednesday |
saint John of God (Ember days Latt) |
9 |
Thursday |
saint Frances of Rome |
10 |
Friday |
Forty holy martyrs of Sebaste (Ember days Latt.) |
11 |
Saturday |
saint Benedict archbishop do do. |
@12 |
Sunday |
II of Lent- Saint Gregory I, pope |
13 |
Monday |
saints Hilary and Antonius, martyrs |
14 |
Tuesday |
saint Mathildis Queen |
15 |
Wednesday |
saint Zachary pope |
16 |
Thursday |
saint Cyriacus martyr |
(Beginning of triduum in honour of St.Joseph in the Chapel of the Institute) |
17 |
Friday |
saint Patrick bishop of Ireland Latt. |
18 |
Saturday |
saint Gabriel Archangel do. |
@19 |
Sunday |
III of Lent |
20 |
Monday |
saint Joseph. Spouse of the Virgin Mary |
21 |
Tuesday |
saint Benedict |
22 |
Wednesday |
saint Catherine Fischi Virgin |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Victorianus martyr |
24 |
Friday |
saint Simon martyr |
25 |
Saturday |
Annunciation of Our Lady Latt. |
@26 |
Sunday |
IV of Lent |
27 |
Monday |
saint John hermit |
28 |
Tuesday |
saint Sixtus III pope |
29 |
Wednesday |
saint Eustachius martyr |
30 |
Thursday |
saint Amadeus conf. |
31 |
Friday |
saint Benjamin martyr Latt. |
It was the nineteenth century. At that time hell raised a war against the holy church, the bride of Jesus Christ. Terrible tempests troubled Peter's boat, trying to destroy it .
The Christians, full of great fear, begged God to restrain the enemies of the church. Sure of Jesus'own words, the vicar of christ asked God ferfectly to enlighten him in guiding the church through so many difficulties. Suddenly a really wonderful thought illumined the Pope's mind. It was as if it were a ray of light! His sadness turned into joy. What was the though? Full of hope, the Pope had recourse to the Great St. Joseph and enttusiastic him with the mystical boat of Peter so that by his protection he guards it against the assaults of the enemies. For this reason on the 8th of December, 1870 St. Joseph was declared Patron of the whole church by Pope Pius IX.
Now St. Joseph is to take care of the church of Jesus Christ. Won't the Great Joseph care the more for the holy mission? A good look at the entire church will show us that the greatest obstacles lie in the mission field. So St. Joseph's care as a true patron is really special toward holy missions.
In these lands the devil raises a really fierce war so as to hinder the expansion of the word of the Gospel which destroys his kingdom. In this war against Jesus Christ's workers, the devil uses not only his cunning; he also enlists the help of the same human beings who, so to say, more than him try, by every possible means, to destroy whatever the minister of Jesus Christ did with so much hard work. If however there is so much work in the mission, neither does the love of the Great Joseph does not fall short. There he is, protecting the church from its enemies. That is why all endeavours to destroy it fail. And if they do sometimes succeed, this happens for the greater good of the church.
While the missionary is still in his own country, he already receives help from the Great Patriarch. What help won't the missionary receive when he reaches the country where he is to preach the word of God? He receives the power and courage to continue this ministry of God to fight against his enemies and win; to bear patiently the suffering and toil of the mission. The missionary receives also power in his word. His word will be mighty on that people. Finally Joseph the Great Patriarch pours great consolations in the heart of the missionary. Such consolations strengthen him to progress in his work.
Joseph's special solicitude does not extend only to the missionary, but also to the people who listen to his word.
St. Joseph enlightens their mind to realise that they live in darkness and to embrace the true light, Jesus Christ. He soften their heart so that his word is effective on them and yields fruit abundantly. St.Joseph continues to care and to help persevere all these who started on their way to salvation.
mgr. dom mauro caruana o.s.b., g.c.o.m., r.B.E.
(rirrodotto per cura dell'istituto maltese
per le missioni estere)
Month dedicated to the risen Christ resurrected
I have come to put fire on
earth; what do I want more
them it be set alight?
NO. |
1 |
Saturday |
saint Theodorus martyr- saint Hugh bishop Latt. |
+2 |
Sunday |
3 |
Monday |
saint Richard bishop |
4 |
Tuesday |
saint Isodore bishop and doctor |
5 |
Wednesday |
saint Irene martyr |
6 |
Thursday |
saint Celestine I pope |
7 |
Friday |
The Seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary Latt. |
8 |
Saturday |
saint Dioneges bishop do. |
+9 |
Sunday |
10 |
Monday | Holy Week |
11 |
Tuesday | Holy Week |
12 |
Wednesday |
Tenebrae W. |
13 |
Thursday |
14 |
Friday |
Good F. Death of O.L.J.C. |
15 |
Saturday |
Holy Saturday (fasting ends noon). |
+16 |
Sunday |
Easter |
17 |
Monday |
Easter M. ( celebration of marriages permitted) |
18 |
Tuesday |
Easter T. |
19 |
Wednesday |
saint Theodora |
20 |
Thursday |
saint Trophimus bishop |
21 |
Friday |
saint Anselm bishop and doctor |
22 |
Saturday |
saints Setorius and Caius popes martyrs |
+23 |
Sunday |
Low S.- First after Easter |
24 |
Monday |
saint Fidelis from Sigmaringen- Saint George martyr |
25 |
Tuesday |
saint Mark Evangelist |
26 |
Wednesday |
Ss. Cletus and Marcellinus popes martyrs |
27 |
Thursday |
B.V.M. of the Good Counsel- IXth Anniv.of the Euch Malta |
28 |
Friday |
saint Paul of the Cross |
29 |
Saturday |
saint Peter from Verona martyr |
+30 |
Sunday |
II- after Easter. St. Catherine of Siena |
(In the chapel of the institute, beginning of the month of May in honour of Mary our Blessed Mother. |
THIS institute of the missions has always needed lots of help, like a small babe. But it has always found help in the Bishops to whom it has been subject till the present day. However, we reserve a special esteem to our Dear Diocesan Bishop, Dom Mauro Caruana who as a true father, from the first days of his bishopric, showed a very special attention towards this institute. So much so that after a few months that he was here in Malta, this institute was honoured with one of his visits. He thus showed it his love and his wish that it progresses. He encouraged its members to advance always in their wonderful vocation.
He accepted two times, with pleasure, the superior's invitation on the occasion of the Patron's feast, Saint Paul the Apostle. Although the feast in chapel is held on a very small scale, he showed his appreciation in the words he said in his homely speech, in front of all those present.
This institute was visited by its dear Pastor many other times; such visits always brought God's blessing on it. We feel bound to mention the last one of such visits. That was on the 26th of April last year. In that year, Msgr. Alfred Mifsud, a canon of the Cathedral, died. The institute had to move house (the house it had before was donated to the sisters of St.Dorothy.) The Institute moved to another house, where it is at present. The superior wished the bishop to bless the new house. The bishop was pleased with this invitation and wanted to come for this same function. On that occasion he wanted also to say mass in the chapel and ordain two members.
After the function he was gentle enough to be entertained by all these who were present for the occasion.
We are moved by so much attention and care. The institute seizes this opportunity to show sentiments of gratitude which it feels towards Msgr. Bishop Dom Mauro Caruana.
The task is great but
the workers are few.
MATT. IX. 37
NO. |
1 |
Monday |
ss. Philip and James ap. martyrs |
2 |
Tuesday |
saint Anastasius bishop and doctor |
3 |
Wednesday |
Sol. of St.Joseph univ. Patron of the Church |
4 |
Thursday |
Feast of the Holy Cross |
(Beginning of triduum in honour of the Patriarch Saint Joseph, in the chapel of the institute) |
5 |
Friday |
saint Angelo Carmelite, martyr |
6 |
Saturday |
Martyrdom of Saint John ap. and ev. |
@ 7 |
Sunday |
III after Easter |
(In the Chapel of the institute: feast of Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church) |
8 |
Monday |
Our Lady of Pompei |
(In the chapel of the institute there will be the suplica of Our Lady of Pompei) |
9 |
Tuesday |
saint Gregory of Nazianzen bishop and doctor |
10 |
Wednesday |
saint Anthony archbishop of Florence |
11 |
Thursday |
saint Memertus bishop |
12 |
Friday |
saint Philip of Agira |
13 |
Saturday |
saints Nereus and Achilleus |
@14 |
Sunday |
IV after Easter- Saint Vincent Ferreri. |
15 |
Monday |
saint John Bapt. de la Salle |
16 |
Tuesday |
saint John Nepomicenus martyr |
17 |
Wednesday |
saint Paschal Baylon confessor |
18 |
Thursday |
saint Venantius martyr |
19 |
Friday |
saint Peter Celestine V pope martyr |
20 |
Saturday |
saint Bernardino from Siena |
@21 |
Sunday |
V after Easter- Saint Felix of Cantalice. |
22 |
Monday |
saint Rita agostinian nun |
23 |
Tuesday |
saint Simon Stock Carmelite |
24 |
Wednesday |
B.V. Auxilium Christianorum |
@25 |
Thursday |
26 |
Friday |
saint Philip Neri confessor |
27 |
Saturday |
saint Mary Magdelen of Pazzi |
@ 28 |
Sunday |
VI. after Easter- Saint Germanus bishop |
29 |
Monday |
saint Emilius martyr |
30 |
Tuesday |
saint Ferdinand king of Castille |
31 |
Wednesday |
saint Angela Merici virgin |
(Beginning of the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the chapel of the institute). |
When Our Lord Jesus Christ was on the cross, he made his dear mother as the mother of all human beings by those words, " woman, behold your son!". "Behold, your mother!" From that moment onwards, in the person of St.John, Mary accepted as her offspring all human beings. From that moment onwards she started behaving as a true mother for them, by helping them in their needs.
The whole world can witness in truth how much Mary is a wonderful mother. No less can be said for this institute which can nearly feel the touch of her help. So, from the very start it showed a special devotion towards this great mother who is in heaven.
The institute always had recourse to Mary in any obstacle and trouble; she always kept away any danger, and so it has always been pleased by the result.
Mary has always accepted its prayers and provided all the institute's needs. Many in fact, and great, have been the graces which it has received from Our Lady that , had it not been for her intercession, the institute would not have received them.
The Blessed Virgin is a very kind mother towards this institute; she won't deny anything to her sons. As an act of gratitude towards this dear mother it always seeks to honour her in the highest manner. For this reason, in the chapel we celebrate her feast under the title of the Assumption, a title which has brought new graces on the institute.
Mary accepts everything willingly from her dear sons. Then, as the generous mother that she is; she pays handsomely the little work done in her honour.
Month dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Love covers a multitude
of sins.
NO. |
1 |
Thursday |
saint Gioventius martyr |
2 |
Friday |
saint Fortunatus |
3 |
Saturday |
saint Clotilde queen Vigil Latt. |
@ 4 |
Sunday |
Pentecost |
5 |
Monday |
Pentecost Monday- Saint Boneiface bishop |
6 |
Tuesday |
Pentecost Tuesday- Saint Norbert bishop |
7 |
Wednesday |
saint Prosper martyr Ember Days Latt |
8 |
Thursday |
saint William archbishop of York |
9 |
Friday |
saints Primus and Felicianus martyrs Ember Days Latt |
10 |
Saturday |
saint Margaret queen of Scotland Ember Days Latt |
@11 |
Sunday |
1 after Pentecost- Holy Trinity |
12 |
Monday |
saint John of Saint Facondus |
13 |
Tuesday |
saint Anthony from Padua |
14 |
Wednesday |
saint Basil bishop |
@15 |
Thursday |
CORPUS CHRISTI - Corpus Domini |
16 |
Friday |
saint Luitgarde Virgin |
17 |
Saturday |
saint Ediltrude queen |
@18 |
Sunday |
II after Pentecost |
19 |
Monday |
saint Juiliana Falconieri |
20 |
Tuesday |
saint Silverius pope martyr |
21 |
Wednesday |
saint Aloysius Gonzaga |
22 |
Thursday |
saint Paulinus bishop |
23 |
Friday |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
@24 |
Saturday |
Birth of saint John Baptist |
@25 |
Sunday |
III after Pentecost |
26 |
Monday |
saints John and Paul martyrs |
27 |
Tuesday |
saint Ladislaus King of Hungary |
28 |
Wednesday |
saint Leo II pope |
@29 |
Thursday |
30 |
Friday |
Memorial of the Martyrdom of Saint Paul apostle. |
Month dedicated to the Precious Blood of O.L.J.C.
"Man's enemies are his
own people"
MATT. x 36
NO |
1 |
Saturday |
The Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
+2 |
Sunday |
Visitation of the V.M. to Saint Elisabeth. |
3 |
Monday |
saint Eulogius conf. |
4 |
Tuesday |
saint Ulderic bishop |
5 |
Wednesday |
saints Cyril and Methodius bishops |
6 |
Thursday |
saint Isaiah prophet |
7 |
Friday |
saint Edelburga virgin |
8 |
Saturday |
saint Elisabeth queen of Portugal. |
+19 |
Sunday |
V after Pentecost- Saint Auspicius bishop |
10 |
Monday |
saint Felicity with her seven children, martyrs |
11 |
Tuesday |
saint Pius I pope |
12 |
Wednesday |
saint Anacletus pope martyr |
13 |
Thursday |
saint John Gualbert abbot |
14 |
Friday |
saint Bonaventure cardinal and doctor |
15 |
Saturday |
saint Henry I emperor. |
+16 |
Sunday |
VI. after Pentecost - Our Lady of Carmel |
17 |
Monday |
saint Alex confessor |
18 |
Tuesday |
saint Camillus de Lellis |
19 |
Wednesday |
saint Vincent of Paule conf. |
20 |
Thursday |
saint Elijah prophet |
21 |
Friday |
saint Daniel prophet |
22 |
Saturday |
saint Mary Magdalen |
+23 |
Sunday |
VII after Pentecost- Saint Apollinaris bishop |
24 |
Monday |
saint Chalcedonius martyr |
25 |
Tuesday |
saint James apostle martyr |
26 |
Wednesday |
saint Anne mother of the Virgin Mary |
27 |
Thursday |
saint Pantaleone |
28 |
Friday |
SS.Nazarius and Celsus martyrs |
29 |
Saturday |
saint Martha Virgin |
+30 |
Sunday |
VIII after Pentecost- saint Liborius bishop |
31 |
Monday |
saint Ignatius from Loyola |
(Beginning of the quindicina of Marty Assumed, in the Chapel of the Institute). |
If the christian teaching prevails, poor and rich would not only become friends but they would also love each other as brothers. Because they would understand and feel that all men are children of one Father who is God. They would understand that they all have one end, God himself; that only He can give joy in truth an completely to men and Angels. They would understand that each one of us and all of us are redeemed and made children of God by Jesus Christ , the first among many brothers and that the blessings of creation and the gifts of Mercy belong to all the people and that no one can be denied the inheritance of Heaven except he who does not deserve it , " If sons heirs also; true heirs of God and companions in the inheritance of Christ (Rom.VIII,17.)
Men must think such thoughts about their rights, as proclaimed to the world by the Gospel. If human society were to follow such opinions, would it not seem that all fighting would at once cease?
But the Church does not only show us the medicine; she also gives us the medicine. The Church does whatever is possible to teach, prepare and train men; by her bishops and priests she tries to diffuse her salutary teaching everywhere. She strives a win the mind and heart of man, so that all men would freely obey God and follow His law. The church has a power peculiarly her own in this matter which is fundamental and on which everything depends. For the tools she uses have been given her by Jesus Christ. With these tools reaches men's hearts; and these tools are worth because their power comes from God. Only they can penetrate completely the human heart and move our feelings; they can so move man to act when it is necessary to defend himself from evil wishes and passions, love God and neighbour with such a wonderful love. His love must be so great as to overcome every obstacle, and with great courage break down every barrier on the way to a good life.
About this matter it is necessary to remember what happened in the past, facts which nobody can deny. For example that unity of life among people was renewed and changed by christian teaching. Through that renewal man was raised to a better life, not only that but he returned from death to life. A life so fruitful the like of which was never before, a life which in the future can never be surpassed. Jesus caused this change for the better. In him it originates and in Him it finally ends because just as He is the beginning of everything, so will everything return to Him. For, when by the light of the news of the Gospel, the son of man realised the great mystery of God who became man and man's redemption, at once the life of Jesus Christ God and Man, overshadowed every race and group. They were penetrated by His faith, by His teaching and by His justice. And if human society is now to be healed, it cannot be healed except by returning to the Christian life and to christian works.
(Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII "Rerum Novarum" translated into Maltese by P.F. Bellanti).
The Month of Our Lady Assumed Into Heaven
Whoever leaves either
father or mother for my
sake, receives a
hundredfold, and he will
have eternal life.
NO. |
1 |
Tuesday |
saint Peter Ap. in chains. |
2 |
Wednesday |
saint Alphonsus Maria de Liquori |
3 |
Thursday |
(Discovery of the body of saint Stephen first martyr ). |
4 |
Friday |
saint Dominic Patriarch |
5 |
Saturday |
Our Lady of the Snow |
@ 6 |
Sunday |
IX after Pentecost- The Transfiguration |
7 |
Monday |
saint Cajetan from Thienna |
8 |
Tuesday |
saint Erminia martyr |
9 |
Wednesday |
saint Emidio bishop martyr |
10 |
Thursday |
saint Laurence Levite. |
11 |
Friday |
saint Tiburtius and Susanna martyr |
12 |
Saturday |
saint Clare from Assisi martyr |
@13 |
Sunday |
X after Easter- Saints Hippollitus and Cassianus martyrs |
14 |
Monday |
saint Eusebius confessor |
@15 |
Tuesday |
16 |
Wednesday |
St.Joachim Father of the B.V.M. |
17 |
Thursday |
saint Agapitus martyr |
Beginning of Triduum to Our Lady Assumed, in the chapel of the Institute. |
18 |
Friday |
saint Helen Empress |
19 |
Saturday |
saint Luduig bishop |
@20 |
Sunday |
XI after Pentecost- Stella Maris |
In the Chapel of Institute , will be held the feast of Mary Our Mother Assumed. |
21 |
Monday |
saint Frances Fremoit de Chantal, widow |
22 |
Tuesday |
saint Timothy martyr |
23 |
Wednesday |
saint Philip Benizi confessor |
24 |
Thursday |
saint Bartolomew apostle martyr |
25 |
Friday |
saint Luduig king of France |
26 |
SAturday |
saint Albert Carmelite- Saint Zephyrinus |
@27 |
Sunday |
XII after Pentecost- saint Julian |
28 |
Monday |
saint Augustine bishop and doctor |
29 |
Tuesday |
Beheading of saint John the Baptist |
30 |
Wednesday |
saint Rose from Lima |
31 |
Thursday |
saint Raymond Nonnatus, Confessor. |
All those who deal with children called to God's service, and especially when it is a missionary vocation, know very well which is one of the greatest obstacles. As you can certainly easily understand, we will speak about the love of parents for their children.
How many vocations, and maybe good vocations are lost because of the mother's or the father's love! Who can tell!
Dear readers, we do not say this to arouse you against them; we rather invite you to understand them. Yes, understand them for after all maternal love is a great necessity conceived by nature itself; God forbid were it not so. Then again we are always there, although after so many hundreds of years, in the repetition of the sacrifice of Isaac.
If we deem worthy of our compassion Our Lady and Saint Joseph when they lost Jesus and cried for him for three days and nights, how can we condemn and fail to feel compassion for a mother who cries because she cannot decide to be separated from her beloved son?
No! No! we are not complaining; no!no! we are condemning no one. more over we can happily say that not all parents behave in the same way. Listen in fact to what the father of a missionary said," If ever a father can envy his son, I would envy my own. When we gave our first-born to God, we lent him our own son. Oh! our dear Celestinus made a very good choice!"
But this father is not alone. Listen to what the father of Theophanus the martyrs said," What would happen to Jesus Christ's prophecy that the Gospel would be preached to all the world if college directors and heads of families tried to control the ardour of those young people who want to go for the mission!"
What can we now say about the mothers? Experience shows us that the mother of the Maccabees did not remain by herself in the world. But the generosity of a mother's heart is a fact we meet in such matters, even though we are full of miseries.
However, love always remains a very strong weapon in the devil's hands. So against this temptation which seems unconquerable, we remind offspring of the wonderful words of Jean of Arc.:" If I had a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers, I would still go where God sends me." We also remind parents of the reward they will receive - a hundred times more promised by Jesus himself; Jesus who never makes a vain promise. Let us listen to the words of the father of another missionary," I expected a reward in the next life for the sacrifice I was asked to perform, but I never expected that I would also be rewarded even in this world."
Truly,who is that father , or who is that mother who died in grief for the sacrifice of their giving up son for the love of Jesus Christ?
Month dedicated to the birth of Mary our Bl. Mother.
Great will be your
reward in heaven.
MATT.V. 12.
NO. |
1 |
Friday |
saint Giles abbot |
2 |
Saturday |
saint Stephen king of Hungary |
3 |
Sunday |
XIII after Pentecost- Saint Nicholas of Tolentino |
4 |
Monday |
saint Seraphia Virgin |
5 |
Tuesday |
saint Laurence Justiniani |
6 |
Wednesday |
saint Zachary prophet |
7 |
Thursday |
Remembrance of the Victory 1565 National Feast |
8 |
Friday |
Birth of the Virgin Mary |
9 |
Saturday |
saint Leontius martyr |
+10 |
Sunday |
XIV after Pentecost- Saint Nicholes of Tolentino |
11 |
Monday |
saint Hyacinthus martyr |
12 |
Tuesday |
The Holy name of the Virgin Mary |
13 |
Wednesday |
saint Maurillius bishop |
14 |
Thursday |
Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
15 |
Friday |
The Seven sorrows of Mary Our Blessed Mother. |
16 |
Saturday |
saint Cornelius and his companions, martyrs |
+17 |
Sunday |
XV after Pentecost |
18 |
Monday |
saint Joseph from Copertino |
19 |
Tuesday |
saint Januarius bishop Benevento. |
20 |
Wednesday |
saint Eustachius and his companions martyrs (Ember days -Latt.) |
21 |
Thursday |
saint Matthew ap. and evangelist |
22 |
Friday |
saint Maurice martyr (Ember days Latt) |
23 |
Saturday |
saint Linus pope martyr (Ember days Latt) |
+24 |
Sunday |
XVI after Pentecost- Our Lady of Mercy |
25 |
Monday |
saint Thomas from Villanova |
26 |
Tuesday |
Consecration of the Churches of Malta |
27 |
Wednesday |
saints Cosmas and Damien martyrs |
28 |
Thursday |
saint Wenceslaus, Duke of Bohemia |
29 |
Friday |
saint Michael Archangel |
(Beginning of the novena to saint Paul Apostle Our Father in the chapel of the Institute ) |
30 |
Saturday |
saint Jerome Confessor. |
NOT LONG AGO we were happy to entertain among us the Maltese Bishop Msgr. George Caruana. After a life of a real missionary, Pope Benedict XV chose him Bishop of Porto Rico, which is an island of America.
In Rome he was consecrated bishop; then he came to Malta to visit his native country, as it was fitting.
Everybody was pleased with his presence; he was especially liked for the qualities with which he is endowed.
Even the small Institute for the Missions was fortunate enough to receive him wholeheartedly in a visit which took place on the 15th of November 1921. He showed appreciation of this work. Although it is small, he not only visited the Institute, but he also accepted gladly to give Sacramental benediction in its chapel.
This was not enough: he showed a particular interest in this work when, after Benediction he addressed a speech to the Superior of the Institute. He encouraged and strengthened the wish of all his listeners to go to other countries to perform good works where the workers of the Gospel are really few in number.
He ended his speech by expressing his longing that this work progresses so that by God's help it will one day be fruitful where it is most needed in the church of Jesus Christ.
The Superior then thanked him for being honoured with that visit. The Bishop blessed all those present and left on them a sweet impression and a wish to meet him again.
The Month of the Rosary
Regina Sacratissimi
Rosarii Ora pro nobis.
NO. |
@ 1 |
Sunday |
XVI after Pentecost- Our Lady of the Rosary |
(Feast in the Chapel of the Institute) |
2 |
Monday |
The Guardian Angels |
3 |
Tuesday |
saint Gerard and Saint Candidus |
4 |
Wednesday |
saint Francis of Assisi |
5 |
Thursday |
saint Placidus and his companions martyrs |
6 |
Friday |
saint Brunone confessor |
7 |
Saturday |
Feast of the Holy Rosary |
@ 8 |
Sunday |
XVII after Pentecost- Cons. of the Cath. of Malta. |
(Feast of Our Father Saint Paul the Apostle in the Chapel of the Institute) |
9 |
Monday |
saint Dioneges and his companions mart. |
10 |
Tuesday |
saint Francis Borgia |
11 |
Wednesday |
saint Brigitte widow |
12 |
Thursday |
Our Lady of the Pillar |
13 |
Friday |
saint Edward King |
14 |
Saturday |
saint Callistus pope martyr |
@15 |
Sunday |
XIX after Pentecost- S.Teresa of Jesus |
16 |
Monday |
saint Luduig Bertrand |
17 |
Tuesday |
saint Margaret Mary Alacoque |
18 |
Wednesday |
saint Luke Evangelist |
19 |
Thursday |
saint Peter of Alcantra |
20 |
Friday |
saint John Cantius |
21 |
Saturday |
saint Ursola and her companions martyrs |
@22 |
Sunday |
XX after pentecost- Saint Mary Salome |
23 |
Monday |
The Holy Redeemer |
24 |
Tuesday |
saint Raphael Archangel |
25 |
Wednesday |
saints Crispinus and Crispinianus |
26 |
Thursday |
saint Evarist pope martyr |
27 |
Friday |
saint Salvina virgin martyr |
28 |
Saturday |
saints Simon and Jude Thaddeus ap. martyrs |
@29 |
Sunday |
XXI after Pentecost- Saint Narcisus bishop |
30 |
Monday |
saint Saturninus bishop martyr |
31 |
Tuesday |
saint Pelagia penitent(Vigil latt,) |
------------ = @ = -----------
Everybody knows that sin is present in this world. Faith teaches us that all evil comes from sin. Sin impoverishes man because through sin man loses the right to heaven and incurs a great debt with God.
According to what Saint Paul says, all men are stained by sin , and so all of them are indebted to God. This debt must be paid either in this world or in the next.
If we want to pay for this debt in this world let us listen to what the Holy spirit says and seek to remedy for the damage we did as soon as possible. The words of the Holy Spirit are:Charity covers the multitude of sins that is if we perform charity, we diminish our debt with God.
One of the best charities is surely that by which the holy missions are helped. So let us now make good use of the advice given us by the Holy Spirit and seek to do our best to help these beautiful works of the mission. It is not possible that God won't forgive our debt with him when we strive to increase his glory and save others' souls.
Let us therefore help the holy missions and God will forget our sins.
All Souls' Month
It is a holy and salutary
though to pray for the
dead for the forgiveness
of their sins.
NO. |
@ 1 |
Wednesday |
All Saints |
2 |
Thursday |
All Souls' Day |
3 |
Friday |
saint Malachy bishop |
4 |
Saturday |
saint Charles Borromeo archbishop of Milan |
@ 5 |
Sunday |
XXII after Pentecost- The Relics of the diocese of Malta |
6 |
Monday |
saint Leonard Abbot |
7 |
Tuesday |
saint Achilles bishop |
8 |
Wednesday |
saint Godfrey bishop |
9 |
Thursday |
Consecration of the Basilica of the Lateran in Rome |
10 |
Friday |
saint Andrew Avellino |
11 |
Saturday |
saint Martin bishop |
@12 |
Sunday |
XXIII after Pentecost-Saint Martin pope |
13 |
Monday |
saint Stanislaus Kostka |
14 |
Tuesday |
saint Dedacus Franciscan friar |
15 |
Wednesday |
saint Gertrude Virgin |
16 |
Thursday |
saint Edmund bishop |
17 |
Friday |
saint Gregory bishop |
18 |
Saturday |
Consecration of the Basilica of S. Peter Paul in Rome |
@19 |
Sunday |
XXIV after Pentecost- Saint Elisabeth queen |
20 |
Monday |
saint Felix of Valois |
21 |
Tuesday |
Presentation of the B.V.M. in the temple |
22 |
Wednesday |
saint Cecilia virgin mar. |
23 |
Thursday |
saint Clement I pope martyr |
24 |
Friday |
saint John of the Cross |
25 |
Saturday |
saint Catherine virgin and martyr |
@26 |
Sunday |
XXV after Pentecost- Saint Sylvester bishop |
27 |
Monday |
saint Maximus pope |
28 |
Tuesday |
saint Gregory III pope |
29 |
Wednesday |
saint Saturninus bishop |
30 |
Thursday |
saint Andrew Ap. martyr |
AMONG the good works one can do, it is well worth mentioning the heroic act of charity. It consists in offering God and the souls in purgatory all those good acts one does in this life and suffrages one receives after one's death.
This heroic act of charity is performed by mentally offering God all that we have mentioned for the departed souls. One can also use this formula: " O my God, together with the merits of Jesus and Mary, I offer you all my good works and all those acts which others do for me in my life, at my death and after. These I offer for the souls in purgatory."
Sad to say, many people are afraid to perform this heroic act because they feel they are depriving their, souls, so to say, from the fruit of all good works. Yet after all it is not so. God promised to pay in the same measure one gives to others. Moreover, at other times he promised to pay not only in the same measure but many times over. At other times he also promised us that whoever gives something for love of him , will be repaid a hundred times in this world and the glory of heaven.
Who of us won't see the beauty and worthiness of performing this heroic act of charity? This act favours not only the souls in purgatory but also those who perform it.
He who loves his father
or his mother more than
me, is not worthy of me.
MATT. X 37.
NO. |
1 |
Friday |
saint Eligius bishop and confessor |
2 |
Saturday |
saint Bibiana virgin and martyr |
@ 3 |
Sunday |
I of Advent(Marriage prohibited) |
4 |
Monday |
saint Barbara virgin |
5 |
Tuesday |
saint Peter Crisologus Confessor |
6 |
Wednesday |
saint Nicholas of Bari bishop |
7 |
Thursday |
saint Ambrose bishop |
@ 8 |
Friday |
9 |
Saturday |
saint Lucarda virgin and martyr |
@10 |
Sunday |
II of Advent Our Lady of Loreto |
11 |
Monday |
saint Damasus I pope |
12 |
Tuesday |
saint Crescentius martyr |
13 |
Wednesday |
saint Lucy virgin martyr |
14 |
Thursday |
saint Spiridion bishop of Cyprus |
15 |
Friday |
saint Christine |
16 |
Saturday |
saint Eusebius bishop and martyr |
(Beginning of the novenary to the child Jesus in the chapel of the Institute) |
@17 |
Sunday |
III of Advent- Saint IVO Lawyer |
18 |
Monday |
The Expectation of Our Lady |
19 |
Tuesday |
saint Delphinus bishop martyr |
20 |
Wednesday |
saint Liberatus martyr |
21 |
Thursday |
saint Thomas ap. martyr |
22 |
Friday |
saint Flavianus martyr |
23 |
Saturday |
saint Victoria virgin and martyr |
@24 |
Sunday |
saint Tarsilla virgin and martyr |
@25 |
Monday |
BIRTH OF O.L.J.C.( marriages may be celebrated) |
26 |
Tuesday |
saint Stephen first martyr |
27 |
Wednesday |
saint John apostle and evangelist |
28 |
Thursday |
The Holy Innoents martyrs |
29 |
Friday |
saint Thomas bishop martyr |
30 |
Saturday |
saint Eugenins bishop |
@31 |
Sunday |
saint Sylvester pope martyr |
The Wages of the Missionary
Once, when SAINT PETER and the other apostles were around Jesus, St. Peter asked, " Lord, we left everything to follow you. How shall we be paid ?" So Jesus answered and said, " Everyone who leaves home, brothers, father or mother, or fields for my name's sake will receive a hundred fold and will have eternal life.
Jesus' words show us that the reward for those who leave something for his sake is really great. Jesus promised two kinds of reward: one in this world, the other in the next. Which reward will the missionary receive in this world? According to Jesus' own words the reward will be a hundredfold of what he left. But experience teaches us that the missionary will have none of the things which Jesus promised a hundredfold. This is true, dear readers. And I tell you that many times he will lack even what is necessary for life. However it is true that the missionary has a hundredfold. What are therefore these wages? Some of the wise men explain those words of Jesus Christ in this manner: the reward the missionary receives in this world is nothing but true peace of heart. Oh yes! surrounded by so much toil, suffering and persecutions, deep down in his heart the missionary is at peace with God. Peace which the world has never experienced, and so does not know how to give for such peace is reserved only for Jesus' followers.
Would you now think that this is a small gift? Oh no: Just just a brief look at the world reveals all people searching involuntarily for their peace of heart. The person who does not find such peace will always be uneasy even if that person occupies the highest places in society. There man will be at peace ,even if he is the most despised person in the world.
And what shall we say about the other reward, in heaven? Undoubtedly, this is the greatest reward man can receive. St. Paul was assumed to the third heaven. He said that eye has not seen and ear has not heard and no human heart has ever felt what God prepared for those who love him. In this world there is nothing permanent . Everything ends. Nothing remains but hell with its punishment for the wicked, and heaven, the reward for those who loved Jesus Christ in this life.